SC Confederate “Confirmation” Could Redefine PC War

WHAT WILL THE LEFT DO?  This website is said to be ideologically positioned on the so-called “alt-right” of the American political spectrum, however our guiding principles are all-inclusive. We believe in freedom and free markets: No matter what you look like, who you worship, who you love or what you believe….


This website is said to be ideologically positioned on the so-called “alt-right” of the American political spectrum, however our guiding principles are all-inclusive.

We believe in freedom and free markets: No matter what you look like, who you worship, who you love or what you believe.

As long as you aren’t imposing on the liberties of others, we believe you have the right to pursue the American dream to the best of your abilities.

Sadly, we live in a country in which the notion of a limited government dedicated to ensuring equality of opportunity for all people is being replaced – with increasing rapidity – by an Orwellian monster hellbent on imposing specific outcomes.

These outcomes aren’t equal, either (i.e. Bernie Sanders-style socialism) … they are rather rigged in favor of those who pay to play.  And the next president of the Republic (assuming things continue on their current track) is the definition of a pay-to-play politician.  Which is why she’s being elevated at all costs by both major political parties and the mainstream media outlets they control.

And why her opponent is being relentlessly smeared.

Anyway … at the heart of the far left, government-driven “groupthink” pushing our nation off the cliff of sanity (we’re clearly already over the cliff of fiscal responsibility) are stereotypes every bit as deplorable as, well, those ostensibly held by the “deplorables.”

One of these stereotypes?  That all supporters of the Confederate flag are intolerant racists, xenophobes and homophobes.

Some of them are, for sure … but not all of them.

In fact, we’re told the leader of one of South Carolina’s most successful pro-flag groups will be releasing a statement early next week confirming what the organization’s leadership already knows – that he is an open and practicing homosexual.

And has been for many years …

“There’s no ‘coming out’ here, there is no closet for him to come out of – he’s always been out,” an advisor to the group told us.  “What’s worth pointing out is that flag backers – who are presumed to be bigots in every sense of the word – don’t care that he’s gay.”

That is interesting.  Surprising even.

We’re not yet at liberty to disclose the name of the individual in question – or the name of the group he is affiliated with – but several of the organization’s leaders reached out to us this week to confirm the “bombshell” announcement was coming.

They also told us the leader had the “unanimous support” of his board moving forward.

This website has had a hot/ cold relationship with the various Confederate flag groups.  Obviously we were dropped from many of their Christmas card lists last spring when we called for the Confederate flag to be removed from the grounds of the S.C. State House.

In fact we were the first media outlet in the state to make such a declaration.

However, our coverage of the flawed process by which the flag was actually lowered earned us grudging praise from among the “Rebel ranks.”  It also helped us get to know many flag supporters who – like the leader of this particular group – simply didn’t fit in the “hatemonger box” the far left was trying to shove them into.

Anyway … stay tuned for much more on this story next week.

Also, we look forward to seeing how the forces of “tolerance” in this country handle a flipping of their politically-correct script.  Because our guess is it will be far from “tolerant.”

(Banner image via iStock)


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