Dear Editor,
This outlet talks a lot about the responsibility of politicians, media, etc. to be bound by the expectations set for them by the public – i.e. the ripping of McClatchy papers that took a soft approach to the ‘bulldog’ defense lawyers in the ‘Murdaugh Murders’ saga etc.
I’m curious what the editor/ company stance is on Palmetto State Armory profiting off of divisiveness and hate by selling gun parts and accessories that encourage people to say ‘f-ck you’ to those who you don’t agree with?
Is this the kind of community we want to raise kids in and teach people the basic right from wrong?
Politics aside, what happened to gun owners and gun rights supporters holding the sanctity of the firearm to its actual severity? If you’re a true gun advocate, gun rights advocate, and a believer in guns’ power to do good in society, how can you stand behind an institution that profits off the trivializing of their power and legacy? These aren’t toys to be ‘meme-ified.’
Misinformation and distrust already abounds in today’s society, is it really necessary to emblazon it on a deadly weapon capable of this country’s next preventable tragedy?
I know the company helps keep sites like this running as valuable advertisers but I’m curious about your stance on PSA’s recent product launch/ legacy of division?
– Perplexed Lexington, S.C. Resident
Dear Perplexed,
I missed the manufactured uproar over this issue in the mainstream media, but I appreciate you calling it to my attention. As for the issues you raise, the last time I checked people have a First Amendment right to free expression (including any inscriptions engraved on a firearm or any part of a firearm) as well as a Second Amendment right to carry firearms with any inscription on them they want. What would you have me do … rewrite the Constitution?
Would I personally purchase a lower receiver for any of my AR-15s with a ‘F-ck Joe Biden‘ inscription on it? No, I would not. But far be it from me to judge anyone who does. People have a right to exercise the constitutional liberties I just enumerated, and Palmetto State Armory has a right to cater to them in the exercise of their rights.
You have a First Amendment right to criticize them, too … which I am more than happy to share with my readers even though Palmetto State Armory is, as you mention, a valuable advertiser. While I do not believe they have done anything wrong, I am happy to let my readers consider your argument and make up their own minds.

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