
Wire: Furniture, Hospitals, Porn, Etc.

We get lots of tips, comments and questions about stuff we write … and stuff people want us to write. Wanna share a link? Suggestion? Criticism? Question? Submit it (anonymously or otherwise) via our tip wire … and remember, in addition to confidentially investigating your leads we also publish letters to the editor and guest editorials…

We get lots of tips, comments and questions about stuff we write … and stuff people want us to write.

Wanna share a link? Suggestion? Criticism? Question? Submit it (anonymously or otherwise) via our tip wire … and remember, in addition to confidentially investigating your leads we also publish letters to the editor and guest editorials (even anonymous ones) if you’ve got more to say on a subject.

Also feel free to reach out to our founding editor directly at w@fitsnews.com.

To the wire!



state house furniture

RE: “S.C. House Spending $2 Million On New Furniture

I can confirm the tip on your page regarding S.C. House members “fighting over which items of the old, decrepit furniture they can take home with them.” This is happening. Please shine some light on this. Taxpayers are spending $2 million to replace furniture that its legislators are stealing for their own personal use.


sic speaking

That doesn’t surprise me in the least. Guess it’s time to start digging. Seems like a good story to “name names.”




From The Greenville News:

“The average charge for a pacemaker implant at Greenville Memorial Hospital is $66,685. At Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, it’s $89,769.

A major cardiovascular procedure is $66,789 at Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, and $135,066 at AnMed Health in Anderson.

The federal government recently released the average 2011 hospital charges — as well as actual average payments — for the 100 most common conditions that Medicare covers for some 3,000 hospitals nationwide in hopes that consumers will compare prices before choosing where they get care, and influence hospitals to lower their prices.

How can the charge for the same procedure vary so much? And with such variation, is the data actually useful for consumers?”

Good question. Accompanying the story is this searchable database of hospitals and their costs.


sic speaking

Wow. The Greenville News is still around? Kidding, kidding. That’s an interesting report. Thanks for sharing.




RE: “Cunnilingus: Hazardous To Your Health

The image you used for your story on Michael Douglas and the cunnilingus epidemic was offensive and inappropriate. If you continue to display such pornographic images on your website I will be forced to go elsewhere for my news.


sic speaking

Your definition of porn is obviously different than mine. The image showed a blonde woman with her tongue out. Since when is that porn?




I’ve heard that the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW) has been giving their state office employees raises under the pretense of “additional duties” while getting ready to lay off (June 6) many of their front line staff serving in the workforce centers across the state. This is supposedly being done before the new executive director comes on board mid to late June. It would be interesting to do a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA request of SCDEW state office staff raises since John Finan became interim executive director in February to verify this info.

I definitely believe a FOIA request is in order but perhaps it would be better to get the information from the Budget and Control Board as getting accurate information from SCDEW may not happen with Kerry Paul in charge. Paul has received substantial raises of more than $30,000 since coming over from Budget & Control Board within the last two to three years. Her salary was around $73,000 when she came to SCDEW as the human resources director and now she is making over $110,000.


sic speaking

Nothing at this shamelessly corrupt agency surprises us anymore. Nothing. We will file the FOIA. Thanks for the tip.



greenville pd

You guys should pay attention to Operation Blue Machine on Facebook. It has Greenville, S.C. in an uproar.


sic speaking

Last time we checked Greenville, S.C. was pretty easy to put in an uproar. We’ll check the page out, though …




No (IRS) Employees Would Acknowledge Who Ordered Targeting” (Breitbart)

Special Prosecutor Needed in IRS Case” (NetRightDaily)

Coach Tells Nation’s Top Football Recruit He’ll Get To Meet Michael Jackson” (Yahoo!)

Obama Appointees Using Secret Government E-mail Accounts” (AP)

USDOT Shuts Down South Carolina Passenger Carrier” (MarketWatch)



bakari official wire

S.C. Rep. Bakari Sellers (D-Bamberg) will announce his plans to run for Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina this Thursday, according to The Patch network of websites. This website was the first to discuss Sellers’ likely Lite Gov bid (two months ago) so look for a fuller treatment of this breaking story in today’s editions.

Assuming he wins his party’s nomination, Sellers would likely face “Republican” incumbent Glenn F. McConnell.



“Tell me who you gonna believe …”


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Boz Martin June 4, 2013 at 10:23 am

Someone is offended by an image on FITS. I’ll alert the worldwide media.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 11:52 am

I am almost offended by your new gravatar, but I will let is pass. It looks exactly like a detective sergeant in a small town in Georgia (which I will not name) and I am wondering if you got caught by him and you found this picture just for your personal satisfaction. Anyway, if you did, then it gives me an idea about doing the same for some assholes I know.

Boz Martin June 4, 2013 at 7:48 pm

That’s my great grandfather in the avatar. HIS great grandfather was very prolific. He had 5 wives in his lifetime and about 60 children, all told. Approx. half of the Martins in SC and a great many in GA, AL, MS, FL, LA and TX are descended from him, mostly Celt/Indian Southern Hybrids like me. So that cop may be my kin. Or at least that’s what I’ll claim if the motherfucker ever pops me.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 9:35 pm

Congratulations – I was just pulling your leg. My family has the same roots.
It’s amazing that these old men could outlive 3-5 wives, and sire 18-22 children. But I suppose that child birthing must have been more strenuous in those days.
There was much intermarriage between the whites and Cherokees. Part of the reasoning was that the Cherokees must marry outside their tribe, and the economic and social statuses were about equal for the whites and Indians.
Apparently it worked out pretty good, until they got moved out. My family history show that the Indian families related through marriage were hidden with relatives in SC, GA, NC and VA.

Boz Martin June 4, 2013 at 10:23 am

Someone is offended by an image on FITS. I’ll alert the worldwide media.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 11:52 am

I am almost offended by your new gravatar, but I will let is pass. It looks exactly like a detective sergeant in a small town in Georgia (which I will not name) and I am wondering if you got caught by him and you found this picture just for your personal satisfaction. Anyway, if you did, then it gives me an idea about doing the same for some assholes I know.

Boz Martin June 4, 2013 at 7:48 pm

That’s my great grandfather in the avatar. HIS great grandfather was very prolific. He had 5 wives in his lifetime and about 60 children, all told. Approx. half of the Martins in SC and a great many in GA, AL, MS, FL, LA and TX are descended from him, mostly Celt/Indian Southern Hybrids like me. So that cop may be my kin. Or at least that’s what I’ll claim if the motherfucker ever pops me.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 9:35 pm

Congratulations – I was just pulling your leg. My family has the same roots.
It’s amazing that these old men could outlive 3-5 wives, and sire 18-22 children. But I suppose that child birthing must have been more strenuous in those days.
There was much intermarriage between the whites and Cherokees. Part of the reasoning was that the Cherokees must marry outside their tribe, and the economic and social statuses were about equal for the whites and Indians.
Apparently it worked out pretty good, until they got moved out. My family history show that the Indian families related through marriage were hidden with relatives in SC, GA, NC and VA.

Boz Martin June 4, 2013 at 10:27 am

Sic, you didn’t sic my cousin Karen Martin on the Horry GOP did you? What the hell is it with all the upstate fringe-o freaks stickin’ dey noses all up in our bidness down heah?

Boz Martin June 4, 2013 at 10:27 am

Sic, you didn’t sic my cousin Karen Martin on the Horry GOP did you? What the hell is it with all the upstate fringe-o freaks stickin’ dey noses all up in our bidness down heah?

Smirks June 4, 2013 at 10:47 am

WOOP WOOP! The Morals Police are here! No language, no provocative pictures, before you know it they’ll be complaining there’s no sermon on Sunday here.

T's Gone Wild June 4, 2013 at 2:55 pm

So, BigT got hard and did a very sinful thing to the goat. Damn porn and Obama making this country a mecca of deviance…

rwwllms June 4, 2013 at 3:17 pm

Calling a girl sticking her tongue out porn is about right for this guy since he also claimed he comes here for news.
I don’t know which is more laughable.

Smirks June 4, 2013 at 10:47 am

WOOP WOOP! The Morals Police are here! No language, no provocative pictures, before you know it they’ll be complaining there’s no sermon on Sunday here.

T's Gone Wild June 4, 2013 at 2:55 pm

So, BigT got hard and did a very sinful thing to the goat. Damn porn and Obama making this country a mecca of deviance…

rwwllms June 4, 2013 at 3:17 pm

Calling a girl sticking her tongue out porn is about right for this guy since he also claimed he comes here for news.
I don’t know which is more laughable.

CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:26 am

Who was the whiner who was offended by the cunnilingus article? Mike Fair?

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 11:52 am

My guess is ==== NIKKI. Isn’t it curious that her name is so close to “nookie”?

CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:26 am

Who was the whiner who was offended by the cunnilingus article? Mike Fair?

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 11:52 am

My guess is ==== NIKKI. Isn’t it curious that her name is so close to “nookie”?

CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:30 am

Hey Fits, is anyone else having trouble with the Disqus comment forum on here? As of late and rather frequently, I find a lot of threads where I cannot read the comments once the thread becomes rather lengthy with comments. A good example was the original one about Frank Lautenberg croaking, the one with the pic of his eyes bugged out. All I can see is everyone’s avatar and the word “Share” off to the right of the avatar somewhere. What gives?

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 11:41 am

My problem has been corrected. I noticed that sometimes no comments would appear on some of the articles. Go back later (1-2 hours) and the comments could be accessed on those sites, but another article would be blocked. It was like musical chairs. Is this some kind of way to get more hits?
I miss the images from 2big2fall and shifty henry.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 11:43 am

Also miss some of the music videos from 9″. Occasionally he would post a good group I have never heard of.

CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:53 am


9" June 4, 2013 at 3:00 pm

Lost classic.He sounds a little like Sinatra.The Blue Nile-TINSELTOWN IS IN THE RAIN(this one makes me cry)


CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:52 am

I miss them too! Thanks for commenting!

2big2fall June 4, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Thanks for the mention. I miss posting pics here but it is just as well as I can now officially recognize Will as my part-time nemesis. I have other fish to fry so he will have to settle with being an afterthought.

It sure as hell beats all of those fake posters that he comes up with in order to generate angry comments. A real nemesis can keep him on his toes a whole lot better than Big T or Grand Tango or whatever alter ego he spews out.

If you want to see where I am going with this google “photoshop fun with Will Folks.” Note that it is a work in progress and will see substantial changes and additions over time.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 12:58 pm

Over the past few months I have been following this poster, and now I just skip over the comments. The tone, grammar, etc. appears consistent with a group of people, both male and female, and they are probably as young as 18. They should call themselves Tango Group.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 1:08 pm

According to definition 10 in the Urban Dictionary, tango refers to a “new age douchebag”. Now that makes sense to me.

iPad2 June 4, 2013 at 11:43 am

Same issus here. iPad2

CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:53 am

Glad to know it wasn’t just me. Thanks for replying!

CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:30 am

Hey Fits, is anyone else having trouble with the Disqus comment forum on here? As of late and rather frequently, I find a lot of threads where I cannot read the comments once the thread becomes rather lengthy with comments. A good example was the original one about Frank Lautenberg croaking, the one with the pic of his eyes bugged out. All I can see is everyone’s avatar and the word “Share” off to the right of the avatar somewhere. What gives?

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 11:41 am

My problem has been corrected. I noticed that sometimes no comments would appear on some of the articles. Go back later (1-2 hours) and the comments could be accessed on those sites, but another article would be blocked. It was like musical chairs. Is this some kind of way to get more hits?
I miss the images from 2big2fall and shifty henry.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 11:43 am

Also miss some of the music videos from 9″. Occasionally he would post a good group I have never heard of.

CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:53 am


9" June 4, 2013 at 3:00 pm

Lost classic.He sounds a little like Sinatra.The Blue Nile-TINSELTOWN IS IN THE RAIN(this one makes me cry)


CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:52 am

I miss them too! Thanks for commenting!

2big2fall June 4, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Thanks for the mention. I miss posting pics here but it is just as well as I can now officially recognize Will as my part-time nemesis. I have other fish to fry so he will have to settle with being an afterthought.

It sure as hell beats all of those fake posters that he comes up with in order to generate angry comments. A real nemesis can keep him on his toes a whole lot better than Big T or Grand Tango or whatever alter ego he spews out.

If you want to see where I am going with this google “photoshop fun with Will Folks.” Note that it is a work in progress and will see substantial changes and additions over time.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 12:58 pm

Over the past few months I have been following this poster, and now I just skip over the comments. The tone, grammar, etc. appears consistent with a group of people, both male and female, and they are probably as young as 18. They should call themselves Tango Group.

Finius Nullis June 4, 2013 at 1:08 pm

According to definition 10 in the Urban Dictionary, tango refers to a “new age douchebag”. Now that makes sense to me.

iPad2 June 4, 2013 at 11:43 am

Same issus here. iPad2

CorruptionInColumbia June 4, 2013 at 11:53 am

Glad to know it wasn’t just me. Thanks for replying!

Thomas June 4, 2013 at 3:52 pm

Indeed the Greenville News is still around, and guess what, it gets three times as many unique web visitors than your site. And it’s a PAY site. Plug the two sites in for yourselves at http://www.compete.com

Thomas June 4, 2013 at 3:52 pm

Indeed the Greenville News is still around, and guess what, it gets three times as many unique web visitors than your site. And it’s a PAY site. Plug the two sites in for yourselves at http://www.compete.com


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