Prioleau Alexander: Donald Trump Is Two Steps Ahead

“He is playing four-dimensional chess, while they’re playing Chutes and Ladders…”

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I think my current favorite thing is watching people underestimate president Donald Trump… again.

Think about all he’s overcome since he rode down the escalator in Trump Tower — volumes of books have been written about what he’s faced from those who hate him: Treason, treachery, lawfare, spying, impeachment, assassination attempts, indictments, convictions, civil suits, and even the very worst the FBI could do.

And yet… he’s president, again.

That being the case, one of two things must be true:

  1. Every single solitary person at every level of government and law who attempted to ruin him is utterly incompetent. 
  1. Trump is smarter than all of them.

Do you think the former is possible? That no one — not one person — in the FBI, DOJ, IRS was competent enough to destroy Trump, even when they had access to the coordinated resources of every Alphabet Agency in existence? 



Could it be true that not one human being in Congress was crafty enough to topple him, even though every Democrat and one-quarter of Republicans despised him?

How is it possible they all failed in these never-ending attacks, despite the fact that all the government and lawfare efforts were supported and coordinated with the legacy media. 

Trump had Fox, talk radio, and some social media outlets support him. Those peddling demonstrable falsehoods by those hellbent on crippling him included The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, ABC, NBC, CBS, Drudge Report, MSNBC and CNN.

Why couldn’t any of them knock him down, much less deliver a knockout punch? After all, they were attacking in unisonMike Tyson could beat up four thugs coming at him, but not a hundred. Eventually, the combined weight of many hollow men simply overwhelms a warrior.

There is only one logical answer: The Orange Man is smarter than all of them. He is playing four-dimensional chess, while they’re playing Chutes and Ladders.




This reality horrifies small men with fragile egos. Their shouts and whimpers and crying don’t stop the Orange Man, though. Against him, their belief they are morally superior is useless. Their deadfall traps not only fail, but they end up the ones impaled on their own spikes. 

Whenever I think I’m overestimating Trump, I watch the intellectual giants speak about him. Not popular radio and TV personalities, but men whose thoughts define our culture: Victor Davis Hanson, Thomas Sowell, Jordan Peterson, Dennis Prager, and Ben Shapiro come to mind. 

Whenever or wherever they are, these men are always the smartest guy in the room, unless they’re all doing keg-stands at a Happy Hour together. Such is their intellectual and political insight that even their conservative colleagues — those competing with them — know better than to challenge them to a battle of the wits.

Every single one of these men refers to Trump as “brilliant.”

But it’s not the sort of brilliance Leftists admire: They fawn over degrees, colleges and celebrity. But Trump has something they do not appreciate, or even understand: Perspective.

Donald Trump has spent his entire life studying and learning about people. As young man, he worked on his father’s construction sites. He got to know those people. When he began his involvement in philanthropy, he was around all types of people — black, white, brown, yellow and red. He got to know those people, and learned the tells of a backstabber, a user and a genuine soul. He built huge buildings in numerous cities, often dealing with unions that hated him – but he learned how union men tick and worked with them successfully. He’s been a celebrity most of his life, but has learned from it, never falling prey to the shallowness of cocaine success – he’s always remained a businessman, engaged with real Americans.  




He gave up a life of luxury and leisure to run for president – where for the first time he was a fish out of water. He did not yet understand the evilness of the political game, where everyone is a charlatan, jockeying for themselves alone, never giving a thought to another person. He was suddenly in a world where loyalty meant nothing. His world before had involved negotiations and straight-forward business dealings, where breaking a deal had overwhelming consequences. In politics, lying to someone’s face is celebrated artform.

Let there be no doubt, Trump was surely über hard-nosed in all his business dealings, but you’ll never hear him described as “heartless” by someone who knows him or has spent time around him… until he ran for president.

I can understand where even Trump supporters would, at this point, think I’m overstating his savvy and abilities. While that could certainly be the case, how then do you describe what we’ve seen with our own eyes? Eight straight years of unrelenting attacks, and he’s back in the Oval Office… was that luck? We know he doesn’t allow anyone to “lead him around” like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, so it can’t be a team behind the throne.

What else can it be, other than his ability to think through potential problems, and craft a solution for every possible scenario? Think about how many times during his first term we conservatives thought, “He stepped in it now… there’s no surviving this.” Then, when the smoke cleared, he came out smelling like a rose.  

When Trump came out with his cabinet nominations, do you think for a second he didn’t know which ones would pass, and which would be rejected? 

He knew Bobby Kennedy was a long shot, but Kennedy supported him, so he promised to nominate him. Trump kept his word, and Kennedy is getting the opportunity to make the case for himself.


Tulsi Gabbard (Gage Skidmore)


Tulsi Gabbard may prove equally difficult, but she supported him — and out of loyalty he nominated her.

Do you think Trump believed for a second Matt Gaetz would be confirmed? Of course not. Gaetz was simply a diversion, so whoever he picked next would be a shoo-in.

This real estate developer 101: Propose a 50-story building you know won’t be approved… argue passionately for it… then finally resort to the, “Aww, shucks… we’ll be good guys… can we have 15 stories?” Not only does it get approved, the community applauds you.   

The thing that should scare Leftists the most is the perspective Trump now possesses, after four years inside the Swamp, followed by four years outside to study and plan his return.

For instance, do you know he personally funded his entire transition? He did so because it would mean no public money, and ergo no governmental interference or eavesdropping. Lefties screamed, “He’s doing it to hide all his illegal maneuvering!” No… no, dumbass. He did it because last time the FBI spied on him. Then got caught. And subsequently no one suffered any consequences.

That’s what smart people do. They learn their lesson from the first kick of the mule.

Today, Trump knows a lot of things he didn’t the first time around, and we’ll see him applying those lessons learned in the year to come. Will he tolerate a lawless FBI? Treason among military officers? Will his DOJ stand by and watch weaponized lawfare on the commander-in-chief? Will he allow Republican RINOs to derail his plans for the Wall?

I don’t think so.

I suppose I may be wrong about Trump’s intelligence. But if I am, it means every single liberal in government is an unmitigated idiot, unable to even shoot a bird perched on a wire.



Prioleau Alexander is a freelance writer, focusing mostly on politics and non-fiction humor. He is the author of four books: ‘You Want Fries With That?,’ ‘Dispatches Along the Way,’ ‘Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?‘ and ‘They Don’t Call It The Submission Process For Nothing.’ 



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CongareeCatfish Top fan February 3, 2025 at 12:31 pm

There is one more component to Trump’s return despite the legions of corrupt power that waged war against him. Its not just how smart he is or may be or how stupid his enemies are, but also because there was a growing beam of truth in the form other alternative media that doggedly toiled to expose the lies of the corporate media, the federal deep state and the grifting NGOs. Over and over again, lie after lie was exposed [its far too long a list to type out here – maybe Prioleau can do another article counting up the staggering number of lies] and normie people began to quietly figure it out, and as their own lives worsened from the Covid crackdowns and their purchasing power eroding by about 20% over the course of 4 years, the tide turned.

River Top fan February 3, 2025 at 2:41 pm


Anonymous February 5, 2025 at 1:55 pm

He has always been two steps ahead of his cult for over a decade. They will believe anything because they are stupid, and he knows it. He did not fool the American people, however. Over half of voters made it clear we did not want Trump as our President.

But you wanted a King and now we all have one. Co-president Elon has seized control of the government payment system. He and his band of 19 to 24-year-old kids have access to all of our social security numbers and tax returns, and if you have a contract with the federal government, they have that information as well, including all the information you disclosed to the government to obtain that contract. Elon is literally going agency by agency and accessing their computer systems with his own computer system. And they have not said how they will use that information. They have made no pledges to keep the information private and no pledges not to sell the information to marketers or foreign governments (and how would you ever know if he did). In addition Elon, Elon can shut off your payments and if you are a government worker have you fired.

If a foreign government had gained access to this information (and they may have it through Elon) we would consider it the biggest security breach in history. The Chinese would literally kill for this information. And on that point, Trump has given Elon security clearance. Elon makes half of all his TESLA cars in China. If China were to seize his plants TESLA would be bankrupted and a huge chunk of Elon’s fortune would disappear overnight. How much would he be willing to give the Chinese to prevent that from happening?

So if you are:

1. A Social Security recipient, Elon can shut off your check.
2. A government employee or Veteran with a pension Elon can shut off your check.
3. Have a contract with the Government, Elon can shut off your pay and access your private information.
4. If you are a competitor with Elon he now has access to your financial information and who you do business with. He can use that to compete with you or sell the information to your competitors.
5. A Chinese spy, Elon, can give you access to everything and there would likely be no way to stop him.

And all this is just the tip of the iceberg. With the information Elon has, he could put it all into the AI he is developing and track any American he wants to as to spending, borrowing, or even movement. Welcome to the Brave New World.


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