Upstate Deputy Terminated After Threatening Firefighters, Civilians

“Don’t start some sh*t, or I promise I’ll put you in jail tonight!”

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An Upstate, South Carolina deputy has been terminated for purportedly threatening two first responders and at least one civilian earlier this month.

On July 4, 2024, former Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) Deputy Kevin Christopher Moore is said to have threatened two firefighters of the Antioch Volunteer Fire Department after he was requested to assist an allergic reaction service call.

According to assistant fire chief Logan Neal, Moore verbally assaulted seven firefighters for requesting CCSO deputies to a residential property known for domestic violence. Moore then threatened to arrest two firefighters for attempting to pull him away from the patient.

“Don’t start some shit, or I promise you I’ll put you in jail tonight,” said Moore to a firefighter on recorded video. “Don’t start some shit! No. It’s just because of who [the patient is] that you called us. Y’all are scared of ‘em … That’s part of your volunteer work!”



Neal told FITSNews the former deputy removed his body-worn camera (BWC) before threatening to arrest two firefighters. He furthermore claimed that Moore “acted a fool” for upwards of 10 to 15 minutes without explanation.

Within days of reporting his encounter to CCSO, Neal’s aunt was approached by Moore outside of Bronco’s Mexican Restaurant in Gaffney, S.C. He purportedly accused the family of not having the “full story” before posting about his tirade on Facebook.

“She’ll be un-pregnant soon,” said Moore on yet another recorded video as he threatened to remove his duty vest outside. “I promise you! I’ll give you my address right now. I promise you! I’ll give you my address right now. I promise you!”



Come July 10, 2024, Moore was terminated for reasons NOT involving misconduct. CCSO Lieutenant Rodney A. Bright furthermore attested to the S.C. Criminal Justice Academy (SCCJA) that Moore should remain eligible for future law enforcement opportunities. 

“I’ve never had an issue with Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office,” said Neal over phone. “When Steve Mueller ran for sheriff last time, I voted for him. I believe he’s a good sheriff and I’ve always backed him. But it’s people like [Moore] that make the good cops look bad.”

Cherokee County Sheriff Steve Mueller remains unavailable for comment.





Andrew Fancher. Hurricane Helene. Buncombe County. North Carolina. FEMA. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Roy Cooper.
Andrew Fancher in Mitchell County, N.C.
(Dynal Nolan/FITSNews)

Andrew Fancher is a Lone Star Emmy award-winning journalist from Dallas, Texas. Cut from a bloodline of outlaws and lawmen alike, he was the first of his family to graduate college which was accomplished with honors. Got a story idea or news tip for Andy? Email him directly and connect with him socially across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.



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Nancy Bryson Top fan July 19, 2024 at 8:15 am


MaryContrary Top fan July 19, 2024 at 10:21 am

I would like to hear Mr. Moore’s side of the story and also why he was recommended for further LEO employment. Then I would have full knowledge to make an informed comment. However; this does not look good on the surface.

Red Uprising July 19, 2024 at 12:54 pm

Some of those who work forces.

Teresa Whetzel Top fan July 19, 2024 at 1:04 pm

So was he terminated for removing his body camera? And without the entire story it sounds one sided.

River Top fan July 19, 2024 at 5:16 pm

One sided story. We all know firemen can be girls about stuff. What’s the deputy have to say?


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