Upstate Activist Rips Nikki Haley On Refugee Issue

GOVERNOR SLAMMED FOR BEING “TOTALLY NOT TRANSPARENT” || By FITSNEWS || Christina Jeffrey – the Upstate political activist who blew the whistle on a controversial “refugee resettlement” plan in Spartanburg, S.C. – is rebuking governor Nikki Haley for her support of the scam. Haley came out this week in favor…


|| By FITSNEWS || Christina Jeffrey – the Upstate political activist who blew the whistle on a controversial “refugee resettlement” plan in Spartanburg, S.C. – is rebuking governor Nikki Haley for her support of the scam.

Haley came out this week in favor of the proposal – which routes federal tax dollars through liberal foundations under the guise of “evangelical” outreach.  Who pays for the “refugees” when they arrive in South Carolina?

Easy: You do.

According to the governor, such a deal is okay because “we cannot allow fear to erode America’s place in the world as accepting of immigrants who chose to come legally and contribute as citizens.”

Okay … but what about the price tag? 

According to Jeffrey, Haley’s embrace of the costly program was more a reaffirmation of an existing belief than the governor staking out a new position.  In fact she criticized Haley for previously authorizing the program without letting the public know about it.

“Actually, (Haley) approved it a year ago but you know how busy she is … just didn’t have time to tell us,” Jeffrey wrote on her Facebook page. “Maybe if we pay more taxes she can hire some decent help? I don’t know, just trying to figure out how this tea party candidate became totally not transparent.”

Um … became?

Check your rearview … 

Anyway, props to Jeffrey for her efforts to expose this issue … and props to U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy for picking up the ball and running with it.

Too bad Haley would rather go along with the scam.  Obviously there’s too much money in it for her chronically mismanaged Department of Social Services (SCDSS).

As we’ve said from the beginning of this debate, we have no problem with liberal philanthropists or right-wing evangelicals supporting legal immigrants – no matter where they are from.  All we ask is they not stick their hands in taxpayers’ pockets to pay for it.


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Rocky for Haley April 22, 2015 at 1:55 pm

News flash to Tea Party Patriots. When you voted for us the first time we were happy to tell you we’d support you all the way, work tirelessly for your causes and get you results. And when we didn’t – we told we couldn’t because of other RINO Republicans. Now you voted for me a second time, and I cannot be re-elected. Thanks for your votes, not take a hike, I’m vying for either an appointment if Jeb wins, or Tim Scott’s seat if Hillary wins. And by the by – if Hillary looks strong going into September 2016, I might just throw her some support. Us girls got to stick together! Now shut up and go away. Isn’t the Golden Corral lunch special going on right now?

Funny! April 22, 2015 at 5:03 pm

it sure is fun to see the Upstate Tea Party idiots getting to know the real Nikki Haley

gt April 22, 2015 at 2:56 pm

In the notice to seek the death penalty, prosecutors said: “Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev received asylum from the United States; obtained citizenship
and enjoyed the freedoms of a United States citizen; and then betrayed
his allegiance to the United States by killing and maiming people in the
United States.”

Rocky April 22, 2015 at 4:32 pm

“And therefore, if he does it, they’ll all do it. Shut the borders, keep the internet inside the US, don’t talk to other countries, stop all trade, eat only apples and salad, and for God’s sake, don’t let Muslim’s in.” There – finished it for you.

Chris H. Borei April 22, 2015 at 4:59 pm

The United States of America has ALWAYS welcomed and initially supported LEGAL immigrants to our country. This has ALWAYS been part of who we are as a country. Is she now suggesting that LEGAL immigrants should ONLY be allowed to come to the USA if private individuals , business or ministries pay their way, totally contrary to what this country has always done?

Manray9 April 22, 2015 at 5:29 pm

To say we’ve “always welcomed” and “initially supported ” legal immigrants isn’t so. There was widespread and deep opposition to German and Irish immigrants in the mid-19th century which led to a strong “nativist” movement which found political traction as the American (Know-Nothing) Party. From the late-19th century through World War II we had laws on the books barring most Asian immigrants. Ask the descendants of Jews, Italians, and Poles who came in the late 19th-early 20th century how they were welcomed. I support immigration, but let’s not gussy up our checkered history on the subject.

Manray9 April 22, 2015 at 5:09 pm

Christina Jeffrey is an unimpeachable source. What right-wing nuttiness has she not endorsed? I am most impressed by her tenure as Historian of the U.S. House of Representatives (appointed by that paragon or moral rectitude, Newt Gingrich). I believe she served a whole two weeks before being canned for her previous comments about Nazis and the Klan which proved too much even for Newt.

sparklecity April 22, 2015 at 6:01 pm

I ain’t no fan of Queen Namrata by a long shot but i do find it amusing that she basically told Trey Gowdy to fuck off.
just like that woman during one of Gowdy’s many hearings. She gave him the finger and he pouted and did nothing.
He can’t intimidate anyone unless he thinks he has a fair chance of doing so.

Reese Bobby April 23, 2015 at 7:30 am

Reality in Spartanburg…crushing poverty rate, inept leadership with no vision, “economic development” defined by bringing in distribution centers with low paying jobs, select few dictating policy, chronic crime issues, and a constant need to pick the pockets of those who do contribute. Add to that the clergy who want to “embrace” (albeit at an arms distance) the poor and needy from all points, while ignoring those in the shadow of the steeple.
You may not agree with Christina Jeffrey’s politics, but at least she isnt reluctant to call out Nimrata and her delusional views, oh, and Trey Gowdy…what’s he done in DC during his tenure? Oh yeah, he’s made some good speeches…

sparklecity April 23, 2015 at 9:14 am

And participated in a shit load of hearings in addition to heading his present one.
That’s all he’s good for
He needs to go back to being a shit-hot prosecuitor and leave being a congressman/woman to someone who really cares about their district and not just setting themselves up for higher office/aspirations


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