Reports: USC Fraternity Event Leads To Pledge’s Hospitalization

MORE GREEK DRAMA … || By FITSNEWS || Two weeks after the University of South Carolina suspended thirteen of its nineteen fraternities due to “numerous recruitment, alcohol and risk management violations,” one of the organizations held an off-campus event at which pledges “were forced to consume excessive amounts of alcohol.”…


|| By FITSNEWS || Two weeks after the University of South Carolina suspended thirteen of its nineteen fraternities due to “numerous recruitment, alcohol and risk management violations,” one of the organizations held an off-campus event at which pledges “were forced to consume excessive amounts of alcohol.”

Big deal, right?

Right … except for the fact that according to one of our sources, “one young man … ended up hospitalized with alcohol poisoning and is (on) a ventilator.”

Whoa …

The report – which allegedly involves pledges of the Theta Chi fraternity – comes six months after University of South Carolina freshman Charlie Terreni, Jr. was found dead in the aftermath of a Pi Kappa Alpha event.  It also comes a year after the mysterious death of Clemson University student Tucker Hipps – a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity.

It’s clear at this point hazing played a role in Hipps’ death – even though those reports were initially denied by local law enforcement.

As far as the latest alleged fraternity drama is concerned, messages to Theta Chi leadership were not immediately returned.

We’ll be sure to update this story in the event we get additional details …


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vicupstate September 18, 2015 at 11:26 am

It’s clear at this point hazing played a role in Hipps’ death – even though those reports were initially denied by local law enforcement.

It is not ‘clear’, nor has it been proven in a court of law, nor has the evidence even been presented.

The supposed eyewitness may not have actually been present on the day the incident occurred. Of course, FITS never reported THAT.

jimlewisowb September 18, 2015 at 8:58 pm

Reckon the kid went bonkers when he couldn’t come up with some biscuits, tater tots, chocolate milk so he threw himself head first off a bridge

No doubt during Freshmen Orientation throwing oneself off a bridge headfirst is the first option for students who find themselves in a stressful situation

On second thought it was probably the tater tots. Heard tell of some people in South Georgia pulling their balls off because the wife forgot to bring home the tater tots

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is by damn a fucking duck

Tom September 20, 2015 at 9:15 am

You are a sick sob

jimlewisowb September 20, 2015 at 12:38 pm

Wrong pew, right Church

Owb you Sob

USC student September 20, 2015 at 8:28 pm

This article is not accurate and do not trust this. I am aware of the real story and this is not accurate nor should it be shared. Shame on Fitsnews for posting this yellow journalism.

Suzy Querin September 28, 2015 at 7:42 am

And now Theta Chi is suspended again…. Proud of USC for not tolerating life-threatening hazing or lying frat boys!

Jack the Tipper September 29, 2015 at 9:57 pm

Shame on the Theta Chi frat leaders for forcing pledges to consume so much alcohol that they require hospitalization….shame on the Theta Chi frat leaders for not learning after their first suspension…shame on the Theta Chi frat leaders for not listening to the frat council. Theta Chi asked for it and they got it…. I hope their suspension is for years this time, rather than days! They need to pack away their tiny tailgate tent until 2020!


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