One of the most powerful “Republicans” in the South Carolina Senate is shaking down state agencies for taxpayer-funded contributions to a golf tournament for lawmakers organized by a Christian non-profit.
S.C. Sen. Larry Martin (RINO-S.C.) has sent solicitation letters on his official letterhead to several state agencies urging them to spend up to $10,000 in taxpayer funds apiece on a golf tournament – which is being organized by the so-called “Capital Commission.”
According to Martin, this group is “not a political organization” but rather a nonpartisan entity dedicated to the “personal and spiritual well-being” of those in the “capitol community.” This group is hosting a “Legislative Sports Classic” on June 1 at the Grand Dunes Members Club in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
According to its official website, the Capitol Commission’s mission is as follows …
It is our aim to “make disciples” of Jesus Christ in the political arena in America and around the world. This involves developing relationships with elected political leaders at all levels of government, political support staff and governmental advocates who share the vision to reach men and women in politics with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Among its discipling methods? “Evangelizing those who have not yet experienced a personal relationship with Jesus Christ” and “enlisting individuals, businesses, and churches to become strategic prayer and financial partners.”
All that sounds wonderful …

Seriously … we have absolutely no problem with lawmakers participating in such a tournament. Nor do we have a problem with them soliciting donations on its behalf (although we would argue it is inappropriate for a lawmaker to use his or her official letterhead for such a purpose).
The real problem here? That such a solicitation would be sent to state agencies by a legislative leader who not only votes on but wields disproportionate influence over their annual budgets. In fact Martin makes it abundantly clear that he expects these agencies to spend taxpayer funds to subsidize a round of golf for him and his fellow lawmakers.
“I trust you will respond favorably and participate with us,” Martin writes in the letter.
In another section he instructs agency leaders to “please inform the Capitol Commission of your desire to co-sponsor this event with us.”
Wait … is that a request?
It’s unclear how many taxpayer-funded entities received Martin’s solicitation – or whether it was also sent to businesses or organizations which receive contracts, subsidies or special interest tax exemptions from the state.
Martin’s letter was “co-signed” by thirty-six other lawmakers – most of them Republicans – although FITS has spoken with several of the lawmakers who say their signatures were used without permission. Several others said they had no idea Martin was sending the letter to government agencies – or that there was such an overtly Christian component to the appeal.
That’s understandable, however, as Martin’s letter never mentions that the Capitol Commission is an evangelical Christian group.
Obviously elected officials subsidizing golf with taxpayer funds is nothing new in South Carolina.
S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW) repeatedly hosted golf tournaments even as this incompetently managed agency was relying on mixture of tax hikes on businesses and individual South Carolinians to fund its operations. Also a school district in Spartanburg County, S.C. – home to one of the Palmetto State’s most bloated, underperforming government-run school systems – spent $200,000 of taxpayer money on a new putting green at a private country club where its top educrats were members.
Calls to Jeff Lingerfelt, state director of the Capitol Commission, were not immediately returned – although FITS has left a message with the group requesting a complete list of tournament sponsors and participants. A spokesman for Martin was not immediately available for comment.
Fits, are you sure the school district money for the golf course went through? I thought it was defeated. I also believe the school board chairman at that time has had his multimillion dollar home foreclosed since then.
Fits, are you sure the school district money for the golf course went through? I thought it was defeated. I also believe the school board chairman at that time has had his multimillion dollar home foreclosed since then.
Incredible-even for SC.
Unfortunately, NOTHING is incredible for SC!
Yeah, wish I could say I’m shocked, but I just not.
Incredible-even for SC.
Unfortunately, NOTHING is incredible for SC!
Yeah, wish I could say I’m shocked, but I’m just not.
Yet another example of Republicans who are “fiscal conservatives,” until it comes to their own pet projects. But if we could somehow ban hypocrites from public office we would have nobody serving in Columbia or DC. Perhaps that wouldn’t be so bad?
Even more, however, let’s stop the religious pandering in politics. The fair administration and competent management of the affairs of the State of South Carolina have nothing to do with evangelizing for Jesus Christ. Leave that to the preachers — and we have plenty of them. Why doesn’t Martin save the taxpayers some money and just follow the path of fellow panderer Andre Bauer and wash some children’s’ feet?
Exactly. What do they think Jesus meant by “render unto Caesar” and “my kingdom is not of this world”?
How could anyone not figure out Jesus felt his ministry was separate from government?
Yet another example of Republicans who are “fiscal conservatives,” until it comes to their own pet projects. But if we could somehow ban hypocrites from public office we would have nobody serving in Columbia or DC. Perhaps that wouldn’t be so bad?
Even more, however, let’s stop the religious pandering in politics. The fair administration and competent management of the affairs of the State of South Carolina have nothing to do with evangelizing for Jesus Christ. Leave that to the preachers — and we have plenty of them. Why doesn’t Martin save the taxpayers some money and just follow the path of fellow panderer Andre Bauer and wash some children’s’ feet?
Exactly. What do they think Jesus meant by “render unto Caesar” and “my kingdom is not of this world”?
How could anyone not figure out Jesus felt his ministry was separate from government?
This should not be permitted, unless they can provide conclusive evidence that Jesus played golf.
You asked for it!
Jesus and Moses were playing golf one day on Earth. The course they were on had a particularly difficult hole, and Moses expressed his doubts that Jesus could make the shot over the water. “Ah no, Moses, I think I can do it,” explained Jesus. “I’ve seen Arnold Palmer make this shot, and if Arnold Palmer can do it, then so can I.” Moses rolled his eyes and let Jesus try. Sure enough, the ball splashed into the water. Moses parted the water for Jesus, who went in to retrieve his ball. Jesus, however, was not ready to give up. “I know I can do this, Moses — I’ve seen Arnold Palmer do it, and if he can do it, then so can I.” True to form, however, Jesus’ ball ended up back in the water. Moses parted the water, and Jesus went in to retrieve the ball. “Look, Jesus,” said Moses. “Try again if you like, but I’m not parting the water for you again.” “Fair enough, Moses,” said Jesus. “But you know, I’ve seen Arnold Palmer make this shot, and if Arnold Palmer can do it, then so can I.” Once again, Jesus’ ball was in the water. Jesus proceeded to walk upon the water to get it. Another group of golfers came up behind Moses and saw Jesus walking on the water. “Holy Cow!” one of them said to Moses. “Who does that guy think he is, Jesus Christ?” “No,” said Moses, rolling his eyes. “He thinks he’s Arnold Palmer.”
This should not be permitted, unless they can provide conclusive evidence that Jesus played golf.
You asked for it!
Jesus and Moses were playing golf one day on Earth. The course they were on had a particularly difficult hole, and Moses expressed his doubts that Jesus could make the shot over the water. “Ah no, Moses, I think I can do it,” explained Jesus. “I’ve seen Arnold Palmer make this shot, and if Arnold Palmer can do it, then so can I.” Moses rolled his eyes and let Jesus try. Sure enough, the ball splashed into the water. Moses parted the water for Jesus, who went in to retrieve his ball. Jesus, however, was not ready to give up. “I know I can do this, Moses — I’ve seen Arnold Palmer do it, and if he can do it, then so can I.” True to form, however, Jesus’ ball ended up back in the water. Moses parted the water, and Jesus went in to retrieve the ball. “Look, Jesus,” said Moses. “Try again if you like, but I’m not parting the water for you again.” “Fair enough, Moses,” said Jesus. “But you know, I’ve seen Arnold Palmer make this shot, and if Arnold Palmer can do it, then so can I.” Once again, Jesus’ ball was in the water. Jesus proceeded to walk upon the water to get it. Another group of golfers came up behind Moses and saw Jesus walking on the water. “Holy Cow!” one of them said to Moses. “Who does that guy think he is, Jesus Christ?” “No,” said Moses, rolling his eyes. “He thinks he’s Arnold Palmer.”
These fools need an exorcism before their heads start spinning. WTF people?
Betcha the Peelers have a hand in this somewhere!
Building greens with human waste out of New York or courses on top of out of state waste possibly radioactive. That way we can contaminate more people and enviornment!
These fools need an exorcism before their heads start spinning. WTF people?
Betcha the Peelers have a hand in this somewhere!
Building greens with human waste out of New York or courses on top of out of state waste possibly radioactive. That way we can contaminate more people and enviornment!
I doubt it would be anything the legislature was involved with.
WWJD? play golf evidently……
I’m down in FLA today…the greens here need watering…
I doubt it would be anything the legislature was involved with.
WWJD? play golf evidently……
I’m down in FLA today…the greens here need watering…
Call Cubby Culbertson. The religio-business-political slant makes it sound like an arm of The Family/The Fellowship/C Street/National Prayer Breakfast cabal.
Call Cubby Culbertson. The religio-business-political slant makes it sound like an arm of The Family/The Fellowship/C Street/National Prayer Breakfast cabal.
New program coming soon….Myrtle Manor Meets Christian Legislative Golfers.
Premise of the show? Fleecing the taxpayers- How to go from bottle feeding your baby green Mountain Dew to the greens of the Dunes. Sponsored by the 1% Ad Tax
New program coming soon….Myrtle Manor Meets Christian Legislative Golfers.
Premise of the show? Fleecing the taxpayers- How to go from bottle feeding your baby green Mountain Dew to the greens of the Dunes. Sponsored by the 1% Ad Tax
FITS: Are you not the constant Dumb@$$ who is always declaring of your “fiscal Conservatism?”
Christianity, w/ its tenants that support family, fidelity, hard work, accountability, honesty and charity…is THE MOST Fiscally Conservative, message ever preached…
And: Christians have saved more lives, secured more economic freedom (and freedom in general) and perpetuated the quality of life for millions and millions of people, Worldwide. Regardless of whether they deserved such grace.
Do we need to remind you of Hitler, an Occultist Socialist? Or, are you Ignorant of such recent history?
And Atheist Communists. like Stalin and Mao, have murdered millions, and cut the throat of their people, leaving them starving worshipoing the false god of the state, as many Liberal-Tarians, do. .
What about the child-killers (FITS defends) who kill the innocent in the name of Islam?
So FITS you’re pretty Stupid Bashing this idea simply because of your Christian Bigotry. You’d be Well-Advised to get out of bed w/ Secular Liberal-Tarians, who promote costly failure and suffering, in your defense of failed religions ….
Stalin and Mao were atheists? Man, the mainstream media certainly have been covering that up. Thanks for the insight. BTW, that restraining order is still in effect.
So are you claiming Communists are Christians???…or inform me of what you believe about them???…PLEASE…I cannot wait to hear it…
Stalin was educated in a seminary.
“If I had my way no man guilty of golf would be eligible to any office of trust or profit under the United States” — HLM
“If I had my way no man guilty of golf would be eligible to any office of trust or profit under the United States” — HLM
Just when you thought it couldn’t get more unethical…….
Just when you thought it couldn’t get more unethical…….
Let’s look at FITS’ religion and what it has wrought:
Liberal-Theology-Morality: It Demands welfare payments, disproportionately race-based and democrat voting, to people who could work, but say the government (working people) owes them.
Liberal Theology: Says women do not need men to help raise the children they seed. And liberal morality demands the spending of Trillions for the government to be family, even after the government fails and leads its children of their village to hate others, murder, theft and costly prisons filled w/ corrupt democrat constituents.
Liberal Theology champions abortions on demand as a moral right…yet the women allowing life to be ripped from their womb have high rates of disease and more mental health issues, in a addition to loss of their souls….which WE (moral society) must pay for…
Liberal Theology doles out billions in the peoples’ money for “Green” (Wasted Money) energy (See Solyndra.) Liberals worship the Earth as their god, like Pagans, but Hate God, even though all real prosperity is from The Almighty.
How much does the liberal tenants of Race Hate and feminism cost us in payment to minorities in set-aside, high-paying jobs, where nothing is produced by bitterness and obstacles to the decent people, who fund good-for-nothing (but regulation) government?
And FITS kneels to this leftwing idol, without one D@*n word of protest, as he rails w/ hate and bitter bigotry against the Real, Almighty and only God.
Look everybody… Low T has changed his moniker and now is exploiting Lincoln for his “now how can I bring this stream of consciousness” into discussion. Oh sweet cheezits.. after that diatribe will you please point me to where your rant fits regarding the article? Never mind. Mom gave you some internet tokens and a bag of cheeseypoofs and said “have fun son”.. go wash the appendage and get a life.
“Liberal Theology: Says women do not need men to help raise the children they seed”
Who talks like this? Thanks for keeping it biblically sexy…
Okay, you lost me there. Try again when you’re not mixing vodka and pain-killers.
You do know you are just another feeble version of the samle ol’ cliche of the simple-minded…
Whats a “samle”?
why do you feel ,’entitled’ to make us proof-read your comments for you..?
I think that mixture would mellow him out. He’s way too hyper for that. I’m gonna guess cocaine and speed.
Nope, he hasn’t got that much class.
as much as i detest these hypocrites,christian ministers have supplied me with some of the most miraculous ass,EVER
churches receiving tax-exempt status is the real problem.your fucked up ‘politics’ are a direct result of the reagan/religious-right years,and the massive brainwashing you’ve received ,evidenced by your posts and those of most commentors
Didn’t you homosexuals, who have infiltrated the Christian church, get caught molesting little boys. I’d imagine that’s what you’re bragging about.
I’m sure you have spread your filth wherever, but be honest and admit you’re Sexually assauting children. And Child-molestors are likely a HIGH percentage of your population, if truth be told…and it’s the reason children grow up to molest other children, like you do….
Man, you haven’t read any sociology or psychology studies on this matter have you?
I heard survey results that say: More than 70% of adult homosexual men admit they had sex with an adult male, before they were age 10. And they do not characterize it as Molestation.
Also: We’re now finding out that vast amounts of leftwing propaganda (see Global Warming) presented as “Research” has been faked…
And alleged data on Homosexuals, and fidelity, if you know anyone in the lifestyle has NO DOUBT been fraudulent.
Homosexuals are already, by definition, non-traditional (just based on proportion to the rest of society.) So their willingness to assault little boys is a lot more prevalent than a hetero’s inclination toward the unconventional and the molestation taboo.
On other thing: EVERYTHING I’m telling you is 100% accurate. And you (and your puppet-masters) are riddled w/ convenient lies and myths..yet more people (like you) will believe you, because you are an ignorant and immoral people. And the deficient are the most gullible and easily led.
It’s why FITS can Bash Christians and have you people stand up and cheer.
Thanks for supporting your “100% accurate” claim with references. You’re one hell of a social scientist…
No,Abe(known-homosexual);I prefer men my own age or older.We call them ‘silverdaddies’,and there are web/dating sites devoted specifically to our ‘kind’;movies,too! I find children absolutely disgusting! Well,they can be cute,for maybe 5 minutes…
You seem obsessed w/child molestation.Get help.
(my current boyfriend is a very young,77)
Mack needs to get a hold of you…;-)
You’re remind me of the claim that most Strippers are actually medical students, or in law school.
Truth is: they are ususlly on drugs w/ serious emotional problems, being exploited by sicko Creeps an Pervs like FITS and Buz.
Same w/ homosexuals. You claim to be all in to the same values as everyone else, yet the Filth you perpetuate is most like Jerry Sandusky and others who prey on the most innocent and defenseless.
You are immoral and sick for the most part…and when I call you on it, you are like most, you disavow and and flee from what you really are…
I’m a cock-sucking,butt-fucking Faggot,and I like it.A lot.
You forgot ‘CHILD-MOLESTING’…because considering the way you are reacting, I think I hit the NAIL on the HEAD…
as much as i detest these hypocrites,christian ministers have supplied me with some of the most miraculous ass,EVER
churches receiving tax-exempt status is the real problem.your fucked up ‘politics’ are a direct result of the reagan/religious-right years,and the massive brainwashing you’ve received ,evidenced by your posts and those of most commentors
Fits, I asked you to check your facts on the statement about a school district spending over $200000 on a private country club. I was correct, the offer was withdrawn. See below:
District Puts CC of Spartanburg Practice Time Deal On Hold
February 12, 2009 8:12 am
C&RB News
Spartanburg (S.C.) School District 7 has withdrawn from a $200,000 agreement with the Country Club of Spartanburg to have Spartanburg High School golfers practice and play on the club’s course for the next two decades, says an article in the Greenville News.
The school district issued a release about the decision saying that the agreement has been put “on hold.” The agreement would have had the district pay the club $200,000 up front and another $5,000 per year for the use of the club’s facilities for up to 25 years.
Because the agreement was to have gone into effect this spring, the district has not paid any money to the club.
“I misunderstood, in light of this economic condition, how this agreement would be received by the public,” District 7 superintendent Thomas White said in the release. “I made a mistake in not anticipating this reaction, and I regret taking the board and members of the Country Club of Spartanburg down this path.”
With the agreement on hold, the district must now come up with a place for the Spartanburg boy’s golf teams to practice and play their matches this spring.
Fits, I asked you to check your facts on the statement about a school district spending over $200000 on a private country club. I was correct, the offer was withdrawn. See below:
District Puts CC of Spartanburg Practice Time Deal On Hold
February 12, 2009 8:12 am
C&RB News
Spartanburg (S.C.) School District 7 has withdrawn from a $200,000 agreement with the Country Club of Spartanburg to have Spartanburg High School golfers practice and play on the club’s course for the next two decades, says an article in the Greenville News.
The school district issued a release about the decision saying that the agreement has been put “on hold.” The agreement would have had the district pay the club $200,000 up front and another $5,000 per year for the use of the club’s facilities for up to 25 years.
Because the agreement was to have gone into effect this spring, the district has not paid any money to the club.
“I misunderstood, in light of this economic condition, how this agreement would be received by the public,” District 7 superintendent Thomas White said in the release. “I made a mistake in not anticipating this reaction, and I regret taking the board and members of the Country Club of Spartanburg down this path.”
With the agreement on hold, the district must now come up with a place for the Spartanburg boy’s golf teams to practice and play their matches this spring.
Hope to hell they get enough money to congregate all the sons of bitches in one confined area at the same time
If there is a God, what better opportunity to be able to take them all out at the same damn time
Hope to hell they get enough money to congregate all the sons of bitches in one confined area at the same time
If there is a God, what better opportunity to be able to take them all out at the same damn time
Wow: FITS Defending us from those Dangerous Christians, while Obama protects us from all the Wastful spending and failure.., and yall defend the rights, of those Child-killing Terrorists, too. Good Job, Bo…
You are a POLITICAL genius FITS, maybe you should open a consulting firm….
martin talks the talk; but, he does not walk the walk. This is unethical on his part!
He has been corrupted by the system and the likes of Harvey Peeler, Hugh Leatherman and Nikki Haley. He is constantly kissing their collective butts and is a lap dog for the four of them.
martin talks the talk; but, he does not walk the walk. This is unethical on his part!
He has been corrupted by the system and the likes of Harvey Peeler, Hugh Leatherman and Nikki Haley. He is constantly kissing their collective butts and is a lap dog for the four of them.
Reminds me of the scene in “Band of Brothers” when Capt. Winters splashes Lt. Nixon with some yellow liquid in a glass next to his bed to get him up.
“God damn! Son of a bitch! I pissed into that glass last night. That’s my own piss! Mother fucker! Son of a bitch!”
Go get ’em, Larry.
Reminds me of the scene in “Band of Brothers” when Capt. Winters splashes Lt. Nixon with some yellow liquid in a glass next to his bed to get him up.
“God damn! Son of a bitch! I pissed into that glass last night. That’s my own piss! Mother fucker! Son of a bitch!”
Go get ’em, Larry.
How does this not conflict with “separation of church and state”?
Church is Spiritual in nature, so you’d have to be a mind reader to separate Church and State. That phrase is perpetuated to control Fools and Idiots, like you, and I see it’s working….
That said: Why do you think Obama, FITS and the Liberals work so hard on mind control? Dumb@$$ people are easy to control once you own their minds.
And you are a prime example of a Leftwing ideologue who does exactly as your masters instruct you do, using the clichés they feed you, and the Dolts, like you.
Yours would be a very short read.
“Church is Spiritual in nature, so you’d have to be a mind reader to separate Church and State”
Anybody know what the fuck he’s talking about? Any mind readers out there…?
You’re likely too STUPID to figure it out. I have no question about that…You actully prove my premise.
How does this not conflict with “separation of church and state”?
And this is news?!? The Jesus Lobby has been shaking down SC voters for ages.
And the Liberal gods of immorality that you worhip have not cost much more????
At least Christianity teaches responsibility, and the practicioners pay back exponentioally…while you congregants just cost more and more each generation…
Ooops – struck a chord with one of the Holier-Than-Thou’s – (chuckling). GT – I wish more of those Christians would practice some of that “responsibility” that you crow about – living here in the Bible Belt (Christian Ghetto) you get to see them up close and personal – biggest bunch of hypocrites that I’ve ever come across. The main thing they are “responsible” about it Do-As-I-Say not As-I-Do. If I had a dollar for every Christian minister that had fleeced his flock or bedded one of his married congregants I’d be the richest person in the world. But by all mans, Pray On! (Or maybe “Prey On” would be more like it . . .)
Sounds like you are PROFILING people. I thought you Leftwing idiots rail against that…yet you call people hypocrites???…Nice…
Not to mention: Your Bigotry is showing too. You are a lot like Hitler, and the techniques he used to murder Jewish people…
What on earth are you babbling on about? Have another glass of wine…
And this is news?!? The Jesus Lobby has been shaking down SC voters for ages.
In SC, you can con many a mark just by mentioning jesus. Ask any of your representatives.
In SC, you can con many a mark just by mentioning jesus. Ask any of your representatives.
Sled, FBI and policy council already investigated sen Martin right?
Sled, FBI and policy council already investigated sen Martin right?
More proof that, in fact, Jesus did play golf. The cities of Clemson and Central each gave $20,000 to Southern Wesleyan University (a full blown Jesus school) for a driving range!
What’s so fucking amazing about this is that the $40,000 represents two thirds of the estimated cost of the driving range. The Jesus school only has to pony up $20,000 to drive Jesus’ balls.
The city of Clemson has a history of dumping public money to religious (only Christian, praise Jesus!) causes. Over the past few years they/ve dropped thousands to something called the Clemson Area Adult Chapter of the FCA to fund their Saturday religious service called Rally in the Valley. It’s the only church service I’ve ever heard of that you have to buy a ticket to. Of course you get to see a Clemson football game after you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Getting dunked in the lake is optional.
More proof that, in fact, Jesus did play golf. The cities of Clemson and Central each gave $20,000 to Southern Wesleyan University (a full blown Jesus school) for a driving range!
What’s so fucking amazing about this is that the $40,000 represents two thirds of the estimated cost of the driving range. The Jesus school only has to pony up $20,000 to drive Jesus’ balls.
The city of Clemson has a history of dumping public money to religious (only Christian, praise Jesus!) causes. Over the past few years they/ve dropped thousands to something called the Clemson Area Adult Chapter of the FCA to fund their Saturday religious service called Rally in the Valley. It’s the only church service I’ve ever heard of that you have to buy a ticket to. Of course you get to see a Clemson football game after you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Getting dunked in the lake is optional.
Sounds like an open and shut case.
I would very much like to sue the state of SC over establishment clause violations due to this.
How would I go about doing that?
Sounds like an open and shut case.
I would very much like to sue the state of SC over establishment clause violations due to this.
How would I go about doing that?