Len Anthony: Who We Are

AMERICANS … WITH A CAPITAL “A” || By LEN ANTHONY || North Carolina Congressman George Holding sent his constituents an email containing a link to President Ronald Reagan’s speech celebrating the Fourth of July in 1986. It is worth watching and can be found here. Reagan’s speech prompted me to ask…


|| By LEN ANTHONY || North Carolina Congressman George Holding sent his constituents an email containing a link to President Ronald Reagan’s speech celebrating the Fourth of July in 1986. It is worth watching and can be found here.

Reagan’s speech prompted me to ask myself what it means to be an American. Given our nation’s history and humble beginnings it strikes me that fundamentally being an American means being tolerant and accepting of others’ beliefs and opinions and willing to fight to protect each individual’s right to his or her beliefs and opinions.

The plaque on the Statue of Liberty reads:

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

The Declaration of Independence declares:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

John Winger (portrayed by actor Bill Murray) expresses the same principle in the movie “Stripes” when he makes the following speech to his fellow Army recruits:

We’re all very different people.  We’re not Watusi.  We’re not Spartans. We’re Americans, with a capital ‘A’, huh?  You know what that means?  Do ya?  That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse.  We’re mutts!… But there’s no animal that’s more faithful, that’s more loyal, more lovable than the mutt.

Implicit in these expressions of our fundamental principles is that we appreciate each other’s differences and respect them. We welcome each other’s uniqueness and individuality. We are a melting pot. What unites us is our individuality.

As to be expected given our Constitutional right of freedom of expression, and being a melting pot, there will be disagreements. Debate is good. Positions should be challenged and defended. But it must be the positions that are challenged not the persons expressing them. We can disagree on a position or issue while demonstrating respect for the individual. The high road should always be the location where disagreements are resolved.

There will be instances in which one person’s exercise of his First Amendment right of freedom of expression will insult or offend someone else. That cannot be avoided. But the exercise of the First Amendment right of freedom of expression should not be used to purposely hurt the person with whom you disagree. That is not what Americans do with their freedoms. The current controversy regarding the Confederate flag is instructive.

The Confederate Flag can have several meanings, some good some bad. The good involves pride in our southern way of life, probably best expressed by Hank Williams, Jr. in the song “A Country Boy Can Survive.” Hank, Jr. sings:

“We say grace and we say ma’am, if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn”.

Unfortunately, as one of our South Carolina state senators described it, the Confederate flag has been hijacked to express some bad things. One of the bad things is white supremacy and racial prejudice.

When someone displays the Confederate flag observers do not know the meaning intended by the displayer. However, it can safely be assumed that the displayer, regardless of his intent, knows some observers will perceive the display as intended to be hurtful and inflammatory. The displayer may assert that that was not his intent, that this is America and the First Amendment to the Constitution protects his right of expression and to display the flag. He is correct and everyone should respect that right if he chooses to exercise it. But the displayer should ask himself regardless of his Constitutional rights, knowing the Confederate flag is often seen as conveying a message of racial prejudice and intolerance, is displaying the Confederate flag consistent with our American values.

As Americans we do not attack someone because of the beliefs they hold, the color of their skin or the person they choose for their companion. Our beliefs may cause us to be labelled as Democrats, Republicans, Christians or Muslims.

The color of our skin may categorize us as white or black. Our choice of companion may determine our sexual orientation. But if asked who we are, we are Americans with a capital “A.”  As the greatest nation the earth has ever known America must set the example for the rest of the world.  Let’s do that.

Len Anthony spent thirty years as in-house counsel for a public utility.  He’s now semi-retired living in North Myrtle Beach, S.C.  

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Oh, please July 6, 2015 at 12:49 pm

The flag was not hijacked by racists. It was designed by racists, used by racists during the civil war and used again by racists during the civil rights movement. So, let’s cut this ‘heritage’ crap out. It’s total bullshit and everyone knows it. If you’re going to cry ‘heritage’ be honest and admits it’s a racist heritage.

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 2:56 pm

I don’t know about racist heritage per se, but from what I’ve observed over the last 40 or so years most everybody I’ve seen flying the “Stars & Bars” are for the most part white trash who couldn’t name 2 of the major battles of the Civil War if you gave them 3 tries let alone ask them about the battle between the “ironclads”
If asked why he is flying the “stars & bars” just about every time “Bubba” will say: “It’s about my hair-a-tige”
*******Heritage my hillbilly ass!!!!!!!!!*****************

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:19 pm

I can name two. The battle of Gettys, and the battle of Burg. See, now get off my trailer lot dang it.

flipped over da Bonnie! July 6, 2015 at 12:58 pm

“But the displayer should ask himself regardless of his Constitutional rights, knowing the Confederate flag is often seen as conveying a message of racial prejudice and intolerance”

Just a question…should the same standard be applied to the Rainbow Flag? Millions of Biblical Christians believe that flag conveys a message of perversion,prejudice and intolerance toward their faith,family and community by the LGBT freak show.

What sayeth you?

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 12:59 pm

Bonnie won’t be displayed, if they’re smart, the flag and the pole will be gone by weeks end.

flip July 6, 2015 at 1:02 pm

On the run Colonel?Bigoted leftists got ya spooked?You gonna cave when they demand the American Flag comes down?

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 1:04 pm

Hardly, but if we’re talking about the State House grounds I would take all the flags down leaving only the state flag flying above the State House.

Thomas July 6, 2015 at 1:09 pm

BS, the American Flag should be flown over the State Flag, to symbolize we are Americans first and South Carolinians second.

No one is attacking the American Flag. This is all a bunch of crap. Every capitol flys the American Flag as it should.

Jack July 6, 2015 at 2:27 pm


flip July 6, 2015 at 1:10 pm

No American Flag?Then the ISIS type leftists win.

Jack July 6, 2015 at 1:16 pm

ISIS is not leftist, They are extreme right wing religious conservatives, just like you only with a different religion.

Fanatic? July 6, 2015 at 1:19 pm

Yep, you have more in common with ISIS than mainstream America.

Jack July 6, 2015 at 1:26 pm

I have nothing in common with ISIS, just like I have nothing in common with Flip. They are just alike. Extreme right wing religious conservatives who would impose their beliefs on others. by force anytime they are capable of doing so. I believe both will ultimately fail in doing so.

flip July 6, 2015 at 1:37 pm

I’m not extreme right wing, I’m a socialist! I LOVE taxes! LMAO!!!

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:28 pm

Well actually, not even that different. Jesus ascends to Heaven from Jerusalem, as does Mohammed. Heck, they could have been cousins. Or even brothers. Or, dare one say it, maybe even the same guy.

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:27 pm

ISIS. What, you still scared over 15,000 rag heads in a wasteland? What you ought’s be worried over Flip is the 5 million homos coming for ya!!!!

Justice Scalia July 6, 2015 at 1:24 pm

Why don’t you just shut up and sit on that flagpole?

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:26 pm

We ain’t askin’ for the American flag. Honorable men fought and died for that one, usually in victory.

guest July 6, 2015 at 2:48 pm

Andy Shain@AndyShain

Verdin amendment tabled by 22-17 vote. That narrow result suggests there might not be enough votes to pass flag bill by 2/3 majority vote.

10 minutes ago on the State website…

Wrong side again RINO. :)

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 4:21 pm

Yeah, clean bill to take it down second reading, 37-3.

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:25 pm

But, but, but……… Guest is pretty sure Lee Bright-less is gonna preeeevail.

Cotton Matters July 6, 2015 at 1:02 pm

No one is asking that these other flags be placed on the Statehouse lawn, I don’t like them either but let’s move on to more important things.

flip July 6, 2015 at 1:08 pm

Sure.It won’t stop here.American Flag is next.They will use tax exempt status of church(hospitals etc…) to blackmail them into gay marriage.

Confederate Flag comes down and a message of intolerance and free speech will NOT be tolerated will be the message from SC.

flop July 6, 2015 at 1:18 pm

The American people have decided racist views need to go. At least, you have FitsNews’ comments section to get your racist crap off your chest. Let it out. People need to read that only racists support the flag staying.

Take Flip Down July 6, 2015 at 1:38 pm

Racists like you getting taken down a peg is great.

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 12:58 pm

Just left the State House grounds. never heard so much bovine excreta being pitched by some of those arguing pro and con.

As I walked back over to the campus, I noticed one of the oaks had lost a large limb – it had crashed into the flower bed wrecking some azaleas and other bedding plants and couldn’t help but think that it was a good metaphor for this debate – a giant dead branch lays on some otherwise healthy shrubs and plants, choking them and marring the otherwise beautiful grounds.

Let’s get’er done boys.

Sick of Libertarians July 6, 2015 at 1:20 pm

Forgive me, but your level of ignorance pisses me off. (I guess it’s ignorance, but it may be cowardice) You middle-level, fence-riders always bitch about BOTH SIDES pitching Bullshit. Yet you – who is saying NOTHING – have ALL the FUCKING answers. If there is no point on either side, why do YOU comment on it? Why not just shut the FUCK up, you simple-minded idiot.
The one thing I’m glad the left-wing zealots are doing, is TELLING us who they are. That way we have someone to blame. It’s not Bullshit. It’s who they are. They are revealing themselves. Just like you, by claiming everybody is wrong but you and the libertarians, are democntrating how Funking stupid, and meaninglees YOU are.

GrandTango Posting Anonymously July 6, 2015 at 1:22 pm

You sound exactly like GrandTango.

Sick of Libertarians July 6, 2015 at 1:31 pm

I wish.

Not On Your Worst Enemy July 6, 2015 at 1:42 pm

I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, not even my worst enemies. I think it’s obvious, GrandTango posting anonymously, but he still has to stroke his own ego.

Lameness July 6, 2015 at 1:27 pm

It’s a dipshit pretending to be a Colonel. What do you expect?

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 2:45 pm

He isn’t pretending IMO. Maybe he is, but he is a damned good pretender if that is the case. He has spent a LOT of time studying military.

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 1:27 pm

I just can’t win on one hand I get railed at for having an opinion on everything and then you yell at me for sitting on the rail. Frankly kiss my ass.

Lameness July 6, 2015 at 1:28 pm

Your fake Colonel ass isn’t worth kissing. Kicking? Yes.

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 1:30 pm

I’ll be back over the state house tomorrow at 11. I’ll be the guy wearing the gray Army hat.

Tom July 6, 2015 at 1:31 pm

A Confederate Army hat?

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 1:53 pm

No, a gray Army Corps of Engineers hat.

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 3:10 pm

Attending a political rally while in uniform???
That’s grounds for at least an Article 15 there O-6 type…….
If you are wearing any issued military clothing (including a cover) that has military insignia that’s a big faux-pa and you damn well know better…..
Now if you’re sporting some “I’m a veteran”/”go to hell” hat you bought from Wal-Mart (you know the ones you see the old farts wearing at Hardees) you’re “good to go”
Plus, why the fuck are you going over to the state house anyway??? Gonna take another loving look at the stars where those damn Yankee cannon balls bounced off the Capital building?

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 3:24 pm

Depends if he is on duty…and I am guessing he is being sarcastic. Sometimes military assignments require full dress (whatever flavor that is) at all times during an assignment.

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 3:38 pm

That is ignorant bullshit
if you are attending a rally that even HINTS of being political or controversial like flag rallies, etc. you DAMN WELL BETTER NOT be in uniform!!!!!!
Every soldier/sailor/airman/marine/coast guardsman knows that…………it is taught in basic training of every branch of service and reviewed periodically while someone is in the US Armed Forces.
I know, I wish I had a dollar for every time I sat through that mandatory class during the 25 years I was in.

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 3:58 pm

How do you know he isn’t part of the guard? I too sat through that mandatory BS, not 25 years, but too long.

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 4:05 pm

I recall being in NYC on water during a Bush speech and we were required to wear uniform EVERY where we went. There were many countries who came to hear that speech. I still have picture with some German folk.

Maybe Colonel isn’t who he says he is, but he is pretty consistent. Even when I don’t agree with him.

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 7:19 pm

But you were not at a POLITICAL or similar type of rally (Example: partaking in a rally or endorsing a Bush for Prez while in uniform or attending a “Kick the hell out of the Iranians” rally while in uniform.
You could wear the uniform where ever you went just don’t show up at said rally with your “crackerjacks” on or in my case Army (1971- 1974) or Air Force (1988 – 2010)

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 8:23 pm

Tell me about your basic training. Where? When? What did you do? Was it difficult? What uniform did you wear? When did you wear it? Where did you wear it? When could you take it off? When couldn’t you?

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 3:44 pm

Nope wearing a CoE hat given to me by the Wilmington district for some assistance on one of their projects.I was wearing it the keep the sun out of my eyes. Interesting issue on the side where most of the Canon balls struck. The ballasters below the window nearest the porch are damaged but there is no star there and a picture taken shortly after the shelling of the city shows them as undamaged – the state house historian and the facility manager are at a loss to explain out.

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 4:12 pm

Some drunk janitor probably took a sledge hammer to it or a Citadel cadet was WAY off on his range card firing that cannon in the square during a hurricane……………….

Lameness July 6, 2015 at 1:48 pm

Oh you wear an army hat? What’s your rank?

Higher Than Yours July 6, 2015 at 1:50 pm

You are one disrespectful little pissant aren’t ya?

Sick of Libertarians July 6, 2015 at 1:37 pm

Try growing a set of balls, THINKING for YOURSELF, and standing up for it. We have way too many people voting, who either have no convictions, or incorporate the indoctrination of the media and leftists. Or you sit paralyzed as the moderate-libertarian party instructs its idiots to do.
You, by trying to stand in the middle, render yourself worthless, except to the liberals, who love those who are oblivious to their constant fucking up. They get away with murder because you’re fucking chicken to admit what they are.

GrandTango's Back! July 6, 2015 at 1:39 pm

Just start using Liberal-Tarians and bleep out the swears, the brainless jumbled mess is the same!

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 1:55 pm

I might suggest you do the same thing. Just in case that went over your pea brained head THINK FOR YOURSELF

You prefer that we the individual yield to your all knowing knowledge. If I take one thing away from what you say – must be Jesus Christ himself incarnate.

You ain’t no Jesus and you can’t save the world. Get over yourself. Realize that we can all think for ourselves without your hate filled guidance.

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 1:37 pm

Hey – are you stealing my bovine feces line and making it your own? :).

So the confederate flag is gone? Dang, I have some catching up to do.

Victorious Secret July 6, 2015 at 2:12 pm

In the COL’s defense, he has been using “bovine excreta” for as long as I can remember. That said, I don’t think he has an exclusive license on the term.

It can work quite fittingly in certain instances. Ergo, both of you should use it at will!

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 2:22 pm

And on this website that will be pretty often.

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 2:24 pm

There is plenty to go around ;)

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:24 pm

The sooner the better. Pretty soon Trump will take it up as a cause.

pogo July 6, 2015 at 1:16 pm

Geeze how disgusting, I can’t stand the American flag! Someone please burn it!

Uncle Sam July 6, 2015 at 1:20 pm

I know you can’t stand it. Just like you hate America, dummy.

pogo July 6, 2015 at 1:23 pm

Yes, yes, I can’t stand America. I’m just the most hateful person you’ll ever meet.

nitrat July 6, 2015 at 1:21 pm

Like Dylann Roof did? After he spit on it?

pogo July 6, 2015 at 1:23 pm

Yes, just like I did after I spit on it.

F.B.I. July 6, 2015 at 1:37 pm

Do you know Dylan?

pogo July 6, 2015 at 1:40 pm

Shouldn’t you be asking me? LMAO!!!!!!

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 1:42 pm

Stop with your silly ass FBI stuff in an effort to scare people away. It didn’t work when you tried that on me, so why try someone who has a longer history on this site? You are lame. Be careful what you ask for — with all your FBI comments, you never know when they might start looking at you….

guest July 6, 2015 at 1:52 pm

nitrat John C • 10 minutes ago
After reading the piece at NYT about white supremacists, I just hope the FBI is monitoring this site for leads.
NITRAT was your boy.Please don’t ever threaten me.I am sensitive. :)
You already have demonstrated you are unstable from your racist defaming of a news person and saying you had files and information on certain people…add that you stated the SC GOP Chair apparently threatened to sue you and YOU have NUTS written all over your life.

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 2:02 pm

My fake profile thrives on the fact you think I am unstable. I’m just exploiting that to the limits.

I’ve already expressed regret that I was too quick to judge based on association, not sure what the hell you want from me. Ms. Goldsmith doesn’t seem to be too concerned, I haven’t received a phone call. If I did, I would simply apologize for my ignorance on the status of her marriage. Or her life in general.

A GOP chair did threaten suit, as you often have. They always do. Anyone. Anytime. Who does not agree. I simply told this person something along the lines of bring your wallet. I’ll tell you the same thing. Put your money where your mouth is.

Oh, wait. I forgot. You live in the basement of your mother’s home – assuming all comments on this site are accurate.

I did not see Nitrat’s comment in context. I will look for it. We all appreciate you stalking and keeping us informed. You do realize even if I disagree with him – I disagree with you so much that it taints my vision. I might want to wait til tomorrow and look at it when I can comment my true thoughts vs. allowing you to get under my skin. You poor pathetic media whore.

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 2:08 pm

This is a message from the silent majority to the SCGOP:

Roberto July 6, 2015 at 1:42 pm

So go ahead burn it. I will defend your right to do so. And I will defend the right of the bigots to fly the stars and bars. Privately. Not on state house grounds.

I will defend these rights under the flag of the United States

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 1:39 pm

Agree: “The color of our skin may categorize us as white or black. Our choice of companion may determine our sexual orientation. But if asked who we are, we are Americans with a capital “A.” As the greatest nation the earth has ever known America must set the example for the rest of the world. Let’s do that.”

If you believe your own post? July 6, 2015 at 1:42 pm

Then I guess you HATE the Democrat Party and Obama for their belief we are a racist, homophobic, war-mongering nation, that has perpetuated far more misery on the world, than we have freed anyone, or enhanced their lives?

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 1:44 pm

I am a long term Republican voter on the cusp of going Democrat. I’ve figure out both parties are going to spend whatever dollar they get, it is just a matter of which spending you can stomach more. GOP has some work to do if they want my vote. My single handed yet very powerful weapon – a vote.

guest July 6, 2015 at 1:45 pm

I hate everyone who I’m not paid to like! LMAO!!!

Victorious Secret July 6, 2015 at 2:06 pm

You’re starting to sound like Sic Willie.

guest July 6, 2015 at 1:43 pm

LMAO!!! So that is why (as you posted) the SC GOP Chairman allegedly threatened to sue you….you love America!????

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 1:44 pm

You are fishing for details. You’ll get none. If/when I decide to publish that (unlikely), you will know.

guest July 6, 2015 at 1:49 pm

I won’t know anything, I’ll be too busy stalking you and Boz and Rocky and SCBlues and The Colonel and everyone else that makes me look like a fool every day.

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 1:50 pm


guest July 6, 2015 at 2:57 pm

You lost…

Andy Shain@AndyShain (moments ago)

Verdin amendment tabled by 22-17 vote. That narrow result suggests there might not be enough votes to pass flag bill by 2/3 majority vote.

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 3:23 pm

If it is lost, I will lick my wounds and save my fight for another day. I will never stop believing we can be better than this.

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 2:48 pm

I just thought of something:
From what everybody that is pro “Confederate” flag says/posts, the “stars & bars” is actually the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia.
Since last week was the 152nd. anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, I am reading a very good book titled “The last Invasion’ which is an excellent book on the Battle of Gettysburg.
From what I’ve read so far, not a fucking South Carolina unit was there to any degree. Mainly North Carolina, Virginia (of course), Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas and even Louisiana (the “Tiger” Brigade – I guess that’s how LSU got its mascot…)
So for all you “heritage’ wonks who get so misty eyed over great-great PePaw Beauguard waving his sword and fighting gallantly for “the Lost Cause” more than likely Great-great PePaw” Beauguard wasn’t rallying around the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia
From what I’ve read (so far) a lot of the soldiers from North Carolina didn’t give a rats ass about South Carolina and one is quoted as saying that as far as he was concerned, “the whole state of South Carolina could sink for getting them into that mess”.
Like so many other things, facts get lost after 150 years and this bullshit REALLY gets twisted around.
As a native West by God Virginian, who truly believes that the saying that the Great state of North Carolina is a “Valley of humility between two mountains of conceit” rings truer every day. My home state told the Confederacy to kiss ass and as far as I’m concerned rightly so.
Some of you “heritage” wonks have got your facts way out of line.
********Heritage my hillbilly ass……………..*******

guest July 6, 2015 at 2:50 pm

Excuse me.The West Virginia Turnpike is named after ROBERT KKK Byrd.

Sybil July 6, 2015 at 3:26 pm

You seriously need to read up on the Byrd’s and Rockefeller’s if you want to throw stones. I had family in politics in WV — I was the first in a long line of family to register Republican. Keep throwing stones — I know that history better than you do.

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 4:03 pm

Chuck Yeager is a staunch Republican!!!

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 3:28 pm

And Ben “Pitchfork” Tillman was a kindly old grandpaw who only had the best interests of African-Americans at heart not to mention your beloved Strom Thurman ran on the “States Rights” Platform complete with a shitload of “Stars & Bars” as a backdrop
Dumb as hell ‘er ye?????

guest July 6, 2015 at 3:02 pm

Andy Shain@AndyShain

To recap: Senate has tabled amendments on non-binding flag referendum and flying the Confederate flag on Confederate Memorial Day.

Shove that up your liberal ass! LMAO!

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 3:27 pm

Number 1 – I’m not a liberal
Number 2; You can eat the peanuts out of my “number 2” when I’m finished shatting my “number 2” out

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 3:53 pm

Actually, there was roughly a brigade (5,000+-) of South Carolinians there under Colonel William De Saussaure in the 15th South Carolina Infantry. 650 or so died on the 2nd of July in the Peach Orchard and Wheatfield debacles. South Carolinians might have amounted to 3% of the total Confederate force there.

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 4:02 pm

As posted, I haven’t read that so far. The author only references the MAJOR units
So….The ancestors of those 5,000 South Carolinians have the right to claim the right to count the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia as their heritage??? Seems to be a shitload of “heritage’ wonks that want to say that great-great Pepaw Beaureguard fought under the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia and not just 3% of them either.
Plus I am quoting the NC soldier who wasn’t at all crazy about the Great state of south Carolina for getting them into the whole sordid mess. According to the book Virginians weren’t too highly thought of either and I can understand why. Only thing more conceited than a South Carolinian is a Virginian but at least Virginia has some things to be proud of.

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 4:06 pm

I guess I’m challenging your assertion that being at Gettysburg legitimizes one’s use of the “battle flag of The Army of Northern Virginia”. While I agree that it’s the wrong flag, I’m no longer concerned about “the right flag”and just want it down.

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:22 pm

You mean renamin’ the Highways. I want to rename 321 the Sherman Liberation Highway. Sorry, going on vacation with the fam next week, feeling rather goofy.

The Colonel July 6, 2015 at 4:27 pm

No, I mean fixing them. I was taking to a SCHP first sergeant this afternoon while watching the ass clowns debate the issue in front of the steps, I asked if he thought we could get a crowd together this worked up about fixing our highways. He laughed and said you might get them worked up but they’d never get here to protest cause of our crappy roads…

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:33 pm

No doubt. The inability of the Legislature to even address roads this last session was a disgrace. And what’s worse, it’s because they’re all sitting on their ass, waiting for Uncle Sam to hand ’em a big chunk of cash. “Oh no, let’s not address the roads, Congress might pass an infrastructure bill and then we’ll get it all free.” Needless to say, I’m flying to my destination for vacation. No way I’m driving these crappy roads to get out of SC.

sparklecity July 6, 2015 at 7:11 pm

On that we fully agree………….
I wasn’t lying about the exits/entrances to I-85 on exit 66 being worse than washboards
Then for SCDOT to admit that the big project to repave a 10-20 mile stretch of same part of I-85 could not be done accomplished due to the subpavement being so out of spec. They started on about 5 miles of it and had to quit a few moths ago – no shit!!!!!
Totally an embarrassment and another example of the dysfunction that is the South Carolina legislature

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:20 pm

And we’d have won that mo fo if them queers down in Richmond had not tied our hands behind our backs listening to them liberals down in Williamsburg. That’s what I think.

nitrat July 6, 2015 at 4:50 pm

“North Carolina is a “Valley of humility between two mountains of conceit” rings truer every day”
That might have been true before the Republicans took control of the NC legislature and Pat McCrony was elected governor.
But, con-servatives are an arrogant lot.

Rocky July 6, 2015 at 4:25 pm

Why Mr. Butler, I do declare, that’s a fine banner you fly from your ship. What’s it stand for?

Why Miss Scarlet, come on down to my private quarters and I shall show you.

Old-Timer July 6, 2015 at 6:04 pm

Yeah, nothing advances the discussion like quoting Hank Williams, Jr.


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