Historic SC Labor Participation Rate Data

We haven’t had many nice things to say about S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW) – the agency that was supposed to bring “efficiency and accountability” to the administration of the state’s unemployment benefits. In fact we’ve basically made his agency our bitch over the last…

We haven’t had many nice things to say about S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW) – the agency that was supposed to bring “efficiency and accountability” to the administration of the state’s unemployment benefits. In fact we’ve basically made his agency our bitch over the last two years, pistol-whipping all sorts of bad news onto the heads of its clueless bureaucrats.

Of course in our defense, SCDEW has made it painfully easy on us … incompetently administering these benefits and then schlepping the price of that incompetence onto the shoulders of South Carolina businesses and taxpayers.

Anyway … today we can give SCDEW a rare bit of praise. What for, you may ask? Well, the agency followed up on a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by this website – providing the specific information we sought promptly and politely. Not only that, its leaders even waived S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s policy of charging the media for access to public records …

Impressive …

We’ve already written one story based on this data and have another one in the works. In the meantime, though, feel free to check out this data for yourself by clicking on the link below.



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RIF Me April 15, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Unlike some of the rest of them, McFarland is the real deal

helpus April 16, 2013 at 6:46 pm

What does an Attorney know about business? It’s the same as “Musician” Turner…

RIF Me April 15, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Unlike some of the rest of them, McFarland is the real deal

helpus April 16, 2013 at 6:46 pm

What does an Attorney know about business? It’s the same as “Musician” Turner…

winkie April 15, 2013 at 6:32 pm

On the same day the lay off letter went out to SCDEW employees…get your FOIA requests in now, soon there won’t be anyone left to process them.

Truthordie April 15, 2013 at 9:33 pm

The attorneys do that. They won’t be laid off.

winkie April 15, 2013 at 6:32 pm

On the same day the lay off letter went out to SCDEW employees…get your FOIA requests in now, soon there won’t be anyone left to process them.

Truthordie April 15, 2013 at 9:33 pm

The attorneys do that. They won’t be laid off.

SeemsSimple April 15, 2013 at 9:35 pm

Have you considered that Turner was your bitch not DEW?

PASSTHEWORD April 16, 2013 at 1:44 pm

He is such a joke. A very bad choice. Too bad he didn’t take Dennis King with him.

SeemsSimple April 16, 2013 at 6:51 pm

All his people still work there? I thought Finan was a hatchet guy?

helpus April 16, 2013 at 6:55 pm

Turner and King set the cause of Equal Rights back 40 years in State Government. Turner, the stereotypical “Gotta get mine and damn everyone else” ($33,000 raise for himself, while laying off staff) political appointee and King, the quintessential “Yes man” too busy pulling out his General’s chair to have an original thought!

PASSTHEWORD April 17, 2013 at 9:33 am


SeemsSimple April 15, 2013 at 9:35 pm

Have you considered that Turner was your bitch not DEW?

Rockin the Truth April 16, 2013 at 1:44 pm

He is such a joke. A very bad choice. Too bad he didn’t take Dennis King with him.

SeemsSimple April 16, 2013 at 6:51 pm

All his people still work there? I thought Finan was a hatchet guy?

helpus April 16, 2013 at 6:55 pm

Turner and King set the cause of Equal Rights back 40 years in State Government. Turner, the stereotypical “Gotta get mine and damn everyone else” ($33,000 raise for himself, while laying off staff) political appointee and King, the quintessential “Yes man” too busy pulling out his General’s chair to have an original thought!

Rockin the Truth April 17, 2013 at 9:33 am


Truthordie April 15, 2013 at 10:04 pm

Before the ESC former & current employees start posting, let me lay it out. Under ESC, the management failed to submit the withheld taxes to the Feds. This resulted in over $1mil in fines. Under DEW & Finan, these fines were forgiven. Under ESC, the trust fund was grossly mismanaged & SC was forced to loan $1 BILLION to pay unemployment benefits. Under DEW, it has been 2 yrs since needing a loan. Businesses have been paying down that loan & DEW has stopped giving benefits to those who do not deserve them. FOIA requests are hardly impressive. Old ESC employees were lazy, incompetent & uneducated. They had to give the ESC employees being laid off a special exception since they do not have college degrees. Otherwise they couldn’t apply for any of the new jobs. This agency needs to clean house to get to a level of acceptable performance.

It's a terrible day for SC April 16, 2013 at 9:09 am

Some of what you say may be correct… but to make a blanket statement that the old ESC employees are lazy and incompetant is on your part a very UNEDUCATED statement. Having worked in a local office for over 20 years I can testify how untrue this is. During the times of very high unemployment the local office staff worked long hours (well over 7.5 hours per day) for months on end without any kind of compensation. Does not sound lazy to me. I know for a fact this was not just the case in the office I was in but others also. It was done because it needed to be for our fellow South Carlonians that were out of work through no fault of their own. Which is why the system is in place. Not only does the agancy “dole” out benefits as this site has stated, but they also help them become reemployed. The thing about a college degree, yes some have them and some don’t at the agency. I have not seen any difference in how the ones with degrees perform compared to the ones without degrees, except many of the new employees hired with degrees stay long enough to be trained (waste of agency money) then move on because they are young and have no loyalty to the agency or public service. Your last statement is true the agency does need to clean house but it needs to start at the TOP with all of the big salaries that have no real idea of what goes on at the local level. Those at the top are so far removed from the reality of the situation. They have made blanket statements such as 98 percent of individuals file their claim on line, but they do not say that happens with local office staff assisting them or in a lot of cases they need much more than simple assistance. These are the ones that this will truly hurt. in the end.

PASSTHEWORD April 16, 2013 at 1:39 pm

Old ESC employees were lazy, incompetent & uneducated. They had to give the ESC employees being laid off a special exception since they do not have college degrees.
An elitist are we??
A piece of paper hanging on the wall may say you went to college, but it doesn’t say that you are educated or that you can do anything with that “knowledge”. Get over yourself.

Straight Shooter April 23, 2013 at 7:14 pm

Hey Kerry, is that you? It sounds like something you would say without all the facts….

Truthordie April 15, 2013 at 10:04 pm

Before the ESC former & current employees start posting, let me lay it out. Under ESC, the management failed to submit the withheld taxes to the Feds. This resulted in over $1mil in fines. Under DEW & Finan, these fines were forgiven. Under ESC, the trust fund was grossly mismanaged & SC was forced to loan $1 BILLION to pay unemployment benefits. Under DEW, it has been 2 yrs since needing a loan. Businesses have been paying down that loan & DEW has stopped giving benefits to those who do not deserve them. FOIA requests are hardly impressive. Old ESC employees were lazy, incompetent & uneducated. They had to give the ESC employees being laid off a special exception since they do not have college degrees. Otherwise they couldn’t apply for any of the new jobs. This agency needs to clean house to get to a level of acceptable performance.

It's a terrible day for SC April 16, 2013 at 9:09 am

Some of what you say may be correct… but to make a blanket statement that the old ESC employees are lazy and incompetant is on your part a very UNEDUCATED statement. Having worked in a local office for over 20 years I can testify how untrue this is. During the times of very high unemployment the local office staff worked long hours (well over 7.5 hours per day) for months on end without any kind of compensation. Does not sound lazy to me. I know for a fact this was not just the case in the office I was in but others also. It was done because it needed to be for our fellow South Carlonians that were out of work through no fault of their own. Which is why the system is in place. Not only does the agancy “dole” out benefits as this site has stated, but they also help them become reemployed. The thing about a college degree, yes some have them and some don’t at the agency. I have not seen any difference in how the ones with degrees perform compared to the ones without degrees, except many of the new employees hired with degrees stay long enough to be trained (waste of agency money) then move on because they are young and have no loyalty to the agency or public service. Your last statement is true the agency does need to clean house but it needs to start at the TOP with all of the big salaries that have no real idea of what goes on at the local level. Those at the top are so far removed from the reality of the situation. They have made blanket statements such as 98 percent of individuals file their claim on line, but they do not say that happens with local office staff assisting them or in a lot of cases they need much more than simple assistance. These are the ones that this will truly hurt. in the end.

Rockin the Truth April 16, 2013 at 1:39 pm

Old ESC employees were lazy, incompetent & uneducated. They had to give the ESC employees being laid off a special exception since they do not have college degrees.
An elitist are we??
A piece of paper hanging on the wall may say you went to college, but it doesn’t say that you are educated or that you can do anything with that “knowledge”. Get over yourself.

Straight Shooter April 23, 2013 at 7:14 pm

Hey Kerry, is that you? It sounds like something you would say without all the facts….

Straight Shooter April 23, 2013 at 7:09 pm

Hey truthordie, what planet are you from? Your statements are grossly in error because you are ill informed. Do you really believe that a college degree is needed to process an unemployment insurance claim? SCDEW is full of staff that have college degrees and don’t know their assess from a hole in the ground. All you have to do is talk to valley girl Kerry Paul who tries to fit her size 14 ass into a size 8 with 3″spike heels. I wonder if she wore her cheesy outfits to the interview… Or, talk to Dennis King for about 2 minutes and listen to him while he displays his ignorance and butchers the English language (and he is 2nd in command). I’ve heard goat herders speak better English than he can. Yes, these are the leaders of SCDEW and they have college degrees…sad, sad, sad… When they got rid of Turner, they should have gotten rid of the rest of the problems like Paul and King.

Straight Shooter April 23, 2013 at 7:09 pm

Hey truthordie, what planet are you from? Your statements are grossly in error because you are ill informed. Do you really believe that a college degree is needed to process an unemployment insurance claim? SCDEW is full of staff that have college degrees and don’t know their assess from a hole in the ground. All you have to do is talk to valley girl Kerry Paul who tries to fit her size 14 ass into a size 8 with 3″spike heels. I wonder if she wore her cheesy outfits to the interview… Or, talk to Dennis King for about 2 minutes and listen to him while he displays his ignorance and butchers the English language (and he is 2nd in command). I’ve heard goat herders speak better English than he can. Yes, these are the leaders of SCDEW and they have college degrees…sad, sad, sad… When they got rid of Turner, they should have gotten rid of the rest of the problems like Paul and King.


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