A Plant In SC-1?

South Carolina Democratic operatives say one of their party’s own candidates for the first congressional district seat is actually a Republican plant. In fact it’s not the first time such an accusation has been leveled against repeat candidate Ben Frasier. One of four Democratics to file paperwork this month for…


South Carolina Democratic operatives say one of their party’s own candidates for the first congressional district seat is actually a Republican plant.

In fact it’s not the first time such an accusation has been leveled against repeat candidate Ben Frasier.

One of four Democratics to file paperwork this month for the seat recently vacated by newly appointed U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, Frasier was the Democratic nominee against Scott in 2010. Two years earlier, he lost the Democratic nomination for the seat to activist Linda Ketner.

He did not run in 2012.

Frasier was a staffer to the late U.S. Rep. Mendel Rivers – who represented the first district from 1941-1970. Once an ardent segregationist, Rivers later softened his stance on racial issues – including hiring minorities like Frasier.

In 2010, U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn publicly accused Frasier of being a GOP plant. Those allegations were repeated this week by several Democratic operatives.

Frasier did little to quell these suspicions in an interview with The Patch – stating that “they” told him to run.

He never specified who “they” were.

Hmmmmm …

Why would Republicans “plant” Frasier in the Democratic primary? Easy: He’s black, and if he’s able to siphon enough of the black vote it could force Democratic frontrunner Elizabeth Colbert-Busch to waste time and money competing in a runoff election.


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Uncle Remus January 29, 2013 at 6:26 am

He won’t win.

Br'er Rabbit January 29, 2013 at 6:40 am

Don’t be too sho’ ’bout dat, Oncle. Dat briar patch looked to be a tu’rrible place but I got’s tru dat, didn’t I. Sum ting’s luk diff’rnt frum wat dey truly is. I is pruf o’ dat, sho nuff!

Heh! Heh! Heh! ————-Haw! Haw! Haw!

Still alive, hoppin’ ‘n kickin’……..and laffin’!

Br'er Rabbit January 29, 2013 at 7:23 am

Whut’s I lern’t frum Oncle Remus —- pik yors:::


BIG ‘possum clime little tree.
Dem w’at eats kin say grace.
Ole man Know-All died las’ year.
Better de gravy dan no grease ‘tall.
Dram ain’t good twel you git it.
Lazy fokes’ stummucks don’t git tired.
Rheumatiz don’t he’p at de log-rollin’.
Mole don’t see w’at his naber doin’.
Save de pacin’ mar’ fer Sunday.
Don’t rain eve’y time de pig squeal.
Crow en corn can’t grow in de same fiel’.
Tattlin’ ‘oman can’t make de bread rise.
Rails split ‘fo’ bre’kfus’ll season de dinner.
Dem w’at knows too much sleeps under de ash-hopper.
Ef you wanter see yo’ own sins, clean up a new groun’.
Hog dunner w’ich part un ‘im’ll season de turnip salad.
Hit’s a blessin’ de w’ite sow don’t shake de plum-tree.
Winter grape sour, whedder you kin reach ‘im or not.
Mighty po’ bee dat don’t make mo’ honey dan he want.
Kwishins on mule’s foots done gone out er fashun.
Pigs dunno w’at a pen’s fer.
Possum’s tail good as a paw.
Dogs don’t bite at de front gate.
Colt in de barley-patch kick high.
Jay-bird don’t rob his own nes’.
Pullet can’t roost too high for de owl.
Meat fried ‘fo’ day won’t las’ twel night.
Stump water won’t kyo’ de gripes.
De howlin’ dog know w’at he sees.
Blin’ hoss don’t fall w’en he follers de bit.
Hongry nigger won’t w’ar his maul out.
Don’t fling away de empty wallet.
Black-snake know de way ter de hin nes’.
Looks won’t do ter split rails wid.
Settin’ hens don’t hanker arter fresh aigs.
Tater-vine growin’ w’ile you sleep.
Hit take two birds fer to make a nes’.
Ef you bleedzd ter eat dirt, eat clean dirt.
Tarrypin walk fast ’nuff fer to go visitin’.
Empty smoke-house makes de pullet holler.
W’en coon take water he fixin’ fer ter fight.
Corn makes mo’ at de mill dan it does in de crib.
Good luck say: “Op’n yo’ mouf en shet yo’ eyes.”
Nigger dat gets hurt wukkin oughter show de skyars.
Fiddlin’ nigger say hit’s long ways ter de dance.
Rooster makes mo’ racket dan de hin w’at lay de aig.
Meller mush-million hollers at you fum over de fence.
Nigger wid a pocket-hankcher better be looked atter.
Rain-crow don’t sing no chune, but you k’n ‘pen’ on ‘im.
One-eyed mule can’t be handled on de bline side.
Moon may shine, but a lightered knot’s mighty handy.
Licker talks mighty loud w’en it git loose fum de jug.
De proudness un a man don’t count w’en his head’s cold.
Hongry rooster don’t cackle w’en he fine a wum.
Some niggers mighty smart, but dey can’t drive de pidgins ter
You may know de way, but better keep yo’ eyes on de seven stairs.
All de buzzards in de settlement ‘ll come to de gray mule’s
You k’n hide de fier, but w’at you gwine do wid de smoke?
Termorrow may be de carridge-driver’s day for ploughin’.
Hit’s a mighty deaf nigger dat don’t year de dinner-ho’n.
Hit takes a bee fer ter git de sweetness out’n de hoar-houn’
Ha’nts don’t bodder longer hones’ folks, but you better go ‘roun’
de grave-yard.
De pig dat runs off wid de year er corn gits little mo’ dan
de cob.
Sleepin’ in de fence-cornder don’t fetch Chrismus in de kitchen.
De spring-house may freeze, but de niggers ‘ll keep de shuck-pen
‘Twix’ de bug en de bee-martin ’tain’t hard ter tell w’ich
gwineter git kotch.
Don’t ‘sput wid de squinch-owl. Jam de shovel in de fier.
You’d see mo’ er de mink ef he know’d whar de yard dog sleeps.
Troubles is seasonin’.
‘Simmons ain’t good twel dey ‘er fros’-bit.
Watch out w’en you’er gittin all you want. Fattenin’ hogs ain’t
in luck.

Br'er Rabbit January 29, 2013 at 7:43 am

Yup, Oncle, I allus keeps dese in min’ ——–

BIG ‘possum clime little tree.

Dem w’at eats kin say grace.

Better de gravy dan no grease ‘tall.

Lazy fokes’ stummucks don’t git tired.

Mole don’t see w’at his naber doin’.

De howlin’ dog know w’at he sees.

Jay-bird don’t rob his own nes’.

Rooster makes mo’ racket dan de hin w’at lay de aig.

All de buzzards in de settlement ‘ll come to de gray mule’s funer’l.

Watch out w’en you’er gittin all you want. Fattenin’ hogs ain’t
in luck.

Greg January 29, 2013 at 8:16 am


TontoBubbaGoldstein January 29, 2013 at 8:44 am

Uncle Remus:
He won’t win.

Uncle Remus, you have a Mr Alvin Greene holding on line 1, and a Judge Rawl on line 2.

jimlewis,owb January 29, 2013 at 9:11 am

Elizabeth Colbert-Busch – Cougar

Ben Frasier – Kudzu

Martin Skelly – Red Skelton’s Grandson

Keith Branford – Huh

Curtis Bostic- Grandson of Fearless Fosdick

Ric Bryant – Anita’s Grandson

Larry Grooms – Tried to Change Name but Courts Refused

Jonathan Hoffman – Abbie’s Grandson

Jeff King – King Street Named After Him

John Kuhn- Likes to be called John Kool

Tim Larkin – Named a Boat After Him

Chip Limehouse – The L in Turd

Elizabeth Moffly- Truly a Fly

Ray Nash – Jesus’ Middle Name was Ray

Shawn Pinkston – Pinky Lee’s Grandson

Mark Sanford – The S in Douche

Teddy Turner – This Land is My Land, This Land is Your Land, This Land is Really my Daddy’s Land

shifty henry January 29, 2013 at 9:49 am

…. dammit! — you made me spit out my coffee again!

JC January 29, 2013 at 9:43 am

And what the hell is Clyburn? He and most black Democrats have either silently or affirmatively been in cahoots with establishment Republicans to trade Democratic competitiveness in multiple U.S. House Districts in exchange for Clyburn having a supermajority in his own.

The same can be said of most Black Democrats in the State Legislature as well. They support the gerrymandering of districts that gives Democrats a smaller number of winnable seats, but a larger number of majority black districts. Are they all plants for Republicans as well?

The Colonel January 29, 2013 at 10:41 am

Fraiser and Moffly should team up and run as the Salt n Peppa Party for the Goobernorship of SC.

Darth January 29, 2013 at 11:06 am

Alvin Greene?

BigT January 29, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Why would ANYONE WASTE time setting up the democrats to LOSE in SC…???

Just look at their Record…and they have no chance…what a STUPID accusation…

PS: Didn’t these same brain dead F^&*s claim Alvin Greene was a my opinion, he was the PERFECT democrat. An idiot, wrong and a perv…just like so many of them…

rbrefox February 14, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Oh MY! BigT, you forget’n about the Blind Hog and Uncle YOGI!

rbrefox February 14, 2013 at 11:13 am

Oh MY! BigT, you forget’n about the Blind Hog and Uncle YOGI!


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