SC: Status Quo Holds

BIG WINS FOR SOUTH CAROLINA ESTABLISHMENT Hey South Carolina … Did you enjoy the “Lost Decade?”  In which government soared as income levels shrank?  And do you enjoy having the worst public schools as well as the most corrupt, dysfunctional state government in America? Apparently so … because Palmetto State…


Hey South Carolina …

Did you enjoy the “Lost Decade?”  In which government soared as income levels shrank?  And do you enjoy having the worst public schools as well as the most corrupt, dysfunctional state government in America?

Apparently so … because Palmetto State voters just reelected a bunch of politicians who are guaranteed to continue the policies that keep South Carolina last in everything good and first in everything bad.  Extending its gains from a thoroughly uneventful primary season, South Carolina’s failed status quo was a big winner this Election Day – with State Senators Wes Hayes (RINO-York), Larry Martin (RINO-Pickens), Glenn Reese (D-Spartanburg) and Nikki Setzler (D-Lexington) all beating back challenges from more conservative candidates.

S.C. Sen.-elect Katrina Shealy was the only fiscal conservative to unseat an incumbent – ousting State Sen. Jakie Knotts (RINO-Lexington).

(For more on the lack of competitive races in the Palmetto State, see “The Election That Wasn’t“).

Obviously these are terrible outcomes for the people of South Carolina – who continue to take it squarely up the ass from their wasteful, incompetent and corrupt state government.



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SparkleCity November 7, 2012 at 7:51 am

Glenn Reese WAS my state senator BEFORE the Republicans “gerrymandered” my area.

He is a TRUE represenative/servant to the people in his district and deserved to be reelected.

If I could have voted for him I would.

As it stands now, my part of NW Spartanburg County was “traded” by Lee Bright to a “Bubba” in Greenville County who I guarentee won’t show his ass in our area EXCEPT when election comes around.

GrrrrNative November 7, 2012 at 9:05 am

I hear ya’ Sparkle…we’re in the same boat in Greer. I wish we had a better choice in Dist 5. I did a write-in because you’re right about Bubba.

SparkleCity November 7, 2012 at 9:41 am

I wrote in too since there was no opposing candidate.

BTW: Copper River in Grrrr has the best cheeseburger in the world!!!

Kid Charlemagne November 7, 2012 at 8:07 am

Knotts gets what he deserved for his assault on the democratic process and Shealy delivered it with grace. So long Boss Hogg.

Batman November 7, 2012 at 8:10 am

I am sorry for the other Senate districts around the state, but I am glad to see the voters of Lexington County woke up and voted Jakie out of office. He is one of the politicians that are on the pecking list to have removed. Thank God the individuals came forward with the audio tapes of Danny Frazier. I feel those tapes and the scandal that follwed turned this election towards Katrina. Without the information linking Jakie , I feel he would have made it through this election like many others.

its time November 7, 2012 at 8:11 am

how silly for south carolinians to fail to recognize the awesomeness thatthis site and its readers possess.
Oh yea…yall are surely whats “right” for SC..

no government…rich people paying nothing and hiding behind walled compounds with private security…all food imported from mexico, leaving normal people only able to eat like mexicans..beans and tortillas while the rich eat caviar and truffles..and Big Macs…because they can

rich kids going to private schools and the poor….out of school by 8th grade…so as to make your “graduation rates” look better with you in control..

howard rich and the koch brothers having veto power over every single action taken by our “independent” general assembly..

and the supporters of this site sitting in their mobil homes still blaming the democrats…who havent been legitimate in SC for 30 years..

George Orwell couldnt write as bleak a future for average South Carolinians as you guys are doing

Johnny November 7, 2012 at 8:25 am

SC is going further down the tube now that Haley has her puppet Shealy in the Senate. Those who voted for Shealy will regret it because all they are going to get is more Haley! Gross!I hope that the IRS will get to investigating Haley so we can get her out of office. I guess Romney will not be hiring Haley because her boy Romney got beat. Not that I’m an Obama fan, but I didn’t vote for Romney because I’m not supporting Haley whatsoever.

ceilidh10 November 7, 2012 at 8:38 am

South Carolina began this trek down the slop to Dungville when it decided Carroll Campbell was its own version of Ronald Reagan, and together with the jesus freaks on the right, and a little bit of residual racism, and anti Mexcan feeling, began to preach Big GOP Religion to all the people.

South Carolina keeps fucking itself in the ass because refuses to consider the possibility that a Democrat governor might be in its best interests. Look at the third rate woman who calls herself our Governor.

Rome did not fall because it had great leadership.

Every monkey’s uncle can put an “R” after his/her name and get elected in this dumbass state.

Liberalism is NOT dead. Obama’s reelection is a realignment, Reagnism is dead in the water. Trickle down economics just got flushed down the toilet.

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 8:21 am

Porky Pig just got barbequed. It is a shame his replacement is such a craptastic one. Since he’s getting the boot, maybe the feds will finally make Porky squeal regarding the video poker debacle?

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 8:24 am

Knotts is out. Niiiiiccccce!!

Have a Great Day!! There won’t be many left with Odumbass in charge.

Frank Pytel :)

toyota kawaski November 7, 2012 at 8:36 am

Now to get your stinking Indian azz out…. Out the country that is. Take a bath Pytel

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 8:37 am

Come get some TATA NANO. My address, phone and real name is posted all over this site.

Come get some bitch

Have a Great Day!! There won’t be many left with Odumbass in charge.

Frank Pytel :)

Frank Pytel November 7, 2012 at 8:39 am


email not phone number

Guero November 7, 2012 at 8:38 am

BIG JOE! Thanks for driving a stake through the wretched little heart of The Entitled One, Kirkman Finlay.

Maybe he’ll leave us 99%s alone now and go back to his adoring Junior Brown Shirts at his restaurant and his federal crop subsidy welfare checks. Adios, Mf.

jimlewis,owb November 7, 2012 at 8:42 am

As with all elections there are two sides:

Romney loses, we get to keep the Gypsy Queen

Harrell wins, every taxpayer loses

Courson wins, remake of Rip Van Winkle still on

Setzler wins, who gives a shit

Knotts loses, Lizard’s Thicket will have to close Knox Abbot location due to slump in sale of Fried Chicken, mash potatoes, cut green beans and rice with triple serving of gravy.

? November 7, 2012 at 8:52 am

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. -H. L. Mencken


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