Democratic Lawsuit Could Impact “Penny Tax” Increase

VOTING IRREGULARITIES IN RICHLAND COUNTY EXPOSED, OUTCOME OF TAX HIKE COULD BE CALLED INTO QUESTION Attorneys for the S.C. Democratic Party have filed a lawsuit seeking to invalidate the election of S.C. Rep.-elect Kirkman Finlay – who won a narrow victory over Democratic nominee Joe McCulloch in the race for…


Attorneys for the S.C. Democratic Party have filed a lawsuit seeking to invalidate the election of S.C. Rep.-elect Kirkman Finlay – who won a narrow victory over Democratic nominee Joe McCulloch in the race for S.C. House District 75.

However their efforts may wind up proving that Finlay should have received more votes – while at the same time exposing the widespread malfunctioning (and misplacement) of voting machines in heavily Republican areas of Richland County, S.C.  This rash of machine malfunctions – and the apparent failure of county election officials to provide an adequate number of voting machines at certain precincts – has raised questions about the integrity of the county’s election results.

“Richland County voters waited as long as five or six hours to exercise their fundamental right to vote,”  according to the lawsuit, which was filed on behalf of S.C. Democratic Party executive director Amanda Loveday.  “These long lines were attributed to an inadequate number of voting machines and a large number of voting machines that became inoperable while voting was occurring.”

The lawsuit also rebukes the “grossly incompetent manner” in which the county conducted the election.

These assessments are 100 percent accurate.  It’s painfully obvious that the county violated a state election law which requires one operable voting machine be present for every 250 registered voters at a given precinct.

But why was this law broken?  And more importantly …. where was it broken?

And finally … what’s going to be done about it?

According to our sources, the whole fiasco stems from a conspiracy on the part of county leaders to pass a $1.2 billion sales tax increase.

“There was a coordinated effort by Richland County to suppress the vote in white precincts so that the tax increase could pass,” one source tells FITS.

Indeed the vast majority of illegal machine shortages and machine malfunctions have been reported in heavily GOP regions of Richland County – which is one reason why the tax increase passed by a 74,029 to 64,684-vote margin this year (after failing by 600 votes two years ago).

Do those numbers add up?  Of course not …

Stay tuned, people … this could be turning into a MAJOR scandal.



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Poly Esther November 8, 2012 at 4:14 pm

Unless the voters also request that their complaint be added to this lawsuit to be heard by the Court, the Court cannot rule on the issue of insufficient # of voting machines in the other districts unless it is before the Court. Concerned taxpayers need to file a similar complaint and name at least one party from each precinct that could not vote due to the malfeasance (or whatever other legal nasty terms you want to add) on the part of the election commission.

Brigid November 8, 2012 at 5:52 pm

Where do I sign? Lillian McBride needs to be removed from that job, immediately. Nearly 90k a year, they pay this idiot.

major major November 9, 2012 at 8:47 am

Agreed, Brigid. McBride is either incompetent, in which case she needs to be fired, or she is corrupt, in which case she needs to be prosecuted. Either way, she needs to go. Her weak attempt to throw her predecesor Mike Cinnamon–who performed this job honorably and competently for 30+ years–under the bus was particularly offensive.

Stinkin' Yankee November 8, 2012 at 4:28 pm

I buy the incompetence of elected officials, but I don’t buy the conspiracy theory. I understand that Republicans don’t want a tax hike, but why would low income minority voters want one either? The major beneficiaries of the tax hike are the suburban white voters who are going to get more roads and bike/walking trails in the outlying areas of the county. The amount for buses is quite small compared to the benefits that will go to the rich suburban white folks.

Lewis November 8, 2012 at 6:07 pm

Stinkin’ Yankee: You think the low income minority voters (Democrats) have any idea what they are voting for or against? No. They are doing as their Massa’s tell them to do and what they are paid to do.

BigT November 8, 2012 at 4:37 pm

Look: The WORST president in my Lifetime just got Re-elected. You’d have to believe we have some of the mosrt IGNORANT Mo-Fos in the world voting that Stpid Son of B!t*h back into office, or they CHEATED, because they are experts at it…

But I just look to move on and figure out the best way to make sure that sorry BASTARD fails as bad the second term as he did the first…

But eemocrats simply cannot Accept the fact that sometimes a majority of the voters are smart enough to see them for the F*%#in Idiots they are…

STFU and let it go, you Fithy Pieces of $#!*….

vicupstate November 8, 2012 at 5:09 pm

“The WORST president in my Lifetime just got Re-elected.”

That statement is 8 years out of date.

The only stupid Mo Fo is you, and your ilk.

BTW, what say you about PPP being the most accurate pollster of 2012 (just like in 2008)? I saw on RedState where SOME conservatives are FINALLY beginning to realize they were conned by Rasmussen. About time, any thinking person has known that for years.

BigT November 8, 2012 at 5:24 pm

Just wait ’til the CRASH of 2013 comes…Get your guns, because when the Obama DOLTS figure out he was planning to Steal money that is not there to pay them off…they F&**in democrat voting animals will come for the decent people…who knew there was no money to take….

Thebeachisback November 8, 2012 at 7:37 pm

Drive yourself off a cliff; you are an insult to the human race– oh, maybe you’re not human after all! hat a waste of oxygen you are. Do
you hurt animals also??????????

Ol'Rufus November 8, 2012 at 5:12 pm

Oh the humanity – where do I go to add my complaints and join the lawsuit….

BigT November 8, 2012 at 5:21 pm

Just another reason Lexington county is growing…Decent People should get out of Richland…and let the cannibals eat each other…

They want a democrat on CC so they can get their hands on all that NEW tax money they Cheated out of the business community……

Obama is trying to do the same thing nationally…

Greedy Greedy Democrats think they can take food off your table, so they can be awash in whatever they can STEAL from you…

Yet they WRECK the economy (see Obama) so everybody is broke…


Thebeachisback November 8, 2012 at 7:40 pm

So you deem yourself a decent person? How ironic! TC you’re still a lecherous bastard!

Thebeachisback November 8, 2012 at 7:44 pm

Thank you Prophet big T! You know who are good and bad! Bad Santa you certainly are, you hypocritical jackass!!!!!!!!

Thebeachisback November 8, 2012 at 7:46 pm

I see it’s past your bedtime, Big T; or maybe you’re wife is looking over your shoulder. Time for your nightly meds! Nighty, Night, asshole!

President Gingrich November 8, 2012 at 9:44 pm

That’s not his wife…that’s his mommy dearest.

Good Gravy Man November 8, 2012 at 6:03 pm

FITS the statute says 1 machine per 250, or as best as practical – sooooo….considering there we’re very long waits at many “democratic” precincts incluing several hours or more – why is it a ‘conspiracy’ again?

Lewis November 8, 2012 at 7:05 pm

Write it down, Folks and fitsnation folks: If the McCullough – Finley race get to the Toal dominated SC Supreme Court, McCullough, the Democrat will win. If the penny tax thing gets to the SCSC, it passed. What’s is Toal’s best interest is all that matters in that court.

Expecting a challenge November 8, 2012 at 7:35 pm

I’ve seen a penny increase go down for less than has been alleged here. None other than your pal Butch, relying on W.J. Douan v. Charleston County Council, regarding an information handout.

Here we’ve apparently got informational handouts, bottled water, head dude himself slappin hands, and all kinds of raging against the voting machine.

Rumpole November 8, 2012 at 7:43 pm

Will this be adjudicated at the whore house . . . er, I mean, the S.C. Supreme Court?

Thebeachisback November 8, 2012 at 7:44 pm


Nunyabiz November 8, 2012 at 10:20 pm

Uh, huh. Will this be a case of the corrupt policing the corrupt? Well, while the FBI is here investigating other issues, they might as well add this to their list.

Derek Hough November 9, 2012 at 2:26 pm

Sorry, Nunya, the FBI’s busy on terrorism and drugs, and spends little effort on bush-league state-level corruption. Pigs will fly before the FBI investigates any of this. Believe me, Bobby Harrell sleeps well at night; he knows pigs don’t fly.

Teddy November 8, 2012 at 10:21 pm

Let’s get real, the nigs running te show in the City & County just can’t help themselves considering $1.2 million of slop is on the line.

Perer November 8, 2012 at 11:46 pm

Big T, you’ve got the best idea I’ve heard all week. I say Fuck Richland County!

little rocky from arkansas November 9, 2012 at 5:00 am

BigT, have someone teach you to spell. Now I know you’re the guy who went to Charleston and spent the night in a warehouse because he couldn’t spell “whorehouse”.

King-Tut November 9, 2012 at 7:25 am

Is this not the “norm” for Richland County? Isn’t this what we become to expect form incompetent ‘leaders’ in R.C.? Is the same ring master running both circus’ in the county and city government? Let the blame game begin…… Idiots!!

King-Tut November 9, 2012 at 7:28 am

And…….I thought only republicans suppressed votes? I guess it depends on the way you do it, right democrats?

Johnson November 9, 2012 at 7:56 am

Liz Crum, McNair Law Firm, has for years been a lady in waiting to/for Jean Toal. Liz’s defending Lillian McBride is typical and expected.

The other ones who need to be blamed are as follows: Richland County Delegation: Sen. John E. Courson, Sen. Darrell Jackson, Sen. Joel Lourie, Sen. John L. Scott, Rep. Jimmy C. Bales, Rep. Nathan Ballentine, Rep. Joan B. Brady, Rep. Mia Butler Garrick, Rep. James H. Harrison, Rep. Christopher R. Hart, Rep. Leon Howard, Rep. Joseph A. McEachern, Rep. Joseph H. Neal, Rep. J. Todd Rutherford, and Rep. James E. Smith

Shameless Agitator November 9, 2012 at 9:24 am

Wish SOMEBODY would do an FOIA request to determine exactly how many voting machines malfunctioned on Tuesday.

billybob November 9, 2012 at 12:04 pm

It should surprise nobody that the people pushing this tax, after losing last time – in an off-year election with fewer blacks voting, chose to put it BACK on the ballot during a presidential election year when they knew more blacks would turnout…especially with a black presidential candidate on the ballot.

It’s simple political math.

Of course, now that it DID pass (despite voting problems), there’s no way in Hell that opponents get a chance at a “do over”…because they’re going to take that vote to New York and borrow against it, before we have a chance to undo it.

Which, in itself, should not be an option….they should have to just use the income the tax provides year over year…not lock future citizens into a tax hike, but alas…

james the foot soldier November 9, 2012 at 1:38 pm

I will vote with my money and not spend one penny in Richland County.


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