Congressman Joe Cunningham of Charleston, South Carolina tested positive for COVID-19 today.
Cunningham made the announcement on his Twitter Friday afternoon.
Cunningham said he was experiencing mild, lesser-known symptoms for coronavirus last Tuesday. He said he lost a sense of taste and smell last week and learned this week that those are symptoms for COVID-19.
He was tested yesterday and found out today his test was positive, Cunningham said on Twitter.
He said he will stay self-quarantined until next Wednesday to be extra cautious. According to CDC guidelines, people with COVID-19 should self-quarantine for two weeks starting the first day they experience symptoms.
Cunningham, a freshman congressman, said his wife and son are asymptomatic, but will be self-quarantined with him for the next few days.
“I feel fine, I feel great, and even though I have to stay at home for a few more days, this won’t stop me from working from home,” Cunningham said on Twitter.
Joe Cunningham said he was supposed to in D.C. to vote in favor of the stimulus package, but COVID-19 stopped him from doing that.
Cunningham said he was “lucky” to only experience mild symptoms of coronavirus and urged people to take the virus seriously and stay at home.
As we reported earlier, zip code data released by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) this week showed a surge in new coronavirus cases in Charleston county, South Carolina.
According to the new data, Charleston County now has 91 coronavirus cases.
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