Nikki Haley Cashes In (On Cue) As Debate Rages Over “Pay-For-Policy”

All about the “Binyamins?”

Yesterday, this news outlet penned a lengthy defense of a congresswoman we do not particularly care for … über-liberal Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

Omar, a Somali-American Muslim and member of the Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) party, is someone we believe should have never held office in the first place based on her past.  Having said that, we believe she is being unfairly vilified by hypocritical politicians of both parties for speaking the truth about the corrosive influence of money in politics.

Specifically … the corrosive influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and other groups acting in league with this organization.

Criticism of these pro-Israeli groups is tricky because AIPAC and its many defenders (including president Donald Trump and vice president Mike Pence) routinely, reflexively, dishonestly and opportunistically conflate legitimate questions about their policies and methods with anti-semitism.  Not only that, some of the legislation they have advanced – including state-level bills – seeks to criminalize criticism of Israel ostensibly in the name of eradicating anti-semitism.

From their perspective, one cannot question the efficacy of American aid to Israel (or the influence monied pro-Israeli interests wield over American politicians) without being discriminatory toward the Jews.

Which is just weak … and insulting.  To say nothing of nonsensical.


Anyway, our post in defense of Omar reiterated our objections to the ongoing American subsidization of Israeli military efforts – which it is painfully obvious our taxpayers cannot afford.  Our post also highlighted the extent to which Omar was justified in her comments about AIPAC and its allies effectively purchasing the loyalty of many American politicians.

None of that is anti-semitic … it is, however, accurate.

Take Israel’s latest neoconservative darling – former South Carolina governor and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Nikki Haley.

The day after Omar was assailed for stating the obvious, Haley appeared at an event sponsored by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.  Described by reporter Carli Teproff of The Miami Herald as a “fervent supporter” of Israel, Haley told the “sold-out crowd” that backing the Jewish State during her tenure at the UN was “one of the easiest things I did.”

(Click to view)

(Via: U.S. Embassy Jerusalem)

“It was about doing what was right; it was about telling the truth,” Haley said.

Apparently, supporting Israel was also one of the most lucrative things she did at the UN … as the Greater Miami Jewish Federation appears to be among the first groups to pay Haley’s new $200,000 speaking fee.

We suspect many other pro-Israeli organizations will follow its lead, too … helping Haley erase her significant personal debts.

Again, this news outlet does not begrudge Haley one bit for collecting what the market will bear for her speaking appearances – from anyone willing to pay her fee.  Nor do we begrudge Israeli interests for investing heavily in American politicians.  Clearly the return on this investment has been immense.

Our point?  Let’s not demonize people for calling all of this exactly what it is … “pay-for-policy.”



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