
“We Will Never Stop Fighting You”

A British soldier was brutally murdered on the streets of South London by a pair of radical black Islamists – a savage killing that was followed by a rash of jihadist rhetoric. The attack took place in broad daylight near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich. Onlookers – disarmed by…

A British soldier was brutally murdered on the streets of South London by a pair of radical black Islamists – a savage killing that was followed by a rash of jihadist rhetoric.

The attack took place in broad daylight near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich. Onlookers – disarmed by Britain’s strict gun control laws – could only watch the atrocity unfold. Initial reports indicate the victim was run  over, shot and then butchered – possibly even beheaded – by the as-yet-unidentified assailants, who screamed “Allahu Akbar” (“God is Great”) as they carried out their attack.

But it was the ensuing rhetoric that was truly frightening …

“We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you,” one of the blood coated attackers told a man holding a camera.

“The only reasons we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day,” the assailant added. “This British soldier is an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth. We apologize that women had to see this today but in our lands our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government. They don’t care about you.”

The attackers were shot by British Police and are currently hospitalized, according to the BBC – one of them in serious condition.

British Prime Minister David Cameron – who was in France at the time of the attack – has cut short his foreign trip and is returning home.

He said his country “will never buckle” in the face of terrorism.


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Smirks May 22, 2013 at 7:22 pm

Is… is he standing there in front of the cameras with sharp weapons for an interview?!

Harold May 22, 2013 at 8:18 pm

Yes, and that is the victims blood on his hands!

BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 9:12 pm

And the guy he beheaded is lying in the street behind him.

Gullible-White-Cattle May 22, 2013 at 10:49 pm

Enoch Powell was right. Murderous Churchill & Roosevelt butchered European Civilization at the behest of Jewish bankers.This is not left vs right, GOP vs Dems, Socialism vs liberty. This is war against White people.

Why do hostile globalist elite defend Israel as a Jewish ethnostate with Jewish only immigration, but ravage White majority Europe/North America into a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Gulag with dystopian non-White colonization?

The world is 93% non-White, only 7% White. But 3rd world colonizers are aggressively advancing their agenda to annihilate gullible Whites, just as China annihilates Tibet.

How long will gullible Whites cuckold for murderous anti-White elite, who confiscate our guns, infiltrate/subvert our banks/FBI/CIA, indoctrinate White kids in academia/mass media, plunder White jobs/wages, & butcher White soldiers in bankrupting wars?

“Native” Americans! invaded from East Asia. Yellow & Brown races committed 10-times more genocide, slavery, imperialism than Whites. Since Old-Testament, Whites have been victims of Jewish/Crypto-Jewish, Turkic, Muslim, N.African imperialism, slavery, genocide.

Gullible Whites should reject subversive ideologies- libertarianism/feminism/liberalism- & reject hostile slanders of racism. Peace to all humanity, but White people must organize to advance their interests, their fertility, their homelands. Spread this message. Reading list: goo.gl/iB777 , goo.gl/htyeq , amazon.com/dp/0759672229 , amazon.com/dp/1410792617

? May 22, 2013 at 11:07 pm

lol….everyone that’s not a libertarian hates libertarianism.

To be a libertarian is to be widely hated by many groups.

Congrats on your race war btw. Also, you forgot “Wake up white people!” in tribute to Carver, but you pretty much hit the rest of the talking points.

Now move along to Stormfront, you’ll be much happier there.

There’s only angst for you here. Unless of course you are on a mission, in which case I will now duck out of everyone’s way and sit down with my popcorn bag.

Frank Pytel May 23, 2013 at 4:12 am

yep yep.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Manifest Destiny May 23, 2013 at 9:10 am

Ever think that if Europe didn’t tray and take over the world, that maybe, they would like us a bit more? Hell, we had third world countries that could not feed themselves because we made them grow cash crops for us.

Manifest Destiny May 23, 2013 at 9:12 am

Sorry, meant for GWC of course.

Manifest Destiny May 23, 2013 at 9:12 am

Sorry, meant for GWC of course.

Manifest Destiny May 23, 2013 at 9:10 am

Ever think that if Europe didn’t tray and take over the world, that maybe, they would like us a bit more? Hell, we had third world countries that could not feed themselves because we made them grow cash crops for us.

Tyrone Butternuts May 23, 2013 at 9:15 am

get back in your time capsule and join the Fuhrer in Germany in 1939. you will be so much happier there.

Tyrone Butternuts May 23, 2013 at 9:15 am

get back in your time capsule and join the Fuhrer in Germany in 1939. you will be so much happier there.

Smirks May 22, 2013 at 7:22 pm

Is… is he standing there in front of the cameras with sharp weapons for an interview?!

Harold May 22, 2013 at 8:18 pm

Yes, and that is the victims blood on his hands!

Brigid May 22, 2013 at 9:12 pm

And the guy he beheaded is lying in the street behind him.

Gullible-White-Cattle May 22, 2013 at 10:49 pm

Enoch Powell was right. Murderous Churchill & Roosevelt butchered European Civilization at the behest of Jewish bankers.This is not left vs right, GOP vs Dems, Socialism vs liberty. This is war against White people.

Why do hostile globalist elite defend Israel as a Jewish ethnostate with Jewish only immigration, but ravage White majority Europe/North America into a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Gulag with dystopian non-White colonization?

The world is 93% non-White, only 7% White. But 3rd world colonizers are aggressively advancing their agenda to annihilate gullible Whites, just as China annihilates Tibet.

How long will gullible Whites cuckold for murderous anti-White elite, who confiscate our guns, infiltrate/subvert our banks/FBI/CIA, indoctrinate White kids in academia/mass media, plunder White jobs/wages, & butcher White soldiers in bankrupting wars?

“Native” Americans! invaded from East Asia. Yellow & Brown races committed 10-times more genocide, slavery, imperialism than Whites. Since Old-Testament, Whites have been victims of Jewish/Crypto-Jewish, Turkic, Muslim, N.African imperialism, slavery, genocide.

Gullible Whites should reject subversive ideologies- libertarianism/feminism/liberalism- & reject hostile slanders of racism. Peace to all humanity, but White people must organize to advance their interests, their fertility, their homelands. Spread this message. Reading list: goo.gl/iB777 , goo.gl/htyeq , amazon.com/dp/0759672229 , amazon.com/dp/1410792617

? May 22, 2013 at 11:07 pm

lol….everyone that’s not a libertarian hates libertarianism.

To be a libertarian is to be widely hated by many groups.

Congrats on your race war btw. Also, you forgot “Wake up white people!” in tribute to Carver, but you pretty much hit the rest of the talking points.

Now move along to Stormfront, you’ll be much happier there.

There’s only angst for you here. Unless of course you are on a mission, in which case I will now duck out of everyone’s way and sit down with my popcorn bag.

Frank Pytel May 23, 2013 at 4:12 am

yep yep.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Manifest Destiny May 23, 2013 at 9:10 am

Ever think that if Europe didn’t tray and take over the world, that maybe, they would like us a bit more? Hell, we had third world countries that could not feed themselves because we made them grow cash crops for us.

Manifest Destiny May 23, 2013 at 9:12 am

Sorry, meant for GWC of course.

Tyrone Butternuts May 23, 2013 at 9:15 am

get back in your time capsule and join the Fuhrer in Germany in 1939. you will be so much happier there.

BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 8:08 pm

Europe is already gone to muslim immigration. Riots in Stockholm this past week, now this, but there have been so so many bad developments these past few years. England’s left developed a strategy to insure the Tories never win another election: their plan was to allow unfettered immigration, betting that the immigrants will always vote Labour. Sound familiar, kind of like our current immigration debate? And yet the Tories are in office now, and immigration is through the roof, with attendant no-go areas in London, Birmingham, in Luton, in Liverpool, Manchester. 85 sharia courts currently operating in Britain. Honor killings, women butchered in the name of Islamic honor. Housing and full benefits for a man and as many wives as he pleases, while native Britons face a housing crisis.

Meanwhile, the Fort Hood murderer Nidal Hasan has collected $278,000 of his continuing salary, while the victims of his jihad are not eligible for combat benefits and the medical benefits that classification would allow them, as it was classed by Obama as ‘workplace violence.’

When they do this in the streets of America, Obama will call it random crime. And call for gun control. And ask that we not castigate muslims, they are a protected group, whom we musn’t offend with our First Amendment free speech in a video. And give another 1.5 billion to the muslim brotherhood even though congress voted no on it. And then some more F-16s, more Abrams tanks. We are at war. And yet this administration sides with the enemy every time. They won’t even go get the guys who killed Chris Stevens. They walk free, and the message is clear that even if American citizens are killed overseas, we will do nothing. Remember that Boston Marathon bombing? So long ago, they swept it all under the rug. No hearings about student visas, about generous welfare benefits and free education and housing for people who are trying to kill us.

Yusef May 22, 2013 at 8:18 pm

Dead Boston bomb suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev is on the front story on MSNBC right now.

The murders in London used cleavers, not guns.

BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 8:25 pm

What the fuck are you talking about? Duh, they hacked the British soldier’s head off. And what is your point?

Yusef May 22, 2013 at 8:27 pm

They didn’t use a fucking gun!

athe Facts May 22, 2013 at 8:35 pm

“Remember that Boston Marathon bombing? So long ago, they swept it all under the rug.”

Not true if it’s on MSNBC right now is it?

BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 8:38 pm

I don’t give a rat’s ass whether or not it is on MSNBC’s webpage. It has been swept under the rug and the media in general has dropped it. The failures of DHS, FBI, CIA–all of whom were watching, and yet did nothingto detain or expel the murderers–that has never been addressed. Never been explained.

BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 9:01 pm

No shit, dumbass. I think the problem with you liberal non-readers is that you are literalists, incapable of reading irony, future tense, humor, conjecture. Oh look, MSLSD has it up right now, so that means media didn’t sweep it under the rug. ONE media outlet, and that gets extrapolated to the rest of the vast media. It’s a type of literacy autism. Either that or you’re just dumb. By the way, there is a single story because an associate of the bothers was shot by an FBI agent during questioning. That is not the same as analyzing why so many mistakes were made in preventing the bros from doing this in the first place, no scrutiny on the student visa program, no in-depth investigation into immigration from muslim world. So no, because there is one website with a story on a related event in Florida, does not mean that the media didn’t shy away from investigating the bombing. Get it?

Yusef May 22, 2013 at 9:23 pm

“…Oh look, MSLSD has it up right now, so that means media didn’t sweep it under the rug. ONE media outlet, and that gets extrapolated to the rest of the vast media”

I just went to The Blaze…yep, their all over it, NOT!…how’s that for a lack of “irony” and “humor?”

ACME May 22, 2013 at 8:30 pm

“When they do this in the streets of America, Obama will call it random crime. And call for gun control.”

I think that’s his point to you…

BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 8:39 pm

Yes, Obama will twist any event to advance his political agenda, as he did with the Newtown massacre. Follow with me now. He didn’t call for gun control after the Fort Hood massacre, but it was a muslim involved. I wrote “When” a hypothetical. Good grief, another on here that can’t read.

Here We Go Again May 22, 2013 at 8:49 pm

Why don’t you and GT get a room already?

BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 8:50 pm

Why don’t you go fuck yourself?

Here We Go Again May 22, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Well, you have bigger nads than GT by actually spelling your expletives…maybe you should top?

dwb619 May 22, 2013 at 9:38 pm

Now I am almost positive they are one in the same.

dwb619 May 22, 2013 at 9:37 pm

I think they may be sharing the same skin.

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 9:17 am

Gun control after Fort Hood? The fact that a Muslim committed the act has nothing to do with it. The guy’s weapons consisted of two pistols. That’s it. No assault weapons. He bought a gun that had the highest ammo capacity in its standard magazines and he purchased multiple magazines. His other weapon is a revolver, which he apparently didn’t even use.

Even the most ardent gun control advocate would have a hard as hell time making the case for any legislation that could have stopped this guy. Assault weapons ban wouldn’t work because this guy used pistols. Ammo capacity limits wouldn’t work because this guy bought several magazines. No noticeable signs of mental illness. No criminal background. The guy was in the military. There’s literally no rational basis to argue for gun control.

Brigid May 23, 2013 at 9:56 am

But wait, there were huge red flags on this guy, he was noticeably losing it, he was an associate of Anwar Al-Awlaki for starters. He made clear his intentions with Power Point, presented to a room full of military people and other shrinks, and they did nothing. Signed his business cards as SoA (Soldier of allah). i can’t type now, but read the link, it details the crazy this guy was exhibiting and no one did anything lest they appear to be racist: http://www2.macleans.ca/2009/11/26/major-nidal-hasan-had-an-enabler/

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 9:17 am

Gun control after Fort Hood? The fact that a Muslim committed the act has nothing to do with it. The guy’s weapons consisted of two pistols. That’s it. No assault weapons. He bought a gun that had the highest ammo capacity in its standard magazines and he purchased multiple magazines. His other weapon is a revolver, which he apparently didn’t even use.

Even the most ardent gun control advocate would have a hard as hell time making the case for any legislation that could have stopped this guy. Assault weapons ban wouldn’t work because this guy used pistols. Ammo capacity limits wouldn’t work because this guy bought several magazines. No noticeable signs of mental illness. No criminal background. The guy was in the military. There’s literally no rational basis to argue for gun control.

William Wallace May 22, 2013 at 10:17 pm

Guns are outlawed for the populace in England.
That is one reason no one could help!!!
OUR LEADERS want to do the same here!

Really, Fuck? May 22, 2013 at 11:04 pm

Point is: You don’t need a goddamn gun to kill someone…but you fall for the “if only somebody had a gun it wouldn’t have happen.” bullshit. The terrorists could have used a gun, knife, or a fuckng fork to kill the guy. Hell, it happen in minutes.

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 8:59 am

The assailant didn’t have a gun either. Gun violence is rare as hell in the UK. There can be plenty of debate about gun control and crime rates in the UK and Europe, but the fact is this guy didn’t commit his crime with a gun.

Thinking the laws the UK has will work in America is extremely flawed, I think most people would be able to realize that.

What I will say is that cops/guards should be able to carry guns. Even so, what is questionable is how this all went down, though. If the guy was already in close quarters with knives and got a preemptive strike, a gun may have not made any difference at all.

The guy stopped to talk at a camera and there was a crowd of people there, I’m kind of shocked no one jumped him. You can overpower a guy with a knife if you have sheer numbers.

BrigidBernadette May 23, 2013 at 9:05 am

According to the reports I read, it took the police 20 minutes to even get there! Apparently, several women ran to the scene and intervened. It is bizarro that they were just walking around talking to people after doing this, I don’t get why they are holding their weapons and having conversations, and no one really attempted to get near them except for this woman:


BrigidBernadette May 23, 2013 at 9:05 am

According to the reports I read, it took the police 20 minutes to even get there! Apparently, several women ran to the scene and intervened. It is bizarro that they were just walking around talking to people after doing this, I don’t get why they are holding their weapons and having conversations, and no one really attempted to get near them except for this woman:


Smirks May 23, 2013 at 8:59 am

The assailant didn’t have a gun either. Gun violence is rare as hell in the UK. There can be plenty of debate about gun control and crime rates in the UK and Europe, but the fact is this guy didn’t commit his crime with a gun.

Thinking the laws the UK has will work in America is extremely flawed, I think most people would be able to realize that.

What I will say is that cops/guards should be able to carry guns. Even so, what is questionable is how this all went down, though. If the guy was already in close quarters with knives and got a preemptive strike, a gun may have not made any difference at all.

The guy stopped to talk at a camera and there was a crowd of people there, I’m kind of shocked no one jumped him. You can overpower a guy with a knife if you have sheer numbers.

Mike Pilsner May 22, 2013 at 8:22 pm

I believe some of your info is a bit erroneous, probably due to The Blaze and Drudge.

BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 8:24 pm


Mike Pilsner May 22, 2013 at 9:32 pm

You’re all over the place in your post, so don’t tell us you got all that shit in your elongated rant from The Daily Mail.

Smirks May 22, 2013 at 8:58 pm

God, you really do hate Muslims, don’t you? That’s 90% of what you ever talk about.

Bush along with Graham and McCain were huge amnesty supporters, and not DREAM Act selective amnesty either. What about Ronald Reagan’s amnesty? Oh shit, I do believe I ruined your crappy little argument there!

BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 9:10 pm

“God, you really do hate Muslims, don’t you?”

Classic liberal response. Someone in London commits an atrocity but you would rather tell me I hate muslims, than denounce this depraved act and stand up for our allies and their soldiers. I personally know more muslims than you’ll ever meet in a lifetime. I hate terorrists, most of whom are muslim, but would happy to talk about domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. You know, Obama’s close friends. I disagree with Graham, McCain, and Reagan. We are at the beginning of another cycle of global Christian West vs. Muslim East warfare. Won’t be the first time, but could be the last.

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 6:58 am

What tells me you hate Muslims is how you constantly come on here to bash Islam and tell us how much better Christianity is like it’s some kind of fricking contest to see whose god has a bigger dick, as well as how fired up you get whenever a crime is committed by someone in the name of Allah when that same fire is completely nonexistent in relation to other crimes.

If you’re going to complain about how America treats its soldiers, complain about why we sent them to Iraq in the first place, or made them stay there for a decade. Complain about the VA. Complain about the soldiers with PTSD and other fucked up injuries and disorders that the military has ignored since the wars started. This country has failed veterans in a lot of ways and it has been going on for a very long time, mostly because paying for various things to help the well-being of people you sent into foreign lands to get shot at and blown up is really expensive and, just like with many things in life, the biggest way to cut costs is to give people the finger.

If you’re going to complain about Europe’s problem with Muslim immigration (but you’re not saying Muslims are the problem or all Muslims are bad, just terrorists!!) then complain about the governments not focusing on extremists. When France contemplates a ban on the burqa or Switzerland bans the building of minarets, all it does is give the extremists’ “oppression” rhetoric that much more influence over the angry youths that they like to recruit (you know, like when we blow up innocent children and families with drones and watch as family members join terror groups to get revenge). It’s a lot more complex than “Muslims move in, JIHAD! JIHAD! That’s all they know how to do!” But I guess you know better than anyone else, so why even bother having a discussion about this?

I like how you claim to “know more Muslims than I’ll ever meet in a lifetime” when you consider yourself on the brink of an inevitable world-wide war of religions, or how you label it the “Christian West” as if secularism had nothing to do with half of the values Western countries have adopted over the centuries. You must be real awkward at social gatherings around all of these Muslims you supposedly know.

“Europe is lost to the Muslims.”

“I don’t hate Muslims, just extremists!”

“I have Muslim friends!”

Yeah, sure thing buddy.

BrigidBernadette May 23, 2013 at 7:38 am

Listen, I’m in too much pain this morning to really answer you, but why are you on my back? If you channeled a tenth of the outrage you obviously feel toward me for voicing my opinion on matters that yes, I do know something about, towards the perpetrators of these heinous grotesque crimes, then maybe we can get somewhere in recognizing this threat and dealing with it. Rather than bitch at me for voicing my observations about this problem brewing in Europe, and the fact that this administration is giving so much support to the muslim brotherhood, why don’t you take that anger and throw it at the men who behead soldiers in the name of Islam?!? Or against the powers that be that treat veterans like crap? Because I am with you on that point, even though I never addressed that in my comment beyond the Fort Hood victims, you are absolutely correct about the poor treatment of veterans, and that is a worthy cause to fight for. As i said, I’m in pain this morning, every morning, so that’s all I can type for now. Smirks, I think while we disagree on many things, you make some good points at times and I always enjoy reading your posts, even the ones I vehemently disagree with. This is a worthwhile topic for discussion and unfortunately debate gets shut down when one party accuses the other of racism/islamophobia.

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 8:52 am

Or against the powers that be that treat veterans like crap?

The best way to ensure veterans aren’t treated like crap is to avoid war whenever possible.

Good luck getting government to care about the lack of help and abuses veterans suffer. The military industrial complex is one expensive as hell machine to run, and the men and women who are actually sent out to do the work don’t have the kinds of lobbyists that defense contractors and the like do. When the government balks at the multiple trillions of dollars it will ultimately spend in Iraq and Afghanistan, big surprise that although they never gave a damn about the billions upon billions being spent towards various corporations that lined their pockets and filled their campaign coffers, suddenly they want to buy out of the obligation to help the people who they sent overseas. The only use a veteran has to many politicians is the few token veterans they show in their campaign ads. When you don’t lobby, donate to their campaign, or cut them a backroom deal, politicians don’t consider you their constituents. That’s very sadly the case with almost every politician in Washington.

Just as an example, Ron Paul advocates not getting into these wars, going by the Golden Rule, and he gets booed for it. Who donates the most to his campaign? Here, take a look:

2012: http://www.opensecrets.org/pres12/contrib.php?id=N00005906

2008: http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/contrib.php?cycle=2008&cid=N00005906

Army, Navy, Air Force, DoD.

I’d be more than willing to join any cause to help veterans get what they need, and often, what they were promised, but quite honestly I don’t think there’s going to be big results. You might convince a few of the politicians who don’t give a rat’s ass to make some small measure of improvement, and then they will immediately brag about how they helped veterans when in reality they are working to minimize what they have to do to appease the people. Voters are much easier to be played than most people believe.

No, the best (and cheapest) way to care for brave men and women is to not put them in harms way unless absolutely necessary.

BrigidBernadette May 23, 2013 at 8:56 am

I totally agree with you Smirks! You are right!

BrigidBernadette May 23, 2013 at 8:56 am

I totally agree with you Smirks! You are right!

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 8:52 am

Or against the powers that be that treat veterans like crap?

The best way to ensure veterans aren’t treated like crap is to avoid war whenever possible.

Good luck getting government to care about the lack of help and abuses veterans suffer. The military industrial complex is one expensive as hell machine to run, and the men and women who are actually sent out to do the work don’t have the kinds of lobbyists that defense contractors and the like do. When the government balks at the multiple trillions of dollars it will ultimately spend in Iraq and Afghanistan, big surprise that although they never gave a damn about the billions upon billions being spent towards various corporations that lined their pockets and filled their campaign coffers, suddenly they want to buy out of the obligation to help the people who they sent overseas. The only use a veteran has to many politicians is the few token veterans they show in their campaign ads. When you don’t lobby, donate to their campaign, or cut them a backroom deal, politicians don’t consider you their constituents. That’s very sadly the case with almost every politician in Washington.

Just as an example, Ron Paul advocates not getting into these wars, going by the Golden Rule, and he gets booed for it. Who donates the most to his campaign? Here, take a look:

2012: http://www.opensecrets.org/pres12/contrib.php?id=N00005906

2008: http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/contrib.php?cycle=2008&cid=N00005906

Army, Navy, Air Force, DoD.

I’d be more than willing to join any cause to help veterans get what they need, and often, what they were promised, but quite honestly I don’t think there’s going to be big results. You might convince a few of the politicians who don’t give a rat’s ass to make some small measure of improvement, and then they will immediately brag about how they helped veterans when in reality they are working to minimize what they have to do to appease the people. Voters are much easier to be played than most people believe.

No, the best (and cheapest) way to care for brave men and women is to not put them in harms way unless absolutely necessary.

Sex Wax May 23, 2013 at 9:26 am

“We are at the beginning of another cycle of global Christian West vs. Muslim East warfare. ”

See, this kinda shit is why religion is fucked up. It hasn’t changed much for a couple thousand years either. You Christians and Muslims just need to return to your “Holy Land”, fight it out ’til death, then maybe the rest of us can live in peace.

Sex Wax May 23, 2013 at 9:26 am

“We are at the beginning of another cycle of global Christian West vs. Muslim East warfare. ”

See, this kinda shit is why religion is fucked up. It hasn’t changed much for a couple thousand years either. You Christians and Muslims just need to return to your “Holy Land”, fight it out ’til death, then maybe the rest of us can live in peace.

BrigidBernadette is right May 22, 2013 at 10:14 pm

You really have your head in the sand or up your A$$ on this one!

Frank Pytel May 23, 2013 at 4:16 am

Smirks, shit. You are waaaaaayyy off point brother. I know your more libitard than libertarian so I expect some BS from you.

Maybe you should re-read your post?? Hmm?? Is there more T brewing??

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Brigid May 22, 2013 at 8:08 pm

Europe is already gone to muslim immigration. Riots in Stockholm this past week, now this, but there have been so so many bad developments these past few years. England’s left developed a strategy to insure the Tories never win another election: their plan was to allow unfettered immigration, betting that the immigrants will always vote Labour. Sound familiar, kind of like our current immigration debate? And yet the Tories are in office now, and immigration is through the roof, with attendant no-go areas in London, Birmingham, in Luton, in Liverpool, Manchester. 85 sharia courts currently operating in Britain. Honor killings, women butchered in the name of Islamic honor. Housing and full benefits for a man and as many wives as he pleases, while native Britons face a housing crisis.

Meanwhile, the Fort Hood murderer Nidal Hasan has collected $278,000 of his continuing salary, while the victims of his jihad are not eligible for combat benefits and the medical benefits that classification would allow them, as it was classed by Obama as ‘workplace violence.’

When they do this in the streets of America, Obama will call it random crime. And call for gun control. And ask that we not castigate muslims, they are a protected group, whom we musn’t offend with our First Amendment free speech in a video. And give another 1.5 billion to the muslim brotherhood even though congress voted no on it. And then some more F-16s, more Abrams tanks. We are at war. And yet this administration sides with the enemy every time. They won’t even go get the guys who killed Chris Stevens. They walk free, and the message is clear that even if American citizens are killed overseas, we will do nothing. Remember that Boston Marathon bombing? So long ago, they swept it all under the rug. No hearings about student visas, about generous welfare benefits and free education and housing for people who are trying to kill us.

Yusef May 22, 2013 at 8:18 pm

Dead Boston bomb suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev is on the front story on MSNBC right now.

The murders in London used cleavers, not guns.

Brigid May 22, 2013 at 8:25 pm

What the fuck are you talking about? Duh, they hacked the British soldier’s head off. And what is your point?

Yusef May 22, 2013 at 8:27 pm

They didn’t use a fucking gun!

athe Facts May 22, 2013 at 8:35 pm

“Remember that Boston Marathon bombing? So long ago, they swept it all under the rug.”

Not true if it’s on MSNBC right now is it?

Brigid May 22, 2013 at 8:38 pm

I don’t give a rat’s ass whether or not it is on MSNBC’s webpage. It has been swept under the rug and the media in general has dropped it. The failures of DHS, FBI, CIA–all of whom were watching, and yet did nothingto detain or expel the murderers–that has never been addressed. Never been explained.

Brigid May 22, 2013 at 9:01 pm

No shit, dumbass. I think the problem with you liberal non-readers is that you are literalists, incapable of reading irony, future tense, humor, conjecture. Oh look, MSLSD has it up right now, so that means media didn’t sweep it under the rug. ONE media outlet, and that gets extrapolated to the rest of the vast media. It’s a type of literacy autism. Either that or you’re just dumb. By the way, there is a single story because an associate of the bothers was shot by an FBI agent during questioning. That is not the same as analyzing why so many mistakes were made in preventing the bros from doing this in the first place, no scrutiny on the student visa program, no in-depth investigation into immigration from muslim world. So no, because there is one website with a story on a related event in Florida, does not mean that the media didn’t shy away from investigating the bombing. Get it?

Yusef May 22, 2013 at 9:23 pm

“…Oh look, MSLSD has it up right now, so that means media didn’t sweep it under the rug. ONE media outlet, and that gets extrapolated to the rest of the vast media”

I just went to The Blaze…yep, their all over it, NOT!…how’s that for a lack of “irony” and “humor?”

ACME May 22, 2013 at 8:30 pm

“When they do this in the streets of America, Obama will call it random crime. And call for gun control.”

I think that’s his point to you…

Brigid May 22, 2013 at 8:39 pm

Yes, Obama will twist any event to advance his political agenda, as he did with the Newtown massacre. Follow with me now. He didn’t call for gun control after the Fort Hood massacre, but it was a muslim involved. I wrote “When” as a future hypothetical. Good grief, another on here that can’t read.

Here We Go Again May 22, 2013 at 8:49 pm

Why don’t you and GT get a room already?

Brigid May 22, 2013 at 8:50 pm

Why don’t you go fuck yourself?

Here We Go Again May 22, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Well, you have bigger nads than GT by actually spelling your expletives…maybe you should top?

dwb619 May 22, 2013 at 9:38 pm

Now I am almost positive they are one in the same.

dwb619 May 22, 2013 at 9:37 pm

I think they may be sharing the same skin.

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 9:17 am

Gun control after Fort Hood? The fact that a Muslim committed the act has nothing to do with it. The guy’s weapons consisted of two pistols. That’s it. No assault weapons. He bought a gun that had the highest ammo capacity in its standard magazines and he purchased multiple magazines. His other weapon is a revolver, which he apparently didn’t even use.

Even the most ardent gun control advocate would have a hard as hell time making the case for any legislation that could have stopped this guy. Assault weapons ban wouldn’t work because this guy used pistols. Ammo capacity limits wouldn’t work because this guy bought several magazines. No noticeable signs of mental illness. No criminal background. The guy was in the military. There’s literally no rational basis to argue for gun control.

Brigid May 23, 2013 at 9:56 am

But wait, there were huge red flags on this guy, he was noticeably losing it, he was an associate of Anwar Al-Awlaki for starters. He made clear his intentions with Power Point, presented to a room full of military people and other shrinks, and they did nothing. Signed his business cards as SoA (Soldier of allah). i can’t type now, but read the link, it details the crazy this guy was exhibiting and no one did anything lest they appear to be racist: http://www2.macleans.ca/2009/11/26/major-nidal-hasan-had-an-enabler/

William Wallace May 22, 2013 at 10:17 pm

Guns are outlawed for the populace in England.
That is one reason no one could help!!!
OUR LEADERS want to do the same here!

Really, Fuck? May 22, 2013 at 11:04 pm

Point is: You don’t need a goddamn gun to kill someone…but you fall for the “if only somebody had a gun it wouldn’t have happen.” bullshit. The terrorists could have used a gun, knife, or a fuckng fork to kill the guy. Hell, it happen in minutes.

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 8:59 am

The assailant didn’t have a gun either. Gun violence is rare as hell in the UK. There can be plenty of debate about gun control and crime rates in the UK and Europe, but the fact is this guy didn’t commit his crime with a gun.

Thinking the laws the UK has will work in America is extremely flawed, I think most people would be able to realize that.

What I will say is that cops/guards should be able to carry guns. Even so, what is questionable is how this all went down, though. If the guy was already in close quarters with knives and got a preemptive strike, a gun may have not made any difference at all.

The guy stopped to talk at a camera and there was a crowd of people there, I’m kind of shocked no one jumped him. You can overpower a guy with a knife if you have sheer numbers.

Brigid May 23, 2013 at 9:05 am

According to the reports I read, it took the police 20 minutes to even get there! Apparently, several women ran to the scene and intervened. It is bizarro that they were just walking around talking to people after doing this, I don’t get why they are holding their weapons and having conversations, and no one really attempted to get near them except for this woman:


Mike Pilsner May 22, 2013 at 8:22 pm

I believe some of your info is a bit erroneous, probably due to The Blaze and Drudge.

Brigid May 22, 2013 at 8:24 pm

What exactly is erroneous due to Drudge and the Blaze? Huh? Because I got the story from the Daily Mail.

Mike Pilsner May 22, 2013 at 9:32 pm

You’re all over the place in your post, so don’t tell us you got all that shit in your elongated rant from The Daily Mail.

Smirks May 22, 2013 at 8:58 pm

God, you really do hate Muslims, don’t you? That’s 90% of what you ever talk about.

Bush along with Graham and McCain were huge amnesty supporters, and not DREAM Act selective amnesty either. What about Ronald Reagan’s amnesty? Oh shit, I do believe I ruined your crappy little argument there!

Brigid May 22, 2013 at 9:10 pm

“God, you really do hate Muslims, don’t you?”

Classic liberal response. Someone in London commits an atrocity but you would rather tell me I hate muslims, than denounce this depraved act and stand up for our allies and their soldiers. I personally know more muslims than you’ll ever meet in a lifetime. I hate terorrists, most of whom are muslim, but would happy to talk about domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. You know, Obama’s close friends. I disagree with Graham, McCain, and Reagan. We are at the beginning of another cycle of global Christian West vs. Muslim East warfare. Won’t be the first time, but could be the last.

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 6:58 am

What tells me you hate Muslims is how you constantly come on here to bash Islam and tell us how much better Christianity is like it’s some kind of fricking contest to see whose god has a bigger dick, as well as how fired up you get whenever a crime is committed by someone in the name of Allah when that same fire is completely nonexistent in relation to other crimes.

If you’re going to complain about how America treats its soldiers, complain about why we sent them to Iraq in the first place, or made them stay there for a decade. Complain about the VA. Complain about the soldiers with PTSD and other fucked up injuries and disorders that the military has ignored since the wars started. This country has failed veterans in a lot of ways and it has been going on for a very long time, mostly because paying for various things to help the well-being of people you sent into foreign lands to get shot at and blown up is really expensive and, just like with many things in life, the biggest way to cut costs is to give people the finger.

If you’re going to complain about Europe’s problem with Muslim immigration (but you’re not saying Muslims are the problem or all Muslims are bad, just terrorists!!) then complain about the governments not focusing on extremists. When France contemplates a ban on the burqa or Switzerland bans the building of minarets, all it does is give the extremists’ “oppression” rhetoric that much more influence over the angry youths that they like to recruit (you know, like when we blow up innocent children and families with drones and watch as family members join terror groups to get revenge). It’s a lot more complex than “Muslims move in, JIHAD! JIHAD! That’s all they know how to do!” But I guess you know better than anyone else, so why even bother having a discussion about this?

I like how you claim to “know more Muslims than I’ll ever meet in a lifetime” when you consider yourself on the brink of an inevitable world-wide war of religions, or how you label it the “Christian West” as if secularism had nothing to do with half of the values Western countries have adopted over the centuries. You must be real awkward at social gatherings around all of these Muslims you supposedly know.

“Europe is lost to the Muslims.”

“I don’t hate Muslims, just extremists!”

“I have Muslim friends!”

Yeah, sure thing buddy.

Brigid May 23, 2013 at 7:38 am

Listen, I’m in too much pain this morning to really answer you, but why are you on my back? If you channeled a tenth of the outrage you obviously feel toward me for voicing my opinion on matters that yes, I do know something about, towards the perpetrators of these heinous grotesque crimes, then maybe we can get somewhere in recognizing this threat and dealing with it. Rather than bitch at me for voicing my observations about this problem brewing in Europe, and the fact that this administration is giving so much support to the muslim brotherhood, why don’t you take that anger and throw it at the men who behead soldiers in the name of Islam?!? Or against the powers that be that treat veterans like crap? Because I am with you on that point, even though I never addressed that in my comment beyond the Fort Hood victims, you are absolutely correct about the poor treatment of veterans, and that is a worthy cause to fight for. As i said, I’m in pain this morning, every morning, so that’s all I can type for now. Smirks, I think while we disagree on many things, you make some good points at times and I always enjoy reading your posts, even the ones I vehemently disagree with. This is a worthwhile topic for discussion and unfortunately debate gets shut down when one party accuses the other of racism/islamophobia.

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 8:52 am

Or against the powers that be that treat veterans like crap?

The best way to ensure veterans aren’t treated like crap is to avoid war whenever possible.

Good luck getting government to care about the lack of help and abuses veterans suffer. The military industrial complex is one expensive as hell machine to run, and the men and women who are actually sent out to do the work don’t have the kinds of lobbyists that defense contractors and the like do. When the government balks at the multiple trillions of dollars it will ultimately spend in Iraq and Afghanistan, big surprise that although they never gave a damn about the billions upon billions being spent towards various corporations that lined their pockets and filled their campaign coffers, suddenly they want to buy out of the obligation to help the people who they sent overseas. The only use a veteran has to many politicians is the few token veterans they show in their campaign ads. When you don’t lobby, donate to their campaign, or cut them a backroom deal, politicians don’t consider you their constituents. That’s very sadly the case with almost every politician in Washington.

Just as an example, Ron Paul advocates not getting into these wars, going by the Golden Rule, and he gets booed for it. Who donates the most to his campaign? Here, take a look:

2012: http://www.opensecrets.org/pres12/contrib.php?id=N00005906

2008: http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/contrib.php?cycle=2008&cid=N00005906

Army, Navy, Air Force, DoD.

I’d be more than willing to join any cause to help veterans get what they need, and often, what they were promised, but quite honestly I don’t think there’s going to be big results. You might convince a few of the politicians who don’t give a rat’s ass to make some small measure of improvement, and then they will immediately brag about how they helped veterans when in reality they are working to minimize what they have to do to appease the people. Voters are much easier to be played than most people believe.

No, the best (and cheapest) way to care for brave men and women is to not put them in harms way unless absolutely necessary.

Brigid May 23, 2013 at 8:56 am

I totally agree with you Smirks! You are right!

Sex Wax May 23, 2013 at 9:26 am

“We are at the beginning of another cycle of global Christian West vs. Muslim East warfare. ”

See, this kinda shit is why religion is fucked up. It hasn’t changed much for a couple thousand years either. You Christians and Muslims just need to return to your “Holy Land”, fight it out ’til death, then maybe the rest of us can live in peace.

BrigidBernadette is right May 22, 2013 at 10:14 pm

You really have your head in the sand or up your A$$ on this one!

Frank Pytel May 23, 2013 at 4:16 am

Smirks, shit. You are waaaaaayyy off point brother. I know your more libitard than libertarian so I expect some BS from you.

Maybe you should re-read your post?? Hmm?? Is there more T brewing??

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

jimlewisowb May 22, 2013 at 8:22 pm

Britain under siege by machete armed jihadists
A leader returns to his country declaring his country “will never buckle”

America under siege by IRS, DOJ, State Department, Homeland Security jihadists
A leader sits in his oval office sucking one thumb with the other thumb in his belt buckle

jimlewisowb May 22, 2013 at 8:22 pm

Britain under siege by machete armed jihadists
A leader returns to his country declaring his country “will never buckle”

America under siege by IRS, DOJ, State Department, Homeland Security jihadists
A leader sits in his oval office sucking one thumb with the other thumb in his belt buckle

? May 22, 2013 at 8:32 pm

It’s called “blowback”, here’s the full interview btw:


BrigidBernadette May 22, 2013 at 8:44 pm

That is not the meaning of blowback. Blowback is the indirect result of a covert operation, i.e. we armed mujahedin in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, and then the mudjahedin then came after us. This killing in London is simple Islamic revenge.

? May 22, 2013 at 8:59 pm

Fair enough, but I think in fairness to the concept it’s not out of the question to deem it as such. We don’t know YET specifically what “fighting” the cleaver murderer was referring to; not the circumstance nor region.

There plenty of action both covert and not. A la Nicaragua.

? May 22, 2013 at 8:59 pm

edit: “There’s”

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 9:21 am

And the video’s down thanks to a copyright complaint. Go figure. :

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 9:21 am

And the video’s down thanks to a copyright complaint. Go figure. :

? May 22, 2013 at 8:32 pm

It’s called “blowback”, here’s the full interview btw:


Brigid May 22, 2013 at 8:44 pm

That is not the meaning of blowback. Blowback is the indirect result of a covert operation, i.e. we armed mujahedin in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, and then the mudjahedin then came after us. This killing in London is simple Islamic revenge.

? May 22, 2013 at 8:59 pm

Fair enough, but I think in fairness to the concept it’s not out of the question to deem it as such. We don’t know YET specifically what “fighting” the cleaver murderer was referring to; not the circumstance nor region.

There plenty of action both covert and not. A la Nicaragua.

? May 22, 2013 at 8:59 pm

edit: “There’s”

Smirks May 23, 2013 at 9:21 am

And the video’s down thanks to a copyright complaint. Go figure. :

GrandTango May 22, 2013 at 8:46 pm

Sadly: in America: Obama would see the killed soldier as the criminal…and the murderer as the heroic freedom fighter…Loving Freedom will get you persecuted by the US IRS…and they think it’s A-OK…
When you are on the side of the PLO and the Muslim Brotherhood, like Obama, and you profile returting soldiers and call Americans, Suspious Bitter-Clingers, it is unfortunate…
But that is where we are…unbelievable…but is where we are…

Shitfor Brains May 23, 2013 at 12:41 am

Thats just fucked up

Shitfor Brains May 23, 2013 at 12:41 am

Thats just fucked up

GrandTango May 23, 2013 at 5:53 am

FITS is CONVICTING the Islamic Terrorist on SPECULATION!!!!…WHAT???

Didn’t FITS just Lecture us (Boston) about not giving the Terrorists their Rights..and how Bad we are for not interrupting the Constitution how he, Tom Davis, Nancy Mace and Ron Paul, see it????…..

You know you’re supposed to Hate Anglos, Americans, Whites and Christians First…and the Jihadists ALWAYS get the benefit of the doubt. That’s the Liberal-tarian- Liberal way…

Ron Paul will kick you out of the America-White-Christian-Haters Club if you don’t mirandize this peace-loving, imperialism-fighter…

FITS calls us Fascist-Bigots for not being open-minded and accepting of the cause of the poor Jihadists, like him. He probably “LIKES” this guy….Terrorists have rights ya know…FITS preaches it religiously….

redundanttiger May 23, 2013 at 10:06 pm

Hey GT, wrong argument! It’s not just the Christian West. The fight is between secular society that says murder is wrong in all cases and those whose supernaturalism (jihadist or Thugee) tells them that their imaginary friend demands blood sacrifice. The Chinese have been fighting the Moslims since 780AD, when they came across the Silk Road and helped tear down the Sung Dynasty. It goes on today. If you want to see some really heartwarming violations of civil rights, look at the Uighurs of Western China, the guys who bombed two transit buses in Beijing before the Olympics. China has alwats been a secular society. Confucianism is an ethical system without supernatural authority Religion was for personal fulfillment Someone who gets his socially destructive marching orders from the Great Beyond is a real problem. Fifteen million died in the T’aip’ing Rebellion, led by a man who thought he was the third person of God. Today, Tte Chinese need Sinkiang Province for its oil and resources, but the only good Moslem Uighur is a Communist Party memeber with a PLA soldier on each elbow.
Indonesia is supposed to be a peaceful Moslem country (and, indeed, the largest Moslwm country) but ask the Filipinos about the the Moro Wars, where jihadists fought the Filipinos in Mindanao and Palawan. Your 1911 Colt Automatic is a souvenier of those struggles, because the Army found that the standard issue Officer’s .38 revolver couldn’f drop them with one shot.
Today, half the population of Mindinao is Moslem. And here’s the problem: you have an economically inept culture, relying mostly on a depreciating natural resource (oil), that is undergoing an explosive birth rate – modern medicine without a modern economy. Moslems are told that they have the ultimate religion, but they’re a bunch of economic stumblebums. The Israelis, outnumbered fifty to one, regularly beat theim like rented mules. The frustration showed in the Palestinian reaction to 9/11 – cheering and dancing in the streets, until Yasser Arafat ordered them to get the Hell indoors.
Christianity isn’t the answer.
The Moslem world needs a dose of the Enlightenment and Rationalism, but until then, it will be same-old-same-old.

GrandTango May 24, 2013 at 8:02 am

2,000-plus Years and Christians have defeated one false god after another…and you still don’t get it.. we’ve prevailed despite tremendous odds against us. God has been with us….

In the Middle ages, Muslims and the Vikings should have slaughtered Anglos, the French and the rest of white Europe into extinction, if might were the only arbiter…Rome’s Empire crucified the just Christians, and it was put to ruin…

You can dispute history and come up w/ all sorts of dogma to counter…but European, and now Americans, have fought God’s fight versus Jihad, Communist Atheists, Socialist, Godless NAZIs, Secularists, and Imperial Japan….
God gives us power….as long as we follow him, and his Son Jesus…we will win…

Believe what you want…but Christ Is the ONLY answer…and God has graced us w/ superiority and prosperity because of that..

My accurate education to you has made many angry when the Truth is told you…but people like you Always end up defeated, and mumbling some inane, tortured and revisionist psycho-babble to explain your inevitable failure.

Tyrone Butternuts May 23, 2013 at 9:17 am

I have tried to voice my concerns on this website about the Muslim “religion” but FITS censors me. Be very afraid of people like this guy. Learn what Muslims believe. And I consider myself a progressive. These people make me very afraid.

? May 23, 2013 at 9:49 am

Dude, they wouldn’t give two shits about anyone here if we’d have just let them kill each other off and weren’t intervening all the time in a variety of ways, and that goes for letting Israel deal with her own problems too.

We’ve had so much collateral damage in our interference over there I don’t know if the rabbit can ever be stuffed back into the hat…but we’ve been poking that hornet’s nest for some time.

There’s lunatics all over the place using a variety of justifications for violence. Religious, ethnic, etc.

Hell, the day before the Boston bombing a US drone strike killed 4 “militants” in Pakistan. Do you think when innocents are drone striked over in Pakistan that the population there thinks “Those Americans are scary, crazy motherfuckers…and most of them are Christians.”?

Probably…but the fact our sociopaths have drones to do the dirty work instead of knives/cleavers makes us seem more “civilized”.

Tyrone Butternuts May 23, 2013 at 9:17 am

I have tried to voice my concerns on this website about the Muslim “religion” but FITS censors me. Be very afraid of people like this guy. Learn what Muslims believe. And I consider myself a progressive. These people make me very afraid.

Tyrone Butternuts May 23, 2013 at 9:17 am

I have tried to voice my concerns on this website about the Muslim “religion” but FITS censors me. Be very afraid of people like this guy. Learn what Muslims believe. And I consider myself a progressive. These people make me very afraid.

? May 23, 2013 at 9:49 am

Dude, they wouldn’t give two shits about anyone here if we’d have just let them kill each other off and weren’t intervening all the time in a variety of ways, and that goes for letting Israel deal with her own problems too.

We’ve had so much collateral damage in our interference over there I don’t know if the rabbit can ever be stuffed back into the hat…but we’ve been poking that hornet’s nest for some time.

There’s lunatics all over the place using a variety of justifications for violence. Religious, ethnic, etc.

Hell, the day before the Boston bombing a US drone strike killed 4 “militants” in Pakistan. Do you think when innocents are drone striked over in Pakistan that the population there thinks “Those Americans are scary, crazy motherfuckers…and most of them are Christians.”?

Probably…but the fact our sociopaths have drones to do the dirty work instead of knives/cleavers makes us seem more “civilized”.


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