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Last week brought some major developments in the ongoing ‘Days of our Congressman’ drama surrounding embattled U.S. representative William Timmons of South Carolina.
To recap: (Deep breath) … actually, you know what? Scratch that. This case defies recapitulation.
You literally have to read it for yourself … or watch this segment from our latest ‘Week in Review‘ episode.
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(Via: FITSNews/ YouTube)
Bottom line: Congressman Timmons self-started his own sex scandal last spring with a preemptive statement to this news outlet about an alleged affair with his mistress, Paula Dhier. He then got pissy when the story couldn’t be controlled – in large part thanks to the ongoing performance theater of Dhier’s estranged husband, Ron Rallis.
That’s right … both Timmons and Dhier were married at the time of their extramarital dalliance. In fact, Dhier was the best friend of Timmons’ wife, Sarah Timmons. And was literally living in their house when the affair kicked off.
Oh, and there are pictures … hundreds of them … sent from the a fake account bearing the name of one of Dhier’s former employees. And some of the pictures are reportedly tied to (get this) a suspicious January 2023 death in Cabo, Mexico.
The saga also includes sketchy property transfers and reported congressional inquiries … and that’s just what we know from the limited digging we have done so far.
Like I said last week, Timmons’ drama “isn’t just about affairs” or “pretty people getting naked and texting each other their naughty bits (and their even naughtier imaginings).”
This week, though, it is once again about Rallis – who is renewing his (very) public bid for custody of his and Dhier’s young daughter, Sterling.

A multimillionaire Upstate real estate developer, Rallis has been driving the Timmons story for months – well, except for the three months he spent in a Greenville jail after the congressman’s allies in the Upstate judicial establishment were offended by his real-life reality television antics. Rallis was thrown in a prison cell (with a murderer) for ninety days on a bogus contempt of court charge … which is frankly the best evidence of systemic corruption in this case.
And in our state’s “injustice” system …
Seriously … judges in South Carolina routinely let murderers walk. Yet a man who posts mean things on Instagram about the politician who was screwing his wife gets locked up?
Where is the logic in that?
Speaking of mean things, Rallis dropped a bombshell on his Instagram page on Tuesday afternoon …
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In his first post to the social platform in more than seven months, Rallis is seen grooming his porn star moustache as reflections of Timmons – bedecked in clown garb – are seen photoshopped in the reflections of his sunglasses.
While the image attracted all sorts of attention, it was Rallis’ post – and a subsequent screen capture he shared – which contained the real news value.
Last week, our report noted that Timmons – who is said to be subsidizing his mistress Dhier’s divorce/ custody case against Rallis – “reportedly sent threatening messages to Rallis in attempt to browbeat him into settling the family court case on terms favorable to Dhier.”
Apparently, Rallis kept receipts …
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According to Rallis, Timmons sent him a document containing a list of the developer’s “interaction with law enforcement.” The document – which was not posted to Rallis’ account – reportedly contained a “rap sheet” which included jaywalking and skateboarding-related infractions.
“How would you like me to perceive this text?” Rallis responded.
“That will be considered at your trial,” Timmons answered, according to the screen cap of the exchange posted by Rallis. “As I have repeatedly said … evidence, facts, and law.”
“I cannot stress how much I believe y’all should work it out without a trial,” Timmons continued. “I do not think that you will like the outcome and it will be better for you if y’all come to an agreement. I am willing to help if you’d like to try.”
Wow …
Talk about making “an offer he can’t refuse.”
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“Congressman Timmons, I appreciate your willingness to ‘help’ a.k.a. bullying me with threats via your homemade spreadsheet of my criminal history, I respectfully decline your involvement at this time,” Rallis wrote on his Instagram.
Rallis then proceeded to post what he claimed were the contents of the “rap sheet” Timmons sent to him.
While this news outlet has been unable to independently verify Timmons’ authorship of the text messages, sources familiar with the situation say they have seen the texts from the congressman’s personal cell phone number on Rallis’ cell phone – and that there are other messages on the device likely to be even “more problematic” for the congressman.
In one such message, Timmons reportedly acknowledged the reason he is trying to browbeat Rallis into submission – namely that he is seeking reelection to his congressional seat in 2024.
Again, this isn’t the first time Rallis has driven the narrative in this story. Last summer, he walked into a West End Greenville church he previously purchased – and painted pink – and gave this news outlet an exclusive interview regarding his starring role in the Timmons’ sex scandal. As television crews gathered outside, Rallis spoke passionately with me about his battle for custody of his daughter.
While Rallis’ latest jab at Timmons will no doubt revive scrutiny of the congressman’s involvement in his mistress’ divorce and custody case, it is also potentially problematic for Rallis.
“This is so so close to the line of contempt of court,” one legal analyst familiar with the case told me.

Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and seven children.
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One thinks (hopes?) that this won’t get much weirder….. I’m pretty sure that One – i.e., me – will be sorely disappointed.
Hi FITSnews,
Here’s my question: How has Timmons housed Dhier in DC? You know, like is he renting a row house from a lobbyist?