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U.S. president Joe Biden was already reaping a whirlwind of bad publicity after his White House proclaimed this Sunday (March 31, 2024 – a.k.a. Easter Sunday) – as a national “Transgender Day of Visibility.” Biden went so far as to post the proclamation on X around the time most Americans were headed to church for Easter services.
“Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to all trans Americans: I see you,” Biden wrote. “You are made in the image of God, and you’re worthy of respect and dignity.”
The White House added transgender Americans were “part of the fabric of our nation” and, quoting Biden, were “loved … heard (and) understood.” Meanwhile, Biden noted on his campaign account that Sunday was a day to “celebrate the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know.”
“Today, we show millions of transgender and nonbinary Americans that we see them, they belong, and they should be treated with dignity and respect,” Biden said.

The problem? (Well, aside from Biden thrusting this issue in the face of Christians on their holiest of days?)
As it turns out, he doesn’t remember doing it … or, alternately, wasn’t aware it had been done in his name.
During a terse exchange with reporters on Monday morning, Biden was asked to respond to criticism of his Easter proclamation – specifically to respond to comments made by U.S. House speaker Mike Johnson.
“The Biden White House has betrayed the central tenet of Easter — which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” Johnson wrote on X. “Banning sacred truth and tradition — while at the same time proclaiming Easter Sunday as ‘Transgender Day’ — is outrageous and abhorrent. The American people are taking note.”
Questioned about Johnson’s comments, Biden referred to the speaker as “uninformed.”
“Uninformed how?” the reporter asked.
“I didn’t do that,” Biden responded.
Wait … huh?
Didn’t do … what?
(Click to view)
Presidential apologists in the mainstream media sought to explain away the exchange – saying Biden was referring to the fact he wasn’t the one who established the “holiday” (that was former president Barack Obama). Or, they just ignored the exchange altogether.
Never mind that the reporter specifically asked Biden: “Speaker Johnson called it ‘outrageous’ that Easter Sunday was transgender day of visibility, what do you say to Speaker Johnson?”
That’s a pretty direct question … and a pretty daft deflection.
Honestly, I’m not sure which group of people should be more offended here: The Christians in whose faces Biden spat? Or the transgenders whose day of “visibility” he either disavowed or forgot about?
Maybe both …
At the time of his controversial proclamation, Biden’s approval rating per FiveThirtyEight‘s polling aggregate stood at 39.1 percent – with 55.3 percent disapproving of him. The incumbent president was also trailing his predecessor, Donald Trump, in multiple key swing states that he carried in the 2020 election. It’s hard to see Easter 2024 doing anything to improve his political positioning, but we’ll continue to keep tabs on this race as it advances.
Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina and before that he was a bass guitarist and dive bar bouncer. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and eight children.
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Geez, you MAGA nutter republicans are a special kind of stupid and showing your extreme desperation when it comes to knowing your party will lose it all in November.
When exactly did March 31st become the official day of Easter? You know. “The Moveable Feast”?
You’re a special kind of stupid too! Way to offend all Christians! Trans Day is not an official holiday either, fool.
Get out of your echo chamber, stop watching MSNBC and get treatment for your TDS.
Wait? This article isn’t an April Fool’s joke?!?
People actually think Biden somehow magically made Easter on the same day as International Trans Visibility day?
Do you realize how dumb that is?
Keep giving The Lord your middle finger. Hopefully, you know how that will eventually end for you.
Seriously, republicans have been giving the middle finger to Jesus with their actions for decades now and look at the Biblical beatdown voters are going to give them this November!
The funny thing is, if Jesus returned today, republicans would have him thrown in prison, or worse, for being a woke immigrant. What fools!
I thought Republicans were all about Christianity?
This blogger doesn’t even know the most basic things about Christianity or its Holy Days.
Oooooooooh yeah. This blogger gets his Christianity from the Trump Bible.
Wonder how much money he lost to Trump University?
Let’s remember that it’s the far left liberals that think it’s ok to chop body parts off, men can become women (and vice versa) and kill unborn babies. Biden is supposed to be Catholic, but is everything but when he is celebrating trans day on Easter and is ok with abortion.
No one is killing “unborn babies” Katie. Abortions remove cells from a woman’s body. The child is not viable outside the womb. Go read the “2025” plan where you’ll learn the end-game is banning all contraceptives in the US.
This is a lie straight from the devil.
You are living proof that religion makes you stupid.
What an evil administration. Live it up Satan, this is your hour. We know Jesus wins.
Satan is living it up through MAGA followers!
Satan loves liars, rapists, frauds, violent mobs, drug abuse, people who harm women, children and poor. Satan loves people who promote racism, bigotry and people like Hitler. Satan loves when his republicans take people’s rights away and push for authoritarian policies.
And what Satan LOVES the most is republicans publicly proclaiming they are doing all those horribly evil things in Jesus’ name! Over and over.
Satan could do it better himself.
Let’s remember that it’s the far left liberals that think it’s ok to chop body parts off, men can become women (and vice versa) and kill unborn babies. Biden is supposed to be Catholic, but is everything but when he is celebrating trans day on Easter and is ok with abortion.
I’ll pray for you.
And can someone please explain to me how Donald Trump, a man who has been married 3x and has cheated on every single one of his wives, a man who has mocked the disabled, hates kids and dogs, somehow is the living embodiment of Christdom to the point they’d buy a bible with his “autograph” on it? Read your Bibles. Trump is a test and y’all are failing–the problem is you’ll take us down with you and him.
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Good luck on judgment day. You’re going to need it for supporting the likes of Trump. Funny how you have so much compassion for him but so little for gays, Hispanics, any minority actually. Jesus wept indeed.
Stupid post, Will. Stupid attempt at a gotcha question, stupid attempt to frame Biden’s response as confused. Guess having 17 kids is affecting your critical thinking.
Regret seeing this “media outlet” becoming just another MAGA fool … er, tool.
Will? Really? We see you! What happened to unbiased?
Any surprise that Biden denied knowledge of his White House’s post? None at all. Biden probably can’t operate a smart phone much less post on X. Clearly the post was from the éminence grise who really run the country with Biden as their sock puppet.
Will, are you stupid or just extremely dishonest?
Dishonesty is a holy tenant of the radical KKKhristian nationalists. They don’t love Jesus–they love power. And if they have to lie, cheat, or steal to get it, they will. This is just another attempt to create faux outrage and indignation in their perpetually offended cult members. They want to make sure the right-wing “Christians” continue to vote for them.
Don’t worry, MAGAts! Next year Easter falls on April 20, Hitler’s Birthday, so you will have an extra reason to rejoice!