Chiefs Bet On USC-Mizzou

The Kansas City Chiefs are having an amazing year … After finishing the 2012 season with a 2-14 record, the retooled franchise is off to an 8-0 start. As a result, the mood in the locker room is light and loose … unlike down in Dallas, where the 4-4 Cowboys…

The Kansas City Chiefs are having an amazing year …

After finishing the 2012 season with a 2-14 record, the retooled franchise is off to an 8-0 start. As a result, the mood in the locker room is light and loose … unlike down in Dallas, where the 4-4 Cowboys resemble one of those catty housewives’ reality shows.

Anyway …

The Chiefs placekicker is Ryan Succop, a University of South Carolina graduate who was taken with the very last pick of the 2009 draft. Since then, Succop has converted 112 of 137 field goals (81.2 percent) – including 17 kicks of more than 50 yards – and all 129 of his extra points.

Not a bad return on investment …

Also on the Chiefs’ roster is backup quarterback Chase Daniel, a University of Missouri grad who posted a pair of 4,300-yard passing seasons (and threw for more than 100 touchdowns) during three years as the Tigers’ starting quarterback.

According to Yahoo! Sports, Succop and Daniel made a friendly wager on last weekend’s South Carolina-Missouri game – a thrilling double overtime come-from-behind win for the Gamecocks.

A defeated Daniel was forced to wear a Gamecock hat and squeeze into an extra small “real women love football” T-shirt featuring a Gamecock logo.


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shifty henry October 29, 2013 at 8:20 am

Good to see folks appreciate, and have fun with, good sportsmanship…

? October 29, 2013 at 9:10 am

The look on Succop’s face is priceless, especially in conjunction with the cheesy “thumbs up”.

lol, pure humiliation, sucks to be Daniel(for 5 mins anyway)

The Colonel October 29, 2013 at 9:55 am

If I was built like Daniel I’d wear that size shirt all the time…

Same ol' Same ol' October 29, 2013 at 4:55 pm

Got a lil’ paunch on him, eh? Too many cheetos ridin’ the pine.

disqus_BBDFSfiBQF October 29, 2013 at 10:28 am

y’all = southern for “all of you”

ya’ll = ?

Maybe “ya” (whoever that is) “will” do something? “Ya will go to the store today?”

The Colonel October 29, 2013 at 10:34 am

Ya’ll is the distinctively southern way of spelling the contraction of “you all”, not “all of you”. If you don’t like it, don’t spell it that way – otherwise, ya’ll can kiss my grits.

disqus_BBDFSfiBQF October 29, 2013 at 12:50 pm

“Y’all,” with the apostrophe after the Y = a contraction for “you all” which is the same thing as “all of you.” The word “will” isn’t in there, unless you add it later. For example, “Y’all’ll be sorry once the fire goes out.”

We’ll = contraction for “We will…,” i.e., the apostrophe before the double L’s indicates you’re shortening the word “will.”

Ya’ll = contraction for “Ya will…,” whoever “Ya” is.

cap'n crunch October 29, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Ya’ll is the contraction for “ya all” as in “Are ya all goin’ noodlin’?” No self-respectin’ Southerner says “you” or pronounces the letter g at the end of a word.

9" October 30, 2013 at 2:27 am

OK :)

Same ol' Same ol' October 29, 2013 at 4:53 pm

You can translate to you’uns, or youse guys, or whatever your yankee vernacular is. We really don’t gaf how you do it up north.

disqus_BBDFSfiBQF October 29, 2013 at 7:18 pm

No, it translates to “you all” which is the same thing as “all of you,” and it’s spelled “y’all.” It’s spelled “y’all” in the south and in every other direction in this or any other plane, dimension, universe, etc. “Ya’ll be good” means “Ya (whoever that is) will be good.” That’s how it is no matter what your latitudinal situation might be.

euwe max October 29, 2013 at 1:05 pm

They should change their name to the Injuns.

9" October 30, 2013 at 2:36 am

They’re kinda scrawny…


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