Nikki Haley Exploring PRT Privatization?

Throughout her first term in office, S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley has traded in her Tea Party roots for the governing philosophy of a status quo “Republican.” The result? Massive spending increases, corruption and crony capitalism run amok … In fact through her first two years in office, Haley has approved…

Throughout her first term in office, S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley has traded in her Tea Party roots for the governing philosophy of a status quo “Republican.”

The result? Massive spending increases, corruption and crony capitalism run amok …

In fact through her first two years in office, Haley has approved all but $273 million of a whopping $45 billion in state spending. Talk about an underwhelming commitment to fiscal conservatism, right?

Anyway … Haley may be taking her first tentative steps in the direction of fiscal responsibility via a rumored proposal to privatize some aspects of the state’s totally superfluous Department of Parks Recreation and Tourism (SCPRT).

Reports of various privatization plans were floating around popular political message boards this week, and multiple sources at the agency have confirmed to FITS that “discussions” on the issue have taken place.

Haley’s administration refused to respond to our request for comment, but if it isn’t looking for privatization options at this agency – it should be. In fact Haley long ago should have proposed eliminating SCPRT completely – and earmarking its funding for taxpayer rebates.

SCPRT is slated to receive $79.2 million in the coming FY 2013-14 state budget – a 12.1 percent increase over its current funding level. That’s a lot of money for an agency which performs precisely ZERO core functions of government.

Seriously … South Carolina should not be in the parks business. Nor the recreation business. Nor the tourism business. In fact in each of the past two years, SCPRT director Duane Parrish – no stranger to wasting tax dollars – promised double digit growth in the state’s tourism industry and both times he missed the mark.

And Haley and her “Republican” allies are giving him more money this year … why?

South Carolina taxpayers cannot afford (and should not be expected to subsidize) superfluous government functions – at any level. Accordingly, we urge Haley to embrace the full privatization of this agency in her future executive budgets – while giving the millions of dollars that would be saved back to taxpayers.


Pic: Travis Bell Photography

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Smirks April 9, 2013 at 10:34 am

Who wants to bet whatever gets privatized gets done so some business can suck tax dollars and reward Haley with campaign contributions?

Vanguard16 April 9, 2013 at 12:47 pm

That or a job when she’s boot from office in 2014!!

Smirks April 9, 2013 at 10:34 am

Who wants to bet whatever gets privatized gets done so some business can suck tax dollars and reward Haley with campaign contributions?

Vanguard16 April 9, 2013 at 12:47 pm

That or a job when she’s boot from office in 2014!!

Jan April 9, 2013 at 10:43 am

Let me guess, she has more family members she wants the taxpayers to support. Three is not enough. Perhaps we could turn all the state lands over to the Sikh Temple and they will run it for the benefit of state residents on a “non-profit” basis.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 11:13 am

Are you STUPID (or just another leftwing nutjob???): If she makes it private, there are fewer gov’t jobs to give to family…IDIOT!!!!…
Also: I don’t appreciate your Religious BIGOTRY…You worship Obama, and his taking from others w/ Gov’t, Nazi FORCE…
The gov’t politicians fund your Religion…So STFU w/ your hate for others not like you…

Sam April 9, 2013 at 11:56 am

Wonder what happened to the $$$$ supposedly missing at the temple? When confronted, didn’t Ajit tell them to ask Nikki?

Jan April 9, 2013 at 10:43 am

Let me guess, she has more family members she wants the taxpayers to support. Three is not enough. Perhaps we could turn all the state lands over to the Sikh Temple and they will run it for the benefit of state residents on a “non-profit” basis.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 11:13 am

Are you STUPID (or just another leftwing nutjob???): If she makes it private, there are fewer gov’t jobs to give to family…IDIOT!!!!…
Also: I don’t appreciate your Religious BIGOTRY…You worship Obama, and his taking from others w/ Gov’t, Nazi FORCE…
The gov’t politicians fund your Religion…So STFU w/ your hate for others not like you…

Sam April 9, 2013 at 11:56 am

Wonder what happened to the $$$$ supposedly missing at the temple? When confronted, didn’t Ajit tell them to ask Nikki?

BigT April 9, 2013 at 11:08 am

Thank goodness Sheheen is seen as a serious candidate.
Sanford NEVER had a legitimate opponent, so he acted like a Moderate…he was so arrogant, he just P!$$#d off both sides, so he talked big, and got over-ran, for a Spend-Happy government result…
Haley HAS tO RUN RIGHT to be re-elected. She opposed expanding the Wasteful Medicid Scheme by Obama…and Got’t do-nothing, but regulate, gov’t employees are losing their jobs…
Going Private w/ PRT would be a BIG feateher in her cap…
Sanford just Bloated that office, as performance sunk, because it was awash w/ cash from the state’s No. 1 industry…

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 11:59 am

She ran right the first time, fuckstick.

Sam April 9, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Simi, do you talk to yo mama with that mouth?

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 12:38 pm

No, yours.

Sam April 9, 2013 at 1:00 pm

We should act like grownups…don’t you think. Don’t be a hater.

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Well, don’t reply to my post like a smartass kid.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 12:18 pm

She won in 2010. you IGNORANT F&*#…but you must then GOVERN to the right to stay there, unless you’re running in an IDIOT state where they are so F($kin STUPID (like you) they Re-elect Obama, despite his Gargantuan Failure…
We’ll judge her on her record…so she better GO RIGHT..or lose…

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 12:37 pm

Idio T, She ran on a TEA Party platform and failed on those principles. So, all she has to do is start over?

BigT April 9, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Those Principles are reducing the size of government, you Dumb@$$…That’s what she is doing, here…or can you not read???
If she sticks to the RIGHT…No leftwing Idiot will have a chance.
Haley gets into trouble when she goes moderate, like Sanford tried at times. But he was very crafty in perpetuating growth in gov’t and libertarianism.
Haley is being blatant when she goes right, because she wants to win again…

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Haley hasn’t reduced the size of government. Ask Templeton and her assistants. She cuts a bit here adds it right back in someplace else…Hell, look at that budget.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 3:21 pm

She can legitimately point to federal mandates. Obama is Screwing all of us.
And the fact that Sanford spent like crazy will help her look better. Sanford was even worse revenues in Bush’s vibrant econnomy were through the roof. Sanford gobbled every penny, while playing the fiscal conservative… and erstwhile “Back-Packer”….

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 4:59 pm

Bush’s what? Bitch, please…go ask the TEA Party about the fed money she took.

Liberal=Science=Equality April 9, 2013 at 5:23 pm

Her friends and family in state government aren’t hurting…if fact, they got raises!

BigT April 9, 2013 at 11:08 am

Thank goodness Sheheen is seen as a serious candidate.
Sanford NEVER had a legitimate opponent, so he acted like a Moderate…he was so arrogant, he just P!$$#d off both sides, so he talked big, and got over-ran, for a Spend-Happy government result…
Haley HAS tO RUN RIGHT to be re-elected. She opposed expanding the Wasteful Medicid Scheme by Obama…and Got’t do-nothing, but regulate, gov’t employees are losing their jobs…
Going Private w/ PRT would be a BIG feateher in her cap…
Sanford just Bloated that office, as performance sunk, because it was awash w/ cash from the state’s No. 1 industry…

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 11:59 am

She ran right the first time, fuckstick.

Sam April 9, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Simi, do you talk to yo mama with that mouth?

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 12:38 pm

No, yours.

Sam April 9, 2013 at 1:00 pm

We should act like grownups…don’t you think. Don’t be a hater.

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Well, don’t reply to my post like a smartass kid.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 12:18 pm

She won in 2010. you IGNORANT F&*#…but you must then GOVERN to the right to stay there, unless you’re running in an IDIOT state where they are so F($kin STUPID (like you) they Re-elect Obama, despite his Gargantuan Failure…
We’ll judge her on her record…so she better GO RIGHT..or lose…

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 12:37 pm

Idio T, She ran on a TEA Party platform and failed on those principles. So, all she has to do is start over?

BigT April 9, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Those Principles are reducing the size of government, you Dumb@$$…That’s what she is doing, here…or can you not read???
If she sticks to the RIGHT…No leftwing Idiot will have a chance.
Haley gets into trouble when she goes moderate, like Sanford tried at times. But he was very crafty in perpetuating growth in gov’t and libertarianism.
Haley is being blatant when she goes right, because she wants to win again…

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Haley hasn’t reduced the size of government. Ask Templeton and her assistants. She cuts a bit here adds it right back in someplace else…Hell, look at that budget.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 3:21 pm

She can legitimately point to federal mandates. Obama is Screwing all of us.
And the fact that Sanford spent like crazy will help her look better. Sanford was even worse revenues in Bush’s vibrant econnomy were through the roof. Sanford gobbled every penny, while playing the fiscal conservative… and erstwhile “Back-Packer”….

Bitch Baiter April 9, 2013 at 4:59 pm

Bush’s what? Bitch, please…go ask the TEA Party about the fed money she took.

Hot Air Balloon April 9, 2013 at 5:23 pm

Her friends and family in state government aren’t hurting…if fact, they got raises!

Misstate April 9, 2013 at 12:24 pm

who is the little WIS news hottie in the picture???

Misstate April 9, 2013 at 12:24 pm

who is the little WIS news hottie in the picture???

Sam April 9, 2013 at 12:42 pm

It is 80 degrees today and I’ll bet she’s still wearing those damn hooker boots.

Sam April 9, 2013 at 12:42 pm

It is 80 degrees today and I’ll bet she’s still wearing those damn hooker boots.

Homer April 9, 2013 at 12:44 pm

Why not privatize Santee-Cooper, the state-run utility that sells electricity and water?

In addition to not being a “core function of government,” Tony Bartleme’s recent investigative articles in the Post and Courier reveal that Santee-Cooper is mired in corruption, nepotism, racism and serious dangerous working conditions.

unclewillie1 April 9, 2013 at 10:17 pm

I believe that. Clean ’em up and save 20-30% on your electric bills in the future. Why is the fall-back automatically to privatize?

Homer April 9, 2013 at 12:44 pm

Why not privatize Santee-Cooper, the state-run utility that sells electricity and water?

In addition to not being a “core function of government,” Tony Bartleme’s recent investigative articles in the Post and Courier reveal that Santee-Cooper is mired in corruption, nepotism, racism and serious dangerous working conditions.

unclewillie1 April 9, 2013 at 10:17 pm

I believe that. Clean ’em up and save 20-30% on your electric bills in the future. Why is the fall-back automatically to privatize?

2big2fall April 9, 2013 at 1:45 pm

This will wind up being as big a disaster as the privatization movement has been to the prison industry. Uninformed taxpayers cheered the process thinking that it was going to result in lower taxes. Never has…never will.

Prison privatization hurts the local community because good paying state jobs with decent benefits are replaced with minimum wage jobs with few, if any, benefits. These low paid workers have little money left over from their paychecks to support local businesses. The profits go out-of-state to the shareholders and prison executives and the taxpayer is still on the hook for the costs involved. There is little, if any, actual reduction in cost. Turnover at these institutions is astounding and horrific conditions lead to lawsuits.

Corruption is rampant as well. Witness the case of the “Kids for Cash” scandal where two judges took money from Robert Mericle, the owner of a juvenile detention facility, to channel hundreds of youths to his facility. These crooked judges handed down extended sentences for offenses as minor as insulting a school principal on MySpace. In return, they took in $2.6 million in bribes from Mr. Mericle.

Privatization, in any application, is BS and is used primarily to reward sycopants, co-conspirators, and seedy supporters of crooked politicians. Can anyone here say Haliburton?

2big2fall April 9, 2013 at 1:47 pm

I meant to note that the judges were from Pennsylvania…

2big2fall April 9, 2013 at 1:45 pm

This will wind up being as big a disaster as the privatization movement has been to the prison industry. Uninformed taxpayers cheered the process thinking that it was going to result in lower taxes. Never has…never will.

Prison privatization hurts the local community because good paying state jobs with decent benefits are replaced with minimum wage jobs with few, if any, benefits. These low paid workers have little money left over from their paychecks to support local businesses. The profits go out-of-state to the shareholders and prison executives and the taxpayer is still on the hook for the costs involved. There is little, if any, actual reduction in cost. Turnover at these institutions is astounding and horrific conditions lead to lawsuits.

Corruption is rampant as well. Witness the case of the “Kids for Cash” scandal where two judges took money from Robert Mericle, the owner of a juvenile detention facility, to channel hundreds of youths to his facility. These crooked judges handed down extended sentences for offenses as minor as insulting a school principal on MySpace. In return, they took in $2.6 million in bribes from Mr. Mericle.

Privatization, in any application, is BS and is used primarily to reward sycopants, co-conspirators, and seedy supporters of crooked politicians. Can anyone here say Haliburton?

2big2fall April 9, 2013 at 1:47 pm

I meant to note that the judges were from Pennsylvania…

Libtard April 9, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Lets caption contest this photo shall we? Thats more productive then watching this fool attempt to govern.

Tonto April 9, 2013 at 3:03 pm

“And here’s how you play the piano and the skin flute at the same time.”

Libtard April 9, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Lets caption contest this photo shall we? Thats more productive then watching this fool attempt to govern.

Tonto April 9, 2013 at 3:03 pm

“And here’s how you play the piano and the skin flute at the same time.”

Trout r limited April 9, 2013 at 2:12 pm

So, who owns SC State Parks such as Hunting Island and Table Rock? Is this an attempt to take public lands and turn them over to the highest bidder? How about some depth on this topic so we can get a better grasp of what is at stake or is that asking too much? Or is it a “get it somewhere else, we’re just a headlines organization here” thing. I am uninformed on the role of PRT but I certainly believe that the government (a true government of the people for the people) has a role is protecting, preserving and providing some resources to the citizens who would otherwise lose out to “big development” along the way.

katlaurenscounty April 9, 2013 at 8:57 pm

FITS doesn’t do depth. You’ll find plenty of little nothings posing as investigations, like the latest piece on the SC prof. Which used plenty of unwarranted inferences to plug Will’s friends, like AG Wilson, who might be paying FITS for positive spin.You’ll also find the jumping to personal conclusions and other marketing approaches to mining for click$. Occasionally you’ll read a brilliantly irreverent piece that is FITS
competitive advantage, like the piece on rampant herpes in our
legislature. That was masterfully FITS. If you want depth, facts, and more than two minutes thought on a piece, you’ll have to go elsewhere.

Trout r limited April 9, 2013 at 2:12 pm

So, who owns SC State Parks such as Hunting Island and Table Rock? Is this an attempt to take public lands and turn them over to the highest bidder? How about some depth on this topic so we can get a better grasp of what is at stake or is that asking too much? Or is it a “get it somewhere else, we’re just a headlines organization here” thing. I am uninformed on the role of PRT but I certainly believe that the government (a true government of the people for the people) has a role is protecting, preserving and providing some resources to the citizens who would otherwise lose out to “big development” along the way.

katlaurenscounty April 9, 2013 at 8:57 pm

FITS doesn’t do depth. You’ll find plenty of little nothings posing as investigations, like the latest piece on the SC prof. Which used plenty of unwarranted inferences to plug Will’s friends, like AG Wilson, who might be paying FITS for positive spin.You’ll also find the jumping to personal conclusions and other marketing approaches to mining for click$. Occasionally you’ll read a brilliantly irreverent piece that is FITS
competitive advantage, like the piece on rampant herpes in our
legislature. That was masterfully FITS. If you want depth, facts, and more than two minutes thought on a piece, you’ll have to go elsewhere.

Versace April 9, 2013 at 2:17 pm

Why do her clothes always remind me of my grandmothers furniture from the 70’s.

Versace April 9, 2013 at 2:17 pm

Why do her clothes always remind me of my grandmothers furniture from the 70’s.

Fred April 9, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Will, your “core function” of government talk is a bunch of malarkey. The US Constitution is a wonderful thing in that it spells out what our governments should be doing.. Heck, it even explains why we need a government at all.

We need one because, unlike running a corporation, running a Republic is not profitable. It takes more than your “cops and courts” to “insure domestic Tranquility” and “promote the general Welfare” of a society.

Fred April 9, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Will, your “core function” of government talk is a bunch of malarkey. The US Constitution is a wonderful thing in that it spells out what our governments should be doing.. Heck, it even explains why we need a government at all.

We need one because, unlike running a corporation, running a Republic is not profitable. It takes more than your “cops and courts” to “insure domestic Tranquility” and “promote the general Welfare” of a society.

southmauldin April 9, 2013 at 3:01 pm

I didn’t know Charles Durning worked for Nookie?!

southmauldin April 9, 2013 at 3:01 pm

I didn’t know Charles Durning worked for Nookie?!

Vinny April 9, 2013 at 3:16 pm

Hey, Bo, just build a casino.

Vinny April 9, 2013 at 3:16 pm

Hey, Bo, just build a casino.

lowcorider April 9, 2013 at 3:32 pm

Our DNR call center is now in ALABAMA ! PRT will be the next USINPAC payback. Nim’s ideas are all rainbows and blowjobs.

Lowcorider April 9, 2013 at 3:32 pm

Our DNR call center is now in ALABAMA ! PRT will be the next USINPAC payback. Nim’s ideas are all rainbows and blowjobs.

katlaurenscounty April 9, 2013 at 4:49 pm

Haley lied to my face about PRT. Or she’s grossly incompetent. Or both.

Last Wednesday I sent FITS audio and docs, my conversation with Haley about Parish funding Laurens county corruption.

FITS reported on my early investigation of misuse of PRT funding.

Before SLED and the Sec of State started investigations.

As the emails from PRT show, agency lawyer Willoughby attempted to hide Parrish’s mismanagement with intentional deceit. Or Willoughby’s ignorant of the law (or, maybe like her boss Haley, both) Come to think about it, Willoughby followed a great example of our state’s deceitful, or incompetent (or both..see a pattern here?) legal profession, AG Wilson.

Last week FITS posted nothing happens in Laurens County. PRT is happy, as are the other agencies Haley is supposed to be managing, that no one is noticing how a giant arterial flow of misuse is hidden by breaking it up into smaller pieces across the state. Local crooks in other counties, like the ones in Laurens County, are very grateful also.

FITS missed Haley’s breathtaking admission on the audio, she’s spending our money for her personal aspirations. Understandably. Just like Haley, FITS doesn’t know operations management means operating to written rules (our law) according to specific procedures (agency directives, etc.)

Haley ADMITTED the Commission for Ethics Reform has nothing to do with agency operations. It only affects elected officials. At the state level, that’s the legislature (mostly). Reducing corruption from PRT and other agency operations is one of her fundamental duties. She’s ignoring it. Instead, spending a lot of her time, and our money, funding and marketing consultants on a Commission that has nothing to do with the branch she’s supposed to be leading.

Wheee, Sanfraud/Haley on a National Repub Ticket!!! Liars and Snake Oil Salesman for Pres/VP!!!!

katlaurenscounty April 9, 2013 at 4:49 pm

Haley lied to my face about PRT. Or she’s grossly incompetent. Or both.

Last Wednesday I sent FITS audio and docs, my conversation with Haley about Parish funding Laurens county corruption.

FITS reported on my early investigation of misuse of PRT funding.

Before SLED and the Sec of State started investigations.

As the emails from PRT show, agency lawyer Willoughby attempted to hide Parrish’s mismanagement with intentional deceit. Or Willoughby’s ignorant of the law (or, maybe like her boss Haley, both) Come to think about it, Willoughby followed a great example of our state’s deceitful, or incompetent (or both..see a pattern here?) legal profession, AG Wilson.

Last week FITS posted nothing happens in Laurens County. PRT is happy, as are the other agencies Haley is supposed to be managing, that no one is noticing how a giant arterial flow of misuse is hidden by breaking it up into smaller pieces across the state. Local crooks in other counties, like the ones in Laurens County, are very grateful also.

FITS missed Haley’s breathtaking admission on the audio, she’s spending our money for her personal aspirations. Understandably. Just like Haley, FITS doesn’t know operations management means operating to written rules (our law) according to specific procedures (agency directives, etc.)

Haley ADMITTED the Commission for Ethics Reform has nothing to do with agency operations. It only affects elected officials. At the state level, that’s the legislature (mostly). Reducing corruption from PRT and other agency operations is one of her fundamental duties. She’s ignoring it. Instead, spending a lot of her time, and our money, funding and marketing consultants on a Commission that has nothing to do with the branch she’s supposed to be leading.

Wheee, Sanfraud/Haley on a National Repub Ticket!!! Liars and Snake Oil Salesman for Pres/VP!!!!

Sarge April 9, 2013 at 5:42 pm

There is a group of hardcorps old time bureaucrats at PRT that run the place. They have enough connections and are owed so many favors by legislators that nothing is going to happen here. The directors of this crowd over the past 20 years have been absolutely, clueless of what is really going on with this budget and this department. Again, nothing is going to happen.

Sarge April 9, 2013 at 5:42 pm

There is a group of hardcorps old time bureaucrats at PRT that run the place. They have enough connections and are owed so many favors by legislators that nothing is going to happen here. The directors of this crowd over the past 20 years have been absolutely, clueless of what is really going on with this budget and this department. Again, nothing is going to happen.

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 8:52 pm

South Carolina taxpayers won’t get a damn fucking dime back if PRT, DOT, DMV or even STD is privatized.

Well in advance of any privatization the cockroaches will set up LLCs, DDTs, 501s, 402s and any other type of dummy organization to reap the benefits of contracts. Leading the pack will be our Gypsy Queen Bubble Head Governor and her tribe

“millions….back to the taxpayer” you say

Hell I got a better chance of being invited by ECB to come on down to Charleston for chicken /waffles brunch at Poogan’s Porch and having her whisper in my ear me what a sweet old white bastard fart I am, by damn.

katlaurenscounty April 9, 2013 at 8:57 pm

+one million!!!!

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 8:52 pm

South Carolina taxpayers won’t get a damn fucking dime back if PRT, DOT, DMV or even STD is privatized.

Well in advance of any privatization the cockroaches will set up LLCs, DDTs, 501s, 402s and any other type of dummy organization to reap the benefits of contracts. Leading the pack will be our Gypsy Queen Bubble Head Governor and her tribe

“millions….back to the taxpayer” you say

Hell I got a better chance of being invited by ECB to come on down to Charleston for chicken /waffles brunch at Poogan’s Porch and having her whisper in my ear me what a sweet old white bastard fart I am, by damn.

katlaurenscounty April 9, 2013 at 8:57 pm

+one million!!!!

-9" April 10, 2013 at 4:01 am

‘Tea Party roots’? Are you reading books from the remaindered section at Books-A-Million?

And you have the nerve to call anyone in SC a redneck? You take the cake.

You’re a white jive ass honky,got a little money you think will last forever,and you’ll never need the ‘government’.

-9" April 10, 2013 at 4:01 am

‘Tea Party roots’? Are you reading books from the remaindered section at Books-A-Million?

And you have the nerve to call anyone in SC a redneck? You take the cake.

You’re a white jive ass honky,got a little money you think will last forever,and you’ll never need the ‘government’.


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