
PC Sanitization: Texas Edition

‘HORNS HOOKING HISTORY …  || By FITSNEWS || Earlier this year, our website led the charge to remove the Confederate flag from the grounds of the S.C. State House in the aftermath of a horrific, racially motivated mass murder in Charleston, S.C. We based our position on two simple conclusions: 1) That…


|| By FITSNEWS || Earlier this year, our website led the charge to remove the Confederate flag from the grounds of the S.C. State House in the aftermath of a horrific, racially motivated mass murder in Charleston, S.C.

We based our position on two simple conclusions: 1) That the flag should have never been “re-raised” on government grounds in the first place, and 2) That our long-standing indifference toward its presence there did not outweigh legitimate outrage over its misuse as a symbol of hate.

For the definitive recap of that debate, click here …

What we did not sanction (at any time) is the erasing of history in the name of political correctness.  Sure, this website has consistently opposed government funding for museums and monuments (Confederate or otherwise) – arguing they are not core functions of government.

But we don’t believe in wasting more tax dollars by purging existing monuments … nor do we think such a purge is a worthy undertaking in the first place.  In fact to be perfectly honest, the lengths to which the politically correct Komissariat in this county are going in an effort to demonize all things southern is starting to piss us off.

It’s fascism – all in the name of a compulsory tolerance which is, in itself, discriminatory and an imposition on individual liberty.

To wit: At the University of Alabama, sorority girls are under fire for a lack of “diversity” in a recruitment video.  Meanwhile The Washington Post ran a column recently in which the University of Georgia was slammed for its delay in imposing a ban on hoop skirts – the wearing of which the author equated to a “hate crime.”

Unreal …

Down at the University of Texas, a new report seeks to address six of the school’s Confederate-themed monuments – including a statute of former Confederate States of America (CSA) president Jefferson Davis.

The report (.pdf here) proposes four options for dealing with the offending monuments: Three of which involve removing them from the campus.  The fourth option? Placing “explanatory plaques” on the statues in an effort to provide “historical context.”

You know … like the “context” added to a plaque in Atlanta, Georgia in an effort to sanitize the legacy of former Union general William Tecumseh Sherman.

“This would enhance the educational value of the six statues and give historical context, while allowing the institution to put philosophical distance between itself and what the figures stood for,” the report stated.

Of course the school’s leaders made it clear this option was unlikely to gain favor because “it would draw more attention to the statues while not ending – and likely prolonging – the controversy.”

Oh, the school also doesn’t want to pay for security for the statues and repairs due to vandalism.

“Maintaining the statues requires resources for ongoing maintenance, removal of graffiti and repair, if possible, from other forms of vandalism, and police presence in an effort to monitor the statues and reduce future vandalism,” the report stated.  “Eventually, the statues may be permanently damaged beyond repair.”

Jeez …

Enabling this neo-fascist push?  The fact that all of these schools are government-run institutions (although to be fair, the politically correct push is infecting private institutions, too).

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Higher education (like museum funding or monument construction) is not a core function of government.  Meaning much of this “sanitization debate” could be resolved by simply privatizing these organizations and setting them free to pursue their destinies in the marketplace (where their decisions are held accountable).

Will that happen?  Don’t bet on it.

Government wants to keep its hooks in our youth … via indoctrination as well as their wallets and pocketbooks.  Seriously: This isn’t just about eroding individual liberty and independent thinking, it’s a for-profit scam … with taxpayers on the hook.

Enough is enough.

We pushed to bring the flag down because it was – in our opinion – the right thing to do.  But the sort of crap we’re seeing in the aftermath of that push is making us start to regret our advocacy.  Bottom line? We refuse to sit back and permit these government-fed scammers to demonize us by virtue of our geographic location and our skin color.

Racial tolerance is not a license to rewrite history.  Or to discriminate.  Or to erode individual liberty.

And we won’t stand for it to be used in such a manner …


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Rocky Verdad August 18, 2015 at 12:12 pm

Been watching BBQ with Jason or something like that lately, guy doesa BBQ show out of Austin. Convincing me that Low Country BBQ is still the world’s best.

RogueElephant August 18, 2015 at 12:21 pm

Sweatman’s in Eutawville.. Not quite as good now as when the old generation ran it but still the best in SC.

The Colonel August 18, 2015 at 12:24 pm

Sweatman’s address is actually in Holy Hill (on Eutawville Road) – but I agree, it’s the best in the region.

TontoBubbaGoldstein August 18, 2015 at 8:58 pm

TBG believes that Doctor Ron Paul once stated that Sweatman’s [liberty oriented, non-interventionist] BBQ was the best.

Naaaaah. Just messing with you, Chief.

The Colonel August 18, 2015 at 9:02 pm

Even if he did it’s just more proof of the “…blind squirrel/nut…” axiom.

Rocky Verdad August 18, 2015 at 12:34 pm

Bessinger’s is good down here, and Jim N Nicks on King Street is really good, even though it’s a chain. One thing about down south, BBQ isn’t food, it’s religion.

The Buzzman August 18, 2015 at 12:35 pm

Then too there is the right-wing version of political correctness and revisionist history — which can be seen in state efforts to purge history books for schools of all mention of Thomas Jefferson, some of the worst evils of slavery, the word “Jim Crow”, and many important aspects of the Civil Rights Movement.

Focus on just the insane excesses of the left if you choose, Will. The hoop skirt thing is obviously insane. But please dont ignore some of the absolute fascistic insanity of the fringers on the right.

Be Quiet! August 18, 2015 at 1:55 pm


Daniel Boome August 18, 2015 at 2:18 pm

Do you have a link or source to any of this stuff you assert? Not saying you’re wrong but as one who some would consider a “right winger”, I have never heard a rip of any of this. Oh, I’m sure you could find any ole yahoo out somewhere who says something similar just like you can find any yahoo who spouts any conspiracy theory of any type or extreme, but as far as mainstream players or advocacy groups go, I seriously doubt this.

CNSYD August 18, 2015 at 1:02 pm

“horrific, racially motivated” It’s back!!!!

TontoBubbaGoldstein August 18, 2015 at 9:01 pm

“horrific, racially motivated” It’s back!!!!

Just when TBG had dried out enough to function in polite society.
Oh well.

The Colonel August 18, 2015 at 9:02 pm


CorruptionInColumbia August 19, 2015 at 7:34 am

Like a gigantic cluster of herpes lesions on the genitalia of SC…

erneba August 18, 2015 at 1:23 pm

“We refuse to sit back and permit these
government-fed scammers to demonize us by virtue of our geographic
location and our skin color.”
The mistake that people made was that they thought fulfilling the desires of the moment to “take down the flag” would satisfy the “I’m constantly offended crowd.” It is just another cog in the wheel of a social and political evolution that depends upon a never-ending drumbeat of offenses to stay relevant. It provides a deflection from the woes and misery that affects their community. Crime and gang ridden neighborhoods, lack of education, high illegitimacy rates, fatherless homes, all have nothing to do with a flag or statue. But it makes for a good standard to base a social and political movement around.
When your social and political well-being depends upon making claims that dispensing the artifacts of history will change your life, it is time to look in the mirror to find the problem.
Again, I am glad the flag came down, nice gesture, but eradicating all remnants of our past history will not improve your life.

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CNSYD August 18, 2015 at 2:40 pm

When will the memorials to Lincoln detail his violations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? When will Sherman and Sheridan be recognized as war criminals?

TontoBubbaGoldstein August 18, 2015 at 9:04 pm

When will the memorials to Lincoln detail his violations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? When will Sherman and Sheridan be recognized as war criminals?

TBG has always recognized all three as war criminals. Sherman wrote some pretty incisive commentary on war…but so did Goering.


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