Leonardo DiCaprio Meets With Donald Trump

ACTOR PITCHES PRESIDENT-ELECT ON “GREEN JOBS” Hollywood went “all in” for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016 … and won. The only problem?  Their victory was largely confined to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Kalifornia (a.k.a. California) – where Clinton pummeled U.S. president-elect Donald Trump by more than 3.4 million…


Hollywood went “all in” for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016 … and won.

The only problem?  Their victory was largely confined to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Kalifornia (a.k.a. California) – where Clinton pummeled U.S. president-elect Donald Trump by more than 3.4 million votes.

Elsewhere, Trump scored a string of unexpected victories – even though he was running against the entire mainstream media apparatus, the administration of Barack Obama and his own party’s leadership.

Anyway … given the extent of Hollywood hate toward Trump, it was surprising to see Tinseltown A-lister Leonardo DiCaprio on Trump’s daily schedule this week.

According to the Associated Press, the actor and a representative of his Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation met with Trump and his daughter Ivanka to discuss how so-called “green jobs” can boost the economy.

“Today, we presented the president-elect and his advisors with a framework – which LDF developed in consultation with leading voices in the fields of economics and environmentalism – that details how to unleash a major economic revival across the United States that is centered on investments in sustainable infrastructure,” a spokesman for DiCaprio’s foundation said. “Our conversation focused on how to create millions of secure, American jobs in the construction and operation of commercial and residential clean, renewable energy generation.”

Hmmm … green jobs.

Sound familiar?  They should.  And not for the right reasons.

Historically, green jobs have been a scam – an excuse to funnel taxpayer subsidies to politically connected companies with no expectation of the money ever being repaid.  Or ever providing the country with an economic benefit.

Furthermore, DiCaprio is a leading proponent of global warming – a theory this website has consistently disputed.

Having said that, our energy policy is remarkably simple: Whatever keeps the power flowing at the lowest cost to the consumer.  If there is a way to make money through clean energy – without taxpayers having to come out of pocket or government providing unfair competitive advantages – we’re all for it.

In fact we are among those consumers who would likely be willing to pay a small premium on our power bill for energy provided from clean sources – although again, such premiums should be dictated by the market, not by government mandates.

(Banner via iStock)


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