Lobbyists “Please Disregard”

One of the worst jokes in South Carolina politics is the little disclaimer message attached to the bottom of fundraising solicitations sent from Palmetto politicians and their various political action committees. “If this solicitation was received by a lobbyist registered within the state of South Carolina, please disregard,” the message…

One of the worst jokes in South Carolina politics is the little disclaimer message attached to the bottom of fundraising solicitations sent from Palmetto politicians and their various political action committees.

“If this solicitation was received by a lobbyist registered within the state of South Carolina, please disregard,” the message goes.

Why is this disclaimer included on these fundraising pitches? Because it’s illegal for lawmakers to shake down lobbyists for political contributions.

Of course the dirty little secret is the solicitation lists used by politicians to raise money (or in the case of newly elected S.C. Sen. Ross Turner, to retire debt) – are sent almost exclusively to lobbyists. The expectation? That these insiders will pass the information along to their clients, who will pony up money the politician in question to secure his or her services.

According to our sources at the S.C. State House, Turner’s campaign has set a new standard when it comes to this “Columbia two-step” – targeting lobbyists with multiple solicitations for a debt retirement event this week in Columbia, S.C.

In fact one source tell FITS Turner’s consultant – the ethically challenged Robert Cahaly – “has been driving people crazy emailing lobbyists and lobbyist principals about this event- multiple times.”

Pretty ironic for a message that is legally required to be “disregarded,” huh? Not to mention a sign that Turner’s debt retirement may not be going as well as he hoped …


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Frank Pytel June 4, 2013 at 3:55 pm

Is that you in the center of the picture signing your soul over to the devil??

Frank Pytel June 4, 2013 at 3:55 pm

Is that you in the center of the picture signing your soul over to the devil??

Rando Commando June 4, 2013 at 4:21 pm

This is a non-story, happens all the time

A Friend June 4, 2013 at 4:35 pm

That it happens all the time is precisely what makes it a story.

Elfego June 4, 2013 at 4:47 pm

That is what is wrong with it,it happens all the time.

Rando Commando June 4, 2013 at 4:21 pm

This is a non-story, happens all the time

A Friend June 4, 2013 at 4:35 pm

That it happens all the time is precisely what makes it a story.

Elfego June 4, 2013 at 4:47 pm

That is what is wrong with it,it happens all the time.

Confused much? June 4, 2013 at 4:42 pm

First you say that solicitations are sent to exclusively lobbyists and then you say the emails are sent to lobbyist and lobbyist principals. Which is it?

Confused much? June 4, 2013 at 4:42 pm

First you say that solicitations are sent to exclusively lobbyists and then you say the emails are sent to lobbyist and lobbyist principals. Which is it?

News Reader June 4, 2013 at 5:05 pm

Sic, you know everybody mails and emails the same lists for these things. Sounds like this is more of your personal vendetta w Cahaly, wonder what’s really behind that? By the way, I must have missed where you posted the article about him being cleared on the robo call deal.

Looks like that time the lamestream media scooped YOU.

News Reader June 4, 2013 at 5:05 pm

Sic, you know everybody mails and emails the same lists for these things. Sounds like this is more of your personal vendetta w Cahaly, wonder what’s really behind that? By the way, I must have missed where you posted the article about him being cleared on the robo call deal.

Looks like that time the lamestream media scooped YOU.

Fandango June 4, 2013 at 6:23 pm

Ah yes, we have the best poloticians money can buy….bar none!!

Fandango June 4, 2013 at 6:23 pm

Ah yes, we have the best poloticians money can buy….bar none!!

bogart June 4, 2013 at 9:05 pm

Do not disregard this message………lobbyists are pond scum and politicians who take money and favors from a lobbyist are whores.

Sean Daniel Bertran June 5, 2013 at 7:20 pm

Sorry Bogart, but you’re simply wrong. Government affairs professionals provide a crucial function in educating legislators on the unintended consequences of legislation – aka less government – that they would normally not be able to ascertain on their own. Many industries come in to tell lawmakers how legislation affects them, and from this myriad of interests comes the public interest. Also, lobbyists are NOT allowed to procure funds, favors, or any other gifts to legislators or their staff, and have to report their activity on a quarterly basis or face stiff penalties, including jail time. You can literally look up any lobbyist on multiple databases and see their work, who they meet with, and when they meet them. Lobbying is one of the MOST transparent aspects of our government – I wish we could say the same for the administration.

bogart June 4, 2013 at 9:05 pm

Do not disregard this message………lobbyists are pond scum and politicians who take money and favors from a lobbyist are whores.

Sean Daniel Bertran June 5, 2013 at 7:20 pm

Sorry Bogart, but you’re simply wrong. Government affairs professionals provide a crucial function in educating legislators on the unintended consequences of legislation – aka less government – that they would normally not be able to ascertain on their own. Many industries come in to tell lawmakers how legislation affects them, and from this myriad of interests comes the public interest. Also, lobbyists are NOT allowed to procure funds, favors, or any other gifts to legislators or their staff, and have to report their activity on a quarterly basis or face stiff penalties, including jail time. You can literally look up any lobbyist on multiple databases and see their work, who they meet with, and when they meet them. Lobbying is one of the MOST transparent aspects of our government – I wish we could say the same for the administration.

dm10ae June 5, 2013 at 4:09 am

Why is anything illegal in SC? or in politics in general? SC politicians have their own PACs so they can receive huge amounts of money for their campaigns, and these PACs can give to other funds to grease wheels to certain legislation, or what have you.

dm10ae June 5, 2013 at 4:09 am

Why is anything illegal in SC? or in politics in general? SC politicians have their own PACs so they can receive huge amounts of money for their campaigns, and these PACs can give to other funds to grease wheels to certain legislation, or what have you.

palmetto political porn June 5, 2013 at 5:06 pm

Understand that a certain Charleston area senator has folks popping up lobbyists now — putting the squeeze on them to pony up for his failed 1st congressional bid. Lobbyists are being told, hey you can (should) give because this was a federal campaign and not a state one that would be governed by our weak state laws.

palmetto political porn June 5, 2013 at 5:06 pm

Understand that a certain Charleston area senator has folks popping up lobbyists now — putting the squeeze on them to pony up for his failed 1st congressional bid. Lobbyists are being told, hey you can (should) give because this was a federal campaign and not a state one that would be governed by our weak state laws.


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