|| By FITSNEWS || Wisconsin governor Scott Walker leads the pack of 2016 presidential hopefuls among “First in the South” primary voters, according to a poll released this week by a national advocacy group. And “native son” Lindsey Graham is hot on his heels in second place.
At least that’s the narrative the media is supposed to run with … (more on that in a moment).
The poll – commissioned by Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) – surveyed voters in four early voting states: Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. Walker was leading in each of those states, but his margin in South Carolina is very slim.
According to the poll, Walker is backed by 12 percent of early voting South Carolina “Republicans.” Graham – who is mulling a White House bid in an effort to “ramp up the crazy” on behalf of America’s military-industrial warplex – was right behind him at 11 percent.
Following Walker and Graham are former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (10 percent) and former Florida governor Jeb Bush (9 percent).
Now, before we dive into the data … just who is CRES?
The group claims to support a “bipartisan, common sense approach to address our nation’s need for reliable energy,” but it’s really a front group which supports all sorts of left-leaning environmental policy – including efforts to “price carbon.”

In other words it has an agenda … namely, to pump up liberal “Republicans” like Graham.
Sound familiar? This is the same strategy we exposed back in 2009, when Graham was the only “Republican” in the U.S. Congress to back Barack Obama and John Kerry‘s proposed “cap and trade” energy tax.
Back then, a group called “Republicans for Environmental Protection” ran television ads in the Palmetto State portraying Graham as “fighting to protect South Carolina,” of course they conveniently neglected to mention the climate change legislation he championed was likely to raise South Carolinians’ power bills by as much as $4,000 a year.
After a little digging, FITS discovered these “Republicans for Environmental Protection” weren’t so “Republican” after all … of course in fairness to them that’s nothing new in South Carolina.
Fast forward to last spring – when CRES spent more than $267,000 on television ads supporting Graham, touting his “support for clean energy policies that reduce our dependence on foreign oil.” The group has spent millions nationwide helping other establishment “Republicans.”
And now they’re getting free media on their “poll.”
Anyway, assuming you still care about its findings the CRES poll was conducted by TargetPoint Consulting between January 30 and February 3. It surveyed 400 likely GOP primary voters in the Palmetto State and claims to have a margin of error of plus or minus five percentage points.
To view the memo accompanying the poll for yourself, click the link below …
“SC Presidential Poll: Scott Walker Leads, Lindsey Graham In Second”
You know, maybe we really are that dumb…
They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.
“You know, maybe we really are that dumb…”
It was never in doubt.
Line of the day … “And “native son” Lindsey Graham is hot on his heels”
“He’s coming in from behind as fast as any man could…”
Thanks for clearing up the “agenda” of the group behind this poll, an agenda that actually sounds like it matches its name. When I first heard the name Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, I assumed they were just another astroturf group set by the oil & natural gas industry.
Usually when someone has to tell you he is “responsible” it means they are not. Like “responsible” gun control. Kinda like the guy that tells you what a great Christian he is—- grab your wallet.
And your crotch.
Grow up pervert!
And your children.
I don’t know which one to cheer for. I wonder which one pays better…
Walker is very scary. He is literally attempting to move Wisconsin back in time.
Wonder how many presidents it will take to get us Back To The Future after Walker.
How so?
For starters, attempting to cut $300 million from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, one of the world’s great universities. Not only that, he attempted to strike much of the language surrounding the mission of the university, basically trying to turn it into some kind of trade school. Fortunately, the people of Wisconsin ripped him a new a-hole last week after his ridiculous behavior, and he has since backed off that particular idiocy.
Sorry sir, we will try to repackage this item and ship it again.
You fucking socialists tried 3x INCLUDING a recall and beat Walker!!!
and NEVER beat Walker!
Kiss my ass, you backwards-assed cracker
You mean a Saltine American don’t you? A cracker is so generic.
Political whoring sure does pay off.
The Clintons demonstrate at a par excellance level.
UW Madison – “..one of the world’s great universities…”?!? Hmmmmkay
I think the $300,000,000 was for the entire UW system, not just Madison. He has backed off the proposal.
I think it may have been the UW system, but yes, Wisconsin at Madison is a very prestigious university. It excels at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Probably a very well padded and bloated budget. What is their state income tax rate and what % of the Wisconsin workforce is employed by state and local government? Legacy costs?
Won’t matter.Bill Clinton’s involvement with the convicted pedophile will be enough to sink brain injured Hillary with all of her baggage.
Bill Clinton involved with a pedophile? Sounds like he’s working the Catholic vote!
“Epstein”- He might be a Messianic Jew:
“Oh Baby, oh Jesus, yes, yes! Hey,put that damn doll away!”
Balanced Budgets and surpluses…positively prehistoric.
Balanced budgets? He is a Republican so of course not. Wisconsin has a projected deficit of over 2 billion dollars by 2017. That is why he is trying to shutter Universities there.
Well, yes, that’s the point. Who else to pay the price of Republican policies but the dumbass public that voted them in? It is an expensive lesson, hopefully they learn well.
“It is an expensive lesson, hopefully they learn well.”
In SC they never seem to figure it out . . .
Unions are soooh sixties.
The Republicans entering the “Big Show” are coming off like The Onion pieces lately.
Two idiots walk into a bar…
Two prostitutes walk up to a poll…
Rocky and Smirks walk down the isle…
dont forget boz, grandtangosuglydog and everyone else you are always crying about
never heard of em
the guys who constantly get your panties in a bunch, flip you don’t fool nobody
Afternoon, Flip.
Hold on, I’ll tell you guys what gas prices are again. Takes a while to reach that deep up my own ass!
Christe and Bush ???????
I quit on Scott Walker the minute I heard political consultant Kerry Wood was doing work for him. Walkers team made a mistake in hiring Woods, who loses most every race he runs. The low rent consultant is kept afloat by doing other people’s dirty work.Hiring Woods shows me he is not the quality I want as a presidential candidate.
You voted for Obama 2x-just vote for Elizabeth this time.
Do you guys get the impression, and both sides do this..that they justify any action by ignoring the subject and trying to divert to ..”oh ya well your guy did this” (grandasshatliarcowardwithasitenoonevisited does this daily/hourly) or some imaginary association like this idiot who probably doesnt know Was for Scott but automatically assumes he voted for Obama twice, without a hint of knowledge and not responding to the actual point?
I just vote for whoever has an R at the end of their name, saves a lot of effort on having to inform and educate myself on anything.
I haven’t heard of any political consultants in South Carina worth warm spit.
The only good thing about this is: nearly all early presidential candidate leaders are X’d out by the end of the race, and no where around. Let’s all hope Scott Walker goes back to Wisconsin where the locals are all waiting to TAR and FEATHER this insult to common sense when he goes back home.
Beauty school drop out.
What are you implying? Like to see you apply and then pull off a Brazilian wax, you bigot.
I’m implying that he dropped out of college with the help of his 2.3 GPA and has more than 34 hours left to get a degree. Couldn’t hack college and wants to be president. THAT’S what I’m implying.
So what! Apparently the brain injured, lesbian had her ‘lover’ Vince Foster taken out in Arkansas. Bill is hanging out with a CONVICTED pedophile.
And Mr Walker hangs out with Kochs and does their biding.
1.He has not had a labotomy
2. Hillary doesn’t like Kochs-we know that
3. ‘what does it matter’?
Elect him and see, dumbass.
It is spelled lobotomy, and we can only assume you got yours from the same doctor Walker got his.
And your Hillary hangs out with Soros. I’ll take the Koch’s 10 to 1.
Damn, even George W. Bush managed to get through college.
Yet we know more about Walker’s academic history than Barack Obama’s.
and what we know is bad. lol!
FITS ran the PPP poll as gospel before Nov 4..and he’s never apologized for the lies he told about Tom Ervin or Felonious Punk…
Are you sure you want to receive any commentary from this Fool on anything political as credible??…
That said: FITS is valuable in that he will show you who he, and the Democrat Party is scared as H#!! of…
If FITS is bashing any Republican…you can bet he fears that Republican can beat their High Priestess, Hillary…she’s the only shot the Ds have…and I cannot wait to see how the Multi-voting precincts in the inner-city cheat for that preachy, repulsive, lily-white, privileged dreg …LMAO…I don’t think they will in the numbers they have to have to win…
Well that was full of insight and we articulated thoughts – NOT! Even a Dem like me can at least make a coherent argument on why Jeb might win. But you – all you can do is spew nonesense. Here’s a coherent thought. Jeb will win the nomination because he will position himself as the only adult. It just means it will be a long fight, until the big northeast and western states. But it all comes down to math. Jeb needs 44% of the Hispanic vote. If the Hispanic voters sense he’s their best chance to get the GOP House to pass reform and a pathway, they’ll vote for him. If they do, and he gets reform done, he’s a two-term President. If he can’t – he’s a one term President. See, coherent, logical, though provoking. Here’s you – @#)$*@#)(!!!
Horseshit.NO Republican needs 44% of the Hispanic vote if all the conservative Christians turn out.
The voting models I look at, based on projected voting are 26%-32% of hispanic vote.
44% nationally would mean carrying ALL 50 states for a Republican.
Were those the models you used in 2012 Mr. Romney? Oh, BTW – news just out – Jeb’s big eBook release, included thousands of emails with constituent information like SS#s, and addresses and phone numbers. Ooops.
I don’t really care about these early polls which are essentially meaningless.
However,if anyone said to me that they thought the four leading candidates as of now in SC for the Republican primary this time next year were:Scott Walker,Lindsay Graham, Mike Huckabee and Jeb Bush.
I could accept that.
That’s a long way off though.
It’s a Great Day in SC
I’m just glad the Democrats are locked in w/ Hillary, no matter what…aren’t you?
If she cannot win…they have NO chance…and I’d hate to be facing that prospect if I were them…
She can’t win. Too much PERSONAL and OBAMA baggage.
Prevailing ‘winds’ of voter sentiment will be the same as 2014 mid-terms-a disaster for Democrats.
American people don’t trust Democrats on national security issues. Just today we learned that Obama and the wHite House are responsible for the deaths of all the western hostages (including Americans) and the young lady confirmed dead today.The wHite House was given intelligence last May about where they all were. wHite House waited 6 weeks before deciding to rescue them.Intelligence agencies are saying wHite House should have approved plan in 24 hours.
Obama is a Muslim and why he can’t say ‘Radical Islam’ and attacks Christianity. His policies say so.
If we put another D in the White House after what Obama, and the Democrats, have done…America as a great country is NO more…
This may be our last chance to get it right…and turn our nation back in the right direction….
Why do you hate America? You must side with terrorists.
Are you confused?…Obama seems to be the one having trouble calling Islamic Terrorists what they are…but he easily hates Christians…
Before making a decision, ask yourself one question: why hasn’t Scott Walker produced his long-form birth certificate?
The world may never know.
Republicans and Democrats both hack up these extremists to choose from.
This just in – Jeb Bush in an effort to show himself as opeb, and hip, and up to date, and tech savvy – released 25,000 emails from when he was governor – and included in those emails – SS#s, addresses, and other sensitive information, about a number of Florida residents. Ooops – Clown Car alert, Clown Car alert. Maybe he is a lot like Nimrata.
Walker is a good choice for the GOP. He’s the most electable in my estimation amongst the dung heap that has presented itself so far.
If I were a savvy Dem. I would start the opposition research focused exclusively on him. Develop a narrative highlighting his positions and actions that demonstrate he’s a crony capitalist and no friend of the average Joe and start putting it out there ahead of the primaries.
No matter who wins the primary, they will get trounced by Hillary.
walker has a serious chance. he has credibility with the far right but he also does a very good job of sounding reasonable and thoughtful when speaking. there’s a very good chance that the koch brothers lapdog could be the next president.