
Democratic Hypocrisy On Domestic Spying

Most Americans are still okay with the recently revealed NSA spying programs, according to the latest polling data. From this week’s ABC News/Washington Post poll, as published by Mother Jones: The public by 58-39 percent supports the NSA collecting “extensive records of phone calls, as well as internet data related to specific investigations,…

Most Americans are still okay with the recently revealed NSA spying programs, according to the latest polling data. From this week’s ABC News/Washington Post poll, as published by Mother Jones:

The public by 58-39 percent supports the NSA collecting “extensive records of phone calls, as well as internet data related to specific investigations, to try to identify possible  terrorist threats.” Support for the program is far higher among Democrats and liberals than among Republicans and strong conservatives, reversing Bush-era political divisions on issues of privacy vs. security.

That’s deeply disturbing. Democrats should be just as outraged by what the Obama administration is doing under the guise of the recently amended Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) as they were about what the Bush administration was doing under FISA and The Patriot Act. To be less outraged about this gross violation of our Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures because they are being perpetrated by a Democratic administration instead of a Republican one is grossly hypocritical.

President Barack Obama’s version of a national security state is no better than President George W. Bush’s version. We have been lied to by both leaders, and those of us who voted for Obama in part because of his objection to Bush’s policies (as stated during his candidacy in 2007) should feel especially duped, myself included.

Violating civil liberties is not the way to enhance our security, Mr. President – you said so yourself. “No more spying on American citizens who are not suspected of a crime”- you called for that change six years ago. “That is not who we are as Americans, and it is not necessary to defeat the terrorists” – that’s what you argued as a candidate.

And as a liberal who believes very strongly in civil liberties, I voted for that hope and change. And look where it got me and the rest of America.

The renowned journalist Michael Hastings -who died yesterday in a car accident – penned his last piece on what he called the “Democratic two-facedness on civil liberties.” He discussed how Democrats were now having to face the reality that the very surveillance techniques they criticized during the last presidential administration were now being used by their president – on them.

This administration is employing the same domestic spying techniques – and more – that Democrats used as wedge issues to win congressional elections in 2006 and the presidency in 2008. And with very few exceptions, Democratic leaders are defending the administration’s actions.

Democrats, stop defending the indefensible just because your guy is running the show. He’s my guy, too, but I know when a promise made has not been kept. Just because a law is passed allowing this broad domestic surveillance to occur does not mean that the law is constitutional. The NSA has already admitted that its analysts are actually listening to your phone calls just because they want to, so what, exactly are you defending? The right to be eavesdropped upon without a warrant for no reason at all? Yes, that’s exactly what you’re defending.

Democrats, wake up. You have chosen not just security, but also a gross and meaningless invasion of your privacy over your civil liberties. If you don’t speak up, I’m afraid that you will get what you deserve – a further erosion of your liberties that may result in your inability to speak up at all.

amy lazenby

Amy Lazenby is the associate opinion editor at FITSNews. She is a wife, mother of three and small business owner with her husband who splits her time between South Carolina and Georgia. Follow her on Twitter @Mrs_Laz or email her at amy@fitsnews.com.


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? June 19, 2013 at 1:07 pm

Yea, but they told everyone they stopped 50 terrorist attacks.

lol…and I’ve got a bridge in London to sell you.

The funniest thing about the NSA is that they denied they were listening/watching everyone/thing several times before finally admitting it.

Now that they’ve admitted it, they are claiming “transparency”…and want us to believe that they aren’t lying this time in their claims of thwarting 50 attacks.

So they lied last time, but they aren’t lying this time? Sure.

fred June 19, 2013 at 2:03 pm

Sorry “?” it’s not ” and I’ve got a bridge in London to sell you.” But a bridge in Brooklyn!!!!!!!! Get your facts correct on the bridge location and on your comments about NSA as well.

? June 19, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Feel free to share the “facts” Fred. You don’t have to be obscure about it.

George July 12, 2013 at 4:17 pm

No. Its “ocean front property in arizona”

The south

? June 19, 2013 at 2:58 pm

Crickets eh Fred?

Here, take a look at the multiple documented NSA chief denials:


What “facts” are you bitching about Fred? Whether the bridge I want to sell you is in London or Brooklyn?

Nölff June 19, 2013 at 1:07 pm

A lot of people distrust Obama for the wrong reasons. Believing he’s a Muslim Kenyan Antichrist isn’t proven. This is a good reason not to trust Obama.

Obama just should have done the right thing. He didn’t.

Jay Ellington June 19, 2013 at 1:34 pm

I doubt very seriously he’s the antichrist, he has that going for him.

? June 19, 2013 at 1:07 pm

Yea, but they told everyone they stopped 50 terrorist attacks.

lol…and I’ve got a bridge in London to sell you.

The funniest thing about the NSA is that they denied they were listening/watching everyone/thing several times before finally admitting it.

Now that they’ve admitted it, they are claiming “transparency”…and want us to believe that they aren’t lying this time in their claims of thwarting 50 attacks.

So they lied last time, but they aren’t lying this time? Sure.

fred June 19, 2013 at 2:03 pm

Sorry “?” it’s not ” and I’ve got a bridge in London to sell you.” But a bridge in Brooklyn!!!!!!!! Get your facts correct on the bridge location and on your comments about NSA as well.

? June 19, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Feel free to share the “facts” Fred. You don’t have to be obscure about it.

George July 12, 2013 at 4:17 pm

No. Its “ocean front property in arizona”

The south

? June 19, 2013 at 2:58 pm

Crickets eh Fred?

Here, take a look at the multiple documented NSA chief denials:


What “facts” are you bitching about Fred? Whether the bridge I want to sell you is in London or Brooklyn?

Nölff June 19, 2013 at 1:07 pm

A lot of people distrust Obama for the wrong reasons. Believing he’s a Muslim Kenyan Antichrist isn’t proven. This is a good reason not to trust Obama.

Obama just should have done the right thing. He didn’t.

The Ghost of Fat Greg Dulli June 19, 2013 at 1:34 pm

I doubt very seriously he’s the antichrist, he has that going for him.

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 1:32 pm

If one life is saved, it’s worth it! Which family member would you be willing to sacrifice, Amy?

Curious June 19, 2013 at 1:43 pm

Yeah, let’s give up our constitutional rights to save just one life! Do you even know how ridiculous you sound? How about this question – what else are you willing to give up and how far are you willing to let your government go to “protect” you?

Ed June 19, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Or your “just one life?”

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Yeah but, but, but kids don’t have constitutional rights so we can just murder them in their mothers wombs, right moron?

-1 for your oxymoronic posts.


Curious June 19, 2013 at 2:05 pm

I already answered you above. Separate issue. No hypocrisy. Stay on topic. And you don’t need to link to other FITS stories – people can see all of my comments by clicking on my username.

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 4:23 pm

Yes, but it’s so much more fun holding your feet to the fire. I have faith you’ll get tired of me asking you why you simply can’t admit that children have the same rights as everyone else at conception. That the US constitution was designed to protect “Americans” and not just women? Not just Some ethnicity? Not just some age group?

You’re a hypocrite and by the time I’m done with you you will run from this forum. I promise. I have a great deal of patience. Hell I survived a 4 year long divorce process. I can sure as hell stick out longer than that.

I will sit up nights tagging your posts until I get an answer or you run crying.


Hypocrites have no staying power. Good Luck!! :) Fracking libitard.

Curious June 19, 2013 at 4:26 pm

So now we have the trifecta of crazy: BigT, Pytel, and PBranton. Sit up nights all you want, man, I couldn’t care less what you think. I’m not planning on going anywhere.

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 4:29 pm
Please June 19, 2013 at 4:34 pm

You know that someone who voices a pro-choice opinion on abortion is not actually a murderer, right? Actually, I don’t think you do. Sad, sad little man. Also, weren’t we talking about national security?

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:07 am

You might have been. I wasn’t. Can’t stand these pro choice murdering sunsabitches. It’s my right, my right. But no one wants to stand up for the senselessly murdered. Further they refuse to address the murder itself by hiding behind ‘Science’. Well there was a time when their precious science believed in

1. Forced sterilization of mongoloids (Downs Syndrome)
2. Chicken soup had no benefit to the common cold.
3. Being a Faggot was a disease.

So what do you have? What is it that you stand for. I put it out there. To hell with anyone that can’t handle it. That’s not my problem. I’m vocal. Tough. The truth hurts. But I know that one day Curiousless and the rest of the fucking libitards will be on there death beds. Then they and I will both know.

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:10 am

I didn’t say anything about pro choice. My premise/postion has always been and always will be that Abortion on Demand is murder.

If a woman is ill (or other various factors) and she, or she and her husband, determine that the best solution in their situation is to save her over the baby, then that is between her/them and God. All the rest is abortion on demand.

I won’t get into what factors are. There are way to many possibilities to define.

Chill Out June 19, 2013 at 4:31 pm

Lighten up, Francis. It’s a forum on a blog. I’ve got a feeling this dude doesn’t give a shit what you think. But you make yourself look like a freak when you post a link to an unrelated story over and over again whenever he comments in some lame ass attempt to what, scare him off of FITS? Get real. You’re obsessed with abortion and don’t like this guy’s opinion on it. We get it. Move on.

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:11 am

Yeah, whatever. This is light duty. You should have seen my postings on the Bengazi Cheerleader. OOoohh. I like that. Bengazi Cheerleader. HAHA.

Sarah Palin Forever! June 19, 2013 at 6:13 pm

Youre calling someone a “hypocrite?”You “claim” to have voted for Obama!(hahaha)

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:03 am

Yep. Then promptly puked all over the sidewalk

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 9:03 pm

A four year divorce process??!! That has to be a record, raghead!! Guess your ex was glad to get rid of clingy ass!!

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 4:59 am

Raghead? No my name aint paley bro. Born and bread right here in the US of A. Polock and native. How about you?

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 9:01 pm

You TeaTards are all about ‘me’! Which one of your family would you sacrifice? Ansnwer the question, asshole!!

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:00 am

Oh NO. Not me. I tried the Tea. It was a little to sweet for me. They love them some Ms. Lindsey

GrandTango June 19, 2013 at 4:27 pm

You are the Ignorant Son-of-a-B!*#h that supports giving our rights to the corrupt, and he hangs our people out to die (see Fast & Furious and Benghazi)…
It’s Blind B@$*@e*$ like you that catipulted Hitler to power. We must work against the Stupid, like In-Curious. Or we become an even lower society…

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 9:04 pm

God, you are one dumbass son of a bitch!!

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 9:00 pm

Hope its one of your family members!!

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 1:49 pm

I would sacrifice none, and defend them all from ALL EVIL. Fracking Moron. Your so inept in your inability to understand the world that your right to bear offspring should be revoked. I do not say this lightly. Since when is one evil better than another. Think before you speak moron.

Php June 19, 2013 at 2:51 pm

Sorry Pytel, pretty much dug your posts until you showed your age/illiteracy by using YOUR twice in the same sentence yet with different meanings. Step it up dude.

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 3:10 pm

Frack that crap. I got up at 2 am this morning. I expect to be here for at least another 2 hours. Bite me. I’m tired. :)

Playtexas June 19, 2013 at 6:25 pm

…and on the rag. At least no fertilized eggs were harmed…

TontoBubbaGoldstein June 19, 2013 at 4:13 pm


Pro Tip:

If people whine about your usage of your, you’re, yore and “you whore”, just use the modern “ur” and let them figure it out.
But don’t eff up “rein” and “reign”, cuz that’s just ignorant.

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 9:06 pm

Well, tell us, if a family member were to be killed by in a terrorist plot, whom would you sacrifice?

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 4:58 am


You asked for it June 19, 2013 at 2:48 pm

Your mother.

Jay Ellington June 19, 2013 at 2:55 pm

Just checking, how many lives were saved at the Boston Marathon?

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 8:59 pm

The records were requested the week before.

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 1:32 pm

If one life is saved, it’s worth it! Which family member would you be willing to sacrifice, Amy?

Curious June 19, 2013 at 1:43 pm

Yeah, let’s give up our constitutional rights to save just one life! Do you even know how ridiculous you sound? How about this question – what else are you willing to give up and how far are you willing to let your government go to “protect” you?

Ed June 19, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Or your “just one life?”

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Yeah but, but, but kids don’t have constitutional rights so we can just murder them in their mothers wombs, right moron?

-1 for your oxymoronic posts.


Curious June 19, 2013 at 2:05 pm

I already answered you above. Separate issue. No hypocrisy. Stay on topic. And you don’t need to link to other FITS stories – people can see all of my comments by clicking on my username.

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 4:23 pm

Yes, but it’s so much more fun holding your feet to the fire. I have faith you’ll get tired of me asking you why you simply can’t admit that children have the same rights as everyone else at conception. That the US constitution was designed to protect “Americans” and not just women? Not just Some ethnicity? Not just some age group?

You’re a hypocrite and by the time I’m done with you you will run from this forum. I promise. I have a great deal of patience. Hell I survived a 4 year long divorce process. I can sure as hell stick out longer than that.

I will sit up nights tagging your posts until I get an answer or you run crying.


Hypocrites have no staying power. Good Luck!! :) Fracking libitard.

Curious June 19, 2013 at 4:26 pm

So now we have the trifecta of crazy: BigT, Pytel, and PBranton. Sit up nights all you want, man, I couldn’t care less what you think. I’m not planning on going anywhere.

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 4:29 pm
Please June 19, 2013 at 4:34 pm

You know that someone who voices a pro-choice opinion on abortion is not actually a murderer, right? Actually, I don’t think you do. Sad, sad little man. Also, weren’t we talking about national security?

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:07 am

You might have been. I wasn’t. Can’t stand these pro choice murdering sunsabitches. It’s my right, my right. But no one wants to stand up for the senselessly murdered. Further they refuse to address the murder itself by hiding behind ‘Science’. Well there was a time when their precious science believed in

1. Forced sterilization of mongoloids (Downs Syndrome)
2. Chicken soup had no benefit to the common cold.
3. Being a Faggot was a disease.

So what do you have? What is it that you stand for. I put it out there. To hell with anyone that can’t handle it. That’s not my problem. I’m vocal. Tough. The truth hurts. But I know that one day Curiousless and the rest of the fucking libitards will be on there death beds. Then they and I will both know.

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:10 am

I didn’t say anything about pro choice. My premise/postion has always been and always will be that Abortion on Demand is murder.

If a woman is ill (or other various factors) and she, or she and her husband, determine that the best solution in their situation is to save her over the baby, then that is between her/them and God. All the rest is abortion on demand.

I won’t get into what factors are. There are way to many possibilities to define.

Chill Out June 19, 2013 at 4:31 pm

Lighten up, Francis. It’s a forum on a blog. I’ve got a feeling this dude doesn’t give a shit what you think. But you make yourself look like a freak when you post a link to an unrelated story over and over again whenever he comments in some lame ass attempt to what, scare him off of FITS? Get real. You’re obsessed with abortion and don’t like this guy’s opinion on it. We get it. Move on.

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:11 am

Yeah, whatever. This is light duty. You should have seen my postings on the Bengazi Cheerleader. OOoohh. I like that. Bengazi Cheerleader. HAHA.

Sarah Palin Forever! June 19, 2013 at 6:13 pm

Youre calling someone a “hypocrite?”You “claim” to have voted for Obama!(hahaha)

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:03 am

Yep. Then promptly puked all over the sidewalk

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 9:03 pm

A four year divorce process??!! That has to be a record, raghead!! Guess your ex was glad to get rid of clingy ass!!

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 4:59 am

Raghead? No my name aint paley bro. Born and bread right here in the US of A. Polock and native. How about you?

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 9:01 pm

You TeaTards are all about ‘me’! Which one of your family would you sacrifice? Ansnwer the question, asshole!!

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:00 am

Oh NO. Not me. I tried the Tea. It was a little to sweet for me. They love them some Ms. Lindsey

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 9:00 pm

Hope its one of your family members!!

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 1:49 pm

I would sacrifice none, and defend them all from ALL EVIL. Fracking Moron. Your so inept in your inability to understand the world that your right to bear offspring should be revoked. I do not say this lightly. Since when is one evil better than another. Think before you speak moron.

Php June 19, 2013 at 2:51 pm

Sorry Pytel, pretty much dug your posts until you showed your age/illiteracy by using YOUR twice in the same sentence yet with different meanings. Step it up dude.

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 3:10 pm

Frack that crap. I got up at 2 am this morning. I expect to be here for at least another 2 hours. Bite me. I’m tired. :)

Playtexas June 19, 2013 at 6:25 pm

…and on the rag. At least no fertilized eggs were harmed…

TontoBubbaGoldstein June 19, 2013 at 4:13 pm


Pro Tip:

If people whine about your usage of your, you’re, yore and “you whore”, just use the modern “ur” and let them figure it out.
But don’t eff up “rein” and “reign”, cuz that’s just ignorant.

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 9:06 pm

Well, tell us, if a family member were to be killed by in a terrorist plot, whom would you sacrifice?

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 4:58 am


You asked for it June 19, 2013 at 2:48 pm

Your mother.

The Ghost of Fat Greg Dulli June 19, 2013 at 2:55 pm

Just checking, how many lives were saved at the Boston Marathon?

Vanguard16 June 19, 2013 at 8:59 pm

The records were requested the week before.

MGTT June 19, 2013 at 1:42 pm

You REALLY believed that Obama would keep his promises? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He’s a DEMOCRAT! And a LIBERAL! That equates to a HYPOCRITE in any equation.
666, Baby.

Curious June 19, 2013 at 1:44 pm

666? You sound a little nutty there, MGTT.

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 1:52 pm

You sound a little hypocrictical. You approve of relinquishing children of their rights by virtue of murder?


Why the hell should you have any you hypocrite.

Curious June 19, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Yeah, we’ve got a fundamental disagreement on when life begins, Frank. This is a separate issue. I’m not discussing abortion here – you can look at the thread you linked for that.

Smirks June 19, 2013 at 2:39 pm

Leave him be, he’s being no different than T bringing up Benghazi in a thread about Clemson football.

Sarah PalinForever! June 19, 2013 at 3:43 pm

Hey didnt you know Pytel voted for Obama?He says so.Lots of anti abortion people voted for Obama!Hahaha!Come on Pytel explain to us why you voted for Obama(hahaha) or better yet tell us why you made that story up!

MGTT June 19, 2013 at 1:42 pm

You REALLY believed that Obama would keep his promises? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He’s a DEMOCRAT! And a LIBERAL! That equates to a HYPOCRITE in any equation.
666, Baby.

Curious June 19, 2013 at 1:44 pm

666? You sound a little nutty there, MGTT.

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 1:52 pm

You sound a little hypocrictical. You approve of relinquishing children of their rights by virtue of murder?


Why the hell should you have any you hypocrite.

Curious June 19, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Yeah, we’ve got a fundamental disagreement on when life begins, Frank. This is a separate issue. I’m not discussing abortion here – you can look at the thread you linked for that.

Smirks June 19, 2013 at 2:39 pm

Leave him be, he’s being no different than T bringing up Benghazi in a thread about Clemson football.

Sarah PalinForever! June 19, 2013 at 3:43 pm

Hey didnt you know Pytel voted for Obama?He says so.Lots of anti abortion people voted for Obama!Hahaha!Come on Pytel explain to us why you voted for Obama(hahaha) or better yet tell us why you made that story up!

JC June 19, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Wasn’t it Goebbels that said “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?”

It seems 3 out of 5 Americans share the mindset of the Nazi Minister of Propaganda. It’s absolutely disgusting. For being a nation of cowards who blindly accept the government’s premise that we are safer because of these programs, we deserve a police state. And history will judge us accordingly because of it.

JC June 19, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Wasn’t it Goebbels that said “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?”

It seems 3 out of 5 Americans share the mindset of the Nazi Minister of Propaganda. It’s absolutely disgusting. For being a nation of cowards who blindly accept the government’s premise that we are safer because of these programs, we deserve a police state. And history will judge us accordingly because of it.

This just in . . . June 19, 2013 at 2:09 pm

U.S. Promises Smooth Transfer of Quagmire from Afghanistan to Syria

DAMASCUS (The Borowitz Report) — Supporters of the United States’ twelve-year quagmire in Afghanistan cheered the news today that the U.S. would strive to achieve a seamless transfer of that quagmire to Syria, effective immediately.

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sought to reassure those who were concerned that the U.S. withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan signalled a wavering of the nation’s commitment to being mired in open-ended military muddles.

“I can tell you, right here and right now, that the U.S. is every bit as determined to engage in an ill-defined, ill-advised and seemingly interminable mission in Syria as we were in Afghanistan,” Gen. Dempsey said. “All that’s changing is the Zip Code.”

General Dempsey said that the same tribal hatreds, sectarian violence, and untrustworthy alliances that made Afghanistan a quicksand-like morass are very much in evidence in Syria: “I am confident that we could be involved in Syria for many, many years before figuring out why we are there.”

Harland Dorrinson, executive director of the National Quagmire Institute, a think tank dedicated to promoting the United States’ involvement in intractable conflicts around the globe, said he found General Dempsey’s words about Syria reassuring: “I felt a lot better after hearing what he had to say, and I know a lot of defense contractors felt the same way.”

Same ol' Same ol' June 19, 2013 at 2:25 pm


This just in . . . June 19, 2013 at 2:09 pm

U.S. Promises Smooth Transfer of Quagmire from Afghanistan to Syria

DAMASCUS (The Borowitz Report) — Supporters of the United States’ twelve-year quagmire in Afghanistan cheered the news today that the U.S. would strive to achieve a seamless transfer of that quagmire to Syria, effective immediately.

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sought to reassure those who were concerned that the U.S. withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan signalled a wavering of the nation’s commitment to being mired in open-ended military muddles.

“I can tell you, right here and right now, that the U.S. is every bit as determined to engage in an ill-defined, ill-advised and seemingly interminable mission in Syria as we were in Afghanistan,” Gen. Dempsey said. “All that’s changing is the Zip Code.”

General Dempsey said that the same tribal hatreds, sectarian violence, and untrustworthy alliances that made Afghanistan a quicksand-like morass are very much in evidence in Syria: “I am confident that we could be involved in Syria for many, many years before figuring out why we are there.”

Harland Dorrinson, executive director of the National Quagmire Institute, a think tank dedicated to promoting the United States’ involvement in intractable conflicts around the globe, said he found General Dempsey’s words about Syria reassuring: “I felt a lot better after hearing what he had to say, and I know a lot of defense contractors felt the same way.”

Same ol' Same ol' June 19, 2013 at 2:25 pm


Smirks June 19, 2013 at 2:34 pm

Pretty sad how many people are swayed not by the objective analysis of the program, but the subjective analysis of who is in charge of it. I guess most people don’t give a shit about invasion of privacy as long as “their guy” is the one doing the peeping.

Ed June 19, 2013 at 3:33 pm

See NutJob’s post directly above yours for the proof you seek

GrandTango June 19, 2013 at 3:54 pm

Sadly: (based on the facts) You actually prove your own charge of blind Ignorance….

GrandTango June 19, 2013 at 3:53 pm

If you have PROOF one guy is CORRUPT…he has lost his credibility. I think using the IRS to target political enemies shows Obama is NOT trustworthy. Just like failure to prosecute the New Black Panthers, or Obama’s vote for REVENGE quote…

Smirks June 19, 2013 at 4:29 pm

McCain defending Obama on NSA:


Romney had no qualms with indiscriminately wiretapping mosques and monitoring Muslims, and there’s no evidence to suggest he would not think to go beyond that.

It is fair to say that 2016’s runners will likely include Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden, both who are likely OK with letting the NSA have these powers, versus whatever Republican manages to stuff themselves into the primary clown car. Rand Paul seems to be somewhat vocal against the NSA but anyone knows damn well that the vast majority of the Republican party does not want the Patriot Act to disappear, and as much as Rand grandstrands there’s no telling if he’ll stay true to his word.

Plainly put, the illusion of choice in this matter fools fools, so it is no wonder the hood is over your eyes. The problem isn’t just the person at the reigns, it is the power itself. The power goes beyond the Constitution and by its very nature begs to be abused. It should never have come into existence in the first place.

This is a power in which no man is trustworthy. You’d have better luck signing power of attorney over to a complete stranger.

Ima Tenther July 8, 2013 at 3:54 pm

I concur. I do think Rand would be the most trustworthy of most options we seem to currently have, but I have my doubts with 99.9% of them 100% of the time. No doubt that Mr. “Big Effing Deal” would approve of these policies; he drafted the original Patriot Act. And no doubt that Billary would approve as well, I think she has shown herself to be quite the traitor as it is. Sadly, the fact remains that we seem to have voters who will do as their told and believe anything they’re told, despite whatever facts may surface. Facts be damned. I mean, just consider how irate people were (rightly so) about undeclared, unconstitutional wars, yet they jumped at the chance to elect a man who sent us to bomb Libya without a declaration of war and it was all just peachy. Lemmings. We are at the mercy of lemmings. And thus is the problem with “democracy”, where majority mob rules over the rights of the minority. And if you disagree with me, you’re a kook or a racist, for attempting to out-shout and demean is our basic language and means of communication these days.

Ima Tenther July 8, 2013 at 3:58 pm

“Sadly, the fact remains that we seem to have voters who will do as *they’re*
told and believe anything they’re told, despite whatever facts may

9" June 20, 2013 at 6:54 pm

This isn’t a partisan issue,and is not a scandal,but you’ve obviously been taken in by the war on reality.

Smirks June 19, 2013 at 2:34 pm

Pretty sad how many people are swayed not by the objective analysis of the program, but the subjective analysis of who is in charge of it. I guess most people don’t give a shit about invasion of privacy as long as “their guy” is the one doing the peeping.

Ed June 19, 2013 at 3:33 pm

See NutJob’s post directly above yours for the proof you seek

9" June 20, 2013 at 6:54 pm

This isn’t a partisan issue,and is not a scandal,but you’ve obviously been taken in by the war on reality.

GrandTango June 19, 2013 at 3:08 pm

BIG-BIG DIFFERENCE: Bush was against Terrorists and for National Security. I do not question his moral clarity and Patriotism. I NEVER had any reason to believe ‘W’ would use the info. for anything more than stopping enemies. The media crucified Bush over things he NEVER did. They would have taken him down if he would have abused the data.

Yet Obama, who is proving to be Deeply Corrupt…gets pass after pass from an agreeing media…

Obama is in bed with Terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood) and Obama he has been CAUGHT targeting Americans. US citizens are Obama’s Enemies…

So QUIT comparing the two administrations…Obama is Anti-American. Bush knows who our enemies are…and he fought them for us…Obama is as much an enemy as our attackers…

Curious June 19, 2013 at 4:06 pm

She wrote about the problem from the left. You illustrate the problem from the right. Both Bush and Obama have sacrificed civil liberties for “national security” and to “prevent terrorists.” There’s no difference there. You also illustrate Smirks’ point beautifully:

“Pretty sad how many people are swayed not by the objective analysis of
the program, but the subjective analysis of who is in charge of it. I
guess most people don’t give a shit about invasion of privacy as long as
“their guy” is the one doing the peeping.”

GrandTango June 19, 2013 at 4:23 pm

The program was APPROVED to be used as one that Filtered key words, most likley to be used by terrorists.

Because Obama is proving to be Corrupt, and vindictive against Americans he considers “Enemies”…he has polluted his authority and perverted the strategy…Obama, based on his actions, should have the right to monitor taken from him. and he should be punished for his violations…

You’re so F*#kin Stupid and VENGEFUL you, like Obama, Indict an innocent, simply because he does not adhere to your Dangerous politcal dogma…

You are un-Ameican and vile. You do not believe in the good things of our country. You deserve to be confined to a population of the dis-honorable, like yourself…

Smirks June 19, 2013 at 4:38 pm

Words most likely to be used by terrorists, like “wedding day?” Dear God, we have to wiretap all the bakeries, flower shops, and churches IMMEDIATELY!

Frank Pytel June 19, 2013 at 4:25 pm

Hey I tagged you again above. But I did forget to mention the possibility that I could get kicked from the forum for tagging you.


What say you whiner. Do children have rights or would you just rather murder them at conception?

Fuck This Prick June 19, 2013 at 6:21 pm

Another off topic fuck…take it to the right forum, jackoff…

Frank Pytel June 20, 2013 at 5:02 am

Eat Shit. Where the fuck do you get off. Hide behind your little moniker and avatar. Put your name out there and then you’ve got something to say. Or you feel you need to hide from who? Libtard Repuklicrats gonna put you in a NSA dBase? Worried some of those commie Delimcans might call you Mean?

Smirks June 19, 2013 at 4:33 pm

I do not question his moral clarity and Patriotism.


Ed June 19, 2013 at 3:34 pm

None of the 50 alleged plots broken up still justify the reason to collect 145 million phone records on 144,999,900 innocent Americans.

GrandTango June 19, 2013 at 3:56 pm

But voting non-Obama makes you guilty. Have you not been reading the news about the IRS???…or were you not listening when Obama told you to vote for “REVENGE”…

shifty henry June 19, 2013 at 4:00 pm

Did they say these alleged plots were against US citizens and/or on US soil/territory? I’m suspicious of their assumptions. Or did one of their guys discover that he was about to screw a prostitute terrorist and backed off in time to write in his little notebook, “Whew! One more American saved, even if it was MY ASS!”

9" June 20, 2013 at 6:37 pm

Recent revelations about U.S. government spying have fueled a media firestorm that has tacitly implicated programs unrelated to the more controversial electronic eavesdropping. In reality, these programs help to secure critical infrastructure, protect intellectual property, and make commercial software more reliable.

On Friday, Bloomberg ran an exposé overviewing U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and other government initiatives to help software makers address security vulnerabilities. The programs it alludes to are voluntary and incentivize companies to share “zero day” information on security bugs and hardware specifications in return for access to classified intelligence information to defend their systems from hackers. The information is available to the U.S. government before it’s publicly disclosed. The fact that it’s happening isn’t very secret.

Cyber warfare puts infrastructure at risk from the power grid to stop lights. U.S. companies are frequently targeted in industrial espionage, and some systems have even been held for ransom by hackers. Ad networks like Google lose millions from sophisticated attempts at “click fraud” orchestrated by organized crime overseas. Companies that have been targeted and work with U.S. intelligence to protect their assets have said so.

Government involvement to address these issues is hot news in the wake of the PRISM leak controversy where it was “revealed” (some details were already known for years) that telecommunications and Internet companies were cooperating with the NSA to gather data. That snooping began illegally under the Bush administration, but Congress acted to shield participating companies from liability after it was done. President Obama carried the cyber spying forward and expanded its reach. It’s understandable that industry partnerships are under scrutiny, but it’s not another PRISM.

PRISM is presumably now legal, but secret interpretations of laws, shadow courts, a complete lack of judicial review, and the widespread nature of the program have upset civil libertarians and even some longstanding proponents. The author of the Patriot Act, which made some of this possible, now wants to see it amended. But none of that directly involves the aforementioned cyber security programs — even if press reports tie them in.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Defense Department and NSA all work with thousands of U.S. tech companies to fight cyber warfare. It isn’t used for spying (at least domestically), and isn’t anything that hasn’t been disclosed publicly. For instance, the NSA hosts a public Web site which describes what it does, so it’s not a new “scandal” or news to anyone — just fodder that media outlets use to generate Web traffic.

The NSA participates in a public worldwide effort to design and evaluate secure software called theCommon Criteria Evaluation. The NSA’s expertise led to the creation of at least one ultra secure operating system that has protected U.S. troops overseas, ensures that the complex systems found in commercial jetliners are reliable, and keeps vital infrastructure safe from attack. What exactly is the scandal there? Nothing much.

Ed June 19, 2013 at 3:34 pm

None of the 50 alleged plots broken up still justify the reason to collect 145 million phone records on 144,999,900 innocent Americans.

shifty henry June 19, 2013 at 4:00 pm

Did they say these alleged plots were against US citizens and/or on US soil/territory? I’m suspicious of their assumptions.

Or did one of their guys discover that he was about to screw a prostitute terrorist and backed off in time to write in his little notebook, “Whew! One more American saved, even if it was MY ASS!”

I apologize to everyone if I seem cynical today…..

9" June 20, 2013 at 6:37 pm

Recent revelations about U.S. government spying have fueled a media firestorm that has tacitly implicated programs unrelated to the more controversial electronic eavesdropping. In reality, these programs help to secure critical infrastructure, protect intellectual property, and make commercial software more reliable.

On Friday, Bloomberg ran an exposé overviewing U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and other government initiatives to help software makers address security vulnerabilities. The programs it alludes to are voluntary and incentivize companies to share “zero day” information on security bugs and hardware specifications in return for access to classified intelligence information to defend their systems from hackers. The information is available to the U.S. government before it’s publicly disclosed. The fact that it’s happening isn’t very secret.

Cyber warfare puts infrastructure at risk from the power grid to stop lights. U.S. companies are frequently targeted in industrial espionage, and some systems have even been held for ransom by hackers. Ad networks like Google lose millions from sophisticated attempts at “click fraud” orchestrated by organized crime overseas. Companies that have been targeted and work with U.S. intelligence to protect their assets have said so.

Government involvement to address these issues is hot news in the wake of the PRISM leak controversy where it was “revealed” (some details were already known for years) that telecommunications and Internet companies were cooperating with the NSA to gather data. That snooping began illegally under the Bush administration, but Congress acted to shield participating companies from liability after it was done. President Obama carried the cyber spying forward and expanded its reach. It’s understandable that industry partnerships are under scrutiny, but it’s not another PRISM.

PRISM is presumably now legal, but secret interpretations of laws, shadow courts, a complete lack of judicial review, and the widespread nature of the program have upset civil libertarians and even some longstanding proponents. The author of the Patriot Act, which made some of this possible, now wants to see it amended. But none of that directly involves the aforementioned cyber security programs — even if press reports tie them in.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Defense Department and NSA all work with thousands of U.S. tech companies to fight cyber warfare. It isn’t used for spying (at least domestically), and isn’t anything that hasn’t been disclosed publicly. For instance, the NSA hosts a public Web site which describes what it does, so it’s not a new “scandal” or news to anyone — just fodder that media outlets use to generate Web traffic.

The NSA participates in a public worldwide effort to design and evaluate secure software called theCommon Criteria Evaluation. The NSA’s expertise led to the creation of at least one ultra secure operating system that has protected U.S. troops overseas, ensures that the complex systems found in commercial jetliners are reliable, and keeps vital infrastructure safe from attack. What exactly is the scandal there? Nothing much.

EJB June 19, 2013 at 4:09 pm

I’m always a little suspicious of polls, even ones that support my positions; they are so easy to skew. Take a survey/poll about prostitution in from of a church on Sunday when mass lets out and the majority of answers will be one way, ask the same questions outside a bar at closing time and you are likely to get a completely different set of answers, with probably some of the same people. I like to see the survey/poll and methodology used. A lot of articles I read reference polls and or studies and I will look up those studies to be disappointed that the author cherry picked the study to support his position. Just look at the polls on Mr. Sanford’s run in District 1, they were saying anything from close race to losing and he won each of the three elections rather handily.

EJB June 19, 2013 at 4:09 pm

I’m always a little suspicious of polls, even ones that support my positions; they are so easy to skew. Take a survey/poll about prostitution in from of a church on Sunday when mass lets out and the majority of answers will be one way, ask the same questions outside a bar at closing time and you are likely to get a completely different set of answers, with probably some of the same people. I like to see the survey/poll and methodology used. A lot of articles I read reference polls and or studies and I will look up those studies to be disappointed that the author cherry picked the study to support his position. Just look at the polls on Mr. Sanford’s run in District 1, they were saying anything from close race to losing and he won each of the three elections rather handily.

GrandTango June 19, 2013 at 4:32 pm

When an attorney knows the facts will damn her..she argues process.

Remember: It was a lie, until the blue dress proved otherwise. Then it was a Vast Rightwing Conspiracy…

The fact is Obama is Corrupt and has been caught…so now she must attack the program that he is using against his own people…

If liberals, with the media, had not stolen so much power, their methods would be laughable. But seeing what Obama is doing to our country, w/ drones like Lazenby shilling for him, it should make us want to cry…

Curious June 19, 2013 at 4:56 pm

She doesn’t appear to be “shilling for him” in this article. In fact, she’s doing exactly the opposite. Reading comprehension, T, it’s a good thing.

GrandTango June 19, 2013 at 6:09 pm

Her intent is to reduce it down to create a “THEY ALL DO IT” defense…to make the program the culprit…not your god, Obama…

That is the End Game. The commentary should be: Obama has been outed as a Corrupt enemy of the American people. He abused a program that is debatable in its legality…

Lazenby, like ALL media, is fixating on a program that may be outrageous, but the argument can be made, that it’s legal…
The ploy is to keep the attention off the IRS crime, and the other Gestapo-like tactics, Obama uses…

Just like this surveillance program that was approved, and used according to law under Bush, has been perverted, and abused by Obama…
But as long as you can play a game, to keep the emphasis off your lord and Filthy savior…you all march in lock-step to do it..and the ignorant in the middle, see FITS, follow, because they are dull, and easily-led…

Reading Comprehension June 19, 2013 at 7:11 pm

I think she just said, “Hey, Dems, don’t let OBAMA off the hook on this one.” In fact, I know that’s what she just said because I can read.

You just said: “Clue: This surveillance program was approved, and used according to law
under Bush. It has been perverted, and abused by Obama…”

Wrong, Turd. Bush actually went outside the law, so Obama got the laws fixed to make sure he was doing it legally – just secretly. Still doesn’t make it right.

T's Bush June 19, 2013 at 9:20 pm

You do know if he can’t comprehend her, chances are he won’t get your point either.

Reading Comprehension June 19, 2013 at 9:32 pm

Good point, sir, good point. Why do I even try with this one?

Nickname June 19, 2013 at 9:28 pm

Knowing how easy it is to manipulate polls, I believe nothing regarding them.

Statistician June 19, 2013 at 10:12 pm

Yep, polls/data can be manipulated. But once you assert that one was,
you have to ask some relevant questions: How did ABC&WP manipulate
this poll? What would be their motivation in doing so? What is flawed
about their methodology? How did those flaws contribute to manipulation
of their data set?

More broadly, though, you just have to decide
whether you believe that the poll this author used to underscore her
argument undermines it instead, or whether you believe her argument even
without the poll. I, for one, think she’s right. In my own informal
survey of people’s responses in the media that I’ve seen, Dems are
defending Obama. So are a lot of Republicans. I disagree with both of
those groups of people. If I was a Dem like her, I’d call out my own
party members for “defending the indefensible,” too.

Nickname June 19, 2013 at 9:28 pm

Knowing how easy it is to manipulate polls, I believe nothing regarding them.

Statistician June 19, 2013 at 10:12 pm

Yep, polls/data can be manipulated. But once you assert that one was,
you have to ask some relevant questions: How did ABC&WP manipulate
this poll? What would be their motivation in doing so? What is flawed
about their methodology? How did those flaws contribute to manipulation
of their data set?

More broadly, though, you just have to decide
whether you believe that the poll this author used to underscore her
argument undermines it instead, or whether you believe her argument even
without the poll. I, for one, think she’s right. In my own informal
survey of people’s responses in the media that I’ve seen, Dems are
defending Obama. So are a lot of Republicans. I disagree with both of
those groups of people. If I was a Dem like her, I’d call out my own
party members for “defending the indefensible,” too.

SparkleCity June 19, 2013 at 11:47 pm

******An open memo to Ms. Lazenby:******

A prominent liberal/progressive HAS acknowledged being hypocritical on this matter: Ms. Mika Brezenski

Mika stated so a day or two on “Morning Joe” (MJ). I saw the MJ “tape” on Huffington Post. Obviously you have not viewed the “tape”. I suggest you do so.

That being so, I must admit that I am a moderate (more or less) but I do watch “MJ” a fair amount. The main reason being to “eyeball” Mika!!. I don’t give a damn about her liberal stance or that she is basically a “Food Nazi”. I just like looking at looks,brains, and class all rolled up into one 5 foot 7 inch package of 40+ year old womanhood with killer legs. I’d agree with anything she said as long as she was my woman.

Sadly Ms. Lazenby the fact that Mika acknowledged her hypocrisy makes your article moot.

Moving on:

Since I am a moderate and a proud independent who has not missed a general election since 1972, I feel qualified to interject my opinion on this matter.

I have served and was an actual military combatant in two Middle Eastern Wars (with Bosnia to boot) and even more importantly (in my mind anyway) a veteran of the Yom Kippur alert of October 1973 so that makes 3 conflicts in the Middle East that I have been directly involved in. I can assure if we and Russia had gone “Toe to Toe” over Yom Kippur as we almost did, no one would be on the internet. We would be back to smoke signals if that……….

I could write so much about October 1973 but I don’t know how old you are so you may have been an infant at the time (or maybe you wern’t even born). I suggest you research that conflict and/or ask your parents about the gas and other shortages and the kick-ass recession of 1974-1975 that was a direct result of Yom Kippur 1973. Again, I could write all day about that conflict and hope to write an article on it sometime in the next few years. Suffice to say it should have been a wake up call but the American populace/leadership was too damn short-sighted then and maybe even worse now.

Gulf 1: Caught Bush #1 by surprise and we should have gone through Iraq and kept the oil fields as far as I am concerned (Been there, got the T-shirt). But I did have a lot of respect for Bush #1. Bush 2 ain’t the man his dad is and that is a fact.

Gulf 2;Iraq + Afghanistan: Pretty much fucked up except that Bush #2 was spot on about one thing: A day or two after the attacks on 9/11, he stated in his National Address that this would be a long struggle and would go on past his presidency and well into the next presidency. He was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in his assessment.

My Air Guard unit was one of the first units to be activated and we were in country (Afghanistan and other “undisclosed locations”) by January 2002. My unit maintained a presence for over 6 years (rotated personnel but our unit was always in country 2002 – 2008) both in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Back in 2002, we shared an “undisclosed location” with a Preditor outfit and would watch taped kills in our spare time. I have no qualms about what they were doing back then and would support their mission today if I were called from retirement. I did then and would have no hesitation in doing so this very minute.

We could go in circles about the matter of monitoring communication but it would probably be to no avail.

If we follow the course you and Mr. Folks outline (and the tin-foil hat right wing-nuts who use any excuse to blame everything on Obama – whom I NEVER voted for BTW) I can only state this:

Be sure to get yourself fitted for a Burqa and if you or Mr. Folks have any daughters or (grand daughters in the future), make sure they know what surgical removal of the clitorus is all about.

Sadly, you and Mr. Folks are clueless concerning the high stakes we are dealing with. This is not like any other conflict we have been involved in. We are in a struggle against a belief/mindset. It is not about territory per se, it is about idealogy and other matters of that nature. The conflict is based on how effectively our adversaries utilize communication to get their word/idealogy out to like-minded individuals or people they can sway to their dogma.

Anything we can do to track these cockroaches down and kill them is fine with me. They killed a shitload of Americans (some of whom I loaded the PIECES of their bodies into my aircraft) and I’ll never forget it.

Too bad you or Mr. Folks were not there to help load them onto my plane.

Something tells me that if you had been you and Mr. Folks would not be singing the song you are singing at present.

You can either move to Sweden (who happens to have trouble with “Haji” at this very moment – check out the social unrest) and be neutral or do everything possible to outlast the mullahs who have time on their side.

That’s about it and how the game is going to be played out…..

Just remember: “Tuesday is Soylent Green day”

That will come to pass too – BTW!!!

Have a good’un


Reading Comprehension June 20, 2013 at 8:08 am

The lady wrote: “And with very few exceptions, Democratic leaders are defending the administration’s actions.”
“And with very few exceptions…” That makes your post about Mika moot.
The rest of your blabbering on about sacrificing civil liberties you fought to gain for other people, well, that makes you, good soldier, a hypocrite. You don’t get to take away Americans’ rights just because you wore the uniform.

Please June 20, 2013 at 8:19 am

Gotta go with RC here. She acknowledged exceptions. She was also talking about regular Democrats surveyed in that poll, not just the leadership – I believe that’s who she was speaking to. Also, Mika isn’t exactly a “Democratic leader.” She’s a member of the media. And I agree with the rest of what RC said. This just isn’t okay. We’re enacting the policies of the countries you fought to liberate.

shifty henry June 20, 2013 at 8:16 am

+ 10…..

SparkleCity June 19, 2013 at 11:47 pm

******An open memo to Ms. Lazenby:******

A prominent liberal/progressive HAS acknowledged being hypocritical on this matter: Ms. Mika Brezenski

Mika stated so a day or two on “Morning Joe” (MJ). I saw the MJ “tape” on Huffington Post. Obviously you have not viewed the “tape”. I suggest you do so.

That being so, I must admit that I am a moderate (more or less) but I do watch “MJ” a fair amount. The main reason being to “eyeball” Mika!!. I don’t give a damn about her liberal stance or that she is basically a “Food Nazi”. I just like looking at looks,brains, and class all rolled up into one 5 foot 7 inch package of 40+ year old womanhood with killer legs. I’d agree with anything she said as long as she was my woman.

Sadly Ms. Lazenby the fact that Mika acknowledged her hypocrisy makes your article moot.

Moving on:

Since I am a moderate and a proud independent who has not missed a general election since 1972, I feel qualified to interject my opinion on this matter.

I have served and was an actual military combatant in two Middle Eastern Wars (with Bosnia to boot) and even more importantly (in my mind anyway) a veteran of the Yom Kippur alert of October 1973 so that makes 3 conflicts in the Middle East that I have been directly involved in. I can assure if we and Russia had gone “Toe to Toe” over Yom Kippur as we almost did, no one would be on the internet. We would be back to smoke signals if that……….

I could write so much about October 1973 but I don’t know how old you are so you may have been an infant at the time (or maybe you wern’t even born). I suggest you research that conflict and/or ask your parents about the gas and other shortages and the kick-ass recession of 1974-1975 that was a direct result of Yom Kippur 1973. Again, I could write all day about that conflict and hope to write an article on it sometime in the next few years. Suffice to say it should have been a wake up call but the American populace/leadership was too damn short-sighted then and maybe even worse now.

Gulf 1: Caught Bush #1 by surprise and we should have gone through Iraq and kept the oil fields as far as I am concerned (Been there, got the T-shirt). But I did have a lot of respect for Bush #1. Bush 2 ain’t the man his dad is and that is a fact.

Gulf 2;Iraq + Afghanistan: Pretty much fucked up except that Bush #2 was spot on about one thing: A day or two after the attacks on 9/11, he stated in his National Address that this would be a long struggle and would go on past his presidency and well into the next presidency. He was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in his assessment.

My Air Guard unit was one of the first units to be activated and we were in country (Afghanistan and other “undisclosed locations”) by January 2002. My unit maintained a presence for over 6 years (rotated personnel but our unit was always in country 2002 – 2008) both in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Back in 2002, we shared an “undisclosed location” with a Preditor outfit and would watch taped kills in our spare time. I have no qualms about what they were doing back then and would support their mission today if I were called from retirement. I did then and would have no hesitation in doing so this very minute.

We could go in circles about the matter of monitoring communication but it would probably be to no avail.

If we follow the course you and Mr. Folks outline (and the tin-foil hat right wing-nuts who use any excuse to blame everything on Obama – whom I NEVER voted for BTW) I can only state this:

Be sure to get yourself fitted for a Burqa and if you or Mr. Folks have any daughters or (grand daughters in the future), make sure they know what surgical removal of the clitorus is all about.

Sadly, you and Mr. Folks are clueless concerning the high stakes we are dealing with. This is not like any other conflict we have been involved in. We are in a struggle against a belief/mindset. It is not about territory per se, it is about idealogy and other matters of that nature. The conflict is based on how effectively our adversaries utilize communication to get their word/idealogy out to like-minded individuals or people they can sway to their dogma.

Anything we can do to track these cockroaches down and kill them is fine with me. They killed a shitload of Americans (some of whom I loaded the PIECES of their bodies into my aircraft) and I’ll never forget it.

Too bad you or Mr. Folks were not there to help load them onto my plane.

Something tells me that if you had been you and Mr. Folks would not be singing the song you are singing at present.

You can either move to Sweden (who happens to have trouble with “Haji” at this very moment – check out the social unrest) and be neutral or do everything possible to outlast the mullahs who have time on their side.

That’s about it and how the game is going to be played out…..

Just remember: “Tuesday is Soylent Green day”

That will come to pass too – BTW!!!

Have a good’un


Reading Comprehension June 20, 2013 at 8:08 am

The lady wrote: “And with very few exceptions, Democratic leaders are defending the administration’s actions.”
“And with very few exceptions…” That makes your post about Mika moot.
The rest of your blabbering on about sacrificing civil liberties you fought to gain for other people, well, that makes you, good soldier, a hypocrite. You don’t get to take away Americans’ rights just because you wore the uniform.

Please June 20, 2013 at 8:19 am

Gotta go with RC here. She acknowledged exceptions. She was also talking about regular Democrats surveyed in that poll, not just the leadership – I believe that’s who she was speaking to. Also, Mika isn’t exactly a “Democratic leader.” She’s a member of the media. And I agree with the rest of what RC said. This just isn’t okay. We’re enacting the policies of the countries you fought to liberate.

shifty henry June 20, 2013 at 8:16 am

+ 10

Been there – at a different time – under different circumstances…..

9" June 20, 2013 at 6:25 pm

Absolute BULLSHIT.

Recent revelations about U.S. government spying have fueled a media firestorm that has tacitly implicated programs unrelated to the more controversial electronic eavesdropping. In reality, these programs help to secure critical infrastructure, protect intellectual property, and make commercial software more reliable.

On Friday, Bloomberg ran an exposé overviewing U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and other government initiatives to help software makers address security vulnerabilities. The programs it alludes to are voluntary and incentivize companies to share “zero day” information on security bugs and hardware specifications in return for access to classified intelligence information to defend their systems from hackers. The information is available to the U.S. government before it’s publicly disclosed. The fact that it’s happening isn’t very secret.

Cyber warfare puts infrastructure at risk from the power grid to stop lights. U.S. companies are frequently targeted in industrial espionage, and some systems have even been held for ransom by hackers. Ad networks like Google lose millions from sophisticated attempts at “click fraud” orchestrated by organized crime overseas. Companies that have been targeted and work with U.S. intelligence to protect their assets have said so.

Government involvement to address these issues is hot news in the wake of the PRISM leak controversy where it was “revealed” (some details were already known for years) that telecommunications and Internet companies were cooperating with the NSA to gather data. That snooping began illegally under the Bush administration, but Congress acted to shield participating companies from liability after it was done. President Obama carried the cyber spying forward and expanded its reach. It’s understandable that industry partnerships are under scrutiny, but it’s not another PRISM.

PRISM is presumably now legal, but secret interpretations of laws, shadow courts, a complete lack of judicial review, and the widespread nature of the program have upset civil libertarians and even some longstanding proponents. The author of the Patriot Act, which made some of this possible, now wants to see it amended. But none of that directly involves the aforementioned cyber security programs — even if press reports tie them in.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Defense Department and NSA all work with thousands of U.S. tech companies to fight cyber warfare. It isn’t used for spying (at least domestically), and isn’t anything that hasn’t been disclosed publicly. For instance, the NSA hosts a public Web site which describes what it does, so it’s not a new “scandal” or news to anyone — just fodder that media outlets use to generate Web traffic.

The NSA participates in a public worldwide effort to design and evaluate secure software called theCommon Criteria Evaluation. The NSA’s expertise led to the creation of at least one ultra secure operating system that has protected U.S. troops overseas, ensures that the complex systems found in commercial jetliners are reliable, and keeps vital infrastructure safe from attack. What exactly is the scandal there? Nothing much.

9" June 20, 2013 at 6:29 pm

‘ just fodder that media outlets use to generate Web traffic.’

? June 20, 2013 at 8:29 pm Reply
Please June 20, 2013 at 10:52 pm

Revealed for the first time today (and I do link to my source) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/20/fisa-court-nsa-without-warran

“…The Fisa court-approved policies allow the NSA to:
• Keep data that could potentially contain details of US persons for up to five years;
•Retain and make use of “inadvertently acquired” domestic communications
if they contain usable intelligence, information on criminal activity,
threat of harm to people or property, are encrypted, or are believed to
contain any information relevant to cybersecurity;
• Preserve “foreign intelligence information” contained within attorney-client communications;
•Access the content of communications gathered from “U.S. based
machine[s]” or phone numbers in order to establish if targets are
located in the US, for the purposes of ceasing further surveillance.

The broad scope of the court orders, and the nature of the procedures set
out in the documents, appear to clash with assurances from President
Obama and senior intelligence officials that the NSA could not access
Americans’ call or email information without warrants.The
documents also show that discretion as to who is actually targeted under
the NSA’s foreign surveillance powers lies directly with its own
analysts, without recourse to courts or superiors..”

You still down, 9″?

9" June 20, 2013 at 6:25 pm

Absolute BULLSHIT.

Recent revelations about U.S. government spying have fueled a media firestorm that has tacitly implicated programs unrelated to the more controversial electronic eavesdropping. In reality, these programs help to secure critical infrastructure, protect intellectual property, and make commercial software more reliable.

On Friday, Bloomberg ran an exposé overviewing U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and other government initiatives to help software makers address security vulnerabilities. The programs it alludes to are voluntary and incentivize companies to share “zero day” information on security bugs and hardware specifications in return for access to classified intelligence information to defend their systems from hackers. The information is available to the U.S. government before it’s publicly disclosed. The fact that it’s happening isn’t very secret.

Cyber warfare puts infrastructure at risk from the power grid to stop lights. U.S. companies are frequently targeted in industrial espionage, and some systems have even been held for ransom by hackers. Ad networks like Google lose millions from sophisticated attempts at “click fraud” orchestrated by organized crime overseas. Companies that have been targeted and work with U.S. intelligence to protect their assets have said so.

Government involvement to address these issues is hot news in the wake of the PRISM leak controversy where it was “revealed” (some details were already known for years) that telecommunications and Internet companies were cooperating with the NSA to gather data. That snooping began illegally under the Bush administration, but Congress acted to shield participating companies from liability after it was done. President Obama carried the cyber spying forward and expanded its reach. It’s understandable that industry partnerships are under scrutiny, but it’s not another PRISM.

PRISM is presumably now legal, but secret interpretations of laws, shadow courts, a complete lack of judicial review, and the widespread nature of the program have upset civil libertarians and even some longstanding proponents. The author of the Patriot Act, which made some of this possible, now wants to see it amended. But none of that directly involves the aforementioned cyber security programs — even if press reports tie them in.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Defense Department and NSA all work with thousands of U.S. tech companies to fight cyber warfare. It isn’t used for spying (at least domestically), and isn’t anything that hasn’t been disclosed publicly. For instance, the NSA hosts a public Web site which describes what it does, so it’s not a new “scandal” or news to anyone — just fodder that media outlets use to generate Web traffic.

The NSA participates in a public worldwide effort to design and evaluate secure software called theCommon Criteria Evaluation. The NSA’s expertise led to the creation of at least one ultra secure operating system that has protected U.S. troops overseas, ensures that the complex systems found in commercial jetliners are reliable, and keeps vital infrastructure safe from attack. What exactly is the scandal there? Nothing much.

9" June 20, 2013 at 6:29 pm

‘ just fodder that media outlets use to generate Web traffic.’

? June 20, 2013 at 8:29 pm Reply
Please June 20, 2013 at 10:52 pm

Revealed for the first time today (and I do link to my source) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/20/fisa-court-nsa-without-warran

“…The Fisa court-approved policies allow the NSA to:
• Keep data that could potentially contain details of US persons for up to five years;
•Retain and make use of “inadvertently acquired” domestic communications
if they contain usable intelligence, information on criminal activity,
threat of harm to people or property, are encrypted, or are believed to
contain any information relevant to cybersecurity;
• Preserve “foreign intelligence information” contained within attorney-client communications;
•Access the content of communications gathered from “U.S. based
machine[s]” or phone numbers in order to establish if targets are
located in the US, for the purposes of ceasing further surveillance.

The broad scope of the court orders, and the nature of the procedures set
out in the documents, appear to clash with assurances from President
Obama and senior intelligence officials that the NSA could not access
Americans’ call or email information without warrants.The
documents also show that discretion as to who is actually targeted under
the NSA’s foreign surveillance powers lies directly with its own
analysts, without recourse to courts or superiors..”

You still down, 9″?

Some Angry Dude July 8, 2013 at 1:39 pm

The bottom line is that court documents directly contradict the NSA’s claims to breaking up 50 plots. The FBI have “broken up” 17 of their own home-baked plots since 2001 to great fanfare. Rest assured if the NSA had broken up any plots, they would have lauded themselves on the front page of the NYTimes.

Some Angry Dude July 8, 2013 at 1:39 pm

The bottom line is that court documents directly contradict the NSA’s claims to breaking up 50 plots. The FBI have “broken up” 17 of their own home-baked plots since 2001 to great fanfare. Rest assured if the NSA had broken up any plots, they would have lauded themselves on the front page of the NYTimes.


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