SLED Makes Arrest In Stolen Lottery Ticket Case

South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) agents arrested a Marion County, S.C. man this week for allegedly attempting to claim winnings from stolen lottery tickets. Patrick Frazier, 36, of Gresham, S.C. was arrested and charged with simple larceny and for “falsely making, altering, forging, uttering, passing or counterfeiting lottery…

South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) agents arrested a Marion County, S.C. man this week for allegedly attempting to claim winnings from stolen lottery tickets.

Patrick Frazier, 36, of Gresham, S.C. was arrested and charged with simple larceny and for “falsely making, altering, forging, uttering, passing or counterfeiting lottery tickets.”

According to affidavits filed with his arrest warrants, Frazier stole the tickets on November 15, 2017 and attempted to redeem them at a pair of convenience stores in Florence County, S.C. that same day.  SLED investigated the case at the request of the S.C. Education Lottery.

Here is the agency’s news release (and copies of the warrants) …

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As with anyone accused of any crime, Frazier should be considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers (or until such time as he issues a pleading in connection with his case).

Of course as we’ve said on many occasions in the past anyone who plays the lottery in South Carolina is guilty of being stupid – whether they admit it or not.

The lottery is a tax on the poor … the proceeds of which haven’t done a damn thing to help “education.”

Anyway, Frazier was booked on the larceny charge at the Florence County detention center.  He was booked on the lottery ticket charge at the Marion County detention center.  His case will be handled by the office of S.C. twelfth circuit solicitor E.L. Clements.



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