SC: Dumping Money Into The Ocean

The S.C. General Assembly has approved $1 million in funding for the renourishment of Folly Beach, S.C.  The town is chipping in $2 million, while the federal government is spending $22 million on the project. What’s the end result of this $25 million expenditure going to be? Easy: It’s going…

The S.C. General Assembly has approved $1 million in funding for the renourishment of Folly Beach, S.C.  The town is chipping in $2 million, while the federal government is spending $22 million on the project.

What’s the end result of this $25 million expenditure going to be?

Easy: It’s going to get washed into the Atlantic Ocean – at a much faster rate than the sand that’s already on the beach. It’s also going to turn one of the state’s top tourist spots (and its best surfing location) into a construction zone while at the same time harming local marine life. And for what? So the same process can be repeated in a few years?

Seriously … taxpayers might as well fill up dump trucks with money and back them up to the ocean …

There is no stopping longshore drift, people … which means all of these efforts are destined to fail at a tremendous (and ongoing) cost to taxpayers.

“Nature is going to change the beaches,” one coastal environmental advocate told FITS. “There was a (recent) blue ribbon committee on shoreline change. It recommended no hardened structures – jetties, seawalls, etc. – and no building forward of the retreat. Taxpayers shouldn’t be saving people from foolhardy building.”

“(Renourishment) is a short-term solution to a long-range plan,” the advocate added.

We agree … completely. Nor should they subsidize higher insurance costs for those who engage in foolhardy building.

Of course this “solution” is emblematic of our state’s broader approach to issues management … which is to keep throwing tax dollars at a chronic problem in the hopes it will go away.

The “Folly,” right?


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Vanguard16 June 25, 2013 at 12:22 pm

This really is a waste of fucking money. Just get a big dump truck of cash and dump in the ocean.

Vanguard16 June 25, 2013 at 12:22 pm

This really is a waste of fucking money. Just get a big dump truck of cash and dump in the ocean.

GreenvilleLwyr June 25, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Can we just dump Gov. Haley and the Legislature on the beach? They’re not doing anything else of use.

Frank Pytel June 25, 2013 at 12:54 pm

No unfortunately, as I understand it they outlawed tidal barriers (?). Those walls with their heads stuffed deep in the water.

Smirks June 25, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Dumping them onto the beach could probably be considered pollution.

lowcorider June 25, 2013 at 8:38 pm

Groins of groans. I’d support it.

GreenvilleLwyr June 25, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Can we just dump Gov. Haley and the Legislature on the beach? They’re not doing anything else of use.

Frank Pytel June 25, 2013 at 12:54 pm

No unfortunately, as I understand it they outlawed tidal barriers (?). Those walls with their heads stuffed deep in the water.

Smirks June 25, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Dumping them onto the beach could probably be considered pollution.

Lowcorider June 25, 2013 at 8:38 pm

Groins of groans. I’d support it.

Burts June 25, 2013 at 12:49 pm

The same thing happened on Hunting Island. The outcome: A decade later half the island had to be closed, state owned and private cabins washed into the ocean and all that sand moved down the coast and formed a big lake on the beachfront of Fripp Island.
And the channel route to the ocean became unnavigable at low tide. Great way to learn from past mistakes, try try again.

Burts June 25, 2013 at 12:49 pm

The same thing happened on Hunting Island. The outcome: A decade later half the island had to be closed, state owned and private cabins washed into the ocean and all that sand moved down the coast and formed a big lake on the beachfront of Fripp Island.
And the channel route to the ocean became unnavigable at low tide. Great way to learn from past mistakes, try try again.

xx June 25, 2013 at 1:58 pm

FEMA = federally funded property insurance for the rich.

xx June 25, 2013 at 1:58 pm

FEMA = federally funded property insurance for the rich.

Philip Branton June 25, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Naturally…..Wil…….you failed to put my house on your picture RADAR..?!! (you stinker)

Of course none of your “followers” here have not said anything about what you deceptively left out of the article..!?

Dare to guess what is was that you left out..?? This total re-nourishment is just a scheme to funnel money to what trucking company that funds which campaigns..?

Wil, you could have told your readers to imagine how much all those houses on this island USE in electricity each month that is foreign and not generated on the island itself..? How could those funds be used to re-nourish the beach instead of Greenville LAWYER paying his taxes to fund this “sand spreading”..??

Wil, you have the utter GALL to write an article about the 200K that Gilda is giving herself but FAIL to exposed how many MILLIONS in sand money and truck rental and FOREIGN OIL is going to be used to re-nourish an island that Mayor Tim Goodwin is silent on…??

Wil….you really know how to show support for our troops getting killed for FOREIGN OIL…..!!!!

Wil……..can you think at all…? Really, we want to know…?? Just in this picture alone….how many turbines should be up and generating LOCAL energy for this island and generating LOCAL funds to re-nourish the beach..? Now, double it for the other end of the island……..!

We really wonder just what Tom Hanks would whisper to “Wilson” while laying out at Folly…? If you care to hear what Tom would have to say….your more than welcome to come hang out at my house this weekend and have a listen…~!!

I’m a cordial Host……

The Crab Shack has “Shack-tacular Specials”……

The Surf Bar has great Music…….

The Lost Dog has great eggs……

The Sunset Cay Marine has………great sunsets…

The Catholic Church and Baptist Church have great ….prayer rooms…

Come on down now….ya hear, Greenville Lawyer would really like your take on “Taco Boy” Tim Goodwin and our wind energy tax revenue…..

dwb619 June 27, 2013 at 12:10 am

Foreign made electricity?

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 9:10 am

Well……does Folly Beach produce any of its OWN electricity to sell..??

How much electricity does the island’s residents BUY…?? How much of that wealth leave the island every month that could be used to re-nourish the beach..??

Think of how our subdivisions are developed and planned….do ANY of them produce their OWN electricity from their Solar, Wind, or trash…??

Very few citizens THINK in those terms because they are not even TOLD because of WHO owns the local paper or radio or TV or school system…!!

Think….my friend…

dwb619 June 27, 2013 at 11:38 am

Well, by that assumption, I would assume that Folly IMPORTS everything. Might be a good time to impose a tariff on all the egotistical snobs who inhabit that spit of wasteland.

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 11:53 am

(Chuckle)…..great quip… go..

dwb619 June 27, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Just a snide retort from an inland idiot.

Philip Branton June 25, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Naturally…..Wil…….you failed to put my house on your picture RADAR..?!! (you stinker)

Of course none of your “followers” here have not said anything about what you deceptively left out of the article..!?

Dare to guess what is was that you left out..?? This total re-nourishment is just a scheme to funnel money to what trucking company that funds which campaigns..?

Wil, you could have told your readers to imagine how much all those houses on this island USE in electricity each month that is foreign and not generated on the island itself..? How could those funds be used to re-nourish the beach instead of Greenville LAWYER paying his taxes to fund this “sand spreading”..??

Wil, you have the utter GALL to write an article about the 200K that Gilda is giving herself but FAIL to exposed how many MILLIONS in sand money and truck rental and FOREIGN OIL is going to be used to re-nourish an island that Mayor Tim Goodwin is silent on…??

Wil….you really know how to show support for our troops getting killed for FOREIGN OIL…..!!!!

Wil……..can you think at all…? Really, we want to know…?? Just in this picture alone….how many turbines should be up and generating LOCAL energy for this island and generating LOCAL funds to re-nourish the beach..? Now, double it for the other end of the island……..!

We really wonder just what Tom Hanks would whisper to “Wilson” while laying out at Folly…? If you care to hear what Tom would have to say….your more than welcome to come hang out at my house this weekend and have a listen…~!!

I’m a cordial Host……

The Crab Shack has “Shack-tacular Specials”……

The Surf Bar has great Music…….

The Lost Dog has great eggs……

The Sunset Cay Marine has………great sunsets…

The Catholic Church and Baptist Church have great ….prayer rooms…

Come on down now….ya hear, Greenville Lawyer would really like your take on “Taco Boy” Tim Goodwin and our wind energy tax revenue…..

dwb619 June 27, 2013 at 12:10 am

Foreign made electricity?

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 9:10 am

Well……does Folly Beach produce any of its OWN electricity to sell..??

How much electricity does the island’s residents BUY…?? How much of that wealth leave the island every month that could be used to re-nourish the beach..??

Think of how our subdivisions are developed and planned….do ANY of them produce their OWN electricity from their Solar, Wind, or trash…??

Very few citizens THINK in those terms because they are not even TOLD because of WHO owns the local paper or radio or TV or school system…!!

Think….my friend…

dwb619 June 27, 2013 at 11:38 am

Well, by that assumption, I would assume that Folly IMPORTS everything. Might be a good time to impose a tariff on all the egotistical snobs who inhabit that spit of wasteland.

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 11:53 am

(Chuckle)…..great quip… go..

dwb619 June 27, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Just a snide retort from an inland idiot.

Smirks June 25, 2013 at 2:52 pm

If these dump trucks of money start pulling up to the ocean, let me know and I’ll come over with a wheelbarrow to, uhh, help out, or something.

Smirks June 25, 2013 at 2:52 pm

If these dump trucks of money start pulling up to the ocean, let me know and I’ll come over with a wheelbarrow to, uhh, help out, or something.

jimlewisowb June 25, 2013 at 4:07 pm

Always wondered how God feels about mankind putting sand back on beaches

Every year he sends polite but firm message all along the coasts, “Hey dumbfucks, you are too close to the sea” and every year mankind ignores his warnings

Maybe this season God will send in a tidal wave to relocate Folly Beach up around Dorchester Road in Norht Charleston

Jay Ellington June 26, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Wasn’t it God that said “A fool and his money are soon parted”?

jimlewisowb June 25, 2013 at 4:07 pm


The Ghost of Fat Greg Dulli June 26, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Wasn’t it God that said “A fool and his money are soon parted”?

lowcorider June 25, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Not true. Fripp Island is an excellent example of proper beach management. Hunting Island is an example of wasteful beach management. And the rapidly disappearing Harbor Island is an excellent example of no beach management. Three consecutive islands with very different futures based on the use of or lack of scientific anti erosion efforts.
The coast is our only resource. It’s biggest problem is that there isn’t some single entity of which to give a billion dollars. Our republicans love to pick winners and losers but golly geeze we can’t have everyone winning.
Evidently SC was chosen the one out of fifty to be the fucktard state.

Jay Ellington June 26, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Fucktard, wow I haven’t heard that since 2003.

Lowcorider June 25, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Not true. Fripp Island is an excellent example of proper beach management. Hunting Island is an example of wasteful beach management. And the rapidly disappearing Harbor Island is an excellent example of no beach management. Three consecutive islands with very different futures based on the use of or lack of scientific anti erosion efforts.
The coast is our only resource. It’s biggest problem is that there isn’t some single entity of which to give a billion dollars. Our republicans love to pick winners and losers but golly geeze we can’t have everyone winning.
Evidently SC was chosen the one out of fifty to be the fucktard state.

The Ghost of Fat Greg Dulli June 26, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Fucktard, wow I haven’t heard that since 2003.

NMB June 26, 2013 at 5:38 pm

The beaches of Horry were renouished in 1996 and what is the result. In 1995 there was no beach at hi tide and maybe a hundred feet at low tide. Today, there are sand dunes 200 feet wide and. Beach at hi tide that is just as wide. Bottom line is that it workers nf is thriving

NMB June 26, 2013 at 5:38 pm

The beaches of Horry were renouished in 1996 and what is the result. In 1995 there was no beach at hi tide and maybe a hundred feet at low tide. Today, there are sand dunes 200 feet wide and. Beach at hi tide that is just as wide. Bottom line is that it workers nf is thriving

dwb619 June 27, 2013 at 12:14 am

Barrier islands on the south east coast erode from the north and build on the south. Two excellent examples are Ocean Isle and Edisto. So ole cornbread confucius recommends buying on the southern end is all ways a good thing.
Anybody know how to spell that Chinese know it alls name?

dwb619 June 27, 2013 at 12:14 am

Barrier islands on the south east coast erode from the north and build on the south. Two excellent examples are Ocean Isle and Edisto. So ole cornbread confucius recommends buying on the southern end is all ways a good thing.
Anybody know how to spell that Chinese know it alls name?


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