SC: Hatin’ On Beer

This website’s founding editor gave up the bottle several years ago … meaning the only “beer” he consumes these days is of the non-alcoholic variety. But just because we no longer partake of the liquid goodness doesn’t mean we support undue restrictions on those who do. We believe any citizen…

This website’s founding editor gave up the bottle several years ago … meaning the only “beer” he consumes these days is of the non-alcoholic variety.

But just because we no longer partake of the liquid goodness doesn’t mean we support undue restrictions on those who do. We believe any citizen over the age of eighteen should have the right to drink to their heart’s content … and should be able to “pick their poison,” so to speak.

Who doesn’t agree with us? The South Carolina Senate, apparently, which is blocking a bill that would raise the limit of hand-crafted beer that can be sold for on-site consumption to sixty-four fluid ounces a day per patron.

Wait … what?

South Carolina seriously regulates the number of fluid ounces of “craft beer” its citizens are allowed to consume?

Yes …

“Passing this bill will only help our economy by easing regulations on small business and creating incentives for entrepreneurs to get into the industry,” supporters of the legislation note. “South Carolina craft brewers are the perfect embodiment of values held by so many: small, local, value-added, innovative, and community-minded small businesses that provide a place to gather responsibly.”

We concur …

Actually, no … we’d take it one step further.

There should be no limit whatsoever on the amount of any kind of beer any individual or establishment is permitted to sell to any customer. Government imposing these restrictions is not only ridiculous, its a prima facie infringement of individual liberty.


(Banner via)

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Lush April 30, 2013 at 2:13 pm

You are a fool. You will disagree about that last sentence when someone over-served at a bar injures or kills you or someone you love. With your “libertarian” stupidity, you should move to Mars or Elephant Island where you can do whatever you want.

JC April 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm

And how would you propose to enforce that limit imposed on bars and their employees? Should we force bars to hire off duty cops to monitor how many drinks each patron has had? Based on your statement, anyone served more than one or two beers in one hour could be in trouble, since that would put them over the legal limit for purposes of DUI. The simple answer is that no matter how many laws you have, and no matter the intentions of those laws, there will always be DUI fatalities. In a free society, it is the bartender’s responsibility to know when his customers have had too much to drink. If he or she does not, and someone is injured, the bar is liable in tort. Ask the folks at Jake’s, they just shelled out almost 7 figures to the family of the man killed by a drunk driver in Five Points.

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 2:26 pm


The limitation is on craft beer alone. Not liquor, not nasty shit beer like Natural Light, not wine, just craft beer. A hard limit doesn’t even make sense to begin with since you then have to compare beers with 4% alcohol to beers with 10% alcohol and beyond. There’s also a matter of how much tolerance one has to alcohol, their size, etc.

There’s no need for nanny state bullshit to dictate some limit. Bartenders and/or waiters/waitresses should know not to serve someone a metric ton of beer, or serve more beer to someone who is clearly drunk.

Lush April 30, 2013 at 2:13 pm

You are a fool. You will disagree about that last sentence when someone over-served at a bar injures or kills you or someone you love. With your “libertarian” stupidity, you should move to Mars or Elephant Island where you can do whatever you want.

JC April 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm

And how would you propose to enforce that limit imposed on bars and their employees? Should we force bars to hire off duty cops to monitor how many drinks each patron has had? Based on your statement, anyone served more than one or two beers in one hour could be in trouble, since that would put them over the legal limit for purposes of DUI. The simple answer is that no matter how many laws you have, and no matter the intentions of those laws, there will always be DUI fatalities. In a free society, it is the bartender’s responsibility to know when his customers have had too much to drink. If he or she does not, and someone is injured, the bar is liable in tort. Ask the folks at Jake’s, they just shelled out almost 7 figures to the family of the man killed by a drunk driver in Five Points.

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 2:26 pm


The limitation is on craft beer alone. Not liquor, not nasty shit beer like Natural Light, not wine, just craft beer. A hard limit doesn’t even make sense to begin with since you then have to compare beers with 4% alcohol to beers with 10% alcohol and beyond. There’s also a matter of how much tolerance one has to alcohol, their size, etc.

There’s no need for nanny state bullshit to dictate some limit. Bartenders and/or waiters/waitresses should know not to serve someone a metric ton of beer, or serve more beer to someone who is clearly drunk.

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 2:15 pm

I was gonna say, I’d vote against this bill on the principle that there should be no limit whatsoever. Why not put it in the ballot next election and let people decide if it should be killed? Because it will be, I guarantee you.

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 4:06 pm

It is absurd, and as nanny state Bloomberg as it gets. Hunter Gatherer will be done, unless they switch to bottled pee-light, which I guess can be consumed to one’s limit, or when they throw up, whatever comes first.

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 4:37 pm

And I sincerely hope they raise the limit to no limit, not to mention, why can’t you go to a place like H/G and fill up a container from a keg to take home? Off-premises sales of craft beer, it’s a no brainer. And would get people likely to imbibe more off the road.

SC is known for fireworks and mini-bottles, why not allow Myrtle Beach tourists for example to visit a craft beer pub, sample some, and then take some back to their rental or even back home to New Jersey. A South Carolina beer ball. You could even market the state that way.

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Good ideas, that’s for sure. I’d imagine the biggest obstacle is that SC politicians are bought easily and some companies would most definitely be willing to spend a small sum to protect their profit margins.

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 2:15 pm

I was gonna say, I’d vote against this bill on the principle that there should be no limit whatsoever. Why not put it in the ballot next election and let people decide if it should be killed? Because it will be, I guarantee you.

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 4:06 pm

It is absurd, and as nanny state Bloomberg as it gets. Hunter Gatherer will be done, unless they switch to bottled pee-light, which I guess can be consumed to one’s limit, or when they throw up, whatever comes first.

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 4:37 pm

And I sincerely hope they raise the limit to no limit, not to mention, why can’t you go to a place like H/G and fill up a container from a keg to take home? Off-premises sales of craft beer, it’s a no brainer. And would get people likely to imbibe more off the road.

SC is known for fireworks and mini-bottles, why not allow Myrtle Beach tourists for example to visit a craft beer pub, sample some, and then take some back to their rental or even back home to New Jersey. A South Carolina beer ball. You could even market the state that way.

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Good ideas, that’s for sure. I’d imagine the biggest obstacle is that SC politicians are bought easily and some companies would most definitely be willing to spend a small sum to protect their profit margins.

? April 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Passing a law to fix the law that shouldn’t have been passed in the first place….sounds about right for our glorious gov’t.

? April 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Passing a law to fix the law that shouldn’t have been passed in the first place….sounds about right for our glorious gov’t.

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 2:37 pm

BURP…o o o o o o o !! zzzzzzzzzzz………..

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 2:37 pm

BURP…o o o o o o o !! ………zzzzzzzzzzz

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 2:44 pm

Just about every former alcoholic I know, is a bitter, depression-prone, abrasive liberal.. Most all are atheists..I get the impression they are all P!$$#d off at God because their demons conquered them. And they failed to choose the beauty of life outside of drunkenness.

NOBODY April 30, 2013 at 2:58 pm

I guess you are including all the former-alcoholic Christians in there, too? Because almost all “former alcoholics” I know chose to be “former” after becoming Christians. But, BigT, you are a still a fucking cunt.

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 3:36 pm

God intervening is their ONLY hope. When that happens, they truly overcome their failures, and embrace the joy of life. Alcohol is no longer a threat.
Other than that: You cannot have pro-abortionists, femenists or Civil rights Race haters among the TRULY reformed, therefore Liberals fail to make the cut.
AA is filled w/ people who cannot rise above their weaknesses, unless they are explicit about their faith in God.. Too many mince words using ‘Higher Power’ and spirituality, instead of Jesus Christ. They are never really healed, and even the alcoholics who fail will tell you that…

ksam April 30, 2013 at 6:45 pm

This is a fucked up viewpoint Tango. Reminds me of a guy named BigT who used to post here.

Ken E. May 1, 2013 at 11:19 am

And full of cognitive dissonance… First he says just about every former drunk he knows is an atheist. Then says AA only works if people embrace their faith in God. So, if almost all former drunks you know are atheist, does AA just not work at all? Or do they become atheists AFTER embracing their faith in God? I’m confused.

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 3:23 pm

Try establishing your credibility – then your posts can be taken seriously – unless (which I have suspected) you are some kind of masochist………………….

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 3:39 pm

Try saying something besides STUPID and copied $#*t…and you may not be seen as a complete idiot, all the time.

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 3:28 pm

I get the impression they are all P!$$#d off at God because their demons
conquered them. And they failed to choose the beauty of life outside of

Pretty sad seeing someone attack people who have had to go through rough shit in their lives. You pathetic little scumbag.

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 3:38 pm

Wonder how you feel about what these selfish people put their FAMILIES through? Like Obama, you ain’t too D@*n concerned w/ starving children, as long as you can get some kind of political score out of it. I think it’s obvious who the pathetic little scumbag is here.

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 4:39 pm

You’ve got serious issues.

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 6:06 pm

Yeah: I live in Reality w/ a world full of Dumb@$$ #d and delusional liberals…that is a serious issue.

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 9:14 pm

So, does that mean that there are other people on the planet (like us) who don’t believe your repetitious blather?

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 3:38 pm

I’ve seen every sort of “drunk” and also some folks who were caught in the grip of alcoholism. It isn’t a pretty sight, and it’s terrible when they didn’t want to get out of it, whether it was physical, mental, emotional, or whatever – but refusing professional help in any form was their easy way out of not confronting their situation. It can also cause problems and depression with their friends and family members who try to help them control it. This is all the “preaching” from me.

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 3:07 pm

Some of us aren’t worried about it………

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 3:07 pm

Some of us aren’t worried about it………

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 3:10 pm

I’ll have what he had ……….. ???

shifty henry April 30, 2013 at 3:10 pm

I’ll have what he had ……….. ???

upstate April 30, 2013 at 3:22 pm

follow the $. My bet is that the distributors (Budweiser, Southern Wine, Ben Arnold, Etc.) are against this, as it creates a delivery method to the consumer that doesn’t cross their balance sheet. They get a cut of every once of alcohol sold at retail or in a bar/restaurant, except for that sold directly by the manufacturer.

popcorn sutton April 30, 2013 at 4:58 pm

Almost baby brother, almost.

upstate April 30, 2013 at 3:22 pm

follow the $. My bet is that the distributors (Budweiser, Southern Wine, Ben Arnold, Etc.) are against this, as it creates a delivery method to the consumer that doesn’t cross their balance sheet. They get a cut of every once of alcohol sold at retail or in a bar/restaurant, except for that sold directly by the manufacturer.

popcorn sutton April 30, 2013 at 4:58 pm

Almost baby brother, almost.

Tank April 30, 2013 at 6:23 pm

Yes, Willie. Welcome to last week.

Tank April 30, 2013 at 6:23 pm

Yes, Willie. Welcome to last week.

Charlemagne, King of France May 1, 2013 at 9:09 am

Fits, Can you please add a function to your site so that we can alert our “leadership” that we think they are wasting our time with this kind of crap and to just let it go?

Charlemagne, King of France May 1, 2013 at 9:09 am

Fits, Can you please add a function to your site so that we can alert our “leadership” that we think they are wasting our time with this kind of crap and to just let it go?

Tank May 1, 2013 at 8:45 pm

State Senator Mike Fair is the LONE objection to this bill making the floor of the Senate! Why don’t you release the hounds on him, Fitsy, instead of just being 4 days behind the times???

Death of the Pint Bill, or birth of some bastardized form (what’s up, insane insurance requirement?) will kill SC businesses and jobs!

Tank May 1, 2013 at 8:45 pm

State Senator Mike Fair is the LONE objection to this bill making the floor of the Senate! Why don’t you release the hounds on him, Fitsy, instead of just being 4 days behind the times???

Death of the Pint Bill, or birth of some bastardized form (what’s up, insane insurance requirement?) will kill SC businesses and jobs!


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