
Blasts Rock Boston Marathon (Three Dead)

A pair of bombs detonated at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing three people and dismembering as many as ten others. Dozens more people sustained additional injuries. Among the dead? An eight-year-old boy. “There were two bombs that exploded near the finish line in today’s Boston…

A pair of bombs detonated at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing three people and dismembering as many as ten others. Dozens more people sustained additional injuries.

Among the dead? An eight-year-old boy.

“There were two bombs that exploded near the finish line in today’s Boston Marathon,” a statement from race organizers noted. “We are working with law enforcement to understand what exactly has happened.”

What “happened” were two jarring detonations that occurred within seconds of each other shortly before 3:00 p.m. EDT. The first explosion hit in front of the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel – while the second blast went off some 50-100 yards away. Two additional undetonated explosive devices were found – and dismantled by police.

The blasts – which were described by witnesses as a pair of loud thunderclaps – turned what should have been a scene of triumph and jubilation into a war zone.

“Somebody’s leg flew by my head,” one spectator told The Boston Herald.

Pictures posted to social media demonstrated the severity of the carnage …

“What the fuck just happened?” witness Tyler Wakstein asked, before posting the following graphic image to his Twitter page.

boston marathon

Good God …

And here’s a clip of the initial explosion …

A few hours before the blasts, Ethiopia’s Lelisa Desisa and Kenya’s Rita Jeptoo crossed the finish line to claim the men’s and women’s titles in the annual 26.2 mile road race – which was first run in 1897 and attracts some of the world’s premier athletes (as well as crowd of more than 500,000) each year.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is probing the blasts as a likely terrorist attack.

Authorities shut down cell phone service in downtown Boston in the immediate aftermath of the bombings – hoping to prevent any remote detonations. Meanwhile flights out of Boston’s Logan Airport – which was the originating airport for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks – were grounded for several hours in the wake of the bombings.

U.S. President Barack Obama vowed the perpetrators of the attack would feel “the full weight of justice.”

“Make no mistake,” Obama said in televised remarks later in the evening. “We will get to the bottom of this and we will find out who did this. We’ll find out why they did this. We will find out who this is and we will hold them accountable.”


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BigT April 15, 2013 at 3:49 pm

Let’s pray that God jumps in and helps lead us…I’m sure many Americans feel like me.

Dr. Mengele April 15, 2013 at 4:18 pm

“I’m sure many Americans feel like me.”

Only the ones on medication.

Frank Pytel April 15, 2013 at 4:21 pm

Common now. I’ll bag on T all day, but You have to let him express a well thought comment. He rarely does. Good Job T. Good Job.

Sex Wax April 15, 2013 at 4:31 pm

I’ll give BigT a pass on this one as well.

SparkleCity April 15, 2013 at 5:09 pm

Same here as far as BigT on this one.
We spent part of out vacation in Boston last fall. Great City & folks up there(as there are all across this great country). Bostonians are proud of their city and rightly so. My heart goes out to Bostonians everywhere.
Thoughts & prayers for all killed or injured and their families.
Hope the slime that did this are caught double quick.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 4:33 pm

These are fellow Americans up there. We’re all in this together. I hope and pray for every single one of them, their familes and our president.

MyDaddyIsRich April 15, 2013 at 5:09 pm

Right on the nose BigT!

shifty henry April 15, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Again, well said BigT ——-

Thebeachisback April 15, 2013 at 7:06 pm

You go, T!!!!!!!

Frank Pytel April 16, 2013 at 6:14 am

Yeah, I don’t think I’ll go that far T. But I have no doubt your sentiment is appreciated by many here, as can be seen by the number of folks that usually bag on you (myself included) supporting this particular comment.

I actually had a short discussion about this with a neighbor. I may have to do a LTTE. Seems time to get some stuff out in the open.

Of course I’m not sure about SIC either. He was at some point part of the politbureau. We’ll see.

HAGD!! :) There won’t be many left with the repuklicrats or demlicans in charge.

Frank Pytel

johm q April 15, 2013 at 5:33 pm

It would have been a lot better if he would have jumped in BEFORE the fucking bombs went off. Why would you expect your imaginary savior to help now if it wasn’t worth helping before

DogVomit April 15, 2013 at 7:14 pm

Hey, Richard Dawkins fanboy, go fuck yourself.

johnq April 15, 2013 at 11:33 pm

Hey, DogVomit, Go fuck a bible!

Carrie April 15, 2013 at 6:42 pm

Big T; I do

shifty henry April 15, 2013 at 6:58 pm

I’m with BigT here——— well said

cuvinny April 15, 2013 at 8:26 pm

A God could of prevented it from happening. Why would you want a bastard like that to lead afterwards?

BigT April 15, 2013 at 3:49 pm

Let’s pray that God jumps in and helps lead us…I’m sure many Americans feel like me.

Dr. Mengele April 15, 2013 at 4:18 pm

“I’m sure many Americans feel like me.”

Only the ones on medication.

Frank Pytel April 15, 2013 at 4:21 pm

Common now. I’ll bag on T all day, but You have to let him express a well thought comment. He rarely does. Good Job T. Good Job.

Sex Wax April 15, 2013 at 4:31 pm

I’ll give BigT a pass on this one as well.

SparkleCity April 15, 2013 at 5:09 pm

Same here as far as BigT on this one.
We spent part of out vacation in Boston last fall. Great City & folks up there(as there are all across this great country). Bostonians are proud of their city and rightly so. My heart goes out to Bostonians everywhere.
Thoughts & prayers for all killed or injured and their families.
Hope the slime that did this are caught double quick.

BigT April 15, 2013 at 4:33 pm

These are fellow Americans up there. We’re all in this together. I hope and pray for every single one of them, their familes and our president.

MyDaddyIsRich April 15, 2013 at 5:09 pm

Right on the nose BigT!

shifty henry April 15, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Again, well said BigT ——-

Thebeachisback April 15, 2013 at 7:06 pm

You go, T!!!!!!!

Frank Pytel April 16, 2013 at 6:14 am

Yeah, I don’t think I’ll go that far T. But I have no doubt your sentiment is appreciated by many here, as can be seen by the number of folks that usually bag on you (myself included) supporting this particular comment.

I actually had a short discussion about this with a neighbor. I may have to do a LTTE. Seems time to get some stuff out in the open.

Of course I’m not sure about SIC either. He was at some point part of the politbureau. We’ll see.

HAGD!! :) There won’t be many left with the repuklicrats or demlicans in charge.

Frank Pytel

johm q April 15, 2013 at 5:33 pm

It would have been a lot better if he would have jumped in BEFORE the fucking bombs went off. Why would you expect your imaginary savior to help now if it wasn’t worth helping before

DogVomit April 15, 2013 at 7:14 pm

Hey, Richard Dawkins fanboy, go fuck yourself.

johnq April 15, 2013 at 11:33 pm

Hey, DogVomit, Go fuck a bible!

Carrie April 15, 2013 at 6:42 pm

Big T; I do

shifty henry April 15, 2013 at 6:58 pm

I’m with BigT here——— well said

cuvinny April 15, 2013 at 8:26 pm

A God could of prevented it from happening. Why would you want a bastard like that to lead afterwards?

Sarge April 15, 2013 at 4:39 pm

We will only hear what the Obamacrats want us to hear. Like the Syria thing.

MyDaddyIsRich April 15, 2013 at 5:20 pm


BrigidBernadette April 15, 2013 at 9:40 pm

Exactly sarge, as in Benghazi.

Sarge April 15, 2013 at 4:39 pm

We will only hear what the Obamacrats want us to hear. Like the Syria thing.

MyDaddyIsRich April 15, 2013 at 5:20 pm


Brigid April 15, 2013 at 9:40 pm

Exactly sarge, as in Benghazi.

John T. April 15, 2013 at 6:52 pm

Democrats are to blame, right?

John T. April 15, 2013 at 6:52 pm

Democrats are to blame, right?

BrigidBernadette April 15, 2013 at 7:01 pm

A Saudi national is being held.

? April 15, 2013 at 8:06 pm

A Saudi committed the crime? Looks like its time to invade Iran or N.Korea. I’m sure he did it because of our freedoms. It had nothing to do with our empire.

BrigidBernadette April 15, 2013 at 8:31 pm

What empire? I’m sure he did it because of the Koran, which compels Muslims to kill the unbelievers. Basic tenet of Islam: covert or kill. Jihad is the reason, you leftie scum.

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 8:48 pm

What were the Crusades? Violence is in every religion.

BrigidBernadette April 15, 2013 at 9:32 pm

I know you are retarded but follow along. Christians fought–hundreds of years ago–to liberate Jerusalem from the mozzers who were sacking it. Christians haven’t crusaded for again–hundreds and hundreds of years. There is no moral equivalency between historical acts of Christians and the present day acts of jihad whose intentions are–get ready for it–global Islamic supremacism, global Muslim empire, attacks against the infidel nations of the west. Read a book, you can start with Islamic Imperialism: A History by Karsh. Get back to me when you understand the logical fallacy of moral equivalence, which you can read about on wiki. But your comments reveal your disgusting hatred of your own country and your own civilization. You are a self-hating American who seeks to justify attacks against your fellow countrymen because of your own deep psychological hatred of yourself and your own failure in life, which you then project onto the nation and so by your line of reasoning–if it can be called that–attacks against us are justified. There is a word for you: quisling. If it were up to me, I rent a cruise line shit ship, christen it the U.S.S. Emma Goldman, and put the whole lot of you and your kind out to sea on a ship of fools, destined for North Korea, so you can eat rocks in the gulag and feel sanctimonious and morally superior to the rest of us who choose life, liberty, freedom.

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 6:56 am

lol wut

Christianity is more modern, the only reason it is not (currently) as barbaric. The Bible is chock full of wars and killing, including stoning gays and children, killing women and infant children during war, slavery, etc.

It was only a short time ago where we were killing “witches” in the USA. How “American” are you?

Christianity changed to fit evolving society. Given a theocracy where looney religious leaders make laws, that doesn’t happen. Enjoy your new and improved Jeebus beliefs courtesy of secularism, religious freedom, and social progress.

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 6:59 am

By modern I mean development-wise. Churches don’t preach for slavery anymore, even though the Bible says it is ok. Christianity has become an a la carte religion anyways, except for the Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachmann types.

Thomas April 16, 2013 at 4:38 pm

BrigidBernadette, I am a Christian, and your words indicate you have no clue what being a Christian is all about. You exhibit hatred of and anger toward others. These emotions have only one source and its not heaven.

You are wrong about Christian history, and your failure to acknowledge the sin of our ancestors leaves you susceptible to repeating that sin. God reveals truth to those who listen, and sometimes these truths justifiably instill regret for our actions and the actions of other Christians. Christians, filled with fear, hate, anger and/or greed, committed grievous sins in the name of Christ. They stained the church with the blood of those they should have loved and other Christians have spent centuries trying to cleanse that stain. You seem filled with those same emotions.

Christ never commanded his church to sacrifice the lives of thousands of people in the defense of worthless relics; drown and burn witches, or kill astronomers. These acts were the acts of men, for human reasons and they were barbaric. No less so because they were committed by Christians.

If you wish to be Christian, I suggest you spend more time studying the teachings of Christ and history, before you try to speak for Christians. God did not send his light unto the world to inspire fear or to defend Christians from the evils of this world. Christ did not defend himself from the Romans; he did not call upon his father to avenge his torture and murder; and the Holy Spirit did not instill in the Apostles the power to crush the armies of Rome and establish an earthly kingdom.

Through love we light the path to salvation. Through anger, hate, and fear we push others into the dark. God loves all of mankind, not just Christians. God recognizes no lines in the sand of the world.

? April 15, 2013 at 9:44 pm

“What empire?” lmao So why did Bin Laden plan 9/11?

BrigidBernadette April 15, 2013 at 10:03 pm

You know absolutely nothing about Islam, even less about history. Bin Laden planned 9/11 to kill the infidel. To force the west to submit to Islamic supremacy and sharia, as opposed to democracy and capitalist free markets. If it weren’t for the Jews, the Americans and even the Shia Muslims, the Islamic world would live in peace and usher in the caliphate. The restoration of the global caliphate is the goal of jihad. So all of those groups need to be eliminated. The goal of the muslim brotherhood is to infiltrate from within in western nations, conduct soft jihad from within through mass immigration, to form power blocks across the mahgreb in African nations as in Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Lybia, Mali, in the Middle East in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, in Southeast Asia. Then they will destroy Israel and then the U.S. The last empire was the British empire. And now I’m tired of lecturing idiots.

? April 15, 2013 at 10:49 pm

I think what you are “tired of” is living in reality, from wiki:

“In August 1996, bin Laden declared war against the United States. Despite the assurance of President George H.W. Bush to King Fahd in 1990, that all U.S. forces based in Saudi Arabia would be withdrawn once the Iraqi threat had been dealt with, by 1996 the Americans were still there. Bush cited the necessity of dealing with the remnants of Saddam’s regime (which Bush had chosen not to destroy). Bin Laden’s view was that “the ‘evils’ of the Middle East arose from America’s attempt to take over the region and from its support for Israel. Saudi Arabia had been turned into ‘an American colony”.[11]

He issued a fatw? against the United States, which was first published in Al Quds Al Arabi, a London-based newspaper. It was entitled “Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places.”[97] Saudi Arabia is sometimes called “The Land of the Two Holy Mosques” in reference to Mecca and Medina, the two holiest places in Islam. The reference to ‘occupation’ in the fatw? referred to US forces based in Saudi Arabia for the purpose of controlling air space in Iraq, known as Operation Southern Watch.”

Yes, I suppose reality is difficult for you, especially if you favor Israeli over US interests, etc.

john q April 15, 2013 at 11:10 pm

Or maybe it is the family of one of the children we accidentally killed in our drone strikes.

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 7:01 am

No, couldn’t be people hate America because we fuck them over! We are liberators! Everyone loves us!

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 8:46 pm

Just Iran and DPRK? We should expand the TSA to cover pedestrians on sidewalks and wiretap everyone in any major city too. You know, otherwise the terrorists win!

Sad, really.

? April 15, 2013 at 9:49 pm

You better believe every terrorist act as a result of what the CIA calls blowback will be used to justify more war, MIC funding, & larger surveillance state/govt in general. All the while “limt’d govt” morons like Brigid will be cheering it on and waving flags.

BrigidBernadette April 15, 2013 at 10:09 pm

You are incorrect. Blowback is a specific phenomenon and is most certainly not the cause of every terrorist act. Islam commands believers to either convert or be killed. Being a martyr is the highest calling for a Muslim. Read the Koran, it’s all right there. Watch TV from the Muslim world, every last bit of it is religious programing. The wesbite is called Memri. They translate it for you. It runs 24 hours a day in some countries. Young men are brainwashed by this from birth.

? April 15, 2013 at 10:50 pm

“You are incorrect.”

Actually, your issue is with the CIA. I just happen to agree with them in their assessment.

john q April 15, 2013 at 11:16 pm

Much as home schooled “Christians” are brain washed from birth by their whacked out superstitious parents.

I see little difference between religious extremists. They should be put in mental institutions.

BrigidBernadette April 16, 2013 at 7:58 am

Show me one example of Christians committing terrorists acts, not a 1000 years ago, TODAY. http://thereligionofpeace.com/

lowcorider April 16, 2013 at 8:40 am

You ever hear of Timothy McVeigh?

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 8:48 am


As for the Crusades:

Urban II offered full indulgence to any Christian participating in the Crusade. This meant quite simply that any and all sins would be forgiven and the Crusader would enter heaven. As you can imagine, this only encouraged Crusaders to engage in the worst types of sin — rape, robbery, murder — during the Crusades. By the time of the Crusades, indulgences were already granted by the Church to Christians for various reasons — a pilgrimage to Jerusalem could already buy one partial or full remission of sins, and those who died during the pilgrimage were believed to go directly to heaven, regardless of previous sins.


Oh, but that’s OK because the Muslims had to be stopped, right?

I guess I could also bring up the Inquisition, but that might be “too far back for you. How about this?


Just read the first few paragraphs and you’ll get the eerie notion that your rhetoric sounds kinda familiar. What about Timothy McVeigh’s involvement with the Christian Identity movement? What about WBC? “Behead those who insult Islam” isn’t much different than “Thank God for dead soldiers” and “Fags die, God laughs.”

Your religious superiority is getting old. Sure, Christians don’t perform female genital mutilation or (no longer) subjugate women in various ways, or (no longer) have courts that enforce religious law, or what have you, good for you. Want a cookie? There’s still an element of wanting to pass laws to enforce what Christians believe is “moral,” putting the Ten Commandments and nativity scenes in as many public areas as possible, rewriting of history and general education, assaulting science that is inconsistent with your beliefs, and other attempts to force their religion on everyone else.

Freedom of religion is not a Christian value when you believe everyone else is going to Hell for not believing in your shit. Protestant religions formed because people wanted to believe different shit. Christianity went through a lot of changes over the last several centuries that have drastically altered what it was then to what it is now, but yes, there’s still religious extremism in it, as with any religion.

Your religion has simply had the luxury of being dragged kicking and screaming to the 21st century.

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 7:07 am

Is every Muslim a threat to you? If yes, then wow, GG bigot. If not, all this rhetoric is pointless.

Fox News has you covered. Erik Rush just said we need to “kill all Muslims.” Those darned brown people!

lowcorider April 16, 2013 at 8:41 am

Fred fucktard Phelps

lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 10:18 pm

I’m cooking up some fucking Freedom Fries.

lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 10:17 pm

BFD. 15/19 and W invades Iraq.

Brigid April 15, 2013 at 7:01 pm

A Saudi national is being held.

? April 15, 2013 at 8:06 pm

A Saudi committed the crime? Looks like its time to invade Iran or N.Korea. I’m sure he did it because of our freedoms. It had nothing to do with our empire.

Brigid April 15, 2013 at 8:31 pm

What empire? I’m sure he did it because of the Koran, which compels Muslims to kill the unbelievers. Basic tenet of Islam: covert or kill. Jihad is the reason, you leftie scum.

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 8:48 pm

What were the Crusades? Violence is in every religion.

Brigid April 15, 2013 at 9:32 pm

I know you are retarded but follow along. Christians fought–hundreds of years ago–to liberate Jerusalem from the mozzers who were sacking it. Christians haven’t crusaded for again–hundreds and hundreds of years. There is no moral equivalency between historical acts of Christians and the present day acts of jihad whose intentions are–get ready for it–global Islamic supremacism, global Muslim empire, attacks against the infidel nations of the west. Read a book, you can start with Islamic Imperialism: A History by Karsh. Get back to me when you understand the logical fallacy of moral equivalence, which you can read about on wiki. But your comments reveal your disgusting hatred of your own country and your own civilization. You are a self-hating American who seeks to justify attacks against your fellow countrymen because of your own deep psychological hatred of yourself and your own failure in life, which you then project onto the nation and so by your line of reasoning–if it can be called that–attacks against us are justified. There is a word for you: quisling. If it were up to me, I rent a cruise line shit ship, christen it the U.S.S. Emma Goldman, and put the whole lot of you and your kind out to sea on a ship of fools, destined for North Korea, so you can eat rocks in the gulag and feel sanctimonious and morally superior to the rest of us who choose life, liberty, freedom.

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 6:56 am

lol wut

Christianity is more modern, the only reason it is not (currently) as barbaric. The Bible is chock full of wars and killing, including stoning gays and children, killing women and infant children during war, slavery, etc.

It was only a short time ago where we were killing “witches” in the USA. How “American” are you?

Christianity changed to fit evolving society. Given a theocracy where looney religious leaders make laws, that doesn’t happen. Enjoy your new and improved Jeebus beliefs courtesy of secularism, religious freedom, and social progress.

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 6:59 am

By modern I mean development-wise. Churches don’t preach for slavery anymore, even though the Bible says it is ok. Christianity has become an a la carte religion anyways, except for the Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachmann types.

Thomas April 16, 2013 at 4:38 pm

BrigidBernadette, I am a Christian, and your words indicate you have no clue what being a Christian is all about. You exhibit hatred of and anger toward others. These emotions have only one source and its not heaven.

You are wrong about Christian history, and your failure to acknowledge the sin of our ancestors leaves you susceptible to repeating that sin. God reveals truth to those who listen, and sometimes these truths justifiably instill regret for our actions and the actions of other Christians. Christians, filled with fear, hate, anger and/or greed, committed grievous sins in the name of Christ. They stained the church with the blood of those they should have loved and other Christians have spent centuries trying to cleanse that stain. You seem filled with those same emotions.

Christ never commanded his church to sacrifice the lives of thousands of people in the defense of worthless relics; drown and burn witches, or kill astronomers. These acts were the acts of men, for human reasons and they were barbaric. No less so because they were committed by Christians.

If you wish to be Christian, I suggest you spend more time studying the teachings of Christ and history, before you try to speak for Christians. God did not send his light unto the world to inspire fear or to defend Christians from the evils of this world. Christ did not defend himself from the Romans; he did not call upon his father to avenge his torture and murder; and the Holy Spirit did not instill in the Apostles the power to crush the armies of Rome and establish an earthly kingdom.

Through love we light the path to salvation. Through anger, hate, and fear we push others into the dark. God loves all of mankind, not just Christians. God recognizes no lines in the sand of the world.

? April 15, 2013 at 9:44 pm

“What empire?” lmao So why did Bin Laden plan 9/11?

Brigid April 15, 2013 at 10:03 pm

You know absolutely nothing about Islam, even less about history. Bin Laden planned 9/11 to kill the infidel. To force the west to submit to Islamic supremacy and sharia, as opposed to democracy and capitalist free markets. If it weren’t for the Jews, the Americans and even the Shia Muslims, the Islamic world would live in peace and usher in the caliphate. The restoration of the global caliphate is the goal of jihad. So all of those groups need to be eliminated. The goal of the muslim brotherhood is to infiltrate from within in western nations, conduct soft jihad from within through mass immigration, to form power blocks across the mahgreb in African nations as in Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Lybia, Mali, in the Middle East in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, in Southeast Asia. Then they will destroy Israel and then the U.S. The last empire was the British empire. And now I’m tired of lecturing idiots.

? April 15, 2013 at 10:49 pm

I think what you are “tired of” is living in reality, from wiki:

“In August 1996, bin Laden declared war against the United States. Despite the assurance of President George H.W. Bush to King Fahd in 1990, that all U.S. forces based in Saudi Arabia would be withdrawn once the Iraqi threat had been dealt with, by 1996 the Americans were still there. Bush cited the necessity of dealing with the remnants of Saddam’s regime (which Bush had chosen not to destroy). Bin Laden’s view was that “the ‘evils’ of the Middle East arose from America’s attempt to take over the region and from its support for Israel. Saudi Arabia had been turned into ‘an American colony”.[11]

He issued a fatw? against the United States, which was first published in Al Quds Al Arabi, a London-based newspaper. It was entitled “Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places.”[97] Saudi Arabia is sometimes called “The Land of the Two Holy Mosques” in reference to Mecca and Medina, the two holiest places in Islam. The reference to ‘occupation’ in the fatw? referred to US forces based in Saudi Arabia for the purpose of controlling air space in Iraq, known as Operation Southern Watch.”

Yes, I suppose reality is difficult for you, especially if you favor Israeli over US interests, etc.

john q April 15, 2013 at 11:10 pm

Or maybe it is the family of one of the children we accidentally killed in our drone strikes.

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 7:01 am

No, couldn’t be people hate America because we fuck them over! We are liberators! Everyone loves us!

Smirks April 15, 2013 at 8:46 pm

Just Iran and DPRK? We should expand the TSA to cover pedestrians on sidewalks and wiretap everyone in any major city too. You know, otherwise the terrorists win!

Sad, really.

? April 15, 2013 at 9:49 pm

You better believe every terrorist act as a result of what the CIA calls blowback will be used to justify more war, MIC funding, & larger surveillance state/govt in general. All the while “limt’d govt” morons like Brigid will be cheering it on and waving flags.

Brigid April 15, 2013 at 10:09 pm

You are incorrect. Blowback is a specific phenomenon and is most certainly not the cause of every terrorist act. Islam commands believers to either convert or be killed. Being a martyr is the highest calling for a Muslim. Read the Koran, it’s all right there. Watch TV from the Muslim world, every last bit of it is religious programing. The wesbite is called Memri. They translate it for you. It runs 24 hours a day in some countries. Young men are brainwashed by this from birth.

? April 15, 2013 at 10:50 pm

“You are incorrect.”

Actually, your issue is with the CIA. I just happen to agree with them in their assessment.

john q April 15, 2013 at 11:16 pm

Much as home schooled “Christians” are brain washed from birth by their whacked out superstitious parents.

I see little difference between religious extremists. They should be put in mental institutions.

Brigid April 16, 2013 at 7:58 am

Show me one example of Christians committing terrorists acts, not a 1000 years ago, TODAY. http://thereligionofpeace.com/

Lowcorider April 16, 2013 at 8:40 am

You ever hear of Timothy McVeigh?

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 8:48 am


As for the Crusades:

Urban II offered full indulgence to any Christian participating in the Crusade. This meant quite simply that any and all sins would be forgiven and the Crusader would enter heaven. As you can imagine, this only encouraged Crusaders to engage in the worst types of sin — rape, robbery, murder — during the Crusades. By the time of the Crusades, indulgences were already granted by the Church to Christians for various reasons — a pilgrimage to Jerusalem could already buy one partial or full remission of sins, and those who died during the pilgrimage were believed to go directly to heaven, regardless of previous sins.


Oh, but that’s OK because the Muslims had to be stopped, right?

I guess I could also bring up the Inquisition, but that might be “too far back for you. How about this?


Just read the first few paragraphs and you’ll get the eerie notion that your rhetoric sounds kinda familiar. What about Timothy McVeigh’s involvement with the Christian Identity movement? What about WBC? “Behead those who insult Islam” isn’t much different than “Thank God for dead soldiers” and “Fags die, God laughs.”

Your religious superiority is getting old. Sure, Christians don’t perform female genital mutilation or (no longer) subjugate women in various ways, or (no longer) have courts that enforce religious law, or what have you, good for you. Want a cookie? There’s still an element of wanting to pass laws to enforce what Christians believe is “moral,” putting the Ten Commandments and nativity scenes in as many public areas as possible, rewriting of history and general education, assaulting science that is inconsistent with your beliefs, and other attempts to force their religion on everyone else.

Freedom of religion is not a Christian value when you believe everyone else is going to Hell for not believing in your shit. Protestant religions formed because people wanted to believe different shit. Christianity went through a lot of changes over the last several centuries that have drastically altered what it was then to what it is now, but yes, there’s still religious extremism in it, as with any religion.

Your religion has simply had the luxury of being dragged kicking and screaming to the 21st century.

Smirks April 16, 2013 at 7:07 am

Is every Muslim a threat to you? If yes, then wow, GG bigot. If not, all this rhetoric is pointless.

Fox News has you covered. Erik Rush just said we need to “kill all Muslims.” Those darned brown people!

Lowcorider April 16, 2013 at 8:41 am

Fred fucktard Phelps

Lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 10:18 pm

I’m cooking up some fucking Freedom Fries.

Lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 10:17 pm

BFD. 15/19 and W invades Iraq.

CorruptionInColumbia April 15, 2013 at 7:59 pm

Here are some interesting observations about the level of security around the time of the explosions.


CorruptionInColumbia April 15, 2013 at 7:59 pm

Here are some interesting observations about the level of security around the time of the explosions.


lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 10:16 pm

Ok I’ll go with the Aryan Brotherhood Of New England.

Lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 10:16 pm

Ok I’ll go with the Aryan Brotherhood Of New England.

JC April 16, 2013 at 12:09 pm

This reeks of a false flag operation.

JC April 16, 2013 at 12:09 pm

This reeks of a false flag operation.

shifty henry April 16, 2013 at 1:30 pm

It’s been suggested to me that one incentive to lessen this sort of violence is to turn the perpetrators over to BigT’s Penal Colony…..

shifty henry April 16, 2013 at 1:30 pm

It’s been suggested to me that one incentive to lessen this sort of violence is to turn the perpetrators over to BigT’s Penal Colony…..

Greed April 17, 2013 at 2:01 pm

look at the top of the buildings in the top left corner

Greed April 17, 2013 at 2:01 pm

look at the top of the buildings in the top left corner


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