S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley is an ethics reform hypocrite – something this website has been exposing for the better part of the last four years. When Haley introduced her ethics reform agenda in 2012, for example, we had to laugh: She proposed doing away with many of the loopholes she has habitually exploited over the years in order to maintain and expand her political power.
Haley proposed income disclosure for lawmakers – even though she failed to disclose more than $40,000 she received from a company doing business before the state. She proposed consolidating ethics cases under an independent agency – even though she relied on a corrupt committee of her former peers to evade conviction on a wide range of public corruption charges. She pushed for mandatory recusals from office – even though she failed to recuse herself from votes benefiting her secret employer. She demanded reforms to the state’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) – even though her administration illegally deleted emails and deliberately withheld public information from reporters. And she asked lawmakers to correct a flawed election law that resulted in hundreds of candidates being booted from the 2012 ballot – even though she co-authored the statute with her longtime ally, S.C. Rep. Nathan Ballentine.
“We can’t point to a single one of Haley’s ethics proposals that she hasn’t already either violated or exploited in an effort to cover up her offenses,” we wrote at the time.
Anyway, last week Haley’s office – which obviously hasn’t been an effective advocate for ethics reform – took its hypocrisy to a new level when it rejected a proposed “compromise” ethics bill put forward by members of the S.C. House of Representatives.
Specifically, Haley’s office shot down a plan that would eliminate lawmakers’ corrupt “cover-up committees” by creating an independent ethics panel comprised of four lawmakers, four legislatively appointed judges and four citizens selected by the governor’s office.
Such a panel would be a step in the right direction, in our opinion, but Haley was having none of it.
“There is nothing independent about legislators investigating other legislators,” Haley’s office said in a statement.
Wait … really?
That’s correct …. but let’s rewind the tape on that, shall we?
“That’s the exact process Haley used to get herself off after illegally lobbying for Lexington Medical Center while serving in the State House,” a statement from the S.C. Democratic Party read.
Indeed it was … it’s also the exact process cited by Haley today as a justification for her illegal lobbying activities.
Personally, we think “ethics” violations committed by Palmetto politicians – and the punishments they receive for them – should be handled by the court system. In other words, offenses committed by politicians should be handled no differently than offenses committed by everybody else. Of course for this to work it would require lawmakers to give up their longstanding practice of electing judges … which as we saw earlier this year is more corrupt than ever.
Yep! Haley needs to go, EVEN if it means handing the reigns to Sheheen for four years, she has overstayed her welcome in the Governor’s Mansion. There is nothing good in store for SC by rewarding her corruption and malfeasance with another four years.
‘Yep! Haley needs to go’
This comment is exactly the juvenile campaign tactics the Haley camp uses which is another reason I cannot stand her.
The right wing, in general, uses those tactics to reassure people that they have the best interests of ‘Moorica at heart. Sadly, many ‘Mooricans follow their insanity.
She’s even shitty at being “right wing”, though. Seriously. She takes in fed bucks thru the back door.
She takes in fed bucks thru the back door.
You’ll have to ask Willie, but I bet that isn’t all she’s taking through the back door.
I knew it.An inference to anal sex is made and you cum running thru the back door.Happens on every thread.
It isn’t my fault. FITSNews abandoned the old posts of hot celebrities in bikinis, so now all we’re left with is crude jokes and sexual innuendos in the comments section. Besides, Debbie left that one wide open.
At least your username explains why you might have sand in your nether regions constantly.
It isn’t my fault. FITSNews abandoned the old posts of hot celebrities in bikinis, so now all we’re left with is crude jokes and sexual innuendos in the comments section.
Sand in nether regions, with a TOTAL lack of brains and objectivity!
Sandy is a koolaid drinking, brain dead Haley suckup!
I think Sandy is one of Haley’s lap dancers from the strip club!
Try it you might like it.
The majority of her detractors are in fact republicans. For Sheheen , it should be like shooting fish in a barrel.But it’s not…
None of you could stand Mark Sanford either and your slanderous,vicious and personal attacks (and by the incompetent, ‘juvenile’ EBC communications team) helped re-elect him. Keep it up.
So Nikki’s paying you?
Nope.Just an American that is defending an impressive, conservative Gov, against slanderous,racist/bigoted attacks from the same people that supported Elizabeth Colbert Busch and Gloria Tinabu and want to elect Charlie Crist Jr. .
Conserative? Hahahahaha! Shit…
Fire away gang.The attacks on Sanford were so slanderous and vicious it actually made him a ‘likeable’ and acceptable candidate again.
You would think that those of you working for Democrat’s like Ervin and Sheheen would learn from that.
Voters may not agree 100% with Haley however they will be repulsed by attacks on her race,apparerance and the many sexually perverted comments about her posted on blogs and forums such as FITS.
Keep on topic…oh, yeah, coruption. Follow the money.
What attacks on Sanford? Are you referring to the truthful statements made about him, like
1. He is an adulterer.
2 He is a liar
3. He abandoned his children on fathers day to be with his lover.
4. He abandoned his post as Governor of SC and lied to the entire state as to where he was.
5. He used state money for personal reasons and should have been put in jail.
6. He is leech on the Taxpayers who produces nothing of value.
7. Over the last two decades he has put over a million dollars of taxpayer money in his back pocket.
8. He is without morals.
9. He is expending taxpayer dollars to take his girlfriend on expensive trips.
Which statements do you not agree with?
repulsed by attacks on her race,apparerance …
Attacking Haley’s apparerance would be a poor stratagery.
Impressive, impressive Gov.
Yes, with that growing ARSE of her’s she must leave quite an impression wherever she sits that bulbous thing!
I have a trucking company and will provide her a wide load banner, free of charge!
Of course, the only consideration should be the politics of her opponents, not whether or not they are as corrupt or as experienced in the arts of corruption as Haley, eh?
You and that rebellozit dude (unless you’re one in the same) are infinitely amusing. Everyone here’s a communist to you guys, except GrandTango.
Here’s the logic: Don’t agree with me = communists
Sorry Sandy, if you think she should not, then you are paid by her or just plain stupid. No offense intended.
Haley must go , thank you Sandy.
You forgot Obama, why ????
Both parties should have picked better candidates. Haley has cost the state millions with her mismanagement of the massive data breach by not informing the public. Sheheen…well does not have the balls to stand up to Haley at all. James Smith should have been the person to run.
Hey ‘sharon’…why did you change the name on this post from ‘face in the crowd’ to ‘sharon’? Me knows. :-)
Sorry Sandy. Yet another error on your part. I use “a face in the crowd” and I can assure you I am not Sharon. Now get on back to the Fox newscast.
Probably posts during commercial breaks.
The commercials are the best part… Probably when the dead pan Krauthammer comes on like a zombie spawn of hell, predictably pronouncing the unavoidable death of “our” way of life with monotonic certainty.
Both parties should have picked better candidates.
Anyone can run, better candidates just chose not to sign up. Probably because they know they don’t stand a chance in our god-forsaken elections. Probably because honest people make honest livings and don’t need or have time to run as politicians. Probably because they know the deck is stacked against them and the usual slimeballs will destroy their campaigns before they’ve even taken off the ground.
If Alvin can run, any chipmunk can.
James Smith????? Are you serious? Speaking of ethically challenged. He’s Jean Toal’s voice – behind Harrell – in the House.
This is the reason Ervin is running ! A smarter, better, more moral and ethical alternative!
Looks like Sandy’s come to defend South Carolins’s fair queen. Now let’s hear from Tango’s lair.
Great photo of Haley, once again indicating for an audience the size of Thad Viers’ big ol’ apple-headed dick.
… or is she describing Will’s, the night he banged her?
Nah, just look at her hips- she’s describing how big her butt has gotten…
Nope — it’s the “SCREW” that she’s going to give the citizens after she’s re-elected, keeping in mind that it will be one per person.
Dang ‘fly’.Mommy still not made lunch? Thad Viers? Weird.
TBG reluctantly admits that the Druid Princess/Navy outfit looks good on ‘er.
You paid for it. Could be the reason, could be she belongs in another line of work.
For heaven’s sake: somebody, anybody, start running TV ads in the Greenville Spartanburg area telling people what she’s been doing in Columbia. Tom Ervin’s ads are too little and too late. Plus, he’s just splitting the anti-Haley vote, i.e., helping her get re-elected. The folks up here do not have clue about Haley. They think she’s wonderful, better than grits. They just have not heard about all the trash she’s been doing the past 4 years+.
You must be joking. If that is the case, the upstate should not be counted. May be her ads and how they route them to the mass. If she is elected, this state is fucked.
We can send them Lillian McBride. She can show them how and where to hide votes – then get Jean Toal to say it’s okay.
Upstate’s a lost cause and has been for decades. They keep sending Mike Fair back to Columbia, time after time.
Upstate is just too far from Columbia to see what’s going on. When I tell people about it, they are stunned. They just simply go along without knowing what the heck is happening in Columbia. They need massive Advertisements and re-education.
Jist what are you sayng stupid ?
She should drop the pretense and model lingerie at her events…. slowly turning about, her arms and hands undulating in hypnotic, serpentine motion… exaggerated eyelashes batting upon fields of deep, black mascara… slipping off one article of clothing after another, until finally, she stands gyrating in gossamer veil, our own, Southern, belly belle.
…and I mean that in the least possible sexist way.
Dammit! Don’t stop there!
And peel off her spray-on skirt.
I wonder who’ll still be watching her when she’s shed it all but her fuck-me pumps?
Palin and Bachmann?
Joe Wilson?
Nikki Haley for Nikki Haley. I endorse this message.
See ya Sandy in Nikki’s un enployment lines.
If Nik adopted Kate Upton’s diet, it’d help.
Ethics – who’s watching who?
Republicans want you to feel like they’re watching you… but not like someone’s watching them… when you open your eyes, you’ll see them standing there… watching you.
Their judges.. their lawyers.. the meter reader… the postman… until there’s no one left to watch… until they’re dead – or we are…
…who are the average people? The one percent…. the overtaxed corporations.. the rest of us are “losers,” “the lazy,” the “unAmerican.” If only we’d shut the fuck up and get out of the way of “progress.”
“Republicans want you to feel like they’re watching you… ”
That’s not us. That’s the LSD. You’re having a bad trip.
“Republicans want you to feel like they’re watching you… ”
That’s not us. That’s the LSD. You’re having a bad trip.
It’s pretty much all of us Bible guy.
Fits — HYPOCRISY — “We can’t point to a single one of Haley’s ethics proposals that she hasn’t already either violated or exploited in an effort to cover up her offenses,”
, “There is nothing independent about legislators investigating other legislators,” Haley’s office said in a statement.
Wait … really?
That’s correct …. but let’s rewind the tape on that, shall we?
“That’s the exact process Haley used to get herself off after illegally lobbying for Lexington Medical Center while serving in the State House,” a statement from the S.C. Democratic Party read.
Indeed it was … it’s also the exact process cited by Haley today as a justification for her illegal lobbying activities.
Haley followed the rules as they applied at the time. You can’t pass “ex post facto” laws just to apply to her. Their is no hypocrisy involved in supporting tougher laws. Hypocrisy would have been to violate the laws current at the time, which she didn’t. If someone supports a new law does not mean they have to abide by that law retroactively. If you support a tax increase does not mean you have to start paying it before it is passed.