
Clemson Coach Addresses Religious Critics

DABO SWINNEY: “ALL FAITHS WELCOME” IN TIGER FOOTBALL PROGRAM Clemson University head football coach Dabo Swinney publicly responded to allegations that his program has engaged in “unconstitutional behavior” by promoting Christianity at the expense of other religions. Clemson is a taxpayer-funded school … although its governing board is technically in…


Clemson University head football coach Dabo Swinney publicly responded to allegations that his program has engaged in “unconstitutional behavior” by promoting Christianity at the expense of other religions.

Clemson is a taxpayer-funded school … although its governing board is technically in violation of the South Carolina constitution’s ban on lifetime appointments.

Anyway … Swinney’s program has drawn fire from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based group that fights to preserve the federally prescribed separation of church and state.

According to the organization’s complaint Swinney appointed a team chaplain, scheduled team devotionals and provided transportation for players to Christian church services, among other offenses.

“Christian worship seems interwoven into Clemson’s football program,” the organization stated. “We are concerned that this commingling of religion and athletics results, not from student initiative, but rather from the attitudes and unconstitutional behaviors of the coaching staff.”

The organization called on Clemson to “immediately stop team prayers, sermons, bible studies and ‘church days’ for players and train staff about their First Amendment obligations.”

This week Swinney addressed the allegations in a statement issued by the University.

“I have recruited and coached players of many different faiths,” he said. “Players of any faith or no faith at all are welcome in our program. All we require in the recruitment of any player is that he must be a great player at his position, meet the academic requirements, and have good character.”

Swinney added that “I try to be a good example to others, and I work hard to live my life according to my faith.”

“I am proud of the great success we have had in developing good players and good men at Clemson,” he continued. “We win at the highest level and we graduate players who excel on the field and in life because of their time in Death Valley.”

Swinney – who recently inked an eight-year, $27.5 million contract extension – has posted a 51-23 record in five-and-a-half seasons as Clemson’s head coach. Since hiring Chad Morris as his offensive coordinator prior to the 2011 season, Swinney’s teams have gone 32-8 – including a 2011 conference championship victory and a 2014 Orange Bowl win over Ohio State.

That success has been tempered, however, by a five-game losing streak against Clemson’s arch-rival – the University of South Carolina Gamecocks.

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Elfego April 23, 2014 at 10:31 am

Stand your ground Dabbo!

GrandTango April 23, 2014 at 10:38 am

Anybody else, and I’d say ‘right on.’ But this clown is so calculating, manipulative and exploitive, I have no faith (pun intended) in his sincerity…

He helps makes the Christian-bashers look less-repulsive…

Face it: Dabo’s just trying to play an angle to distract from that fact that he is a Morris away from total collapse, and a rail-ride out of the God-forsaken land called Tater-town…

rebellozit April 23, 2014 at 11:07 am

Excellent comment.Never believed this Dabo crap.His former qb apparently is quite the partier on his visits toooo Charleston from the pictures I have seen on twitter.

Squishy123 April 23, 2014 at 11:47 am

Nobody gives a fuck what you think.

a face in the crowd April 23, 2014 at 10:50 am

So is there going to be a local plaintiff or not? Too much rhetoric.

west_rhino April 23, 2014 at 12:08 pm

not that a legitimate plaintiff has ever been a need in one of FFF’s allegations…

a face in the crowd April 23, 2014 at 12:16 pm

Really? You should definitely contact them and press their officers on this matter. They say they only take action when there has been a local complaint and a willingness to pursue a case.

Smirks April 23, 2014 at 10:52 am

The FFRF complaint says coach Dabo Swinney invited James Trapp to become team chaplain, which they say did not follow procedure that allows student groups to select their chaplain. It says Trapp is allowed access to the whole team between drills for Bible study. It also accused Swinney of showing preference to players who believe as he does, creating a “culture of religious coercion.”

The FFRF also complains that there are Bible quotes displayed and sessions on being baptized held in the athletic building. They also dislike that Trapp, as a paid university employee, “refers to himself as a minister,” promotes religion, and serves as a Fellowship of Christian Athletes representative, and keeps Bibles in his office for distribution.

The FFRF also says that Swinney confirmed that the entire team would attendan FCA breakfast in December where three players would “testify,” and the team and coaches attended a church together in August 2011 and that Swinney regularly holds team devotionals that are organized by the chaplain and led by coaches.

Imagine, just for a moment, all of the Christian stuff was replaced with Islamic stuff. The explosion of right wing rage would be so huge that people in Australia could feel the shockwaves of it.

rebellozit April 23, 2014 at 11:01 am

We agree.You clearly have an evil soul and worship the devil.However if you could run a 4.2 ’40’ or throw a football I would still sign ya.
Instead of a Bible I would give a Ouija Board for spiritual growth. :-)

Smirks April 23, 2014 at 12:35 pm

You clearly have an evil soul and worship the devil.

My soul identifies as chaotic neutral and the devil doesn’t exist. (People are bad because they’re bad people, not because some invisible horned guy who can turn into a snake whispers sweet nothings into their ear.)

Cush April 24, 2014 at 10:09 am

Chaotic neutral? You play D&D.

rebellozit April 23, 2014 at 11:08 am

oops…would give ‘you’….

Roberto April 23, 2014 at 12:10 pm

“Imagine, just for a moment, all of the Christian stuff was replaced with Islamic stuff.”

Really? In predominantly Islamic countries it is. And the penalty for non compliance is DEATH!

If a Clemson athlete brought this complaint, I would be sympathetic. But some anti religion group from 1500 miles away? I don’t think so.

And before anyone assumes I am some shill for the Red Clay County Kitties, I am a 1984 grad of USC and a huge Gamecock fan.

a face in the crowd April 23, 2014 at 12:22 pm

Has the FFRF not made it clear that it takes a local complaint for it to become involved?

Smirks April 23, 2014 at 1:06 pm

Really? In predominantly Islamic countries it is. And the penalty for non compliance is DEATH!

I’m not saying that the USA is going to turn into a complete, violently oppressive, hardcore theocracy like certain countries in the Middle East, where apostasy, homosexuality, blasphemy, etc. are punishable by death and they mutilate genitals to promote sexual “purity.” However, that doesn’t mean that government can’t oppress people outside of a given religion, set of religions, or belief system. The fact that atheist groups have to fight just to put a display somewhere on public grounds where churches can freely display religious material? The fact that religious dogma is used to justify limiting government-recognized marriages to only heterosexual marriages? The fact that public universities have coaches that are accused of active favoritism towards athletes who share their religious beliefs and may be proselytizing using public-owned buildings?

So yes, I’m grateful the oppressed aren’t publicly executed over religious matters in this country, but they are made second class citizens by people who can’t resist forcing their religion on others. I’d rather see government be completely fair and secular, not favoring any religion, and not stifling them either. That includes secular administration of government agencies, public lands, and yes, public-owned schools.

Dabo can take his favorites to get ice cream after church if he wants, I really don’t care, but he needs to check that shit at the door when he’s on the clock.

rebellozit April 23, 2014 at 3:29 pm


“Dabo can take his favorites to get ice cream after church if he wants, I really don’t care, but he needs to check that shit at the door when he’s on the clock.”
Sounds like a threat.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 23, 2014 at 9:24 pm

I am a 1984 grad of USC and a huge Gamecock fan.

TBG is truly sorry for you and hopes that things will turn around for you.
Upvoted your comment because it was accurate…not out of sympathy.
So you’ve got that going for you.

CL April 23, 2014 at 3:18 pm

As a Carolina fan, I would fully support Clemson hiring a Muslim coach and advertising that Clemson is henceforth going to model itself on Muslim values. I am sure it would do wonders with recruits’ parents, and I am sure the recruits themselves would love the new burkas for the student hosts. Although I suppose it could be a mixed bag if the Jihadi mindset toughened up their players.

Manray April 23, 2014 at 11:33 am

Everyone in the Upstate knows the Clemson football program exists in an environment of pervasive Christian religiosity. Most strongly support the fact. I don’t.
Despite claims of provisions for free conscience and the voluntary nature of student-athlete participation in the prescribed Christian activities, subtle pressure exists on the students to participate. These kids have dedicated their young lives to success in the world of football. Who among them will stand up and say no to the head coach’s pet religious projects? Who will risk identification as “not a team player?” Success in football depends on talent and a willingness to identify with the team’s goals. Not every player is a star. Many depend on the favorable impression they may make upon the coaches for playing time and opportunities on the team. Are young
people willing to risk a bad impression on the coaches over a matter of conscience?

I have been in these situations in my work environment in the Upstate – when the assumption was all of the employees are protestant Christians. I didn’t want to participate in bible study before work or attend lunches with religious speakers. I didn’t speak up, but then was considered an outsider. Who wants to buck the boss? But that was in the private sector. The boss owned the company, Clemson is a state-sponsored institution. That’s why Swinney’s actions are inappropriate.

a face in the crowd April 23, 2014 at 11:48 am

Good comment. Unfortunately, one cannot argue with zealots. Any threat to their faith will send them spinning into a rage. It is really disturbing to watch the sheeple attempt to shout the FFRF into submission. The sheeple think it’s a football game, and if they scream loud enough, 200 years of legal precedent will be thrown out the window.

CNSYD April 23, 2014 at 11:58 am

“Everyone in the Upstate knows” I presume you will provide us with the numerical results of your poll of “Everyone on the Upstate” as well as the listing of the counties that are “Upstate”.

Manray April 23, 2014 at 1:13 pm

It has been talked about in various media and by word of mouth for two or three years. Do you doubt the veracity of the reports?

CNSYD April 23, 2014 at 1:22 pm

I doubt your use of “everybody”. Terms like that are virtually never true and therefore it destroys the veracity of your post.

Manray April 23, 2014 at 4:54 pm

How about replacing “everyone” with “its been reported repeatedly and talked about in the Upstate?” Why do you quibble? Do you have a dog in the fight?

CNSYD April 23, 2014 at 10:17 pm

Its not a quibble. All encompassing statements are rarely if ever true. Things like “everybody is talking about it” or “the whole country is watching”. That is all my point was about.

haha April 24, 2014 at 1:10 pm

Exactly, everybody knows that!

DB Cooper April 23, 2014 at 7:44 pm

Manray, let’s face it, you’ll always be an outsider looking in… have a problem with bible studies? Then fine, don’t participate. And let’s get real, love him or hate him, I’m pretty sure that he’s paying for this on his own (wealthy) dime, that this is being done to the letter of the law, and, that much of this is student lead. Contrary to your beliefs, many students want to mingle their sports and religion, just like many of your co-workers wanted to practice religion in conjunction with their occupation (and really weren’t just brown nosing the boss). That you and your kind are offended means nothing to me… after all, I’ve had to deal with a BS atheistic onslaught – and it’s not so subtle economic war of separating the majority Christian population from their hard earned dollars – since the 1960’s. In fact, it’s liberal courts that back the “theft” of tax dollars from Christian parents to use against their children by subjecting them to rabid atheistic believes that make me think that our country is doomed.

a face in the crowd April 23, 2014 at 8:35 pm

And your ignorance of the law means nothing to me. It is a basic issue of the separation of church and state. A football coach at a public university has absolutely no right to function as a preacher. You and your flock do not have the right to flout the law of the land.

DB Cooper April 23, 2014 at 9:13 pm

First of all, I have no problem with eliminating ALL the tax funded education systems in this nation to rid the country of little sh!ts like you. If people were hurt by this, than so be it… in the end, dollars are but an extention of a person, and no person should have to pay for a viewpoint they despise. Brilliantly played, atheists are simply trying to grow government in order to stifle religion. It’s time to start rolling this back.. by any means neccesary.

a face in the crowd April 23, 2014 at 9:19 pm

And it is up to those of us with brains to keep people like you out of positions of power. You want to worship the lord? Do it in your own house of worship with the other dims. And stay the hell off my lawn while your at it.

Glock April 23, 2014 at 9:37 pm

Yep, “stay the hell off my lawn while your at it”, BUT, don’t forget to keep mailing those checks to me so that I can pay for that lawn with my Leftist teaching job that helps to propogate my atheist views to your unwilling kids. Seriously, go f@ckself… hope I live long enough to see this nation’s next civil war against the likes of you.

a face in the crowd April 23, 2014 at 9:39 pm

Your punk ass is no threat to me.

dsmith April 24, 2014 at 5:54 am

DB Cooper…”atheists are simply trying to grow government in order to stifle religion.” Examples please. The fact is you can’t get elected dog catcher if you are an atheist, the people doing the governing in SC are Christians with a few Jews tossed in the mix.

CNSYD April 23, 2014 at 10:25 pm

Face, maybe, just maybe one day you will understand the intent of the founders irt “separation of church and state”. Do some reading on what the first amendment’s establishment clause really says. I doubt you will as it would destroy your thesis.

a face in the crowd April 24, 2014 at 12:24 am

The problem with citing the establishment clause is that tends to be interpreted based on who it helps in a particular situation. Would you support Dabo if his name was Abdul Muhammad and he was preaching Islam each day at practice?

Squishy123 April 23, 2014 at 11:46 am

So what about the Gamecock thugs hanging out in NYC? You know the ones who state they weren’t there but there’s proof that at least three of them were.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 24, 2014 at 8:32 am

Three former Gamecock players are in a car. Who is driving?





wait for it….




The cop.

My bitch is back April 24, 2014 at 9:26 am

The proof is Sammy Watkins car beside the joint he claimed wasn’t his but proof said it was.

Jesus H. Christ! April 23, 2014 at 12:48 pm

That success has been tempered, however, by a five-game losing streak against Clemson’s arch-rival – the University of South Carolina Gamecocks.
That success has been tempered, however, by a five-game losing streak against Clemson’s arch-rival – the University of South Carolina Gamecocks.
I told Dabo if he prayed real hard, I might let Clemson beat USC.
Hahaha, I kill Me.

Smirks April 23, 2014 at 1:10 pm

Hahaha, I kill Me.

I thought the Romans did that.

Soft Sigh from Hell April 23, 2014 at 8:40 pm

“I thought the Romans did that.”
The Bible thumpers have long held a different, loudly stated theory as to who killed Him.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 24, 2014 at 5:56 pm

The Bible thumpers have long held a different, loudly stated theory as to who killed Him.

Uh oh.

sickofit April 23, 2014 at 2:54 pm

I’m sick of these hyper-religious, loud-mouthed, militant atheists who force-feed their religion down our throats…when was the last time you saw an orphanage, a nursing home, or a hospital sponsored by atheists? Maybe these anti- Christian zealots can harness their evangelical atheistic passions and actually help people instead of forcing their beliefs on others…

Mike at the Beach April 23, 2014 at 3:59 pm

The main thing that bugs me about people who wear the Baby Jesus on their sleeves and make sanctimonious statements about living “life according to my faith” is that they *usually* allow themselves the latitude to cherry pick which parts of that faith are important, and when. No objective person who watched the in-car video from his traffic ticket incident near Clemson not that long ago could say that Sweeney strikes them as a humble man willing to render unto Caesar and all that. Having never met the guy, the candid video is all I have to go on, but he struck me as self-important little jackass. That’s fine (I can be a jackass at times myself- true story), but self-important jackasses who treat people like crap and expect favoritism should take the little fish emblem of of their tailgates.

Bible Thumper April 23, 2014 at 8:47 pm

Dear objective person ,
At the speeding stop he looked like a normal person would who was late for a radio show. His brother was acting like a jerk mostly when Dabo was off camera. The officer was a jerk after the stop. It is very clear if you listen to the audio that the mic. could pickup the officer’s voice but not Dabo. There for it is doubtful that Dabo heard the officer tell hI believe Dabo did apologize.
I believe you criticized Amy Lazenby for use of terms like  “anti-choice” and “healthcare decision”. While comments should not be held to the same standards as the articles, some of your choice of language is unfair.

Mike at the Beach April 23, 2014 at 10:01 pm

Whoa there Sensitive-Wan-Kenobi! I didn’t realize you were dating Lazenby (you correlation there can’t even qualify as a stretch – it’s a quantum leap). I’ll lay off of her, though. It’s cool. As for Sweeney, maybe we heard different tapes (and read different cheesy letters wherein he wished the “situation had been handled differently”). I also occasionally deal with one of the several attorneys involved, and I stole the “self-important jackass” quote from him directly. As for the small-town cop, of course he was a goober if he was naive enough to think he could just scratch out a speeding ticket on a Division I football coach in freaking SC without catching a world of crap, and he failed monstrously in several ways during that whole debacle. I think you may be confusing me with someone else, though- although I graduated from USC, you’ll never catch me in the fray on here babbling about who’s going to win this game or that. I’m not that guy. I have nothing against Clemson, it’s just that I (like a lot of folks) think Sweeney acts a little frat-boyish and redneck at times. Even a few of my more more rational CU grad engineer-type buds admit that. The OBC has his warts, too, but I don’t get frothy when someone starts in on him. Nothing personal, man! Namaste!

Bible Thumper April 23, 2014 at 10:11 pm

I got interrupted on the above comment and just edited it. Frat boy and redneck is fair. That’s the way we lik’em at Clemson though I prefer “good ol boy”. Just viewed the police video again and firmly standby my opinion. Reread above comment.

Mike at the Beach April 23, 2014 at 10:42 pm

Dude, I think maybe we’re just not communicating. I see the edited/new comments, and I hear ya. What I meant by folks who wear their “Jesus” on their sleeves was not “open display of emotion.” Two different things, at least in my intent. I have major hard-on for Swinney, he just annoys me. Not in any serious, well thought out ideological way, just good old fashioned annoying. He was a pompous jackass behind the scenes (and at the scene), and made some really shitty comments when the little small town cop got shitcanned. He told many people that the “handled differently” he was referencing in the letter was to get cut loose at the scene because of “who he was.” I won’t get that ginned up here because a) Old news, and b) It was related to me by an attorney, and they have been known to lie like Bill Clinton caught with a Viagra in his pocket. We’re not that far off on this thing, though. I think I’m just a little less emotionally vested in the Clemson/USC thing. One of my good buds is a throw-things-at-the-TV-and-scream guy; he occasionally accuses me of school treason for not being fired up enough. We all have our failings. We can do the age-old agree to disagree and move along. Peace!

Bible Thumper April 23, 2014 at 10:52 pm

I have two soft spots. Faith and Clemson. They aren’t additive but exponential. Sorry.

Buz Martin April 23, 2014 at 8:26 pm

You lost me at “Clemson.”

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 23, 2014 at 9:10 pm

Full Disclosure: Clemson Fan.
Clemson Alum.


TBG remembers when Ken Hatfield publicly thanked God for taking time off from [ a war or hurricane or both] to help Clemson defeat , ITBGRC, UVA in football. Dumber than 90% of GT’s comments.


The ONLY reason that TBG can think of that Tommy Bowden kept *offensive guru* Rob Spence on for so long was Spence’s and Bowden’s “religiosity”. My Labrador understands football waaay better than Spence and has been dead for 4 years.


It has always seemed to TBG that football coaches in general seem to skew towards very “Christian.”


Having said that… Who gives a rat’s ass what some Aspie militant atheists in Wisconsin think about the Clemson football program? Our money probably shouldn’t have “In God We Trust” on it….but is it really that big of a deal???


Maybe God will have a little more time next November, than He has had for the previous 5 years. TBG blames Obama for occupying His time and preventing Clemson from righteously throttling (or smiting, smoting, “going Old Testament on” — pick one.) the Gamecocks!!!!

jackspratt April 24, 2014 at 8:55 am


snickering April 24, 2014 at 9:28 am

Is this a joke? This is serious, I mean real.

Jeffy01 April 24, 2014 at 5:12 pm

He needs religion. He needs to pray for a way to beat OBC before Jesus calls him home.


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