Wire: Loftis, Balloons, Bitcoin, Etc.

We get lots of tips, comments and questions about stuff we write … and stuff people want us to write. Wanna share a link? Suggestion? Criticism? Question? Submit it (anonymously or otherwise) via our tip wire … and remember, in addition to confidentially investigating your leads we also publish letters to the editor and guest editorials…

We get lots of tips, comments and questions about stuff we write … and stuff people want us to write.

Wanna share a link? Suggestion? Criticism? Question? Submit it (anonymously or otherwise) via our tip wire … and remember, in addition to confidentially investigating your leads we also publish letters to the editor and guest editorials (even anonymous ones) if you’ve got more to say on a subject. Also feel free to reach out to our founding editor directly at




State Treasurer Curtis Loftis misses the point in his constant criticisms of the high fees paid to investment managers by the Pension Commission when he finds their performance to be unsatisfactory. The fees are standard. South Carolina is getting charged the same as every other state. If he really believes performance is unsatisfactory the reason might be that the Commission hired the wrong investment managers. And, Curtis Loftis voted for every single one of those hires. His criticisms are just a political stunt to get media attention, without actually doing anything serious to benefit the state employees and retirees who depend upon the pension fund.


sic speaking

Really? Standard? Numerous reports have documented how this plan pays some of the highest fees in the country and yet is one of the lowest performing on returns – a pathetic performance that costs the state hundreds of millions of dollars. Loftis has been the lone vote against the S.C. Retirement System Investment Commission (SCRSIC)’s annual investment plan for two years in a row. Not only that he has voted against many of the individual investments – and just this week he voted against all three of them. Most of the high fee deals existed before Loftis was on the commission. Meanwhile Reynolds Williams – the chairman who is under criminal and ethical investigation for allegedly profiting off the retires’ money – remains in charge of this $27 billion dollar fund. That’s remarkable – even in a place as corrupt as South Carolina.




Thanks for letting us know the facts!! I had no idea they changed the name of the balloon festival from “Freedom Weekend Aloft” to “Aloft” till this morning. We never attend but do enjoy the balloons. But seriously not allowing bags, and other items? Isn’t that what this weekend is about? Freedom? Oh so wonder what happens at 4th of July.

I figured the word ‘Freedom’ being taken out was something done by our Socialist Government. I enjoyed your article because it shoots it straight. Oops sorry I used a bad word.

I will not live in fear and haven child be fearful. I’m more afraid of our President and way he is doing to our country!



sic speaking

Donna, you’re welcome. And you’re correct! Freedom has become a dirty word … at least to those who are tasked with preserving, protecting and defending it. That’s too bad.



sc appointments

Since the news of the Nancy Latham murder-for-hire story broke, I became interested in how she became the Treasurer of the lottery commission. To the best of my knowledge she was appointed because of her friendship with Bobby Harrell and his wife. I have tried to find her resume or credentials, but all mention of her was pulled from the lottery website, but is now back up. Her strongest claim to fame is the following, “Previously, Nancy served as the PTA President at Charles Pinckney Elementary (2003-2005). During her tenure as PTA President, she successfully grew the PTA’s budget by over 300 percent which greatly benefitted the school’s outreach program and underserved school children. Nancy currently resides in Mount Pleasant with her husband, Chris, and their two daughters.”

My question is, how does this make her qualified to serve as Treasurer for the lottery commission? She is a real estate agent and as far as I can tell she has no financial management background. How can this be?! Just because she is BFF with Harrell’s wife. It’s absurd and the whole appointee process stinks.

I read Susan Pearlstine’s op-ed piece with great interest. Something needs to be done to bring about change to the “good old boy” system.


sic speaking

Agreed. But as we’ve noted previously we can’t have “reform for the sake of reform” – something needs to be done to stop the corruption. And that is never going to happen so long as the corrupt remain in control.




Like South Carolina maintains is monopoly on gambling, the Feds maintain their monopoly on money …

Via The Wall Street Journal: U.S. officials dealt a blow to the fledgling digital currency called Bitcoin, freezing an account tied to the largest Bitcoin exchange just months after regulators warned such entities should follow traditional anti-money laundering rules.

The Department of Homeland Security obtained a warrant Tuesday to seize an account tied to Mt. Gox, a Tokyo-based exchange that says it handles 80% of all Bitcoin trading. The warrant alleges the company and a subsidiary were conducting transactions “as part of an unlicensed money service business.”


sic speaking

Wherever the free market seeks to breathe free, there is the oppressive boot of government to stamp it out. And as Gary Lloyd famously said, “when the government’s boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence.”



worth reading

The Housing UnRecovery Is Here (Zero Hedge)

Conservatives Became Targets in 2008 (Wall Street Journal)

Obama Decries Sexual Assault In The Military (MSNBC)
The “change the subject” tour continues …

Eric Holder Might Have A Perjury Problem (Breitbart)

Amanda Bynes Claims Bong Was ‘Vase’ (MTV)
Has she been hanging out with S.C. Rep. Ted Vick?



To lobbyist Michael Gunn, the South’s version of Don Draper …

gunn 001




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CorruptionInColumbia May 24, 2013 at 5:19 pm

I am thankful for Curtis Loftis and the job he is doing to protect the retirement system for state employees.

M326 May 25, 2013 at 7:33 am

You need to do better analysis.

CorruptionInColumbia May 24, 2013 at 5:19 pm

I am thankful for Curtis Loftis and the job he is doing to protect the retirement system for state employees.

M326 May 25, 2013 at 7:33 am

You need to do better analysis.

2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 5:21 pm

Will says above…and I quote “Freedom has become a dirty word … at least to those who are tasked with preserving, protecting and defending it. That’s too bad.”

Along those lines maybe Will can write a column explaining why he chose to yank away our “freedom” to post pics on his site.

I understand that some censorship may be necessary, especially when it comes to certain sexual and violent content. This may require holding all reader comments posted with a picture until it is approved. He already does this with folks who try to post a link on his website. For example, I posted a link to the SC Rep. Davey Hiott’s page in which I suggested that Fits readers contact him regarding his nutty proposal on behalf of SC veterinarians seeking to limit low-cost pet clinics. The link immediately disappeared.

Silence on this matter, however, is very discouraging and would indicate that Will has a dearth of respect for his loyal readers.

I, for one, thought that the picture content was fun and interesting.

CorruptionInColumbia May 24, 2013 at 5:43 pm

Now that you mention it, I notice that the witty posts and pics by you and Shifty Henry have not been here recently. That is a shame. One of the things I really liked about this site was Will having the balls to let us say what was on our mind.

I hope he re-thinks things.

2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 6:10 pm

I don’t have any reason to be here if I cannot do what I do best and what I do best is photoshop commentary.

CorruptionInColumbia May 25, 2013 at 7:57 am

You do that very well!

jimlewisowb May 24, 2013 at 7:13 pm

Do believe it was Marilyn Monroe who said, “the trouble with censors is that they worry if a girl has cleavage. They ought to worry if she hasn’t any”

The yanking of the image capability smacks of Big Brother or the opinion of some goddamn mother fucking cockroach attorney who makes a living creating paranoia when none exists

Either way the decision to yank, sucks

2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 7:38 pm

I am not especially afraid of attorneys either. Plenty of honest, decent lawyers out there but there are some who need to be f’ked with frequently. KInd of like the recent video Will posted of the security guard lady who got “no respect.”

I can’t believe that the guy who posted under the Rodney Dangerfield name got two thumbs down. Geez, people…don’t you recognize what a great guy old Rodney was? Thumbs down for Rodney Dangerfield. Are you sick?

I have several different blogs, two of which are dedicated to Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina (aka Palmetto Goodwill). The CEO is a lying, low-down SOB and I have been saying it (with undeniable proofs) on my blogs for over two years now.

Palmetto Goodwill is represented by Nexsen Pruet, one of the biggest, most powerful law firms in South Carolina. They won’t fuck with me because they know I am telling the truth. I wish they would but first they need to warn the CEO that he needs to update his resume as a back-up plan.

They also love the fact that I have been generating a butt-load in fees for their firm just to look at silly photoshops of the CEO in a monkey suit or as a troll under a bridge.

Again, two years and NOTHING from the lawyers.

FITSTech May 24, 2013 at 11:54 pm

Unfortunately people started abusing the media posts. Your comics and pictures were great, but people started posting NSFW images in articles not labeled as such!

Voice from the Pulpit May 25, 2013 at 8:48 am

Was/is there a technical method to label pictures, music videos, etc. as NSFW by the commentators? My complaint is about the profanity (and I mean really nasty stuff) that some people post. Most of that should be labeled NSFW. Fits has recently put up his warning about this. And 2big2fall has been putting up some really good work.

jimlewisowb May 25, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Glad to know willie has a Tech. Now if he can find one with some fucking brains or an ounce of common sense it would be a damn improvement

You say “people started posting NSFW images in articles not labeled as such!”

Fitsnews just posted “HOLIER THAN THOU” GREENVILLE LOVES PORN with an image only a cunt hair away from showing the Milf’s pussy lips yet there is No “NSFW” warning

Oh, maybe since the word porn was in the title then the picture was appropriate

Bite me. You fuckers put the “image” feature in and now you have pulled the “image” feature which is yours to do since it is your fucking site

However if you want bullshitters to continue to bullshit on your site then don’t feed us bullshit unless you are a better goddamn bullshitter

While I am at it, if this site is going the NSFW route then go fuck yourself and the person who hired you

tomstickler May 25, 2013 at 5:16 pm

Don’t care about the image posts, but why have you been dicking around with the way the pages display on Google Chrome browser?

If I CTRL+ to enlarge the teensy-weensy thin font so it can be read comfortably, the rest of the page squeezes down so narrow that barely four words fit on a line, with gobs of white space on left and right margins. Surely, you can do better.

(Sorry for calling you Shirley!)

A Friend May 24, 2013 at 8:08 pm

This is a privately owned site that you can read and post your opinion on for free. This is like the people who use Facebook always complaining whenever the company makes a change. You’re free to voice your opinion, but you’re also free not to be here.

2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 9:09 pm

You are as full of shit as a Christmas Turkey. This is about a freedom that was given to us and, with no explanation whatsoever, was taken away.

A Friend May 24, 2013 at 9:35 pm

You think posting on a privately owned website is a “freedom that was given to us?” No, it’s privately owned website, and the proprietor can make whatever rules he wants. He doesn’t owe you anything, and you don’t have to be here.

confederateliberal May 24, 2013 at 9:47 pm

This is just a question but can the owner of a privately owned website legally share your email address with another party without notifying you? Just wondering.

A Friend May 24, 2013 at 10:35 pm

Depends on the site’s terms of use. Normally, when you give your email address to a particular site, you are accepting that site’s terms of use – there is often a statement to that effect when you give your address.

Frank Pytel May 25, 2013 at 9:52 am


2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 10:52 pm

You are not “A Friend.” You are Will playing chicken shit and assuming a fake ID. That’s what you do so well. You made up the BigT and the Grand Tango IDs to generate controversy. Controversy generates comments.

Don’t you get it people? This site is like professional wrestling. You want so bad for it to be a real exchange of ideas and arguments. In reality, Will Folks is as much a part of the status quo as is Mark Sanford or Nikki Haley or Nancy Pelosi for that matter. He is just here to focus your anger and give you an outlet.

I don’t see the point of staying around much longer. I learned what I needed to know to continue with my own writing.

A Friend May 24, 2013 at 10:53 pm

So you think I’m Will AND BigT…

I’m neither, but you can think whatever you want.

Frank Pytel May 25, 2013 at 9:56 am

I won’t disagree with Sic being a part of the MSP, but I would not go so far as the wrastling comment. That’s akin to saying HufPo is a real news outlet.

2big2fall May 25, 2013 at 7:05 am

Deception is a double-edged sword.

2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 5:21 pm

Will says above…and I quote “Freedom has become a dirty word … at least to those who are tasked with preserving, protecting and defending it. That’s too bad.”

Along those lines maybe Will can write a column explaining why he chose to yank away our “freedom” to post pics on his site.

I understand that some censorship may be necessary, especially when it comes to certain sexual and violent content. This may require holding all reader comments posted with a picture until it is approved. He already does this with folks who try to post a link on his website. For example, I posted a link to the SC Rep. Davey Hiott’s page in which I suggested that Fits readers contact him regarding his nutty proposal on behalf of SC veterinarians seeking to limit low-cost pet clinics. The link immediately disappeared.

Silence on this matter, however, is very discouraging and would indicate that Will has a dearth of respect for his loyal readers.

I, for one, thought that the picture content was fun and interesting.

CorruptionInColumbia May 24, 2013 at 5:43 pm

Now that you mention it, I notice that the witty posts and pics by you and Shifty Henry have not been here recently. That is a shame. One of the things I really liked about this site was Will having the balls to let us say what was on our mind.

I hope he re-thinks things.

2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 6:10 pm

I don’t have any reason to be here if I cannot do what I do best and what I do best is photoshop commentary.

CorruptionInColumbia May 25, 2013 at 7:57 am

You do that very well!

jimlewisowb May 24, 2013 at 7:13 pm

Do believe it was Marilyn Monroe who said, “the trouble with censors is that they worry if a girl has cleavage. They ought to worry if she hasn’t any”

The yanking of the image capability smacks of Big Brother or the opinion of some goddamn mother fucking cockroach attorney who makes a living creating paranoia when none exists

Either way the decision to yank, sucks

2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 7:38 pm

I am not especially afraid of attorneys either. Plenty of honest, decent lawyers out there but there are some who need to be f’ked with frequently. KInd of like the recent video Will posted of the security guard lady who got “no respect.”

I can’t believe that the guy who posted under the Rodney Dangerfield name got two thumbs down. Geez, people…don’t you recognize what a great guy old Rodney was? Thumbs down for Rodney Dangerfield. Are you sick?

I have several different blogs, two of which are dedicated to Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina (aka Palmetto Goodwill). The CEO is a lying, low-down SOB and I have been saying it (with undeniable proofs) on my blogs for over two years now.

Palmetto Goodwill is represented by Nexsen Pruet, one of the biggest, most powerful law firms in South Carolina. They won’t fuck with me because they know I am telling the truth. I wish they would but first they need to warn the CEO that he needs to update his resume as a back-up plan.

They also love the fact that I have been generating a butt-load in fees for their firm just to look at silly photoshops of the CEO in a monkey suit or as a troll under a bridge.

Again, two years and NOTHING from the lawyers.

FITSTech May 24, 2013 at 11:54 pm

Unfortunately people started abusing the media posts. Your comics and pictures were great, but people started posting NSFW images in articles not labeled as such!

Voice from the Pulpit May 25, 2013 at 8:48 am

Was/is there a technical method to label pictures, music videos, etc. as NSFW by the commentators? My complaint is about the profanity (and I mean really nasty stuff) that some people post. Most of that should be labeled NSFW. Fits has recently put up his warning about this. And 2big2fall has been putting up some really good work.

jimlewisowb May 25, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Glad to know willie has a Tech. Now if he can find one with some fucking brains or an ounce of common sense it would be a damn improvement

You say “people started posting NSFW images in articles not labeled as such!”

Fitsnews just posted “HOLIER THAN THOU” GREENVILLE LOVES PORN with an image only a cunt hair away from showing the Milf’s pussy lips yet there is No “NSFW” warning

Oh, maybe since the word porn was in the title then the picture was appropriate

Bite me. You fuckers put the “image” feature in and now you have pulled the “image” feature which is yours to do since it is your fucking site

However if you want bullshitters to continue to bullshit on your site then don’t feed us bullshit unless you are a better goddamn bullshitter

While I am at it, if this site is going the NSFW route then go fuck yourself and the person who hired you

tomstickler May 25, 2013 at 5:16 pm

Don’t care about the image posts, but why have you been dicking around with the way the pages display on Google Chrome browser?

If I CTRL+ to enlarge the teensy-weensy thin font so it can be read comfortably, the rest of the page squeezes down so narrow that barely four words fit on a line, with gobs of white space on left and right margins. Surely, you can do better.

(Sorry for calling you Shirley!)

A Friend May 24, 2013 at 8:08 pm

This is a privately owned site that you can read and post your opinion on for free. This is like the people who use Facebook always complaining whenever the company makes a change. You’re free to voice your opinion, but you’re also free not to be here.

2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 9:09 pm

You are as full of shit as a Christmas Turkey. This is about a freedom that was given to us and, with no explanation whatsoever, was taken away.

A Friend May 24, 2013 at 9:35 pm

You think posting on a privately owned website is a “freedom that was given to us?” No, it’s a privately owned website, and the proprietor can make whatever rules he wants. He doesn’t owe you anything, and you don’t have to be here.

confederateliberal May 24, 2013 at 9:47 pm

This is just a question but can the owner of a privately owned website legally share your email address with another party without notifying you? Just wondering.

A Friend May 24, 2013 at 10:35 pm

Depends on the site’s terms of use. Normally, when you give your email address to a particular site, you are accepting that site’s terms of use – there is often a statement to that effect when you give your address.

Frank Pytel May 25, 2013 at 9:52 am


2big2fall May 24, 2013 at 10:52 pm

You are not “A Friend.” You are Will playing chicken shit and assuming a fake ID. That’s what you do so well. You made up the BigT and the Grand Tango IDs to generate controversy. Controversy generates comments.

Don’t you get it people? This site is like professional wrestling. You want so bad for it to be a real exchange of ideas and arguments. In reality, Will Folks is as much a part of the status quo as is Mark Sanford or Nikki Haley or Nancy Pelosi for that matter. He is just here to focus your anger and give you an outlet.

I don’t see the point of staying around much longer. I learned what I needed to know to continue with my own writing.

A Friend May 24, 2013 at 10:53 pm

So you think I’m Will AND BigT…

I’m neither, but you can think whatever you want.

Frank Pytel May 25, 2013 at 9:56 am

I won’t disagree with Sic being a part of the MSP, but I would not go so far as the wrastling comment. That’s akin to saying HufPo is a real news outlet.

2big2fall May 25, 2013 at 7:05 am

Deception is a double-edged sword.

Frank Pytel May 25, 2013 at 9:51 am

A general comment for FITS;
Wow. I see Shifty Henry is gone. And I mean gone. I don’t see any of his posts.
I’m glad to see the NSFW pics are gone from posts that aren’t relevant. I stay off of those pages when I’m at work. You don’t know they are there if they are posted to unrelated articles by commenters. Thanks FITS.
I feel a little less concerned at work now. Though… some were funny as hell. Oh well. I guess its the times we live in. I can remember when you couldn’t walk into a machine shop or auto repair place and not see a pin up or two. Now, holy moly man, you’d be tied and fried. Of course many folks today are into much more than the pinups too. Oh Well.
Have a Great Day!! :) I guess there’s still one or two left with the Repuklicrats and Demlicans in charge (as long as FITS keeps on keeping on).
Frank Pytel

shifty henry May 26, 2013 at 9:39 am

Wow – thanks to you folks who appreciate my sense of humor and image collection. I’ve tried to be relevant in my posts, especially when someone unwittingly sets up something good, like the “3am call about potus wearing diapers”.
I was thinking that Fits had banned me after my little sequence of diapered babies (which was one of my best). I thought the heavy boots of censorship from the White House was on Sic Willie’s neck about
Otherwise, I’ve been busy with other interests but trying to follow Fits daily. But Disqus is screwed up on my Windows 8/IE10 and I can’t get the comments on some articles, or the comments are not showing as replies (so I don’t know who the person is responding to), or the comments may or may not appear for the same article – it’s annoying, confusing, frustrating, and time consuming.
At this moment I can post and follow the thread so I’m posting here. There is no pattern as to when the comments are shown so it’s really a hit or miss effort.
I do miss the images and think that 2big2fall has some good stuff to show – if and when he can. The images have disappeared on older posts which was a surprise to me. Yesterday I was introducing my cousins to Fitsnews and wanted to show some of the “artwork” on the threads – not there! Made me look and feel stupid.
Well, folks, I’m going to sit on my front porch for a while and enjoy my new US FLAG while drinking coffee, smoking a stogie, and sipping an adult beverage to honor those we should remember and honor. Right now it’s perfect weather with a nippy breeze – I really love to see our flag snapping and cracking in the breeze!

Frank Pytel May 26, 2013 at 10:21 am

Welcome back;

It appears that your posts are back as well. I as well thought you had got the boot. Thought I might be myself for potentially bringing the feds down on Sic.

Yeah sometimes when I’m at work reading though, the company they don’t so much appreciate humor if the PC PO-Lease come knockin.

Have a Great Day

Frank Pytel

shifty henry May 26, 2013 at 11:26 am

My cousin asked me (after seeing some of the profanity) if anyone has actually been banned from here. I told him that folks come and go, some post using different names, and that it would be hard to know.

Sic Willie may have hired Officer Adams (Ohio mall cop) to clean up the site and make personal visits to enforce ….. and, yes, I would yell GUILTY and let her put the cuffs on me! I’m jealous because Voice from the Pulpit posted he’s dating her now (funny post). I’m watching the streets for her daily and trying to guess what sort of unmarked vehicle she would be driving. I’m thinking a John Deere yard tractor and she’ll be wearing a straw hat and a Carhart

A side note about one of my neighbors. She is 84 years old and about 18 months ago she received a letter from a [ 3-letter agency ] telling her NOT TO MAKE ANY MORE COMMENTS ABOUT THE AGENCY! She was discussing something in an email to one of her daughters and made some comment about the agency (I don’t know what it was) and the agency read it and sent her the warning letter.. She is still frightened.

2big2fall May 26, 2013 at 10:56 am

Hey, Henry. I am not posting much but it’s nice to know you are still out there.

Frank Pytel May 25, 2013 at 9:51 am

A general comment for FITS;
Wow. I see Shifty Henry is gone. And I mean gone. I don’t see any of his posts.
I’m glad to see the NSFW pics are gone from posts that aren’t relevant. I stay off of those pages when I’m at work. You don’t know they are there if they are posted to unrelated articles by commenters. Thanks FITS.
I feel a little less concerned at work now. Though… some were funny as hell. Oh well. I guess its the times we live in. I can remember when you couldn’t walk into a machine shop or auto repair place and not see a pin up or two. Now, holy moly man, you’d be tied and fried. Of course many folks today are into much more than the pinups too. Oh Well.
Have a Great Day!! :) I guess there’s still one or two left with the Repuklicrats and Demlicans in charge (as long as FITS keeps on keeping on).
Frank Pytel

shifty henry May 26, 2013 at 9:39 am

Wow – thanks to you folks who appreciate my sense of humor and image collection. I’ve tried to be relevant in my posts, especially when someone unwittingly sets up something good, like the “3am call about potus wearing diapers”.

I was thinking that Fits had banned me after my little sequence of diapered babies (which was one of my best). I thought the heavy boots of censorship from the White House was on Sic Willie’s neck about that little work of genius.

Otherwise, I’ve been busy with other interests but trying to follow Fits daily. But Disqus is screwed up on my Windows 8/IE10 and I can’t get the comments on some articles, or the comments are not showing as replies (so I don’t know who the person is responding to), or the comments may or may not appear for the same article – it’s annoying, confusing, frustrating, and time consuming.

At this moment I can post and follow the thread so I’m posting here. There is no pattern as to when the comments are shown so it’s really a hit or miss effort.

I do miss the images and think that 2big2fall has some good stuff to show – if and when he can. The images have disappeared on older posts which was a surprise to me. Yesterday I was introducing my cousins to Fitsnews and wanted to show some of the “artwork” on the threads – not there! Made me look and feel stupid.

Well, folks, I’m going to sit on my front porch for a while and enjoy my new US FLAG while drinking coffee, smoking a stogie, and sipping an adult beverage to honor those we should remember and honor. Right now it’s perfect weather with a nippy breeze – I really love to see our flag snapping and cracking in the breeze!

Frank Pytel May 26, 2013 at 10:21 am

Welcome back;

It appears that your posts are back as well. I as well thought you had got the boot. Thought I might be myself for potentially bringing the feds down on Sic.

Yeah sometimes when I’m at work reading though, the company they don’t so much appreciate humor if the PC PO-Lease come knockin.

Have a Great Day

Frank Pytel


I have just been informed that PO-Lease means squat. I guess it’s supposed to be the PO-PO


shifty henry May 26, 2013 at 11:26 am

My cousin asked me (after seeing some of the profanity) if anyone has actually been banned from here. I told him that folks come and go, some post using different names, and that it would be hard to know.

Sic Willie may have hired Officer Adams (Ohio mall cop) to clean up the site and make personal visits to enforce ….. and, yes, I would yell GUILTY and let her put the cuffs on me! I’m jealous because Voice from the Pulpit posted he’s dating her now (funny post). I’m watching the streets for her daily and trying to guess what sort of unmarked vehicle she would be driving. I’m thinking a John Deere yard tractor and she’ll be wearing a straw hat and Carhart coveralls with a full zipper down the front.

Reality Check: A side note about one of my neighbors. She is 83 years old and about 18 months ago she received a letter from a [ 3-letter agency ] telling her NOT TO MAKE ANY MORE COMMENTS ABOUT THE AGENCY! She was discussing something in an email to one of her daughters and made some comment about the agency (I don’t know what it was) and the agency read it and sent her the warning letter.. She is still frightened.

2big2fall May 26, 2013 at 10:56 am

Hey, Henry. I am not posting much but it’s nice to know you are still out there.

moneymonkey May 25, 2013 at 1:38 pm

interesting that Lathem is treasurer of multimillion lottery commission and she DOES NOT even have a college degree much less an accounting background!! Worst offense of all Mr. Harrell!! This needs to be addressed. people of SC deserve better

grasan June 27, 2013 at 1:01 pm


moneymonkey May 25, 2013 at 1:38 pm

interesting that Lathem is treasurer of multimillion lottery commission and she DOES NOT even have a college degree much less an accounting background!! Worst offense of all Mr. Harrell!! This needs to be addressed. people of SC deserve better

grasan June 27, 2013 at 1:01 pm


Marie Harrison May 27, 2013 at 9:20 am

I thought Nancy Latham was getting a divorce. Why is the lottery site saying she lives with her husband?

island girl May 27, 2013 at 6:14 pm

her whole bio is a compete lie – she is not a lowcountry artist (ever seen one painting from her?) and I am told she hasn’t worked in 3 years since Husband busted caught her cheating. Now she has Bobby Harrell -current boyfriend taking care of her and using his poltical machine to cover up everything

grasan June 27, 2013 at 1:04 pm

The whole appointment process stinks.

Marie Harrison May 27, 2013 at 9:20 am

I thought Nancy Latham was getting a divorce. Why is the lottery site saying she lives with her husband?

island girl May 27, 2013 at 6:14 pm

her whole bio is a compete lie – she is not a lowcountry artist (ever seen one painting from her?) and I am told she hasn’t worked in 3 years since Husband busted caught her cheating. Now she has Bobby Harrell -current boyfriend taking care of her and using his poltical machine to cover up everything

grasan June 27, 2013 at 1:04 pm

The whole appointment process stinks.


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