
Ex-USC Communicrat Gets Paid

The former University of South Carolina “re-branding” manager who stepped down amid a social media controversy back in January has landed on her feet. Luanne Lawrence, who was hired recently by UC-Davis, will make a whopping $260,000 a year (not counting benefits) as the school’s “associate chancellor for strategic communications.”…

The former University of South Carolina “re-branding” manager who stepped down amid a social media controversy back in January has landed on her feet.

Luanne Lawrence, who was hired recently by UC-Davis, will make a whopping $260,000 a year (not counting benefits) as the school’s “associate chancellor for strategic communications.” That’s a nice $23,000 bump from her salary at USC. Also, according to The Sacramento Bee, Lawrence will make “more than any other campus communications chief in the University of California system.”

You know … because California taxpayers can obviously afford it.

Prior to her departure, Lawrence irked Palmetto State lawmakers with a series of Facebook posts casting South Carolina in an unflattering light (which, admittedly, is not all that difficult to do).

“Standing up from the table at Lizard’s Thicket to get to the car is not my idea of an active life,” she wrote in one of the posts, referring to South Carolina’s chronic obesity.

Lawrence responded to the criticism by de-friending lawmakers – and claiming the posts were part of a “social media experiment.”

Oh well … this catty bureaucrat is California’s problem now.

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Squishy123 August 6, 2013 at 10:53 am

That’s fine, she’s Kalifornia’s problem now.

Squishy123 August 6, 2013 at 10:53 am

That’s fine, she’s Kalifornia’s problem now.

Philip Branton August 6, 2013 at 10:57 am

Well,….Mr. Folks, u do a gr8 job of imitating Waffle House hash browns with this article..!!

Wil….r U losing ur edge..? It would seem that you could offer your vision concerning the actual staff numbers and budget this woman will command at UC -Davis.

“…Lawrence, who started in May, oversees the campus’s news services, publications department, campus Internet home pages, social media websites and marketing units. Those offices have a budget of roughly $3 million and 27 full-time employees, according to her official job description.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2013/08/05/5624083/ucd-pays-top-dollar-for-communications.html#storylink=cpy ……”

Did it ever cross your bald head to ask yourself just how many employees she commanded at the USC “Media Assault Department”…?? Did she command the USC Campus NEWS service..?? Heck, no wonder Wil Folks failed to do what in this article.

Wil Folks…stop being a bag of wind and start being this woman’s hair dryer..!! You are not an idiot WIl Folks…this catty bureaucrat will be BAILED by your kids tax dollars because California will pass their problems on to the rest of America..!

Wil……start thinking while you write….

Philip Branton August 6, 2013 at 10:57 am

Well,….Mr. Folks, u do a gr8 job of imitating Waffle House hash browns with this article..!!

Wil….r U losing ur edge..? It would seem that you could offer your vision concerning the actual staff numbers and budget this woman will command at UC -Davis.

“…Lawrence, who started in May, oversees the campus’s news services, publications department, campus Internet home pages, social media websites and marketing units. Those offices have a budget of roughly $3 million and 27 full-time employees, according to her official job description.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2013/08/05/5624083/ucd-pays-top-dollar-for-communications.html#storylink=cpy ……”

Did it ever cross your bald head to ask yourself just how many employees she commanded at the USC “Media Assault Department”…?? Did she command the USC Campus NEWS service..?? Heck, no wonder Wil Folks failed to do what in this article.

Wil Folks…stop being a bag of wind and start being this woman’s hair dryer..!! You are not an idiot WIl Folks…this catty bureaucrat will be BAILED by your kids tax dollars because California will pass their problems on to the rest of America..!

Wil……start thinking while you write….

Philip Branton August 6, 2013 at 11:07 am

Mr. Folks….really, really think of just how Darla Moore would read this article..? Heck, we wonder just how many students were informed of the happenings on the USC Board in the “Cock and Spur” campus newspaper…?

Wil…….how long will it take you to get the info on the personnel at CLEMSON in her position…..or the Citadel …..or the College of Charleston (Riley) ….or the Citadel..?

Heck, we wonder how long it will take you to run the web “analytics” to show how many STUDENTS from each university actually USE this very website to get info on a daily, weekly or “yearly” basis..!?

Wil…..don’t make us post the info on how many student from SC State cruise this website every day in comparison to how many go to the SC State website..!

Ya know Wil……you may need to get yourself a news “mascot” to show your support for SC STATE. You can call your little Bulldog “Napolean”..!! …or “Willie Tease”..!! (or “Wil he teases” )

Philip Branton August 6, 2013 at 11:07 am

Mr. Folks….really, really think of just how Darla Moore would read this article..? Heck, we wonder just how many students were informed of the happenings on the USC Board in the “Cock and Spur” campus newspaper…?

Wil…….how long will it take you to get the info on the personnel at CLEMSON in her position…..or the Citadel …..or the College of Charleston (Riley) ….or the Citadel..?

Heck, we wonder how long it will take you to run the web “analytics” to show how many STUDENTS from each university actually USE this very website to get info on a daily, weekly or “yearly” basis..!?

Wil…..don’t make us post the info on how many student from SC State cruise this website every day in comparison to how many go to the SC State website..!

Ya know Wil……you may need to get yourself a news “mascot” to show your support for SC STATE. You can call your little Bulldog “Napolean”..!! …or “Willie Tease”..!! (or “Wil he teases” )

PoliticsForSport August 6, 2013 at 11:02 pm

how could you let this story go? This website is going to hell in a handbasket.,..what?,,,di you fall in love or something Will? Mamby-pamby bullshit!

PoliticsForSport August 6, 2013 at 11:02 pm

how could you let this story go? This website is going to hell in a handbasket.,..what?,,,di you fall in love or something Will? Mamby-pamby bullshit!


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