Get ready, e-cigarette users … the federal government is coming.
According to Reuters, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is dropping $270 million dollars on nearly fifty academic studies – a costly pretense for the forthcoming regulation of the $2 billion a year (and growing) industry.
Among other research, the government is paying for volunteer puff-counting, social media stalking of vapor users as well as “a virtual convenience store for 13-to-17-year-olds, measuring how e-cigarette displays and price promotions influence whether minors buy the increasingly popular devices,” the wire reported this week.
Wow. And you thought the NSA was Orwellian …
At least fourteen million adults (and two million teenagers) have used vapor cigarettes – a population which is rapidly expanding (especially among younger users). How does it work? Easy: E-cigarettes use a battery-operated water vapor device to deliver nicotine to users with no smoke, no smell and no second-hand issues.
Not only is such a nicotine delivery system safer … it’s much cheaper than smoking, as recent cigarette tax hikes at the state and federal level have pushed the price of a pack of smokes to between $5-6 here in South Carolina.
Vapor cigarettes also render moot the issue of second hand smoke adversely impacting non-smokers …
This website has long supported vapor cigarettes … and consistently opposed efforts to subject them to unnecessary regulation and taxation. Accordingly, we’re disappointed to learn of this costly ramp-up in federal scrutiny over the industry – which we have no doubt will lead to all sorts of new restrictions, rules and levies on e-cigarettes.
Once again we hear the words of Ronald Reagan : Govt. can’t fix your problem, Govt. IS the problem. Truer every day.
Or how about this one:
“Facts are stupid things.” ~ Ronald Reagan
How about this one- That’s an old, lefty saw, but it’s actually a great reference by RWR to John Adam’s “facts are stubborn things” line. Reagan used the reference twice in the same speech, but tongue-slipped the second (immediately corrected while laughing). The uneducated interweb masses, however, latched onto it like a crackhead on a glass dick.
You seem testier than usual today, Mike.
Nah…just testier topics…
Guilty as charged!! LOL
And oh dear lord Mike at the Beach has now declared me one of the uneducated interweb masses – my reputation is ruined!
And all I will say is that many times those “tongue-slips” are mighty telling . . .
That status can only be self-claimed… ;-)
Whew!! That is a relief! :)
Funding studies is probably a good idea. If there are negative effects from doing this stuff, the public should know. (Worst I could imagine is that some chemical they put in is overly carcinogenic or something.)
I know the most popular usage of this is nicotine delivery, but they make them with no nicotine as well.
Funding means regulation and taxation. Like there’s not enough of that shit already on everything else. When they figure out a way to tax the air, will you be for all the studies leading up to that, too?
Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms. ~ Aristotle
Had em.
– Ogden Nash
Your turn.
Who’s Ogden Nash? :)
Had em.
– Ogden Nash
Your turn.
How do you know there are no adverse effects on bystanders? These things definitely give off an odor, depending on whatever flavor concoction they contain. If they are putting odor into the air, could they also be putting nicotine into the air?
I was actually about to disagree, but ended up finding this:
So, as I thought, there are a few bad materials found in some E-cigs. Not sure if they’re found in most. However, you are right, at least when it’s done indoors there is a noted decrease in air quality:
A small study by Wolfgang Schober of the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority and colleagues published in the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health in December found that vaping worsened indoor air quality, specifically by increasing the concentration of nicotine, particulate matter, PAHs and aluminum — compounds that have been linked to lung and cardiovascular disease and cancer among other health effects.
I don’t think second-hand nicotine is really going to be that big of an issue unless you are exposed to an E-cig smoker daily or something. What makes second hand cigarette smoke so bad is the smoke itself, since smoke isn’t generally good for your lungs in the first place, plus all the extra shit that’s found in it. In the case of second-hand vaping, I’d say that the other airborne toxins are far worse than a bit of nicotine.
The “second hand” smell issues–mocha, strawberry or what have you can be no worse than crap like febreeze or glad plugins or those highly toxic synthetic smell distributors found in the majority of homes in this country. Give that argument a well deserved rest.
People farting in one’s vicinity give off an odor, too. Even so, I don’t support studying and taxing our farts.
I agree but…you know how the government works, if it’s good enough for cows, who’s next?
B-O-R-I-N-G..and just more liberalism. FITS is on the side of the tormentors…Not that big of deal, except that FITS is surprised.
The hot topic is: http://scdigest.blogspot.com/
FITS, being a sort of media operation, seems to really be dropping the ball. Has FITS lost interest in succeeding? Is he getting lazy? Or did he sell the site to liberal women?
You might want to edit that shit, Dumbass. Do you even read before you post? Need a screen capture??
We take ALL reader feedback seriously. If you have a specific question, please articulate it. If you are just mad, I thank you for letting me know it. It helps me discern the effectiveness of the message. :)
I see you fixed it…so, I guess no furthur “articulation” was needed?
Who is this “we” you keep talking about? You maintain your blog by yourself, you’re a one cunt operation.
If you love computer viruses and malware, then click on Grandango’s link.
Doesn’t your near-constant hyping of your own theoretically competitive blog on this site violate some kind of blogger’s oath or something? If this site suck sso bad why would you fish for hits here? Just curious, now you start screaming that I’m an @$$hole or some other weird character-laden pejorative.
You just seem paranoid to me. LMAO…
You just seem paranoid to me. LMAO…
Here’s the extent of my research on this critical issue, vital to the survival of America as a nation state, by the way: Most of the critters I see “vaping” here in the Redneck Riviera are the same bottom-dwellers frequenting head shops and wearing crusty old “NORML” t-shirts. Real, ideologue, big-L Libertarians can’t see ANY value in gov’t regulation. Never mind that young kids are being sucked in (pun intended) to the nascent vape industry, if it’s killing them that’s the companies’ right. FITS called for the elimination of the Department of Energy just the other day. Maybe he thinks our highly qualified State House should regulate the nuke sites here in SC instead. That plan has wonderful potential, I think. Gov’t over-regulation is rampant (and bad), but this isn’t necessarily an example of it, nor is the federal gov’t regulating nuke sites.
All science and health reason aside you come off as being some asshole LOSER by using these things.
“Oh I stopped smoking cigarettes I now stick a battery powered metal tube in my mouth and suck on water vapor. It even has a little light on it that lights up when I suck. Am I cool or what?”
Oh you suck all right. Seriously, LOSER! They should come with a coupon to get a free tattoo. A huge L on your forehead.
By all means, let’s let Corporate America put whatever they like into the marketplace. After all, if it turns out what they’re peddling is harmful to health then the marketplace will punish them by not buying their products. That’s a built in deterrent. Except it doesn’t really work for products, like cigarettes and perhaps e-cigs, that carry latent disease risks like cancer.
It’s the best way to get high.