Robert Romano: Give Chuck Schumer Zero Credit For Opposing Iran Deal

|| By ROBERT ROMANO || Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently made headlines on August 6 when he announced his opposition to President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran that critics say will help Tehran acquire nuclear weapons. “I believe Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be…

|| By ROBERT ROMANO || Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently made headlines on August 6 when he announced his opposition to President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran that critics say will help Tehran acquire nuclear weapons.

“I believe Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power. Better to keep U.S. sanctions in place, strengthen them, enforce secondary sanctions on other nations, and pursue the hard-trodden path of diplomacy once more, difficult as it may be,” Schumer said in a press statement.

Schumer said he would vote in favor of a resolution of disapproval blocking the Iran deal. That’s great.

There’s only one problem. It won’t matter.

Schumer was one of 98 senators who voted in favor of authorizing the Iran deal before anyone had even had an opportunity to read it.

That is because the law, H.R. 1191, authored by Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), provides that “any measure of statutory sanctions relief by the United States pursuant to an agreement [with Iran]… may be taken, consistent with existing statutory requirements for such action, if, following the period for review provided… there is not enacted any such joint resolution” by Congress disapproving of the deal within 60 days of its announcement, which the president would have to sign.

Obama has promised to veto such a resolution, and 150 House Democrats in May said they would vote to sustain it.

Meaning, the time to have blocked the Iran deal is not under the phony process created by the Corker bill — requiring two-thirds majorities in both houses of Congress to override the Obama veto — but back in May.

Schumer knew all of that going into the vote …

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Robert Romano is the Senior Editor of Americans for Limited Government.  This piece (reprinted with permission) originally appeared on NetRightDaily.com.

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Rocky Verdad August 13, 2015 at 4:42 pm

Spot on buddy. The Eee-iiiistablishment sold you all down the river back at the head waters – and the regualr GOP supporters were once again too stupid to see it coming. How’s that RINO horn feel now?

RogueElephant August 13, 2015 at 9:50 pm

An old friend told me many years ago : We don’t have to worry about the Dims. They are what they are. What we have to watch out for are the RINOs. They do our party more damage than the Dims ever could. That statement gets proven right every day.

CorruptionInColumbia August 14, 2015 at 10:08 am


Lone Ranger August 13, 2015 at 5:53 pm

Ummmm…Kemosabe…so airhead Rocky says “too stupid???”…is he really that painfully slow?
Why yes, Tonto, because the gutless RINOs INTEND to be Dems like him–certain–but NOT in the know !!!

Rocky Verdad August 13, 2015 at 9:27 pm

But yet Tonto, Conservatives caved, that is big point, bigger than point on RINO tusk stuck. Why? Because American business want to get into Iran.

Krazy Kat August 14, 2015 at 10:00 am

Schumer (D-Israel) has to vote the way his Prime Minister directs him.


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