Bitches Be Whining Again

This website was less than enthusiastic about U.S. Rep.-elect Mark Sanford’s congressional candidacy. Not only did we endorse one of his rivals in the “Republican” primary process, but we refrained from supporting him against Democratic candidate Elizabeth Colbert-Busch. Why? It wasn’t because Sanford has a penis, it was because he totally…

This website was less than enthusiastic about U.S. Rep.-elect Mark Sanford’s congressional candidacy. Not only did we endorse one of his rivals in the “Republican” primary process, but we refrained from supporting him against Democratic candidate Elizabeth Colbert-Busch. Why? It wasn’t because Sanford has a penis, it was because he totally flaked out in a debate the week before the big vote.

We’ve also been pretty pointed in our advice to Sanford in the wake of his big win (advice he isn’t taking, sadly).

Having said all that, though, when people say stupid shit for the purpose of advancing a ridiculous agenda – we’re going to call them out for it. Even if doing so accrues to the benefit of narcissists like Mark Sanford. One example? The nonsensical ranting of the Feminazi left in response to Sanford’s victory.

“It’s one of those unspoken truths in Washington – that it’s easier for a man to get away with deviant behavior than a woman, especially when it comes to extramarital affairs,” writes Katie LaPotin for Red Alert Politics.

“Sanford, like so many other men before him, didn’t see his political career completely derailed by his extramarital activities,” LaPotin continues. “(Newt) Gingrich was able to regain most of his credibility and launch an ultimately unsuccessful bid for the White House last year, while (Bill) Clinton, who was impeached by the House for having an affair with a White House intern, has seen his stock rise again among the American people. Even Louisiana Sen. David Vitter and former New York Gov. Elliot Spitzer – who both admitted to affairs with prostitutes – were able to move forward with their careers.”

Ok … but has this chick seriously never heard of the woman who followed Sanford into office? Current S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley?

Cause our founding editor balled her out repeatedly while she was married … and he wasn’t the only one (although he was likely the longest).

What did these allegations of infidelity earn Haley? A landslide win in the Republican gubernatorial election.

Now, were any of Haley’s “alleged” infidelities ever conclusively proven? No … because in spite of all sorts of supporting evidence (text messages, lengthy phone logs, etc.) the story was turned by the mainstream media into a condemnation of “dirty political tricks” against a minority female victim. In fact a year later Haley survived a much bigger scandal by once again playing the minority female victim card.

Anyway, here’s the bottom line: If women wish to be taken seriously in this arena then they need to quit bitching and moaning about “double standards” and other perceived indignities and start consistently advancing substantive policy.

“Voting on a candidate’s gender (or party) instead of on her relevant qualifications is not the right way to bring female representation more in line with S.C.’s demographics,” liberal Democratic columnist Amy Lazenby wrote earlier this month. “Ensuring that female candidates have those relevant qualifications is a better tactic.”

We agree …

Translation? Stop yo whining, bitches.


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GrandTango May 13, 2013 at 1:24 pm

Liberalism is based in Myths and lies.
How can they motivate women to hate men, if they cannot push this fable?
How long have I been telling you this???

Weed Eater Dave May 13, 2013 at 2:42 pm

No work today? The grass could use a haircut don’t you think? Apparently nobody can get through the delusional bullshit you express, so get to work, Asshole.

shifty henry May 13, 2013 at 1:39 pm

“Cause our founding editor balled her out repeatedly while she was married … and he wasn’t the only one (although he was likely the LONGEST).”

The “longest” — really?

Here’s a little secret about Nikki – she has a special ruler, the
“Machete Ruler made by Pale Horse”, a fun thing to put a guy in the mood. How would you measure up?

southmauldin May 13, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Unfortunately I wouldn’t make it past the handle.

FactsRfacts May 13, 2013 at 3:58 pm

Wait until you get to be 80 and have to tie a string around it to find it.

jimlewisowb May 13, 2013 at 5:11 pm

See the hole on the end of the handle

Want to guess where the string is

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 13, 2013 at 8:06 pm


Me neither!!!!

Oh….you were measuring from left to right?

Never mind.

9" May 13, 2013 at 10:12 pm

in the ‘gay world’;it’s like-6 x 6,for a little larger than average;length/girth.we don’t fuck around with a dinner and movie,first.that shit’s expensive.if you’re able to find a rapport,afterward ,you might go out,but usually just for more lube….; bust two nuts,though,it could be love…

9" May 13, 2013 at 10:17 pm

yeah,man.when do we get to see fits’ dick? that could explain everything

i’ll show you mine…

shifty henry May 13, 2013 at 1:39 pm

“Cause our founding editor balled her out repeatedly while she was married … and he wasn’t the only one (although he was likely the LONGEST).”

The “longest” — really?

Here’s a little secret about Nikki – she has a special ruler, the
“Machete Ruler made by Pale Horse”, a fun thing to put a guy in the mood. How would you measure up?

southmauldin May 13, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Unfortunately I wouldn’t make it past the handle.

FactsRfacts May 13, 2013 at 3:58 pm

Wait until you get to be 80 and have to tie a string around it to find it.

jimlewisowb May 13, 2013 at 5:11 pm

See the hole on the end of the handle

Want to guess where the string is

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 13, 2013 at 8:06 pm


Me neither!!!!

Oh….you were measuring from left to right?

Never mind.

9" May 13, 2013 at 10:12 pm

in the ‘gay world’;it’s like-6 x 6,for a little larger than average;length/girth.we don’t fuck around with a dinner and movie,first.that shit’s expensive.if you’re able to find a rapport,afterward ,you might go out,but usually just for more lube….; bust two nuts,though,it could be love…

9" May 13, 2013 at 10:17 pm

yeah,man.when do we get to see fits’ dick? that could explain everything

i’ll show you mine…

Worked for Dems and Repubs May 13, 2013 at 1:55 pm

I heard many talk of voting for Haley, feeling sorry for the little thing. They felt it was pileing on by the established good old boys. Sen. Knotts “raghead” remark probably helped her more then any other. People saw his comments and the infidelity allegations as one in the same. Attempts by the Good old Boys to maintain their control.

My opinion, from what I heard, many voted for Sanford, holding their noses. They could not stomach him; but, could accept him more than Clyburn campaigning for Colbert-Busch and the allegations of Nancy Pelosi.

I’ve long said, the problem with SC Democrats is more about Washington and the ultra liberals Nancy Pelosi, CharlieRangel,
most recently O’bama, Barney Franks, etc.
Most Dems in SC are not so different than their Republican counterparts!
But most in this State, even the Dems, are turned off by the far left in Washington and it hurts All dems regardless.

Norman Rockwell May 13, 2013 at 5:29 pm

So you basically admit that all this “Family Values” stuff you Republicans spout off is meaningless.It is you Republicans who have been saying that you are BETTER than these anti family values Democrats.Nice to see you admit youre not,but,hey,dont tell Rick Santorum!

Worked for Dems and Repubs May 13, 2013 at 1:55 pm

I heard many talk of voting for Haley, feeling sorry for the little thing. They felt it was pileing on by the established good old boys. Sen. Knotts “raghead” remark probably helped her more then any other. People saw his comments and the infidelity allegations as one in the same. Attempts by the Good old Boys to maintain their control.

My opinion, from what I heard, many voted for Sanford, holding their noses. They could not stomach him; but, could accept him more than Clyburn campaigning for Colbert-Busch and the allegations of Nancy Pelosi.

I’ve long said, the problem with SC Democrats is more about Washington and the ultra liberals Nancy Pelosi, CharlieRangel,
most recently O’bama, Barney Franks, etc.
Most Dems in SC are not so different than their Republican counterparts!
But most in this State, even the Dems, are turned off by the far left in Washington and it hurts All dems regardless.

Norman Rockwell May 13, 2013 at 5:29 pm

So you basically admit that all this “Family Values” stuff you Republicans spout off is meaningless.It is you Republicans who have been saying that you are BETTER than these anti family values Democrats.Nice to see you admit youre not,but,hey,dont tell Rick Santorum!

Smirks May 13, 2013 at 2:14 pm

Affairs raise serious morality issues with candidates and definitely should be considered a valid criticism of the person in question, especially if it goes against the grain of what the person claims to represent (i.e. “family values”), although that alone doesn’t say they are not qualified for the job. There’s plenty of shit about Sanford from his time in office to completely rule out him being qualified for the position SC gave him. Most damning about his affair isn’t his affair, but the fact that he lied about his whereabouts and spent taxpayer dollars facilitating his infidelities.

Only SC would vote for a Republican who wasted tax dollars and did little to fix the issues with state government to “save tax dollars” and “fix the issues” with national government on the sole basis that he is a Republican. Then again, maybe SC just loves soap operas, considering the number of cheaters we vote to nominate/elect.

Family Guy May 13, 2013 at 4:09 pm

Smirks, you are right and there have been many who touted their family values, while being practicing home wreckers. Some have been discussed here.
If their families cannot trust them, why should the voters?
If you will lie to your spouse and children…….well, you will lie to anyone, your employer, your employees, the Govt., your taxes, your doctor, your accountant…on and on.

Bob May 13, 2013 at 5:00 pm

We have learned. We have watched while Democrats and leftists forgave every sin their candidates and office holders committed. We watched women die off Chappaquiddick. We watched interns be had. We watched a call boy ring in a government paid flat. While we trashed our folks for doing the same, the Democrats gained in power.

We grew up.

We actually at this point don’t give a shit what our folks do. It was once said that a candidate had to been caught with a dead girl or a live boy to be voted out. Democrats have been caught with both, and weren’t voted out.

If the best charge you can come up with is hypocritical action, or telling a lie about behavior, go away. We have learned from the Democrats that those things do not matter.

Face it: the only reason it matters to you is perceived political gain. Or are you a BigT moralist?

Lexington voter May 13, 2013 at 7:59 pm


You must be Bob Peeler, the caught red handed adulterer while running on a “Faith, Family and Friends” platform!
And who came personally to my door campaigning and begging votes for “your friend”
Danny Frazier!

Also close associate of the Lexington Ring and enviornmental trashing lobbyist!

Sounds to me that you could use morals, being devoid of them yourself!

9" May 14, 2013 at 1:32 am

He DOES sound like one,here.

9" May 13, 2013 at 7:33 pm

You’re wrong.Affairs should not be ‘news’,and nobody’s business,but their participants.They distract people from what’s truly important,but have become an extremely profitable business.This blog and other similar resources are a nightmare for those seeking real information,but,’Sex Sells’.$$$

It’s the reason we get such awful candidates.

Only someone very foolish would believe;’Affairs raise serious morality issues’,that have anything to do with being a politician…

It’s only been going on since the beginning of time..

That’s The Way Of The World(Earth,Wind,and Fire).Dig it.

Scrappy May 13, 2013 at 10:02 pm

Sanford took 74K. That’s after 8 years in Cola. That’s a drop in the damn bucket compared to other backroom deals at that have been conducted in the cesspool SC house and senate. Flying a airplane to get a haircut is the least of our worries! Don’t lose sight of the big picture.

Smirks May 13, 2013 at 2:14 pm

Affairs raise serious morality issues with candidates and definitely should be considered a valid criticism of the person in question, especially if it goes against the grain of what the person claims to represent (i.e. “family values”), although that alone doesn’t say they are not qualified for the job. There’s plenty of shit about Sanford from his time in office to completely rule out him being qualified for the position SC gave him. Most damning about his affair isn’t his affair, but the fact that he lied about his whereabouts and spent taxpayer dollars facilitating his infidelities.

Only SC would vote for a Republican who wasted tax dollars and did little to fix the issues with state government to “save tax dollars” and “fix the issues” with national government on the sole basis that he is a Republican. Then again, maybe SC just loves soap operas, considering the number of cheaters we vote to nominate/elect.

Family Guy May 13, 2013 at 4:09 pm

Smirks, you are right and there have been many who touted their family values, while being practicing home wreckers. Some have been discussed here.
If their families cannot trust them, why should the voters?
If you will lie to your spouse and children…….well, you will lie to anyone, your employer, your employees, the Govt., your taxes, your doctor, your accountant…on and on.

Bob May 13, 2013 at 5:00 pm

We have learned. We have watched while Democrats and leftists forgave every sin their candidates and office holders committed. We watched women die off Chappaquiddick. We watched interns be had. We watched a call boy ring in a government paid flat. While we trashed our folks for doing the same, the Democrats gained in power.

We grew up.

We actually at this point don’t give a shit what our folks do. It was once said that a candidate had to been caught with a dead girl or a live boy to be voted out. Democrats have been caught with both, and weren’t voted out.

If the best charge you can come up with is hypocritical action, or telling a lie about behavior, go away. We have learned from the Democrats that those things do not matter.

Face it: the only reason it matters to you is perceived political gain. Or are you a BigT moralist?

Lexington voter May 13, 2013 at 7:59 pm


You must be Bob Peeler, the caught red handed adulterer while running on a “Faith, Family and Friends” platform!
And who came personally to my door campaigning and begging votes for “your friend”
Danny Frazier!

Also close associate of the Lexington Ring and enviornmental trashing lobbyist!

Sounds to me that you could use morals, being devoid of them yourself!

9" May 14, 2013 at 1:32 am

He DOES sound like one,here.

9" May 13, 2013 at 7:33 pm

You’re wrong.Affairs should not be ‘news’,and nobody’s business,but their participants.They distract people from what’s truly important,but have become an extremely profitable business.This blog and other similar resources are a nightmare for those seeking real information,but,’Sex Sells’.$$$

It’s the reason we get such awful candidates.

Only someone very foolish would believe;’Affairs raise serious morality issues’,that have anything to do with being a politician…

It’s only been going on since the beginning of time..

That’s The Way Of The World(Earth,Wind,and Fire).Dig it.

Scrappy May 13, 2013 at 10:02 pm

Sanford took 74K. That’s after 8 years in Cola. That’s a drop in the damn bucket compared to other backroom deals at that have been conducted in the cesspool SC house and senate. Flying a airplane to get a haircut is the least of our worries! Don’t lose sight of the big picture.

Marie Harrison May 13, 2013 at 3:20 pm

Will, aren’t you glad you didn’t let her leave her husband for you. I’m glad you ended up with a nice girl. There are two types…the kind you only ball, and the kind you marry.

Marie Harrison May 13, 2013 at 3:20 pm

Will, aren’t you glad you didn’t let her leave her husband for you. I’m glad you ended up with a nice girl. There are two types…the kind you only ball, and the kind you marry.

Ralph Hightower May 13, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Sanford has a “Bill Clinton” problem, a problem with his zipper, like other Republicans and Democrats that you mentioned.
Will the headlines have Sanford at the Tidal Basin with a stripper? (Wilbur Mills history)

GrandTango May 13, 2013 at 4:51 pm

Bill Clinton SEXUALLY ASSUALTED women and was a gross old dude, having sex w/ a girl his daughter’s age…He did it in the peoples’ office, too…and then bold-face lied to us about it…
You leftwingers are expert at stretching your filthy behavior to compare it to others, less offensive.
Sanford’s pretty egregious…but Clinton was a pervert, and he was a liar in a deposition..pretty crooked dude, compared to Sanford’s immoral behavior.

Ralph Hightower May 13, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Sanford has a “Bill Clinton” problem, a problem with his zipper, like other Republicans and Democrats that you mentioned.
Will the headlines have Sanford at the Tidal Basin with a stripper? (Wilbur Mills history)

lowcorider May 13, 2013 at 5:10 pm

Still not endorsing I see. Hang tough.

Lowcorider May 13, 2013 at 5:10 pm

Still not endorsing I see. Hang tough.

9" May 13, 2013 at 5:38 pm

Bitches hate it.Men usually get better-looking with age,and plenty of young women and men have,’daddy issues’,so…;hit that ass,guys,no matter your preference..

ps-what about girth.that’s good,too.there’s a bi porn star named,Girth Brooks;don’t care who he’s fucking

long and wide….

9" May 13, 2013 at 5:38 pm

Bitches hate it.Men usually get better-looking with age,and plenty of young women and men have,’daddy issues’,so…;hit that ass,guys,no matter your preference..

ps-what about girth.that’s good,too.there’s a bi porn star named,Girth Brooks;don’t care who he’s fucking

long and wide….

CorruptionInColumbia May 14, 2013 at 10:09 am

“Cause our founding editor balled her out repeatedly while she was married … and hewasn’t the only one (although he was likely the longest).”

Fitsnews humor; ya gotta love it!!!!!

CorruptionInColumbia May 14, 2013 at 10:09 am

“Cause our founding editor balled her out repeatedly while she was married … and hewasn’t the only one (although he was likely the longest).”

Fitsnews humor; ya gotta love it!!!!!


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