The SC Senate’s New Swing Vote

As we’ve noted on repeated occasions there is a contingent of “Republicans” in the South Carolina Senate that habitually join Democrats in support of all manner of big government boondoggling … while opposing all manner of tax relief and free market reforms. It’s been this way for years, which is…

As we’ve noted on repeated occasions there is a contingent of “Republicans” in the South Carolina Senate that habitually join Democrats in support of all manner of big government boondoggling … while opposing all manner of tax relief and free market reforms.

It’s been this way for years, which is why the first decade of “Republican” control of the Senate was an unmitigated disaster for the people of South Carolina.

That’s the bad news. The good news? Times are getting tough for the self-serving collation of liberal RINOs and far-left democrats who control the budget process in this self termed “Republican” state.

Over the last two days, the floor debate in the Senate has shown that powerful finance chairman Hugh Leatherman (the Democrat-turned command-and-control “Republican”) and his political machine are loosing grip their once reliable majority when it comes to forcing a massive pork laden omnibus spending bill down the throats of the state’s taxpayers.

With longtime liberal Billy O’Dell (RINO-Abbeville) sidelined by illness and an emerging crop of fiscal conservatives (and pragmatists) aligning there is essentially a one-vote margin for the big spenders….

The emerging swing vote: Thomas Alexander … a “Republican” from Oconee County in the rural Palmetto Upstate.

In years past Alexander has been a remarkably reliable “Leatherite” (or ally of Leatherman), but he was merely one of the crowd. For example just last year he crossed the aisle to stand with Democrats and a few intransigent RINOs against taxpayer rebates – a staple GOP plan to send money back to those families and businesses who create wealth, rather than letting politicians dole out the so-called “surplus” to their local apparatnix and hangers-on.

Alexander also led the charge to keep tax dollars flowing into a favored Edgefield-based charity (Women in Unity), rather than letting taxpayers send their own money to the causes and nonprofits of their choosing.

However as the circle closes on Leatherman’s loyal “RINOcracy,” politicians like Alexander who have operated under the radar for years are beginning to show their true colors – out of necessity. Earlier this week, Alexander waded into the battle to keep yet another charity on the taxpayer teat: The Southeastern Wildlife Exposition. While we’re sure this is a wonderful (and profitable) venture – in no universe can it be considered a core function of government. Acknowledging this, Alexander initially voted to remove its budget allocation – but he later went on to cast the deciding vote to approve the appropriation.

This sort of flip-flop – particularly in the content of the razor slim majorities that characterize the budget debate so far – is going to hurt Alexander. Badly. How do we know this? Because our founding editor runs one of the groups that’s going to hurt him.

Alexander has to know he is exposed on the home front. He is a Democrat who dawned a “R” beside his name to keep his seat. His electorate – the GOP primary voters in particular – are becoming increasingly aware that their Senator is really a Barack Obama Democrat in disguise.

And speaking of policies in which Alexander and Obama are aligned, another tight vote took place in late April in the State Senate on the issue of school choice. Republicans in every southern state (and the S.C. House) have now passed some form of private school choice. Across Oconee – which acounts for the bulk of Alexander’s district – Obama pulled in less that 28 percent of the vote last November.

Unfortunately, Alexander was part of the two-vote margin that tabled a pro-parent, pro-student choice amendment. The other aisle crosser? The aforementioned Billy O’Dell – whose illness has removed him from the current debate.

In other words, this issue – like so many other contentious budget disputes – boils down to Alexander. Unless he sees the light, he will head home to a very right-of-center district having adopted the Obama position on school choice: denying lower and middle income families the right to chose private schools when the local government schools aren’t serving their children.

At the end of this week, this RINO will make one of two choices: Either he will have either read the handwriting on the wall and chosen to return to his district as a praised reformer and committed pro-taxpayer vote, or he will bend over for Leatherman and his fellow liberals and invite the bloodiest GOP primary campaign this state has ever seen.

The choice is yours, Senator Alexander. And make no mistake, the people of South Carolina will be watching how you vote – ready to praise you if you do right, and hold you accountable if you do wrong.

So choose wisely …


Pic: Travis Bell Photography

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CNSYD May 15, 2013 at 10:32 am

“the people of South Carolina will be watching how you vote” The only “people” who count are the voters of District 1. Thomas Alexander will be reelected.

Smirks May 15, 2013 at 11:10 am

The first thing I thought was, “The people will actually be watching how he votes? You’re kidding, right?”

CNSYD May 15, 2013 at 10:32 am

“the people of South Carolina will be watching how you vote” The only “people” who count are the voters of District 1. Thomas Alexander will be reelected.

Smirks May 15, 2013 at 11:10 am

The first thing I thought was, “The people will actually be watching how he votes? You’re kidding, right?”

Dice Man May 15, 2013 at 10:33 am

Will – do a proof-read on this article. It appears you did not get your Morning Cup O’ Joe before posting……

Dice Man May 15, 2013 at 10:33 am

Will – do a proof-read on this article. It appears you did not get your Morning Cup O’ Joe before posting……

southmauldin May 15, 2013 at 11:02 am

The only thing good about Oconee County is the Chattooga, and they are about to mess that up.

southmauldin May 15, 2013 at 11:02 am

The only thing good about Oconee County is the Chattooga, and they are about to mess that up.

Santee Sandbag May 15, 2013 at 11:12 am

Folks living on private dirt roads in the sticks in my county are looking forward to getting their roads paved by the state. They’ve seen a new billboard (huge) urging them to contact their legislators to “improve our roads.”

Question: How does Leatherman want his bribes delivered (in person, drop box, FedEx), and in what denominations? Or, does he want us to do the usual — pay college tuition for the kids of family & friends?

Santee Sandbag May 15, 2013 at 11:12 am

Folks living on private dirt roads in the sticks in my county are looking forward to getting their roads paved by the state. They’ve seen a new billboard (huge) urging them to contact their legislators to “improve our roads.”

Question: How does Leatherman want his bribes delivered (in person, drop box, FedEx), and in what denominations? Or, does he want us to do the usual — pay college tuition for the kids of family & friends?

gray squirrel May 15, 2013 at 11:40 am

Senator Alexander works hard and represents the people of Oconee County well. They know him and will continue to vote for him despite threats from outsiders.

gray squirrel May 15, 2013 at 11:40 am

Senator Alexander works hard and represents the people of Oconee County well. They know him and will continue to vote for him despite threats from outsiders.

Capitol Squirrel May 15, 2013 at 2:52 pm

If he crosses leatherman, his nuts will be handed to him on a side salad! Leatherman has pissed away more money on bull shit, along with Martin, Peeler, et al.
Alexander will tow the line, no question about it.

Capitol Squirrel May 15, 2013 at 2:52 pm

If he crosses leatherman, his nuts will be handed to him on a side salad! Leatherman has pissed away more money on bull shit, along with Martin, Peeler, et al.
Alexander will tow the line, no question about it.

? May 15, 2013 at 3:58 pm

Given the pol herpes epidemic, I though the write up should have been titled “SC Senate’s new swinger”.

? May 15, 2013 at 3:58 pm

Given the pol herpes epidemic, I though the write up should have been titled “SC Senate’s new swinger”.

Billy May 15, 2013 at 5:23 pm

PLEASE air-brush some hair onto the dude in that pic.

Billy May 15, 2013 at 5:23 pm

PLEASE air-brush some hair onto the dude in that pic.

Nate Silver Wannabe May 15, 2013 at 8:02 pm

Interesting that Obama got 28% of the vote in Occonee. Given how heavily white the county is, that suggests that Obama did better with the white voters there than he did with South Carolina white voters in general.

Nate Silver Wannabe May 15, 2013 at 8:02 pm

Interesting that Obama got 28% of the vote in Occonee. Given how heavily white the county is, that suggests that Obama did better with the white voters there than he did with South Carolina white voters in general.

Elfego May 16, 2013 at 11:45 am

Kick all the Bums out and start over!

Elfego May 16, 2013 at 11:45 am

Kick all the Bums out and start over!


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