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Myrtle Beach Church Wars: Solid Rock Protestors Form New Church

A divinely inspired dream? Or opportunistic religious capitalism?

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Nature abhors a vacuum. So too, it would appear, does the business of organized religion – or what passes for it on South Carolina’s Grand Strand. In the chaotic aftermath of the ongoing Mica Miller saga – which has drawn a bead on the Solid Rock at Market Common church led by embattled pastor John-Paul Miller – a new fellowship is about to form.

The new congregation – dubbed Church14 – is set to launch tomorrow evening (August 3, 2024). The church will host its inaugural worship service at 6:00 p.m. EDT at Myrtle Beach’s Ignite Church (located at 4808 N Kings Hwy).

What makes the launch of this new church so interesting? Its leaders – Rob and Millie Radosti – have been among the most vocal critics of John-Paul Miller. And Miller, in turn, has made no secret of his contempt for them.

Millie Radosti, in particular, has been a regular protestor outside of Solid Rock in recent weeks as the movement seeking justice for Mica Miller has gravitated to the sidewalks surrounding this scandal-scarred church.

Take a look …


@rev.milliejoy #CapCut #JusticeFirMica ? original sound – Rev. Millie Joy | MSW Student


But are the Radostis – who claim to have been friends with Mica Miller – genuinely seeking justice for her and her family? Or are they adeptly exploiting an opportunity for personal gain?

Or … are two things true at once?

“They are pagan hacks,” a former member of Solid Rock told this media outlet.

Not so, others argued.

“They are good people who are definitely faithful to justice for Mica,” one supporter insisted.

Certainly, few would argue what happened to Mica Miller is a tragedy of the first order. As first reported by our media outlet, Mica’s body was found at 4:23 p.m. EST on April 27, 2024 at North Carolina’s Lumber River State Park – a sprawling 14,000-acre wilderness straddling this scenic blackwater river.  Despite appearing on door camera footage dressed for work just hours earlier, Mica inexplicably traveled to this remote location from Myrtle Beach, S.C. – stopping to purchase a handgun on her way. Her body was discovered by police in a swampy area adjacent to the river – approximately forty meters away from where shell casings and her belongings were found.

Mica Miller died less than two weeks after filing for divorce from John-Paul Miller – and less than 48 hours after he was served with divorce papers.

Mica’s death was officially ruled a suicide by North Carolina investigators and medical examiners – based in large part on the release of a 9-1-1 call placed moments before she allegedly shot herself in the head with the gun she purchased only hours earlier. On that call, Miller calmly told a police dispatcher of her plans to kill herself – and inquired as to whether her phone could be tracked so that her family members would be able to locate her body.



After the bizarre manner in which her husband announced her passing to their congregation – and subsequent allegations of abuse raised by Mica Miller’s family and friends – suspicions of foul play have run rampant. Mica’s family members have remained adamant her death was not a suicide. In fact, they have insisted her body was “placed” where it was found by police – and that her suicide was “staged.”

The international attention generated by Mica Miller’s death (and subsequent legal proceedings) has sparked a wave of acrimony against John-Paul Miller, who is reportedly staring down civil lawsuits from multiple individuals allegedly victimized by his abusive and harassing behavior.

Miller is also said to be at the heart of at least one ongoing criminal investigation involving federal law enforcement agencies – although the precise focus of that inquiry is unclear.

The saga has also launched the Justice for Mica movement, which – among other things – is launching a statewide push to enact coercive control laws in South Carolina.

As this storm of controversy swirls, the Radostis are clearly capitalizing on Solid Rock’s recent misfortunes.

“We are ready for a big wave of God’s glory in Myrtle Beach!” the church’s Facebook page recently noted.


Rob and Millie Radosti (Facebook)

According to Church14’s website, the assemblage takes its name from Acts 14 – a passage of Scripture which Millie Radosti reportedly steered her husband toward after he awoke from a “gripping dream from heaven.”

The contents of this supernatural dream?

“(Rob) dreamt that thousands upon thousands of Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen Alpha were racing to a certain location, nearly causing a stampede,” the church website notes. “When he and Millie went to investigate, they saw a tiny storefront that was not much to the eyes, yet it was being flooded with people. When they finally got in to see what the hullabaloo was about, the sight was incredible. The moment people would get in the door, they would immediately encounter Jesus Christ and be transformed like innocent children, worshiping in purity and simplicity with smiles on their faces. It was an amazing sight to behold!”

At this point in the dream, Rob Radosti claimed the massive congregation turned to behold him and his wife, exclaiming “they’re here” and welcoming them “as if they were waiting for them to arrive.”

“How do these people know who we are and why were they waiting for us?” Radosti asked his wife in the dream, according to the church website.

At this point, Rob claimed to have seen a “Church14” banner on the wall of his dream church.

Yeah …

Again, if you want my thoughts on churches like this – click here. But as long as people are walking through the doors of these places with their eyes open, I’m not going to cast stones.

“Rob and Millie see Myrtle Beach as a kind of modern Alexandria – a cradle of supernatural Christian life and a home base to train and equip folks for the ministry and for the nations,” the website continued.

How will John-Paul Miller and Solid Rock respond to the new church? We will have to wait and see …

Count on this media outlet to continue covering the Mica Miller saga and all of its attendant dramas, including what is shaping up to be quite a spiritual battle along South Carolina’s coastline.



Will Folks (Dylan Nolan)

Will Folks is the owner and founding editor of FITSNews. Prior to founding his own news outlet, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina, bass guitarist in an alternative rock band and bouncer at a Columbia, S.C. dive bar. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and eight children.



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The Colonel Top fan August 2, 2024 at 4:59 pm

And now another cult of personality is setting itself up…

Lloyd Mitchell Top fan August 3, 2024 at 6:15 am

In reference to Church14: starting the “church” based on the death of Mrs. Miller and this while situation, instead of the death AND resurrection of Jesus will not produce good fruit. Prayers for all involved., you’re gonna need them.

George Johnson Top fan August 3, 2024 at 8:06 am

Since the only things “divine” are human love and South Carolina peaches, there’s nothing here but financial greed, misogyny, and lust for power.

Ana against abuse August 3, 2024 at 9:23 am

It seems fitsnews doesn’t do it’s research very well, as Church14 has been in existence “for quite some time”, and used to have a physical location in Myrtle Beach, way to go for lying and making it seem like it’s starting because of abuse in churches that this couple is firmly against, and have been vocal about being against, “again for years”. Yet another news media site that doesn’t share the truth with it’s readers, way to go.

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The Colonel Top fan August 3, 2024 at 2:41 pm

Church 14 claims to be “launching” on 3 August. As far as Will and company have reported this story it’s reasonably accurate, especially considering the subject.
Rob “the author” has 5 books with a total of about 30 reviews ranging from sycophantic to “drivel”. He claim 20 years of “Biblical Scholarship” with no degrees to back it up, save Youth With a Missions’ 3 month classroom and 2 month “field work” program. YWAM’s doctrinal confusion and the associated hanky panky by staff would do JP’s dad proud.

Folks, if you’re looking for a church to attend in the aftermath of JP Miller’s “leadership” take a little advice: go down to the local First Baptist or First Pres or First Methodist for the next 6-9 months and listen to a preacher who actually has a degree from a seminary, who has actually read the Bible and doesn’t pretend to have secret “orthodox” truth that only he (or she) has worked out. No, you don’t need to stay there but you need to re-establish a base line for what is actually Orthodox and genuine and true and what is made up bovine excreta, a la Perry Noble or JP Miller. Here’s a novel concept, do a little study of your own, read the Bible yourself, it’s not written in secret code (it was actually written in Hebrew, Koine Greek and Aramaic – we have excellent translations tools for all three.) Eschew these cult of personality types whose background seems almost to good to be true, who claim to have studied for years but who have no degrees to back it up (or they have degrees from known diploma mills)

Mina Harrington Top fan August 7, 2024 at 4:43 pm

I totally agree with you. I would like to add one more church to your list — Calvary Chapel. They ARE sound in their doctrine.


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