Dabo Swinney Gets Love From SC Social Conservatives

|| By FITSNEWS || Clemson University head football coach Dabo Swinney – whose oft-expressed religious beliefs spawned a minor controversy prior to the start of the 2014 football season – will be honored this spring by South Carolina’s preeminent social conservative organization. Swinney – about to enter his seventh full season…

|| By FITSNEWS || Clemson University head football coach Dabo Swinney – whose oft-expressed religious beliefs spawned a minor controversy prior to the start of the 2014 football season – will be honored this spring by South Carolina’s preeminent social conservative organization.

Swinney – about to enter his seventh full season as Clemson’s coach – will be the guest of honor at the Palmetto Family Council‘s twelfth annual “Celebrating Families” event on June 2.  The event will be held in downtown Columbia, S.C. at the historic Seibels House and Garden.

Swinney will receive an award from Palmetto Family Council and address its members “about his life and walk.”

Yet to be determined?  Whether he will fly to the event … or just drive there really fast.

Also yet to be determined?  How Swinney plans on juxtaposing his view on paying college athletes with the whole “render unto Caesar” bit.

We’ll be sure to keep you posted on what we hear …


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Bible Thumper April 24, 2015 at 3:55 pm

How Swinney plans on juxtaposing his view on paying college athletes with the whole “render unto Caesar” bit.

Jesus had a twelve man road trip team and didn’t pay them.

Victorious Secret April 25, 2015 at 11:16 am

Pretty sure “render unto Caesar” is used to justify the paying of taxes as lawful. I’m not sure how I see the parallel to paying athletes.

Scrappy April 24, 2015 at 4:33 pm

I think Fits has a man crush on Dabo. Maybe if you start being nice he will give you a tour of his pimped out jet like Trump did.

Stymie Yelodog April 24, 2015 at 4:42 pm

We South Carolinians, start the James L. Pettigru quote, love our Jesus.

CNSYD April 24, 2015 at 4:51 pm

Maybe Katrina Shealy will give Folks an award for his support of CDV or was it conviction?

Squishy123 April 24, 2015 at 5:14 pm

Slurrier could get some of this SC love if he’d ever stick around rather than spend his off season in Florida.

#soybeanwind April 24, 2015 at 6:16 pm

Poor tater…you are so obsessed with THE USC and Spurrier that you can’t let a moment pass. Give ol’ Soybean Wind his due and let him enjoy this honor.

Squishy123 April 24, 2015 at 8:17 pm

Spurrier like Holtz is here for a paycheck, once that ends he’ll grab the first flight back to Florida.

davis mcclam April 24, 2015 at 6:23 pm

I am garnet and black to the core of my soul, but I think Dabo Swinney is a fine man.

Bill Brasky April 27, 2015 at 9:18 am Reply
SYNTwist April 24, 2015 at 10:14 pm

Clemson University is ranked the highest in SC, not due to academics IM personal opinion, but due to football. I love their football stadium, but I can’t help but wonder how much influence Dabo/Swinney (not being a fan of coaches) has over the entire university?

Are they ranked best academically because they have the best athletes or because they cater to them?

I have more than a few family members that graduated Clemson who are true leaders, but that was years ago, in most cases decades? They all swear by Clemson. Some of them even taught….

When I moved to SC, I was so proud of Clemson. I am still proud of them as a whole, but I am concerned….

Is it education or athletics?

a face in the crowd April 24, 2015 at 10:37 pm

Depends what you want to emphasize on the educational side. Clemson does a pretty good job with undergraduate education, despite gutting much of gen ed to speed up graduation. As a graduate institution, it is not very strong. In athletics, it is becoming one-dimensional. The athletic department and central administration destroyed women’s sports and now many of the men’s sports are moving to the bottom of the ACC. Football and men’s soccer are decent.

SYNTwist April 24, 2015 at 10:44 pm

I agree with you here, “Clemson does a pretty good job with undergraduate education, despite gutting much of gen ed to speed up graduation”

I also agree as a graduate institution not very strong and possibly one dimensional – likely engineering, at least that are the money making grads I know from there.

The athletic department, not sure about women sports or even all the male sports, but they are exclusive in sports. Football for sure. I don’t know any females currently attending who play sports. However, it is my strong opinion that football players get academic preference, regardless what we pay.

I’ll post more as I hear more ;)

ClemsonGrad April 25, 2015 at 5:37 pm

U.S.C undergrad programs never have come close to Clemson undergrad programs. USC is notorious for viewing students as a nuisance to profs working on publishing, white papers and tenure. In fact, it is the worst in the state for not caring about their “future alums”. There is virtually no support to undergrads, especially freshman.

Scrappy April 25, 2015 at 11:06 am

This is a idiotic post IMO. How in the hell could Dabo and football affect Clemson’s ranking academically?

I’m know the graduation rate is much higher for Clemson athletes than at USC but I doubt that this would have much of a impact on Clemson University consistently rating higher academically than “other” in state universities.

“Cater to athletes”? In what way? The Whitney? Or could it be the African American studies major? Suspending a “student athlete” 3 times before ever playing a snap? Dismissing the same “student athlete” after his 6th and final suspension? Showing up drunk for the weekly “coach’s show”. What exactly would a university have to do to “cater” to athletics at USC?

In closing, I like to see the negative bias that Fits obviously shows towards Clemson. The USC fan base is grasping for anything to shed a negative light on Clemson. It shows that you all know the end is near. Enjoy the last 5 years you have had. It’s in the archives just as the overall record is. Never forget your history. You have just experienced the “Glory Days of Gamecock Football.

Clemson has purchased a jet! Big deal! Spurrier could have a jet in a heart beat if so desired. The fact is that Spurrier does not recruit much and dropping 5 million on a jet to shuttle Steve Jr. or Mangus around the country is not going to happen.

Turn out the lights, the party is over! The “Old Ball Coach” is getting ready to “head to the beach” as he has often said when faced with adversity. Meanwhile Dabo will be zipping around the country signing top 10 recruiting classes in his new jet!

SYNTwist April 25, 2015 at 1:02 pm

As football draws more attention, more wins, more donations, the requirements for entrance into said college also increases. It becomes more competitive.

Now, consider the amount of academic support an athlete gets vs. a regular student – this is from Clemson’s site:

Squishy123 April 25, 2015 at 3:10 pm

Well you know the old saying, “those who can, do… those who can’t, teach”.

Manray9 April 25, 2015 at 10:17 am

He’s a South Carolina hero. He wraps football and Jesus into one package.

Stymie Yelodog April 25, 2015 at 4:32 pm

And how does that go over with his players of a different faith?

Manray9 April 25, 2015 at 5:14 pm

This is SC, are there people of different faiths?

Stymie Yelodog April 25, 2015 at 5:33 pm

Jews have been in this state before there was a United States.

Manray9 April 26, 2015 at 10:09 am

Really? You couldn’t tell it by the way the politicians act and talk.

Stymie Yelodog April 26, 2015 at 4:44 pm

Your statement came out of your mouth, not theirs.

ClemsonGrad April 26, 2015 at 7:21 pm

Please name just one Jewish Clemson football player?

Scooter April 26, 2015 at 10:30 pm

There has been several.

Sarah Wells May 27, 2015 at 7:07 am

You are misinformed. There are mosques in many cities here and numerous synagogues. My favorite restaurant here is middle eastern.

Manray9 May 27, 2015 at 11:03 am

Really? I guess facetiousness doesn’t translate online?

Mike at the Beach April 26, 2015 at 12:15 am

Looks like he’s “getting some love” from the hoochie with the CU-orange dye job. I’m just jealous…

Soft Sigh from Hell April 26, 2015 at 4:35 pm

Someone here once posted, “Clemson is Bob Jones University with a football team.”

There is probably something to that. It seems to have an unusual number of deeply fundamentalist activist professors among the score or so professors there I have known a bit. I’ve often wondered if that clinched the jobs for them, though they were fully competent too.

a face in the crowd April 26, 2015 at 9:00 pm

There is certainly some truth to that. Inbreeding is a significant factor. They just named two more insiders to the central administration, including a director of student affairs who retired from the university in 2006, I believe. The university takes pride in never changing, believing that is somehow admirable.

Toyota Kawaski April 27, 2015 at 8:09 am

ah man!!! mabey another irrevelent organization like sc policy council will make it a 2-1 while he is down in Cola.

Sarah Wells May 27, 2015 at 7:09 am

South Carolinians all subsidize the Tigers and the school where they play. Keep politics and religion out of our state educational system please.


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