SC Taxpayers: Still Paying For Confederate Crap

For at least the thirteenth year in a row, South Carolina taxpayers are shelling out $500,000 on a collection of Confederate artifacts which should have been paid for years ago. And not only that –  lawmakers have agreed “to provide funds in future fiscal years” to continue paying for this…

For at least the thirteenth year in a row, South Carolina taxpayers are shelling out $500,000 on a collection of Confederate artifacts which should have been paid for years ago. And not only that –  lawmakers have agreed “to provide funds in future fiscal years” to continue paying for this nonsense (an expense taxpayers should never have been saddled with in the first place).

Where is all of this money really going?

That’s a good question, but sources tell FITS the “Southern Maritime” cash is really nothing but a “slush fund” for the H.L. Hunley – a confederate submarine that has drained tens of millions of dollars from taxpayers (and continues to do so) thanks to the obsession of powerful “Republican” leaders like Lt. Gov. Glenn McConnell.

In the FY 2001-02 budget, lawmakers ratified the following proviso regarding this collection of artifacts …

The Budget and Control Board shall enter into negotiations with the South Carolina Historical Society to develop an agreement for the purchase of portions of the Southern Maritime Collection.  Negotiations shall include, but not be limited to, acquisition of printed materials, Confederate imprints, photographs, maps, diagrams, manuscripts, artwork, drawings, artifacts, patriotic covers, lithographs and newspapers.  The Board is authorized to expend monies to secure the collection for purchase by the State of South Carolina, pursuant to the conditions of any agreement.  In addition, the Board may assume any existing loans associated with the collections, provided that the loan assumption is included as a part of the overall acquisition agreement.  Funds expended for this purpose by the Board may not exceed $500,000.  The Board shall periodically provide information to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the Speaker of the House and the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee regarding the status of negotiations and any prospective agreement.

Now … is purchasing any of that Confederate memorabilia a core function of government? Absolutely not. Yet each year for the last thirteen years lawmakers have appropriate $500,000 toward this “collection.” This despite the fact McConnell – then president of the State Senate – estimated the cost of these artifacts (mostly maps and documents) at roughly $3 million back in 2001.

At that rate, the purchase should have been completed in 2007 – yet six years later, money is still being appropriated.

In fact here’s a proviso authorizing the expense in the FY 2013-14 budget, which passed the “Republican-controlled” S.C. House of Representatives last month …

The Budget and Control Board, on behalf of the Hunley Commission is authorized to expend funds appropriated for such purpose to pay the outstanding note
entered into to finance the purchase of the Southern Maritime Collection and the Hunley Commission will assume custody and management of the Collection for the State.  The board is authorized to use up to $500,000 of the funds transferred for implementation of this proviso.  The balance of the funds transferred may be used by the board for costs associated with other Museum operations.  The General Assembly will provide for funds in future fiscal years to cover the costs of the financing of the Southern Maritime Collection.

What the hell?

Sources tell FITS this “collection” was actually purchased in 2006 with an appropriation from the Capital Reserve Fund – which would have obviously been separate from this annual appropriation. According to one lawmaker, the “balance of the funds” appropriated since then have gone to the Confederate Relic Room, another totally unnecessary state facility which receives recurring appropriations in the state budget.

So wait … we paid for this stuff twice? And are still paying for it?

In addition to this nonsense, let’s not forget Clemson University’s “Restoration Institute” – an entire “research campus” which is devoted to the Hunley submarine.

This is ridiculous … the fact that one red cent of taxpayer money has gone toward funding any of this nonsense should make taxpayers’ blood boil.

Accordingly, we call on lawmakers to immediately cease all funding for H.L. Hunley-related expenses (and any other Civil War-related expenses) and begin the process of unloading these assets as fast as they can.

With McConnell’s “Maritime Collection” that shouldn’t be a problem. In 2001 he estimated the value of the collection at $6 million – which means it should be able to command as much as $8 million in today’s market.

Unless of course McConnell was (and is) full of shit …


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BigT April 23, 2013 at 1:12 pm

Don’t like it?…vote ’em out and put your candidate in…oooppps…I forgot about Sanford…Hahahahahahaha..

That said: Your Dumb@$$ sits there ‘mum’ as Trillions are spent on food stamps and given to race-hate groups, baby killers like planned parenthood, and the Muslim Brotherhood…

You were the top Flunky for a Top GOP leader…You did didn’t do Jack-$#!* when you had the power..
All you do now is try to put the same incompetent crook back in…Why are you B!*ching at us —we’ve never been at the top like you Sanford, Dawson and McCain…and

Tired of BigTwat April 23, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Jack Shit, Bitching: Translation for a fucking hypocrite who thinks coding a word so that the meaning is obvious somehow absolves him of actually typing it. BigTwat: What is it? Company computer got a nanny-ware program on it? Cunt.

shifty henry April 23, 2013 at 5:52 pm

… could be: BigTuna

Sullivans Island Bum April 23, 2013 at 1:24 pm

Whatever you do don’t tell him about the cannon sitting on the bottom of the Congaree river about 2 miles above the National Monument or he’ll use it as an excuse to buy more swamp land to launch a recovery for it. Rusted metal is all it is. Rusted metal my boy.

mph April 23, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Cannon or gun? You throw that bad boy in an electrolysis bath for, oh, say a year, you can get that rust off. The problem: who cares about another cannon or gun? Go to the Battery. They have plenty.

As for the Hunley, and keep in mind that archaeology and history are my first loves, this shit is a first class boondoggle. This is gub-ment work at it’s worst with a group of people, politicians and bureaucrats, milking it for all its worth. Until Glennifer and his toupee are called to the mat for this nonsense, expect the suckling to continue. Ugh, what else do they expect to learn from that thing? If you want to spend it on our cultural heritage, there’s plenty of good projects. Just don’t let SCIAA do them. Other than Keith Derting and Tommy Charles, the rest of those people should go back to bed.

Sullivans Island Bum April 23, 2013 at 1:24 pm

Whatever you do don’t tell him about the cannon sitting on the bottom of the Congaree river about 2 miles above the National Monument or he’ll use it as an excuse to buy more swamp land to launch a recovery for it. Rusted metal is all it is. Rusted metal my boy.

mph April 23, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Cannon or gun? You throw that bad boy in an electrolysis bath for, oh, say a year, you can get that rust off. The problem: who cares about another cannon or gun? Go to the Battery. They have plenty.

As for the Hunley, and keep in mind that archaeology and history are my first loves, this shit is a first class boondoggle. This is gub-ment work at it’s worst with a group of people, politicians and bureaucrats, milking it for all its worth. Until Glennifer and his toupee are called to the mat for this nonsense, expect the suckling to continue. Ugh, what else do they expect to learn from that thing? If you want to spend it on our cultural heritage, there’s plenty of good projects. Just don’t let SCIAA do them. Other than Keith Derting and Tommy Charles, the rest of those people should go back to bed.

Tired of BigTwat April 23, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Jack Shit, Bitching: Translation for a fucking hypocrite who thinks coding a word so that the meaning is obvious somehow absolves him of actually typing it. BigTwat: What is it? Company computer got a nanny-ware program on it? Cunt.

shifty henry April 23, 2013 at 5:52 pm

… could be: BigTuna

CNSYD April 23, 2013 at 1:58 pm

“Accordingly, we call on lawmakers to immediately cease all funding for
H.L. Hunley-related expenses (and any other Civil War-related expenses)
and begin the process of unloading

those assets as fast as they can.”

Why stop with the Civil War (actually the War between the States)? What about the entire state museum, etc.?

Sic Willie’s only real complaint about the Hunley is McConnell. Other than that he wouldn’t care.

CNSYD April 23, 2013 at 1:58 pm

“Accordingly, we call on lawmakers to immediately cease all funding for
H.L. Hunley-related expenses (and any other Civil War-related expenses)
and begin the process of unloading

those assets as fast as they can.”

Why stop with the Civil War (actually the War between the States)? What about the entire state museum, etc.?

Sic Willie’s only real complaint about the Hunley is McConnell. Other than that he wouldn’t care.

CNSYD April 23, 2013 at 2:01 pm

“In addition to this nonsense, let’s not forget Clemson University’s “Restoration Institute” – an entire “research campus” which is devoted to the Hunley submarine.”

Sic Willie can, of course, provide proof of this or does his proof reside next to Scott Wingo’s SAT?

CNSYD April 23, 2013 at 2:01 pm

“In addition to this nonsense, let’s not forget Clemson University’s “Restoration Institute” – an entire “research campus” which is devoted to the Hunley submarine.”

Sic Willie can, of course, provide proof of this or does his proof reside next to Scott Wingo’s SAT?

Comrade1917 April 23, 2013 at 3:10 pm

This money could be put to better use at the James E. Clyburn Transportation and Transgender Center in Orangeburg.

Comrade1917 April 23, 2013 at 3:10 pm

This money could be put to better use at the James E. Clyburn Transportation and Transgender Center in Orangeburg.

Chicora April 23, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Don’t mind the innovations in technology so much…that’s science. Do blame McConnell for keeping it in N. Charleston, when it really should be at Patriot’s Point where tourist will flock to see it. Instead they want to build condos there. Dumb politicians.

Chicora April 23, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Don’t mind the innovations in technology so much…that’s science. Do blame McConnell for keeping it in N. Charleston, when it really should be at Patriot’s Point where tourist will flock to see it. Instead they want to build condos there. Dumb politicians.

unclewillie1 April 23, 2013 at 4:40 pm

Shocking, just shocking. These guys are acting just like Democrats.

unclewillie1 April 23, 2013 at 4:40 pm

Shocking, just shocking. These guys are acting just like Democrats.

jimlewisowb April 23, 2013 at 7:14 pm

If you think there are any legitmate artifacts, think again
If you think that is the Hunley in the salt tank, think again
If you think the money is going anywhere except to cockroaches, think again
If you think the flow of money is going to stop as long as McConnell is alive, think again
If you think McConnell is going to die, think again
If you think taxpayers are being screwed, stop thinking

jimlewisowb April 23, 2013 at 7:14 pm

If you think there are any legitmate artifacts, think again
If you think that is the Hunley in the salt tank, think again
If you think the money is going anywhere except to cockroaches, think again
If you think the flow of money is going to stop as long as McConnell is alive, think again
If you think McConnell is going to die, think again
If you think taxpayers are being screwed, stop thinking

Manray9 April 23, 2013 at 7:21 pm

Ever notice how Republicans are for fiscal austerity — until it comes to their own pet projects?

Manray9 April 23, 2013 at 7:21 pm

Ever notice how Republicans are for fiscal austerity — until it comes to their own pet projects?

Anemona April 23, 2013 at 9:05 pm

Without the Hunley and reliving the Civil War in costumes, McConnell’s life would have no meaning. What a creep.

Anemona April 23, 2013 at 9:05 pm

Without the Hunley and reliving the Civil War in costumes, McConnell’s life would have no meaning. What a creep.

Cleveland Steamer April 23, 2013 at 10:47 pm

just get a couple of gallons of battle ship gray Rustoleum paint it, put it on some styrofoam and anchor it out near Ft. Sumter. By more of them fancy telescopes and charge double for tour boats.

Cleveland Steamer April 23, 2013 at 10:47 pm

just get a couple of gallons of battle ship gray Rustoleum paint it, put it on some styrofoam and anchor it out near Ft. Sumter. By more of them fancy telescopes and charge double for tour boats.

Clemson88 April 24, 2013 at 11:47 am

Looks like a giant pecker, I see why Glenn loves it.

Clemson88 April 24, 2013 at 11:47 am

Looks like a giant pecker, I see why Glenn loves it.

ELCID April 24, 2013 at 11:59 am

Leave them alone!!
This money helps support the tourist industry, which is SC’s largest industry.
Tourist’s expect to see this kind of Old South stuff.
Plus, it helps us remember what happens when South Carolina Citizens don’t respect each other, or anyone else.

ELCID April 24, 2013 at 11:59 am

Leave them alone!!
This money helps support the tourist industry, which is SC’s largest industry.
Tourist’s expect to see this kind of Old South stuff.
Plus, it helps us remember what happens when South Carolina Citizens don’t respect each other, or anyone else.

Elea Phat In The Room April 24, 2013 at 6:29 pm

You know I would piss it away on the Hunley before giving it to that nigger clyburn “lower case on purpose” before fucks us tax payers else were. He is about the dumbest fuck ever. His thoughts are :build it and because it was built buy a bunch of niggers someone has got to pay for it. Mr. clyburn you are a piece of out dated cotton picking machinery!!!! Fuck you and everything you wish to waste money on. Shit you probably even have an EBT card you lazy useless FUCK!!

Elea Phat In The Room April 24, 2013 at 6:29 pm

You know I would piss it away on the Hunley before giving it to that nigger clyburn “lower case on purpose” before fucks us tax payers else were. He is about the dumbest fuck ever. His thoughts are :build it and because it was built buy a bunch of niggers someone has got to pay for it. Mr. clyburn you are a piece of out dated cotton picking machinery!!!! Fuck you and everything you wish to waste money on. Shit you probably even have an EBT card you lazy useless FUCK!!

Jamey Creel April 25, 2013 at 8:43 am

Now tell us the millions coming from tourism from those artifacts? The Hunley alone attracks many. I’m actually going to see presentation tonight…

mgpthoc April 25, 2013 at 8:43 am

Now tell us the millions coming from tourism from those artifacts? The Hunley alone attracks many. I’m actually going to see presentation tonight…


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