Mark Sanford: Don’t Call It A Comeback!

Two days after Easter, former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford continued his rise from the political grave … with his “soul mate” at his side for the resurrection. The scandal-scarred former chief executive – whose political career was thought to be over in the wake of a disastrous 2009 sex scandal – claimed…

Two days after Easter, former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford continued his rise from the political grave … with his “soul mate” at his side for the resurrection.

The scandal-scarred former chief executive – whose political career was thought to be over in the wake of a disastrous 2009 sex scandal – claimed the GOP nomination for South Carolina’s first congressional district Tuesday night with a surprisingly big win over “Republican” rival Curtis Bostic. Joining him on stage during his victory celebration? Maria Belen Chapur – his Latin lover turned fiancée.

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Sanford enjoyed a commanding 57-43 percent lead over Bostic – a former Charleston County councilman with a penchant for big government and tall tales.


MARK SANFORD – 25,978 (57 percent) *WINNER
CURTIS BOSTIC – 19,944 (43 percent)

That margin surprised us for a couple of reasons …

First, the GOP runoff for this seat was always considered Sanford’s “danger zone” given his high disapproval ratings – even among Republican voters. In fact his consultants acknowledged as much in a story we wrote two months ago assessing his chances. Second, turnout throughout the first district was reportedly very low – which usually benefits a grassroots-focused candidate like Bostic. Also, with endorsements from the likes of Rick Santorum and James Dobson, Bostic had a virtual monopoly on social conservative voters – who don’t do “low turnout.”

For these and other reasons, our founding editor was predicting a narrow Bostic win – even though this website offered a grudging (and controversial) endorsement of Sanford.

Of course the battle is far from over for the “Luv Gov,” who is running to recapture the congressional seat he held from 1995-2001. In fact he’s facing a formidable Democratic opponent next month in the form of Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, sister of comedian Stephen Colbert. In fact a pair of polls taken prior to the GOP runoff showed Colbert-Busch enjoying a slim lead over Sanford in spite of the first district’s strong Republican lean.

“I look forward to a vigorous campaign that focuses on creating jobs, balancing our country’s budget and choosing an independent-minded leader who shares the values of the great people of South Carolina,” Colbert Busch said in a statement following Sanford’s win. “As a businesswoman, I will use my experience to cut waste in Washington, lower tax rates so small businesses can create jobs and do the people of South Carolina proud as their representative.”

Colbert-Busch also wasted no time in punching at Sanford – blasting him for opposing the Violence Against Women Act during his time in Congress.

Her spokesman said that on “issue after issue,” Sanford “doesn’t reflect the values of South Carolina.”

Meanwhile in a statement SCGOP chairman Chad Connelly congratulated Sanford on his win and bashed Colbert-Busch – whom he referred to as “LuLu” – as an  “overpaid liberal educrat who is out of touch with Lowcountry values.”

Looks like the battle is on …


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Smirks April 2, 2013 at 8:30 pm

I hope to call it a going away party.

southmauldin April 2, 2013 at 8:38 pm

This is gonna put T in a tizzy. Hope he can afford the copays on his meds.

Sailor April 2, 2013 at 9:04 pm

Hopefully, his head will explode!

Liberal=Science=Equality April 2, 2013 at 9:30 pm

He may have just doubled down on them blood pressure meds; let’s hope he caught it in time…

BigT April 3, 2013 at 10:25 am

It’s funny to see how serious you take your hatred of me. Hate is a staple of liberalism. It would be nice if you LOVED your country Half as much.
But I have a Wonderful life, and I’m set on protecting it, and my family.
That said: Sanford received the votes. The people (at least those in the morally-dubious SC 1) have spoken. In America, at least w/ Republicans, they are FAIR elections.
Sanford is BAD for the Conservative movement. It’s why FITS is w/ Sanford.
I now must decide if I’ll support a democrat. If she dis-avows Obama, she may begin a transformation of the democrat party away from failure. That would be nice.

Smirks April 2, 2013 at 8:30 pm

I hope to call it a going away party.

southmauldin April 2, 2013 at 8:38 pm

This is gonna put T in a tizzy. Hope he can afford the copays on his meds.

Sailor April 2, 2013 at 9:04 pm

Hopefully, his head will explode!

Hot Air Balloon April 2, 2013 at 9:30 pm

He may have just doubled down on them blood pressure meds; let’s hope he caught it in time…

BigT April 3, 2013 at 10:25 am

It’s funny to see how serious you take your hatred of me. Hate is a staple of liberalism. It would be nice if you LOVED your country Half as much.
But I have a Wonderful life, and I’m set on protecting it, and my family.
That said: Sanford received the votes. The people (at least those in the morally-dubious SC 1) have spoken. In America, at least w/ Republicans, they are FAIR elections.
Sanford is BAD for the Conservative movement. It’s why FITS is w/ Sanford.
I now must decide if I’ll support a democrat. If she dis-avows Obama, she may begin a transformation of the democrat party away from failure. That would be nice.

MyDaddyIsRich April 2, 2013 at 8:43 pm

I’m blastin, outlastin
Kinda like Shaft, so u could say I’m shaftin.

MyDaddyIsRich April 2, 2013 at 8:43 pm

I’m blastin, outlastin
Kinda like Shaft, so u could say I’m shaftin.

BPK April 2, 2013 at 8:48 pm

Don’t worry. We ECB people are already mobilizing against the philandering, lying, cheating, dishonest bum. Sanford has his head in his penis. ECB doesn’t have that problem.

jimlewisowb April 2, 2013 at 9:38 pm

“Sanford has his head in his penis” you say

And pray tell where is ECB’s head

While on the subject of penises are you that sure ECB is penis free

I have seen a fair number of photos where she is wearing turtle necks and other clothing that bumps right up under her chin. Could there be an Adam’s Apple hanging around in there some place.

Next time you get close to ECB maybe a Crocodile Dundee crotch grope would be possible and you could post your fondling findings to confirm.

Steve April 2, 2013 at 10:38 pm

ECB’s got a face only a mother could love, and this is a plus.

She wouldn’t fuck the hired help like David Beasley or Bill Clinton, or go get laid on overseas trips like Sanfraud.

I’m glad she’s not a hottie — she puts Sanfraud’s infidelity and lying-to-the-public in high definition.

hoss April 2, 2013 at 10:21 pm

Mobalizing? Boy this an impressive PLATFORM to run on as released from the Colbert-Busch-League communications team tonight with a national cable television audience:

“The families of this district need a representative who they can trust,” campaign spokesman James Smith said. “Mark Sanford simply has the wrong values for our community – whether that’s his terms as Governor or the last time he was in Congress, where he opposed commonsense measures like the Violence Against Women Act, which provides shelters and resources for domestic violence survivors. On issue after issue, Mark Sanford doesn’t reflect the values of South Carolina.”

Children and clowns apparently runnin this radical,Alinsky-style campaign.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:02 am

Does the tin foil hat make your scalp itch? I’ve always wondered that.

hoss April 3, 2013 at 10:31 am

Just a question.Can any of you Colbert-Busch-League ‘supporters’ post ANYTHING that is not a profane,obscene or pornograhic attack on another candidate?

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 12:41 pm

No profane, obscene, or pornographic attacks? Damn, take all the fun of it why don’t you.

Wait, where were the pornographic attacks? No, wait, I don’t want to know.

Not Too Bright April 2, 2013 at 8:48 pm

Lee Bright was at Sandord’s victory party tonight. Bet his Christ following fans would love to know why.

MBC Was There Too April 2, 2013 at 10:11 pm

Long before the race was ever called for Sanford no less.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:04 am

Come on now, Sanford believes in a “God of second chances!” That means at some point in a marriage, a guy should be able to say “Woah, time out! I want a do-over!” Jenny might be mad, but hey, she’s got a second chance too!

BPK April 2, 2013 at 8:48 pm

Don’t worry. We ECB people are already mobilizing against the philandering, lying, cheating, dishonest bum. Sanford has his head in his penis. ECB doesn’t have that problem.

jimlewisowb April 2, 2013 at 9:38 pm

“Sanford has his head in his penis” you say

And pray tell where is ECB’s head

While on the subject of penises are you that sure ECB is penis free

I have seen a fair number of photos where she is wearing turtle necks and other clothing that bumps right up under her chin. Could there be an Adam’s Apple hanging around in there some place.

Next time you get close to ECB maybe a Crocodile Dundee crotch grope would be possible and you could post your fondling findings to confirm.

Steve April 2, 2013 at 10:38 pm

ECB’s got a face only a mother could love, and this is a plus.

She wouldn’t fuck the hired help like David Beasley or Bill Clinton, or go get laid on overseas trips like Sanfraud.

I’m glad she’s not a hottie — she puts Sanfraud’s infidelity and lying-to-the-public in high definition.

hoss April 2, 2013 at 10:21 pm

Mobalizing? Boy this an impressive PLATFORM to run on as released from the Colbert-Busch-League communications team tonight with a national cable television audience:

“The families of this district need a representative who they can trust,” campaign spokesman James Smith said. “Mark Sanford simply has the wrong values for our community – whether that’s his terms as Governor or the last time he was in Congress, where he opposed commonsense measures like the Violence Against Women Act, which provides shelters and resources for domestic violence survivors. On issue after issue, Mark Sanford doesn’t reflect the values of South Carolina.”

Children and clowns apparently runnin this radical,Alinsky-style campaign.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:02 am

Does the tin foil hat make your scalp itch? I’ve always wondered that.

hoss April 3, 2013 at 10:31 am

Just a question.Can any of you Colbert-Busch-League ‘supporters’ post ANYTHING that is not a profane,obscene or pornograhic attack on another candidate?

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 12:41 pm

No profane, obscene, or pornographic attacks? Damn, take all the fun of it why don’t you.

Wait, where were the pornographic attacks? No, wait, I don’t want to know.

Not Too Bright April 2, 2013 at 8:48 pm

Lee Bright was at Sandord’s victory party tonight. Bet his Christ following fans would love to know why.

MBC Was There Too April 2, 2013 at 10:11 pm

Long before the race was ever called for Sanford no less.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:04 am

Come on now, Sanford believes in a “God of second chances!” That means at some point in a marriage, a guy should be able to say “Woah, time out! I want a do-over!” Jenny might be mad, but hey, she’s got a second chance too!

enjoy the soap opera April 2, 2013 at 8:49 pm

Are the boys gathered round? Has Chapur shown up yet? To the victor go the spoils, after all and Sanford must be feeling omni-potent tonight.

We need some election party color, Fits!

Gonzo April 2, 2013 at 8:51 pm

There’s a good reason Bob Faith and other people with character quit working for Mark Sanford.

enjoy the soap opera April 2, 2013 at 8:49 pm

Are the boys gathered round? Has Chapur shown up yet? To the victor go the spoils, after all and Sanford must be feeling omni-potent tonight.

We need some election party color, Fits!

Gonzo April 2, 2013 at 8:51 pm

There’s a good reason Bob Faith and other people with character quit working for Mark Sanford.

vicupstate April 2, 2013 at 8:51 pm

The PPP poll had a 13 point lead for Sanford over Bostic. At 97% reporting, Sanford is leading by 13.6%.

I wonder if that will earn them some respect from the peaNUT gallery on here.

Of course, PPP also had Colbert Busch leading Sanford by 2. Very close, but obviously winanbale for ECB. No doubt, PPP will do another poll in the coming weeks.

Also of note, turnout is down significantly from 2 weeks ago.

H.P.K. April 2, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Hey Will, I suppose you’re monitoring this.

Show some moderation to your readers and do not automatically endorse Sanford simply because he’s republican.

There are lots of republican rats.

Nixon, Agnew, Halderman, Segretti, Caulfield, Mitchell, Sanford. . .

Will Folks aka Sic April 2, 2013 at 10:50 pm

Um … as we noted in our coverage, PPP’s results in SC “have been solid of late …” —>

hoss April 3, 2013 at 10:14 am

PPP can come up with any liberal poll of SC1 that they want. She can’t get enough votes to win:
1.Yes fewer voters turned out (44,000) in runoff than pub primary (55,000).Typically that happens in runoffs and add the fact it is spring break for most. That is still 3x the number of votes that Colbert received in dem primary and Sanford HIMSELF received 10,000 more votes in runoff than Colbert got in dem primary.
2. If the base is the 70,000 votes in (using total from primary) for May 7 and Sanford starts with 25,000 and Colbert 15,000 she would need to win almost 70% of the republican primary voters,a very conservative block of voters.
Not a chance.

vicupstate April 3, 2013 at 11:37 am

I guess you missed that they hit the markde on the REPUBLICAN primary.

Keep believing Sick Morris is a pollster.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:15 am

To be fair, turnout usually drops in runoffs.

vicupstate April 2, 2013 at 8:51 pm

The PPP poll had a 13 point lead for Sanford over Bostic. At 97% reporting, Sanford is leading by 13.6%.

I wonder if that will earn them some respect from the peaNUT gallery on here.

Of course, PPP also had Colbert Busch leading Sanford by 2. Very close, but obviously winanbale for ECB. No doubt, PPP will do another poll in the coming weeks.

Also of note, turnout is down significantly from 2 weeks ago.

H.P.K. April 2, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Hey Will, I suppose you’re monitoring this.

Show some moderation to your readers and do not automatically endorse Sanford simply because he’s republican.

There are lots of republican rats.

Nixon, Agnew, Halderman, Segretti, Caulfield, Mitchell, Sanford. . .

Will Folks aka Sic April 2, 2013 at 10:50 pm

Um … as we noted in our coverage, PPP’s results in SC “have been solid of late …” —>

hoss April 3, 2013 at 10:14 am

PPP can come up with any liberal poll of SC1 that they want. She can’t get enough votes to win:
1.Yes fewer voters turned out (44,000) in runoff than pub primary (55,000).Typically that happens in runoffs and add the fact it is spring break for most. That is still 3x the number of votes that Colbert received in dem primary and Sanford HIMSELF received 10,000 more votes in runoff than Colbert got in dem primary.
2. If the base is the 70,000 votes in (using total from primary) for May 7 and Sanford starts with 25,000 and Colbert 15,000 she would need to win almost 70% of the republican primary voters,a very conservative block of voters.
Not a chance.

vicupstate April 3, 2013 at 11:37 am

I guess you missed that they hit the markde on the REPUBLICAN primary.

Keep believing Sick Morris is a pollster.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:15 am

To be fair, turnout usually drops in runoffs.

Anthony Placebo April 2, 2013 at 8:58 pm

Great day for voters who apparently want a lying hypocrite to represent them.
Hey but none of is perfect, right?

vicupstate April 2, 2013 at 8:58 pm

The PPP Poll had Sanford leading Bostic by 13%. With 97% in, Sanford has a 13.6% lead.
I wonder if that will earn them some respect from the peaNUT gallery on here.
Of course, PPP also had Colbert Busch with a 2% lead over Sanford for the general. Very close obviously, but winnable for ECB. No doubt, PPP will do another poll in a week of two.
Also of note, turnout was down significantly from 2 weeks ago.

hoss April 2, 2013 at 10:39 pm

Not a chance. Please. Numbers ain’t there, Colbert-Busch-League campaign knows it and why they sent their spokeman out tonight to attack Mark Sanford personally,his faith and his family(per se attacking his “values”) and vomiting the following:

“The families of this district need a representative who they can trust,” campaign spokesman James Smith said. “Mark Sanford simply has the wrong values for our community – whether that’s his terms as Governor or the last time he was in Congress, where he opposed commonsense measures like the Violence Against Women Act, which provides shelters and resources for domestic violence survivors. On issue after issue, Mark Sanford doesn’t reflect the values of South Carolina.”
Voters in SC1. Ain’t bout jobs. This lady and her campaign are getting money to promote the radical social issues/causes she supports and will vote for.
Her spokesman let that “cat out of the bag” tonight.

vicupstate April 3, 2013 at 6:28 am

It will be a tough race, but is winnable by either side. Sanford has been known to stick his foot in his mouth, and that can always happen again.

55% of registered voters in SC-1 are women, and Sanford polls even worse with them.

PPP nailed the runoff DEAD-ON. That is extremely impressive for a special election. Most pollsters don’t even risk their reputation by polling special elections.

Sanford only picked up 6,000 votes with 14 opponents eliminated. Not impressive in my book.

hoss April 3, 2013 at 9:29 am

Lets see. How many votes did ECB get in the Democratic Primary? 15,000? Game over.

cuvinny April 3, 2013 at 10:09 am

she was running virtually unopposed outside of the Republican plant, of course there was low turnout

hoss April 3, 2013 at 10:26 am

Please.That was the time you would want to have a massive turnout to prove to those with MONEY that you are a viable candidate and have a chance to win. She has not done that. A campaign of talking bout Sanford’s girlfriend and his values is a loser and she certainly won’t be able to hide from her radical views on social issues going forward.She will vote no differently than Obama,Pelosi or Clyburn and voters in SC1 know that.

dwb619 April 4, 2013 at 9:55 pm

Me thinks most of the Democrats crossed over and voted for the “LUV GUV”.

Anthony Placebo April 2, 2013 at 8:58 pm

Great day for voters who apparently want a lying hypocrite to represent them.
Hey but none of is perfect, right?

vicupstate April 2, 2013 at 8:58 pm

The PPP Poll had Sanford leading Bostic by 13%. With 97% in, Sanford has a 13.6% lead.
I wonder if that will earn them some respect from the peaNUT gallery on here.
Of course, PPP also had Colbert Busch with a 2% lead over Sanford for the general. Very close obviously, but winnable for ECB. No doubt, PPP will do another poll in a week of two.
Also of note, turnout was down significantly from 2 weeks ago.

hoss April 2, 2013 at 10:39 pm

Not a chance. Please. Numbers ain’t there, Colbert-Busch-League campaign knows it and why they sent their spokeman out tonight to attack Mark Sanford personally,his faith and his family(per se attacking his “values”) and vomiting the following:

“The families of this district need a representative who they can trust,” campaign spokesman James Smith said. “Mark Sanford simply has the wrong values for our community – whether that’s his terms as Governor or the last time he was in Congress, where he opposed commonsense measures like the Violence Against Women Act, which provides shelters and resources for domestic violence survivors. On issue after issue, Mark Sanford doesn’t reflect the values of South Carolina.”
Voters in SC1. Ain’t bout jobs. This lady and her campaign are getting money to promote the radical social issues/causes she supports and will vote for.
Her spokesman let that “cat out of the bag” tonight.

vicupstate April 3, 2013 at 6:28 am

It will be a tough race, but is winnable by either side. Sanford has been known to stick his foot in his mouth, and that can always happen again.

55% of registered voters in SC-1 are women, and Sanford polls even worse with them.

PPP nailed the runoff DEAD-ON. That is extremely impressive for a special election. Most pollsters don’t even risk their reputation by polling special elections.

Sanford only picked up 6,000 votes with 14 opponents eliminated. Not impressive in my book.

hoss April 3, 2013 at 9:29 am

Lets see. How many votes did ECB get in the Democratic Primary? 15,000? Game over.

cuvinny April 3, 2013 at 10:09 am

she was running virtually unopposed outside of the Republican plant, of course there was low turnout

hoss April 3, 2013 at 10:26 am

Please.That was the time you would want to have a massive turnout to prove to those with MONEY that you are a viable candidate and have a chance to win. She has not done that. A campaign of talking bout Sanford’s girlfriend and his values is a loser and she certainly won’t be able to hide from her radical views on social issues going forward.She will vote no differently than Obama,Pelosi or Clyburn and voters in SC1 know that.

dwb619 April 4, 2013 at 9:55 pm

Me thinks most of the Democrats crossed over and voted for the “LUV GUV”.

John Cecil April 2, 2013 at 9:01 pm

Fits prediction for Bostic was as good as any other. No one really knew who would win. I thought republican voters would be less forging. I’m just glad all the 526 proponents all went down in flames. Stephen used to date my next door neighbor so I’ll be voting for ECB, because I think she has the best character, and would be better for SC.

John Cecil April 2, 2013 at 9:01 pm

Fits prediction for Bostic was as good as any other. No one really knew who would win. I thought republican voters would be less forging. I’m just glad all the 526 proponents all went down in flames. Stephen used to date my next door neighbor so I’ll be voting for ECB, because I think she has the best character, and would be better for SC.

Sailor April 2, 2013 at 9:06 pm

O.K. Fits, show us you’ve grown a pair and endorse ECB!

Piccadilly April 2, 2013 at 9:07 pm

Two thumbs up.

Will Folks aka Sic April 2, 2013 at 10:27 pm

I’ll see where she comes down on taxes and spending. You guys read this site, right? It’s not complicated to see what motivates us to support certain candidates.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:01 am

About the only thing I expect are a few speeches and maybe, if we’re lucky, Sanford hauling a few piglets into the Capitol building. Otherwise, he’s just another yes/no vote along with the other hundred or so Republicans you’d otherwise put quotes around 90% of the time. The guy couldn’t do shit as governor, I don’t see that changing in Congress.

9" April 4, 2013 at 4:57 am

and that’s why we’ll be waiting with bated breath…

Sailor April 2, 2013 at 9:06 pm

O.K. Fits, show us you’ve grown a pair and endorse ECB!

Piccadilly April 2, 2013 at 9:07 pm

Two thumbs up.

Will Folks aka Sic April 2, 2013 at 10:27 pm

I’ll see where she comes down on taxes and spending. You guys read this site, right? It’s not complicated to see what motivates us to support certain candidates.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:01 am

About the only thing I expect are a few speeches and maybe, if we’re lucky, Sanford hauling a few piglets into the Capitol building. Otherwise, he’s just another yes/no vote along with the other hundred or so Republicans you’d otherwise put quotes around 90% of the time. The guy couldn’t do shit as governor, I don’t see that changing in Congress.

9" April 4, 2013 at 4:57 am

and that’s why we’ll be waiting with bated breath…

dwb619 April 2, 2013 at 9:12 pm

I would like to think the Democrats voted for Sanfraud today.
Would be poetic justice.

dwb619 April 2, 2013 at 9:12 pm

I would like to think the Democrats voted for Sanfraud today.
Would be poetic justice.

jimlewisowb April 2, 2013 at 9:14 pm

The Lowcountry loves rascals

Sanford is a rascal

ECB is an uptight, tight lipped, smart ass bureaucrat, aka bitch

Sanford 67%

ECB 33%

Rabbit April 2, 2013 at 9:30 pm

The lowcountry does not love rascals.

The lowcountry is ashamed of Thomas Ravenel.

The lowcountry looks forward to Bobby Harrell’s indictment.

Most lowcountry folks around me have contempt for Sanford and will turn out for ECB.

Most lowcountry folks do not think of ECB as “uptight,” “tight lipped,” “smart ass,” “bureaucrat,” or “bitch.”

jimlewisowb April 2, 2013 at 10:06 pm

My deepest apologies, rabbit

Lowcountry “voters” love rascals

Just in case you and your fellow rabbits were fucking around and missed it, the rascal Sanford won

As for my characterizations of your fellow rabbit ECB they will either be confirmed by Lowcountry “voters” in a few weeks or they will not

If I am correct, fuck you
If you are correct, fuck you

jimlewisowb April 2, 2013 at 9:14 pm

The Lowcountry loves rascals

Sanford is a rascal

ECB is an uptight, tight lipped, smart ass bureaucrat, aka bitch

Sanford 67%

ECB 33%

Rabbit April 2, 2013 at 9:30 pm

The lowcountry does not love rascals.

The lowcountry is ashamed of Thomas Ravenel.

The lowcountry looks forward to Bobby Harrell’s indictment.

Most lowcountry folks around me have contempt for Sanford and will turn out for ECB.

Most lowcountry folks do not think of ECB as “uptight,” “tight lipped,” “smart ass,” “bureaucrat,” or “bitch.”

jimlewisowb April 2, 2013 at 10:06 pm

My deepest apologies, rabbit

Lowcountry “voters” love rascals

Just in case you and your fellow rabbits were fucking around and missed it, the rascal Sanford won

As for my characterizations of your fellow rabbit ECB they will either be confirmed by Lowcountry “voters” in a few weeks or they will not

If I am correct, fuck you
If you are correct, fuck you

Carrie April 2, 2013 at 9:27 pm

Was that Maria Belen Chapur standing behind Mark at the victory picture?

Carrie April 2, 2013 at 9:36 pm

Can somebody check that out. I’m positive it is her. She looked very demure and one of the boys was there.

Will Folks aka Sic April 2, 2013 at 10:28 pm

Yup … it was her first public appearance —>

Carrie April 2, 2013 at 9:27 pm

Was that Maria Belen Chapur standing behind Mark at the victory picture?

Carrie April 2, 2013 at 9:36 pm

Can somebody check that out. I’m positive it is her. She looked very demure and one of the boys was there.

Will Folks aka Sic April 2, 2013 at 10:28 pm

Yup … it was her first public appearance —>

Fed up REPUBLICAN April 2, 2013 at 9:40 pm

A damn disgrace! Hope this is not a harbinger for haley’s and Eckstrom’s re-election!
A disgrace for the Republican voters, a damn sickening disgrace.

Fed up REPUBLICAN April 2, 2013 at 9:40 pm

A damn disgrace! Hope this is not a harbinger for haley’s and Eckstrom’s re-election!
A disgrace for the Republican voters, a damn sickening disgrace.

9" April 2, 2013 at 9:53 pm

And,Fits bemoans ,SC’s last in the nation status?

9" April 2, 2013 at 9:53 pm

And,Fits bemoans ,SC’s last in the nation status?

Thomas April 2, 2013 at 10:03 pm

Public Policy Polling is a scam inspired by a scam, Aristotle, Inc.. All they do is find your phone number from state voter lists. They are the problem, not the answer.

This victory is especially sweet due to the fact that the working class with kids are on Spring Break this week. Sanford won with over 26,000 votes out of 46,000 total cast. Dick needs 50,000 to just be even on May 3rd. Good luck with that.

Sanford will be the next Representative for SC-1

Fusilli April 2, 2013 at 10:25 pm

Fuck you.

hoss April 2, 2013 at 11:11 pm

A classic.

vicupstate April 3, 2013 at 6:30 am

For a scam, how did they nail it on the head? Why don’t you back up your BS with some facts/?. PPP is the most accurate pollster in the country is the truth.

Thomas April 2, 2013 at 10:03 pm

Public Policy Polling is a scam inspired by a scam, Aristotle, Inc.. All they do is find your phone number from state voter lists. They are the problem, not the answer.

This victory is especially sweet due to the fact that the working class with kids are on Spring Break this week. Sanford won with over 26,000 votes out of 46,000 total cast. Dick needs 50,000 to just be even on May 3rd. Good luck with that.

Sanford will be the next Representative for SC-1

Fusilli April 2, 2013 at 10:25 pm

Fuck you.

hoss April 2, 2013 at 11:11 pm

A classic.

vicupstate April 3, 2013 at 6:30 am

For a scam, how did they nail it on the head? Why don’t you back up your BS with some facts/?. PPP is the most accurate pollster in the country is the truth.

? April 2, 2013 at 10:17 pm

Can anyone really be surprised by a state that made Newt Gingrich its choice for the GOP primary?

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 9:38 am

SC luvs them some adulterers, at least in the primaries!

Sanford, Haley, Gingrich, Jesse Jackson, Clinton, Edwards… A little infidelity goes a long way!

BigT April 3, 2013 at 10:31 am

ECB better hope she’s kept her skirt down. You know Sawyer, FITS and the rest of the Sanford opertive dirt squad is trying to find even the APPEARANCE of cheating by her, to use as a club…

? April 2, 2013 at 10:17 pm

Can anyone really be surprised by a state that made Newt Gingrich its choice for the GOP primary?

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 9:38 am

SC luvs them some adulterers, at least in the primaries!

Sanford, Haley, Gingrich, Jesse Jackson, Clinton, Edwards… A little infidelity goes a long way!

BigT April 3, 2013 at 10:31 am

ECB better hope she’s kept her skirt down. You know Sawyer, FITS and the rest of the Sanford opertive dirt squad is trying to find even the APPEARANCE of cheating by her, to use as a club…

MyDaddyIsRich April 2, 2013 at 10:20 pm Reply
MyDaddyIsRich April 2, 2013 at 10:20 pm Reply
9" April 3, 2013 at 1:39 am

Fits has replied to more comments then ever,and is extremely defensive,because he knows he ‘sold out’ with the Sanford endorsement…What goes around,comes around…

9" April 3, 2013 at 1:39 am

Fits has replied to more comments then ever,and is extremely defensive,because he knows he ‘sold out’ with the Sanford endorsement…What goes around,comes around…

Jan April 3, 2013 at 10:30 am

If the people of the lowcountry put this low life back into office, god help us. This man has done nothing to earn public trust. He abused his office, pilfered taxpayer money, which he would not have returned had he not been caught, and ditched his children for his mistress on father’s day. He is corrupt rich white trash, whose contempt for the public he was elected to serve knows no bounds. If he had not had the Republican elite to protect him, Sanford would be in jail. A commoner certainly would be, and Sanford would be the first to prosecute.

For those of you who say I am supporting him because he will vote for low taxes. Is your vote that cheap? For a few bucks you are willing to put a man into office who is thoroughly corrupt, has stolen from you once, doesn’t give a crap about anyone but himself, and who will cement further the growing national view of our state as a joke?

People who vote for this man, or support this man, are either corrupt themselves or stupid dupes.

hoss April 3, 2013 at 10:47 am

lol!! Great campaign strategy by Colbert-Busch-League followers/voters-call potential voters in SC1 “corrupt” and “stupid dupes” prior to the May 7th election.You and your ilk keep up the good work.

Jan April 3, 2013 at 11:11 am

I am not a supporter of ECB. I am not a voter in that District. But I am a resident of South Carolina, and I care who represents our state. I have however rethought my assessment of the people who would support Sanford. They actually fall into three groups; those who would receive financial gain from his election, dupes, and the thoroughly uninformed.

Jan April 3, 2013 at 10:30 am

If the people of the lowcountry put this low life back into office, god help us. This man has done nothing to earn public trust. He abused his office, pilfered taxpayer money, which he would not have returned had he not been caught, and ditched his children for his mistress on father’s day. He is corrupt rich white trash, whose contempt for the public he was elected to serve knows no bounds. If he had not had the Republican elite to protect him, Sanford would be in jail. A commoner certainly would be, and Sanford would be the first to prosecute.

For those of you who say I am supporting him because he will vote for low taxes. Is your vote that cheap? For a few bucks you are willing to put a man into office who is thoroughly corrupt, has stolen from you once, doesn’t give a crap about anyone but himself, and who will cement further the growing national view of our state as a joke?

People who vote for this man, or support this man, are either corrupt themselves or stupid dupes.

hoss April 3, 2013 at 10:47 am

lol!! Great campaign strategy by Colbert-Busch-League followers/voters-call potential voters in SC1 “corrupt” and “stupid dupes” prior to the May 7th election.You and your ilk keep up the good work.

Jan April 3, 2013 at 11:11 am

I am not a supporter of ECB. I am not a voter in that District. But I am a resident of South Carolina, and I care who represents our state. I have however rethought my assessment of the people who would support Sanford. They actually fall into three groups; those who would receive financial gain from his election, dupes, and the thoroughly uninformed.

Billy K Mulligan April 3, 2013 at 10:34 am

Don’t live in the district so as a non-voter, I would not have voted for Sanford in the Primary or run-off. He was a failure as Governor and I don’t believe in awarding people new jobs when they’ve failed at the last one. However, a vote for Colbert-Busch is a vote for the Obama agenda. That makes this an easy decision to work the phones and etc., with friends and family towards support of Sanfraud. I may even send him a check depending on how the race begins to unfold.

Billy K Mulligan April 3, 2013 at 10:34 am

Don’t live in the district so as a non-voter, I would not have voted for Sanford in the Primary or run-off. He was a failure as Governor and I don’t believe in awarding people new jobs when they’ve failed at the last one. However, a vote for Colbert-Busch is a vote for the Obama agenda. That makes this an easy decision to work the phones and etc., with friends and family towards support of Sanfraud. I may even send him a check depending on how the race begins to unfold.

Vanguard16 April 3, 2013 at 10:46 am

Damn!! There are some really fucking stupid people in Charleston!!

Vanguard16 April 3, 2013 at 10:46 am

Damn!! There are some really fucking stupid people in Charleston!!

fred April 3, 2013 at 4:29 pm

What the hell does Chad know about “Lowcountry valiues”, when he supports “THE LUV GUV”????? Maybe old Chad can get lil jeffy duncan, Clemson’s wonder boy Mr. FOOTBALL. (played one season on the scout team) under Danny Ford. To come on down to give Sanford’s supporters the razzle dazzle ( I found Jesus crap) WOOEE HAW HAW.

fred April 3, 2013 at 4:29 pm

What the hell does Chad know about “Lowcountry valiues”, when he supports “THE LUV GUV”????? Maybe old Chad can get lil jeffy duncan, Clemson’s wonder boy Mr. FOOTBALL. (played one season on the scout team) under Danny Ford. To come on down to give Sanford’s supporters the razzle dazzle ( I found Jesus crap) WOOEE HAW HAW.

Thomas April 3, 2013 at 7:12 pm

You really have to ask, who is Elizabeth (kohl-BURT’) and why is she here. She seems to have been pushed into this. (kohl-BURT’)’s opponent, Martin Skelly, suddenly dropped out of the race. Why? He is a solid example of living the American Dream. A self-made man, Mr Skeely says,”I know that when we work together, Americans can solve any problem. Our challenges are significant — but our ability to overcome is never in doubt.”

And he is a Democrat? He seems to be one the few Democrats that are not part and parcel to the Socialist-Radical Wing of extreme leftist throwbacks calling themselves Democrats. Why did he drop out? Was he pushed out? By whom?

A casual search for (kohl-BURT’) shows she is married to Claus W. Busch III. He is one of us, hard worker, donates his time and treasure. Did he ask Mr Skelly to dropout? I would think a primary would rally Democrat voters, get them to the polls, and support their candidate on May 7th. Was Mr Skelly really asked to dropout to save money on a primary? Makes no sense since a primary is healthy. Who picked (kohl-BURT’) and asked Mr Skelly to drop out?

Upon further casual research, Mrs (kohl-BURT’) has three children. Mary Legare
Middleton, Robert Walker Legare, Jr, Catherine Ann Legare. Legare? Was there a divorce in her past? Middleton…Middleton…MIDDLETON! The Middleton who signed the Declaration of Independence for South Carolina? THAT Middleton? Arthur Middleton’s family of today? Is this about South Carolina’s people in SC-1 or Charleston’s Old Money in SC-1?

I think we are getting warm. Could Mrs (kohl-BURT’) have been offered a chance to run that she could not refuse? Is she backed by the Charleston Middleton’s? Is her candidacy really about SC-1, jobs, taxes….or them?

Thomas April 3, 2013 at 7:12 pm

You really have to ask, who is Elizabeth (kohl-BURT’) and why is she here. She seems to have been pushed into this. (kohl-BURT’)’s opponent, Martin Skelly, suddenly dropped out of the race. Why? He is a solid example of living the American Dream. A self-made man, Mr Skeely says,”I know that when we work together, Americans can solve any problem. Our challenges are significant — but our ability to overcome is never in doubt.”

And he is a Democrat? He seems to be one the few Democrats that are not part and parcel to the Socialist-Radical Wing of extreme leftist throwbacks calling themselves Democrats. Why did he drop out? Was he pushed out? By whom?

A casual search for (kohl-BURT’) shows she is married to Claus W. Busch III. He is one of us, hard worker, donates his time and treasure. Did he ask Mr Skelly to dropout? I would think a primary would rally Democrat voters, get them to the polls, and support their candidate on May 7th. Was Mr Skelly really asked to dropout to save money on a primary? Makes no sense since a primary is healthy. Who picked (kohl-BURT’) and asked Mr Skelly to drop out?

Upon further casual research, Mrs (kohl-BURT’) has three children. Mary Legare
Middleton, Robert Walker Legare, Jr, Catherine Ann Legare. Legare? Was there a divorce in her past? Middleton…Middleton…MIDDLETON! The Middleton who signed the Declaration of Independence for South Carolina? THAT Middleton? Arthur Middleton’s family of today? Is this about South Carolina’s people in SC-1 or Charleston’s Old Money in SC-1?

I think we are getting warm. Could Mrs (kohl-BURT’) have been offered a chance to run that she could not refuse? Is she backed by the Charleston Middleton’s? Is her candidacy really about SC-1, jobs, taxes….or them?


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