Emily Conrad: Want To Make A Difference This Election Cycle?

HOW INCREASED ELECTORAL COMPETITION WOULD IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LOCAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS || By EMILY CONRAD || Economic competition is what makes the world go ’round.  Take the textile industry, for example: In the South, we often lament the loss of our textile industry (and the manufacturing jobs that went…


emily conrad|| By EMILY CONRAD || Economic competition is what makes the world go ’round.  Take the textile industry, for example: In the South, we often lament the loss of our textile industry (and the manufacturing jobs that went with it).  Between 1997-2007, nearly 650,000 jobs in the American textile sector were lost due to overseas competition.  What we often neglect to mention is how we got the textile industry in the first place: Textile mills moved to the South in the late 1800s and early 1900s after wages expanded in the Northeast, the birthplace of the American textile industry.

However, at the same time, it can be argued that consumers win with this increased competition.  On the eve of World War I, the average family spent 17 percent of their household income on clothing.  Today, the average American household spends only 3 percent of its income on clothing; with the average consumption of each individual at nearly 70 new garments each year.  Now, a new trend has arisen: with rising wages in Asia and with cheap land, construction, and utilities in the U.S. South, some textile companies are moving from overseas back to our region. Keer America, a cotton spinning firm, just opened up operations in Fort Mill, representing a $218 million investment with the intention of employing over 500 workers over the next five years.

Competition provides consumers with the quality of product they want at the optimal price.  At the opposite end of the spectrum, monopolization is the very worst option for the consumer.  When a single provider is responsible for a good or service, it often sets higher prices.  Moreover, due to the lack of competitors, the monopoly has no incentive to cut costs or innovate. That competition benefits the consumer is not speculation; it is economic fact.

While many in South Carolina wholeheartedly agree with the necessity for economic competition, we often fail to apply this same principle to our local and state politics.  In fact, there is virtually no competition – as noted by political scientist and former Presbyterian College Vice-President David Gillespie.

In the S.C. State House elections in 2014, only 31 of the 124 races featured a choice between a Republican and a Democrat.  Moreover, every one of the 111 incumbents on the general ballot was re-elected.  Some might assume that third parties would have put up a fight, which was, unfortunately, not the case: Only 7 of these 124 races even had a third party or independent candidate on the ballot.

In other words, when we go to the ballot box in November, South Carolinians have very little choice except to vote for status quo politicians.

One might wonder, how could this happen? How could we have such limited choices in our politics?

The first problem is the gerrymandered districts.  While gerrymandering often receives a great deal of attention on the national level as it relates to the U.S. House of Representatives, it also exists in local and state politics.  The state legislature is the body that draws the lines of South Carolina’s districts.  These lines are often drawn with little care to the community as a whole, but rather, encompassing an assortment of neighborhoods that will either surely vote Democrat or surely vote Republican.  The ultimate result of this is that the minority party of the district hardly puts up a fight – most often meaning that only one candidate is on the ballot in November.

Some may argue that while gerrymandering is problematic, it still allows voters some degree of choice. Voters will just have to make their voices heard during the primary election, rather than the general election.  The truth is that only a small fraction of general election voters (often around ten percent of the voters) turn up for the primary – making these elections potentially quite susceptible to special interest groups.

Speculation aside, facts show most incumbents do not even face challengers in their own party’s primaries. In the afore-mentioned S.C. State House elections of 2014, only twenty races saw an incumbent face a challenger from within their own party.  Out of these 20 races, only two incumbents were defeated.

Aside from district lines, another problem is our political mentality.  Many of us like to complain about the status quo, but very few of us are actually willing to exhibit the courage to do something about it.  We view politics as a broken and corrupt institution, rather than an opportunity to serve our communities by creating legislation that can assist in economic growth and development.  Instead, we debate politics at family dinners, we send angry letters or emails to our politicians, we attend town hall meetings where we attempt to ask the best “gotcha” question we can, or (in my personal case) we write articles.

Running for political office is an opportunity; an opportunity which is not available to most people around the world either due to the nature of their governments or their own personal socio-economic situation.  In China, most government officials (even at the most local level) are selected based on their performance on civic service exams.  In 2012, The Economist noted that out of the 1.4 million individuals taking this exam, there were only 20,800 job openings within the Chinese government.  In some states in India – which is the world’s largest democracy in terms of population – a person is mandated by law to have a toilet to run for elected office.  This is in a country where, as Bloomberg noted, fifty percent of the population defecates outdoors.

By contrast in South Carolina, the qualifications for running for State House are being a registered voter who is at least 20 years old. To run for the State Senate, all you need to be is a 25-year-old registered voter.

This election cycle, I believe each and every incumbent should face a challenger in the primary and/or the general election in November.  I am not saying this because I think all of our politicians need to be taken out of office, but rather, that I believe strongly in competition.  When elected officials are held accountable by challengers, the quality of our government will improve.  If this principle is good enough for the economic market, it should also be good enough for the political arena.

From March 16th to March 30th, Palmetto State citizens can file as a candidate as a member of one of the ten registered parties of South Carolina.

I hope more will do so – because we desperately need leaders to challenge the status quo.  If you are one of these leaders, I urge you to consider running for public office, if for no other reason than to challenge the incumbents and thereby holding them accountable.  If you know someone who would make an excellent public servant, I urge you to share with him/her the statistics contained in this article.  Many South Carolinians are unaware of the sad state of our democracy which, in many cases, has left us without the option to vote for anyone except the incumbent.

In the midst of this acerbic presidential election, it is time to refocus and restore our government on the local level.

Emily Conrad is a South Carolina native and currently an international relations graduate student at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.  A Phi Beta Kappa Wofford College graduate, she is the founder of book blog, Global Book Challenge.


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Clarence Boddicker February 15, 2016 at 2:27 pm

TL;DR. Vote Trump.

E Norma Scok February 15, 2016 at 5:28 pm

Imagine if you had to hear it all in person.

“I mean she is mildly attractive and all, but I just wish she would shut up already”

I’d just be wondering if she was going to wear that silly hat in bed, while she yammered on and on.

Tazmaniac February 16, 2016 at 10:07 am

The hat would go nicely with those red, white, and blue condoms I sell at “Family Values Voter” events.

Lone Ranger February 15, 2016 at 2:32 pm

Yo…SC legislator-payday-grubbing-cowards…so you don’t want the flag that honors patriots and Southern heritage to fly?

We’ve got your names—we KNOW who you are and come election time you CAN bend over and kiss your caboose goodbye !!!

Donnaddemello3 February 16, 2016 at 3:11 am

?my .friend’s mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet.?….two days ago new McLaren. F1 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a days ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Here!b189????? http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsMag/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:?2:::::!b189……

Combo Special #69: Fish & Rice February 15, 2016 at 3:20 pm

Have spent all that time in China, I can see now your favorite color is red.

Mike at the Beach February 15, 2016 at 11:20 pm

That’s where she learned all about free markets and competition.

Tazmaniac February 15, 2016 at 3:57 pm


idcydm February 15, 2016 at 4:24 pm

What did she say, I have trouble reading novels from my cpu screen.

Tazmaniac February 15, 2016 at 4:31 pm

This is one of those times when I hear my dear departed Mother whispering in my ear not to say anything at all.

idcydm February 15, 2016 at 4:40 pm

You didn’t read it either?

Manray9 February 15, 2016 at 5:20 pm

The sheep elect and re-elect the same malefactors. And people wonder why nothing ever changes?

Bible Thumper February 15, 2016 at 6:38 pm

Could have made it more interesting if you would have suggested Louisiana’s jungle primaries.

erneba February 15, 2016 at 8:09 pm

Here she is.

9'' aka smegma February 15, 2016 at 11:39 pm

couldnt read the fine print for all the chism on my cp screen

CorruptionInColumbia February 15, 2016 at 11:52 pm

This article was a drastic improvement over the previous stuff such as the one berating citizens who are not fans of importing mass quantities of “refugees” into our country from areas that generally despise us and our lifestyles. While much of this article was in the realm of common sense or maybe common knowledge, (water is wet, wood is hard, etc), it is a big step in the right direction from previous articles by her. Like Taylor, she IS evolving and hopefully will improve.

Hang in there and keep up the inprovement, Emily!

Tazmaniac February 16, 2016 at 8:03 am

Wood is hard? LOL You dirty old man.

CorruptionInColumbia February 16, 2016 at 9:52 am

I gotta be me.



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