Don’t Do It, Rand Paul

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) will travel to South Carolina in late June to raise money for the South Carolina Republican Party – the same entity which dissed him earlier this month at the behest of fiscally liberal U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.). We would strongly urge him to reconsider…

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) will travel to South Carolina in late June to raise money for the South Carolina Republican Party – the same entity which dissed him earlier this month at the behest of fiscally liberal U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.).

We would strongly urge him to reconsider his decision …

We know Paul is seeking to ingratiate himself with the SCGOP establishment in advance of the Palmetto State’s 2016 “First in the South” presidential primary, but raising money for South Carolina “Republicans” is totally inconsistent with everything he claims to be fighting for (and against) in Washington, D.C.

“I am happy to once again come to South Carolina, this time to help the South Carolina Republican Party as we fight for conservative values together, now and in the future,” Paul said in a SCGOP release touting his visit.

Wait … the SCGOP is “fighting for conservative values?” Really?

Last time we checked the party was fighting for fiscally liberal politicians like Graham, S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, Lt. Gov. Glenn McConnell, Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell, Senate Finance chairman Hugh Leatherman and a host of other budget-ballooning, tax-hiking, crony capitalist hypocrites.

Seriously … if these guys are emblematic of “conservative values,” then this country is in serious trouble (but we repeat ourselves).

If Paul follows through on his planned visit it wouldn’t be the first time he’s sold out to the status quo. Last spring he jumped on board the Mitt Romney bandwagon rather than endorsing a presidential candidate who actually stood for something (like we did).

And more recently we’ve seen troubling emails targeting social conservatives in which Paul touts his support for “traditional marriage.”

Now he wants to raise money for a bunch of two-faced politicians whose ideas on “economic development” and “education reform” involve pouring more taxpayer money into the same failed approaches (and making sure some of that money continues to land in their pockets).

Sheesh … and what makes Paul’s sellouts even more baffling is the fact that South Carolina is clearly no longer the must-win state it used to be.

If Rand Paul wishes to have any credibility whatsoever with true fiscal conservative, pro-free market, pro-liberty voters – he will refrain from lending his financial support to an ethically bankrupt entity like the SCGOP.

After all as the Republican Party itself has demonstrated, you can only trade on a name so many times before it loses its meaning …


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nitrat April 30, 2013 at 9:29 am

Well, it should be pretty obvious by now that Rand, opportunistic that he is, is simply not that bright.
One thing you can say about all the 20+ GOPer physicians in the US House and Senate: they prove you just don’t have to be overly smart to get into medical school.

Just another Joe April 30, 2013 at 10:14 am

Wonder if any of these 20 GOP physicians used student loans for their education, and if so did they pay back the loans? Are any currently in favor of student loans and the low interest rate applied to these loans.

nitrat April 30, 2013 at 3:25 pm

I don’t know about loans, but you simply cannot earn a living as an Opthalomologist like Rand without accepting Medicare and having it pay way more for cataract surgery than an under 15 minute procedure deserves.

nitrat April 30, 2013 at 9:29 am

Well, it should be pretty obvious by now that Rand, opportunistic that he is, is simply not that bright.
One thing you can say about all the 20+ GOPer physicians in the US House and Senate: they prove you just don’t have to be overly smart to get into medical school.

Just another Joe April 30, 2013 at 10:14 am

Wonder if any of these 20 GOP physicians used student loans for their education, and if so did they pay back the loans? Are any currently in favor of student loans and the low interest rate applied to these loans.

nitrat April 30, 2013 at 3:25 pm

I don’t know about loans, but you simply cannot earn a living as an Opthalomologist like Rand without accepting Medicare and having it pay way more for cataract surgery than an under 15 minute procedure deserves.

Capitol Fly April 30, 2013 at 9:34 am

They are ALL whores, just like the sluts they hang with!
What was the story recently on the herpes epidemic up at the State House!
MaMas don’t let your babies grow up to be politicians, lobbyist, pages, senate or house workers, or secretaries…..PLEASE!!!!!

Capitol Fly April 30, 2013 at 9:34 am

They are ALL whores, just like the sluts they hang with!
What was the story recently on the herpes epidemic up at the State House!
MaMas don’t let your babies grow up to be politicians, lobbyist, pages, senate or house workers, or secretaries…..PLEASE!!!!!

Right April 30, 2013 at 9:43 am

Ah, they all move to the middle to get elected, don’t they? Rand Paul is no exception.

Right April 30, 2013 at 9:43 am

Ah, they all move to the middle to get elected, don’t they? Rand Paul is no exception.

Sam April 30, 2013 at 9:48 am

Why, Rand, just why? Next you will probably endorse Nimrata for governor, right? If you want to make it in politics, stay the hell away from SC.

Tyrone Butternuts April 30, 2013 at 9:48 am

It is good to see dissent in the GOP. I hope the GOP goes back to its fiscally conservative, socially moderate, and the “Thousand Points of Light” idea that Bush Senior envisioned. Most Republicans in South Carolina are not rich; they are middle class or redneck. They vote Republican because they are against abortion and gays and are pro-Jeebus, not because they are rich. There is also a touch of racism in the southern GOP, borne of Lee Atwater. In voting Republican, these South Carolinians unwittingly vote for the rich and the policies of the rich who could care less about them and whose policies hurt them. Nikki Haley, for example, has let it be known that her appointed Workers Comp judges better be pro-business, not pro-injured worked, or else. This hurts the middle class voter who votes Republican.

Republicans are not in business to help the unemployed, the disabled, the struggling family with high medical bills. When will the average voter in this state realize this cold fact ?

People used to vote their pocketbook. People used to vote Republican because they

were well off. The others voted Democratic because they wanted policies that supported the middle-class. I hope voting patterns return to this former system.

Lenny April 30, 2013 at 10:54 am

Right on all counts Tyrone.

Howie Richs Neighbor April 30, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Plain spokenand says it all.

Sam April 30, 2013 at 9:48 am

Why, Rand, just why? Next you will probably endorse Nimrata for governor, right? If you want to make it in politics, stay the hell away from SC.

Tyrone Butternuts April 30, 2013 at 9:48 am

It is good to see dissent in the GOP. I hope the GOP goes back to its fiscally conservative, socially moderate, and the “Thousand Points of Light” idea that Bush Senior envisioned. Most Republicans in South Carolina are not rich; they are middle class or redneck. They vote Republican because they are against abortion and gays and are pro-Jeebus, not because they are rich. There is also a touch of racism in the southern GOP, borne of Lee Atwater. In voting Republican, these South Carolinians unwittingly vote for the rich and the policies of the rich who could care less about them and whose policies hurt them. Nikki Haley, for example, has let it be known that her appointed Workers Comp judges better be pro-business, not pro-injured worked, or else. This hurts the middle class voter who votes Republican.

Republicans are not in business to help the unemployed, the disabled, the struggling family with high medical bills. When will the average voter in this state realize this cold fact ?

People used to vote their pocketbook. People used to vote Republican because they

were well off. The others voted Democratic because they wanted policies that supported the middle-class. I hope voting patterns return to this former system.

Lenny April 30, 2013 at 10:54 am

Right on all counts Tyrone.

Howie Richs Neighbor April 30, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Plain spokenand says it all.

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 9:59 am

A MAJOR VICTORY for Conservatives is that Ultra-popular Liberal-Tarian Ron Paul’s (FITS, Sanford hero) son is a TRUE CONSERVATIVE..and he can WIN, and Win BIG in 2016. He’ll tell FITS, Sanford Grham, the media, the left and McCain to sit down and STFU…
Rand has the appeal to BRING the party back to it’s Conservative core. And when we quit putting Liberal-Tarian candidates up nationally (like McCain, Sanford and Graham) the Left is DEFEATED.
So keep $#!**ing all over yourself FITS, because we’re here with Rand Paul to slap the P!$$ out of you Movement-stopping and selfish (take my ball and go home) Liberal Tarians…

This guy is like Reagan…he ignores your Cojured up hate-filled Bull-$#!*…and just moves forwards…
So SUCK IT…we have a winner. Your worst fears are being relaized.

Sailor April 30, 2013 at 10:48 am

Yeah, and he’ll wind up just like all the other “winners” you’ve picked!

Liberal=Science=Equality April 30, 2013 at 11:02 am

You mean Perry’s not Prez?

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 3:43 pm

Lord I wish he was. I was D@M* right in wanting him over Obama. It D@*n sure cannot get any worse than that F&*#in Dumb@$$ that’s in there…no matter what your masters feed you idiots…
Or do you like High uemployment, astronomical gas prices, terrorists boming in the street and no pride or confidence in America???

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 11:28 am

….. self-explanatory

Cicero April 30, 2013 at 10:08 am

Oh, NO! Not another Republican “sellout”! You mean, Rand isn’t just wasting his time in the political wilderness like Jim DeMint, stomping his feet and saying “no” all to accomplish nothing? What I love about this is I was wrong. I never thought Rand would mature and play ball with the broader GOP. I thought he would be beholden to the extremists. Guess not. Yet another of Will’s fantasies—a “libertarian” in government—meets with reality. Good show, Rand! Congrats!

Cicero April 30, 2013 at 10:08 am

Oh, NO! Not another Republican “sellout”! You mean, Rand isn’t just wasting his time in the political wilderness like Jim DeMint, stomping his feet and saying “no” all to accomplish nothing? What I love about this is I was wrong. I never thought Rand would mature and play ball with the broader GOP. I thought he would be beholden to the extremists. Guess not. Yet another of Will’s fantasies—a “libertarian” in government—meets with reality. Good show, Rand! Congrats!

idiotwind April 30, 2013 at 10:30 am

Rand is a really appealing concept. but basically he is working to keep his own financial outlook strong. Limbaugh only has a couple million fans in a country of 300 million, but he makes what 20mil a year? you don’t have to be the most popular radio host, and you don’t have to win national elections, to stay financially fit. he has zero chance of winning, probably not even the GOP nomination, there are too many videos of him saying unbelievably stupid things. but he will retire fat and happy, just like his dad. this is a BIG problem with the current political spectrum. all the right’s ‘leaders’ are just professional ‘conservatives’ selling books or looking for lobbying or tv contracts.

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Wonder why liberal Air-Head America cannot get even a tenth of Rush’s audience??..despite putting forth the fully-regailed stars of the Leftwing Movement….
Is it because when people actually HEAR your profound Ignorance, w/o a filter, it is revealed as a religous for Dumb@$$#$ and the Stupid???…
Addressing your own igornace may tell you Obama was re-elected because voters in Penn. were cheating and got caught voting over and over.

Al Franken Christ April 30, 2013 at 2:51 pm

“Wonder why liberal Air-Head America cannot get even a tenth of Rush’s audience??”

Liberals aren’t as stupid?

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 3:41 pm

I agree…you’d have to be one Stupid Some Beech to listen to AirHead America…

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Is this comment from 2 years ago? Maybe you’re still worried about ACORN, too? Oh, BTW… +27 Irony points for misspelling the word ignorance.

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 6:13 pm

Yaaaay…Ken E. finally got a victory to go along w/ all those @$$-Whoopins I’ve been givin’ him, and the Dumb@$$ who school with him. I mis-spelled a word. What a coup Ken…congrats…Maybe you’ll believe there is a God, now…
And: What about all the failure your Idiot has wrought…you gonna answer for that now???,,,

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Hmmm, maybe you didn’t notice the rest of my comment? You compared the audience of Air America to Rush Limbaugh’s audience? Rush definitely has it over them since they stopped broadcasting 3 years ago. And you misspelled misspelled, which is 3X as awesome as misspelling ignorance. Remind me which Ass Whoopins you gave me?

idiotwind April 30, 2013 at 10:30 am

Rand is a really appealing concept. but basically he is working to keep his own financial outlook strong. Limbaugh only has a couple million fans in a country of 300 million, but he makes what 20mil a year? you don’t have to be the most popular radio host, and you don’t have to win national elections, to stay financially fit. he has zero chance of winning, probably not even the GOP nomination, there are too many videos of him saying unbelievably stupid things. but he will retire fat and happy, just like his dad. this is a BIG problem with the current political spectrum. all the right’s ‘leaders’ are just professional ‘conservatives’ selling books or looking for lobbying or tv contracts.

? April 30, 2013 at 10:52 am

I’m only going to say it one more time, Rand Paul is a chump.

I’m not wasting any more letters on the man.

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 9:05 pm

No kidding. One week he does an old fashioned filibuster, protesting the use of drone strikes against Americans, and this past week he tells Neil Cavuto that he doesn’t care if the police use drone strikes against robbers of liquor stores.

? April 30, 2013 at 10:52 am

I’m only going to say it one more time, Rand Paul is a chump.

I’m not wasting any more letters on the man.

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 9:05 pm

No kidding. One week he does an old fashioned filibuster, protesting the use of drone strikes against Americans, and this past week he tells Neil Cavuto that he doesn’t care if the police use drone strikes against robbers of liquor stores.


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