There was a bizarre sideshow during this week’s big contempt of court hearing involving FITSNews’ founding editor Will Folks.
In an attempt to introduce testimony from one of Folks’ former romantic interests, attorneys for former South Carolina majority leader Kenny Bingham – who is suing Folks – called this particular individual to the stand as part of an effort to paint his website as a “pay-to-say” mouthpiece.
The exchange that followed was a bit jilted and confusing, but the gist of the allegation made by the former love interest was that ex-S.C. Republican Party chairwoman Karen Floyd made cash payments to Folks over a decade ago – which, incidentally, was before FITSNews.com was even in existence.
(Click to view)
(Via: Elysian)
Is the allegation true? In an effort to clear things up, Folks reached out to Floyd (above) – who led the SCGOP from 2009-2011. Prior to that she was narrowly defeated in the 2006 race for state superintendent of education – losing to Democrat Jim Rex by a mere 455 votes out of more than a million ballots cast.
That’s the closest election in statewide history.
Rex – who recently co-founded the American Party – remains the last Democrat to be elected to statewide office in South Carolina.
So … was Floyd happy to hear from Folks? No. Not even a little bit.
“I don’t know whether to talk to you or hang up,” Floyd said.
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Floyd proceeded to call Folks “despicable” and a “terrible person” who had “hurt hundreds of people” with his “poisonous” posts. She also hinted that his afterlife was going to be replete with karmic payback.
Folks apologized to Floyd … but his apology was not accepted.
Nonetheless, Floyd did confirm that any assertion she paid cash to Folks over a decade ago was false – and that she would testify to that effect in the event she were ever compelled to do so.
She said that while she would indeed “like to hurt (Folks),” doing so would make her “no better” than him.
Interesting times …
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