Rand Paul On Immigration

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) is running for president in 2016 … in case you hadn’t heard. And the ideological positioning for his all-but-assured candidacy has already begun. Paul addressed the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce this week and offered up some decidedly accommodating thoughts on the issue of immigration…

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) is running for president in 2016 … in case you hadn’t heard. And the ideological positioning for his all-but-assured candidacy has already begun.

Paul addressed the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce this week and offered up some decidedly accommodating thoughts on the issue of immigration – a sop to the fastest-growing segment of the American electorate (and an acknowledgment of actual and political realities). Of course Paul – who as recently as two years ago was adopting a hard line on this issue – may have stumbled upon some solid policy ground via this exercise in pragmatism.

“Somewhere along the line Republicans have failed to understand and articulate that immigrants are an asset to America, not a liability,” he said. “It is absolutely vital the Republican Party must embrace more legal immigration. If you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place for you.”

He’s right …

Paul appears to have realized what we’ve been screaming about immigration for some time – that nobody’s getting deported and nobody’s building a wall. And that once you acknowledge those realities, the debate gets a lot simpler.

Or as Alex Nowrasteh of The Cato Institute recently wrote: “It is foolish to expect legalization and enforcement alone to stop unauthorized immigration. The demand is too strong on both sides of the labor equation. We need reforms that adapt to that reality.”

This is why we’ve never pandered on this issue … and why we don’t get bent out of shape when Washington politicians start tinkering around its edges.

Think about it: Immigrants start companies. They hire people. They buy stuff. And oh by the way they are responsible for a lot of the free market innovation that was driving this country toward unprecedented prosperity … until the federal government started granting home loans to people who couldn’t afford them (and trying to spend its way out of the ensuing fiscal collapse).

But we digress …

The fact is Paul’s three general themes – enhanced border security, expanded legal immigration and a so-called “pathway to status” – all make sense. Particularly the second item, which has been consistently blocked by organized labor leaders. And while the devil will obviously be in the details on these proposals, it’s good to see one of the leading GOP contenders staking out sensible ideological ground – as opposed to going the Nikki Haley route .

Sure, Paul is adopting these general principles for brazenly political reasons … but judging from the “Republican” reaction inside the Washington, D.C. beltway he took as much grief for his statements as he received praise.

Which is probably a good thing …

Of course as much as Rand Paul needs to be accommodative on this issue … the issue needs people like him to be accommodative.

“Immigration reform will not occur until conservative Republicans like myself become part of the solution,” he said. “That is why I’m here today, to begin that conversation.”

Conservation on …


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vicupstate March 20, 2013 at 9:14 pm

Yet another RINO turncoat in favor of Grahamnesty. Can’t wait for Big T to express his disgust at this turn of events.

BigT March 21, 2013 at 6:39 am

It looks like I’ve supplanted FITS in your minds, that beg for insightful and intellectual (not Sanford-selfish) commentary…

Also: Obama’s BREAKING the economy has done more to rid us of illegals than any policy. No jobs, like it is under Obama, and they’d rather stay in their country…

At -5% unemployment, under Bush..everybody was prosperous.. We ain’t had to worry about that since 2008 and the Obama Disaster…Of course all the Obama Freebies are enticing…but those are running out, too…

vicupstate March 21, 2013 at 8:38 am

Unemployment is lower now than when Bush left office. There were fewer jobs when Bush left office than when he took office.

But hey, when have facts ever mattered to you?

Now what say you on R.I.N.O. Rand?

BigT March 21, 2013 at 8:58 am

How many people have quit looking you Brain Dead F*^^ up???…And how is Obama Fixing the numbers…you lying idiot???
If you are trying to claim the economy is in good shape, you may the most ignorant M*!%er-F*^k#r to ever learn to write a word…(though you may just copied and pasted from Dumb@##$#. dot-com.
Food Stamps, Welfare, Income levels, production, part-time, wages….are generating Horrible numbers…I don’t care if you are an IGNOARNT idol worshiper of a F*#k#d up, failed president…but I cannot stand of F*@kin liar…..

southmauldin March 21, 2013 at 9:30 am

Fellow Upstater, Getting T fired up is like poking a possum that you have cornered in the backyard. It’s funny and both have the same overall disposition.

BigT March 21, 2013 at 11:16 am

If you need a POKE to get P!$$#D off, considering the state of this country……you must be F*#kin Brain Dead…(no need to answer that one SM)….

Swingset Blues March 21, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Go outside and play with your friends…

vicupstate March 20, 2013 at 9:14 pm

Yet another RINO turncoat in favor of Grahamnesty. Can’t wait for Big T to express his disgust at this turn of events.

BigT March 21, 2013 at 6:39 am

It looks like I’ve supplanted FITS in your minds, that beg for insightful and intellectual (not Sanford-selfish) commentary…

Also: Obama’s BREAKING the economy has done more to rid us of illegals than any policy. No jobs, like it is under Obama, and they’d rather stay in their country…

At -5% unemployment, under Bush..everybody was prosperous.. We ain’t had to worry about that since 2008 and the Obama Disaster…Of course all the Obama Freebies are enticing…but those are running out, too…

vicupstate March 21, 2013 at 8:38 am

Unemployment is lower now than when Bush left office. There were fewer jobs when Bush left office than when he took office.

But hey, when have facts ever mattered to you?

Now what say you on R.I.N.O. Rand?

BigT March 21, 2013 at 8:58 am

How many people have quit looking you Brain Dead F*^^ up???…And how is Obama Fixing the numbers…you lying idiot???
If you are trying to claim the economy is in good shape, you may the most ignorant M*!%er-F*^k#r to ever learn to write a word…(though you may just copied and pasted from Dumb@##$#. dot-com.
Food Stamps, Welfare, Income levels, production, part-time, wages….are generating Horrible numbers…I don’t care if you are an IGNOARNT idol worshiper of a F*#k#d up, failed president…but I cannot stand of F*@kin liar…..

southmauldin March 21, 2013 at 9:30 am

Fellow Upstater, Getting T fired up is like poking a possum that you have cornered in the backyard. It’s funny and both have the same overall disposition.

BigT March 21, 2013 at 11:16 am

If you need a POKE to get P!$$#D off, considering the state of this country……you must be F*#kin Brain Dead…(no need to answer that one SM)….

Swingset Blues March 21, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Go outside and play with your friends…

lowcorider March 20, 2013 at 11:00 pm

Will get about 2% more than his old man. Curly headed is always followed by little ………

Lowcorider March 20, 2013 at 11:00 pm

Will get about 2% more than his old man. Curly headed is always followed by little ………

9" March 20, 2013 at 11:24 pm Reply
9" March 20, 2013 at 11:28 pm Reply
9" March 20, 2013 at 11:24 pm Reply
9" March 20, 2013 at 11:28 pm Reply
BigT March 21, 2013 at 6:34 am

What’s of note: Just as soon as a Republican P!$$-Slaps the democrats, as Rand Paul has done…FITS (all of the sudden) begins to find some way to (though it’s passive) criticize him…

Also: For FITS and Sanford to act as if they are an authority over Rand Paul is laughable, and a testament to how stupidly seriously these idiot failures take themselves…

fITS Rand Paul is a Giant, compared to inch-worms like you and Sanford…If Sanford makes it to DC by idiot (let’s get drunk and boff) Low Country voters- and I stress COUNTRY…voters…Rand Paul outght to KICK his slimey @$$ just to endear himself to decent Americans..

BigT March 21, 2013 at 6:34 am

What’s of note: Just as soon as a Republican P!$$-Slaps the democrats, as Rand Paul has done…FITS (all of the sudden) begins to find some way to (though it’s passive) criticize him…

Also: For FITS and Sanford to act as if they are an authority over Rand Paul is laughable, and a testament to how stupidly seriously these idiot failures take themselves…

fITS Rand Paul is a Giant, compared to inch-worms like you and Sanford…If Sanford makes it to DC by idiot (let’s get drunk and boff) Low Country voters- and I stress COUNTRY…voters…Rand Paul outght to KICK his slimey @$$ just to endear himself to decent Americans..

BigT March 21, 2013 at 8:00 am

Liberals manipulate Idiots (like FITS and Sanford)…

As long as illegals HATE decent, successful Americans, liberals have power…

Liberals thrive if: Blacks hate Whites; Women Hate Men, Gays HATE Straight; Young HATES old; Takers HATE Givers…etc….

Sanford is a cold, Doltish-Nerdy POLICY Wonk…but he does not understand his enemy or human relationships. So he argues policy from THEIR leftwing premises. It’s why the Republican ideology has the support of the people…but the Party Silver-Spoons like Sanford, Peeler, Davis, Romney, Campsen, Dawson…etc…Have NO IDEA how to FIGHT for the common person…

They lack REAL LIFE experience w/ blacks, women, Hispanics, they cannot communicate w/ them, expect through pandering…and the left’s flawed dogma…

BigT March 21, 2013 at 8:00 am

Liberals manipulate Idiots (like FITS and Sanford)…

As long as illegals HATE decent, successful Americans, liberals have power…

Liberals thrive if: Blacks hate Whites; Women Hate Men, Gays HATE Straight; Young HATES old; Takers HATE Givers…etc….

Sanford is a cold, Doltish-Nerdy POLICY Wonk…but he does not understand his enemy or human relationships. So he argues policy from THEIR leftwing premises. It’s why the Republican ideology has the support of the people…but the Party Silver-Spoons like Sanford, Peeler, Davis, Romney, Campsen, Dawson…etc…Have NO IDEA how to FIGHT for the common person…

They lack REAL LIFE experience w/ blacks, women, Hispanics, they cannot communicate w/ them, expect through pandering…and the left’s flawed dogma…

? March 21, 2013 at 8:22 am

If you really want proof that Rand Paul is a chump, all you have to do is notice that Big T loves him.

His filibuster was great….but in the end didn’t really accomplish much, with the exception that Rand is floating faux faith in limited gov’t principles when all he really is at heart a central planner in disguise.

He just believe his form of central planning is better than most in DC…what hubris.

It really doesn’t matter, Neocons are going to use Rand to fool as many Libertarians and GOPers(that are sick of the GOP) as possible into yet again thinking the GOP is salvageable or worth casting a vote for.

It won’t go much further than that, period.

? March 21, 2013 at 8:23 am

edit: “all he really is at heart IS a central” (it was a weird sentence anyway)

BigT March 21, 2013 at 8:29 am

?, You HATE anything and anyone who dares oppose your lord and savior Obama…

Saw a segment of History Channel’s ‘The Bible.’ I was reminded that ancient King Nebakanezer Demanded all the people bow and Worship him. There is SO MUCH similarity to Nebakanezer and Obama. You must throw all that is good out, to follow Obama. His worshipers, Like ?, are ignorant to truth and facts. They kneel in blind obedience. And you hate what is good…

I NEVER thought I’d see people almost trace-like in praise of an earthy idol. But you are Sickening on your knees before your god…no other way to explain your acceptance and defense of such a disaster for America…it’s supernatural…

? March 21, 2013 at 8:31 am

Obama is my lord and savior? lol…do you ever read anything I post?

BigT March 21, 2013 at 8:49 am

H#!! no…mostly just when you mention my name. You’re a F*#^in idiot…and if I want to read the ramblings of F*@!in’ Idiots I can read Sanford, FITS or The State newspaper…

I will say this: When one of you proves how ignorant the left is: I’ll take note. You BASHED Rand Paul, like FITS is trying…and democrats (F*#kin’ idiots) are in full-swing doing that right now.. You hate Rand because he slapped the P!$$ out of you recently…Bravo to Rand Paul….
PS: To claim you don’t like Obama, and to bash Rand Paul, just shows how Stupid you are…Mixed up, self-centered Dumb@$$#$ like you are why we have a Failure in the White House right now…

? March 21, 2013 at 8:53 am

Jesus you ramble….I really need to go back to ignoring you. Glad to see you jumping on the Rand Paul bandwagon though, if your previous track record in picking winners a la the GOP primary is an indicator then it looks like there’s not much to worry about when it comes to Rand.

BigT March 21, 2013 at 9:07 am

I voted for Newt Gingrich in the SCGOP Primary and he won in SC, you Ignorant Dumb@$$…He may have lost to Obama, but he would have Kicked his @$$ for all of us to see…which was a lot more than the Moderate-Libertarian Sanford-FITS-like Candidate did…

That said: Obama still won against the guy I voted for in the General. For that I’m sickened. It’s not about ME, you dirtbag piece of $#!t….I’m not like you FITS and Sanford. I actually care about my country and my state..and the fellow Americans in them…I’m not easily manipulated like weak-minded dolts, like you…

? March 21, 2013 at 9:22 am

Oh just shut up you borderline retard, you supported almost every damned primary candidate in the primary on a 2-4 week cycle before they self destructed. You literally supported every single candidate at one time except for the two left standing at the very end.

You are the very definition of ignorance. Actually, I can’t say that…you are simply incapable of routine daily logic and truth in thought.

It’s amazing to me that you being a “family values” guy even admit to voting for Gingrich…it just shows the level of hypocrisy in regard to the ideas bouncing around that mostly empty dome sitting on your shoulders.

You know what though, you are in good company…because as you point out most of SC went for Gingrich…further proof that not only do you represent the average GOPer, but why the system as it stand is permanently broken.

? March 21, 2013 at 9:33 am

edit: “stands”

BigT March 21, 2013 at 11:20 am

?…You are like so many of the Dull Liberals…I Slapped the P!$$ out of you w/ reality, about the state of the country, and your culpability, and you take it personally..and atatck me…
YOU are the problem. You think it’s about you, or me..
Your political diatribes are Worthless if they are simply taken from Tired lame eastablishment sources, and peddled as your own. You are a FITS-Cliche Clone, who simply wants to hear yourself drone on and on…and when you get your @$$ put in line…you get offended.

A. Ashe March 21, 2013 at 1:20 pm

Damn, BiTch! You just got served!

southmauldin March 21, 2013 at 9:30 am

Nebakanezer? Spell much?

? March 21, 2013 at 8:22 am

If you really want proof that Rand Paul is a chump, all you have to do is notice that Big T loves him.

His filibuster was great….but in the end didn’t really accomplish much, with the exception that Rand is floating faux faith in limited gov’t principles when all he really is at heart a central planner in disguise.

He just believe his form of central planning is better than most in DC…what hubris.

It really doesn’t matter, Neocons are going to use Rand to fool as many Libertarians and GOPers(that are sick of the GOP) as possible into yet again thinking the GOP is salvageable or worth casting a vote for.

It won’t go much further than that, period.

? March 21, 2013 at 8:23 am

edit: “all he really is at heart IS a central” (it was a weird sentence anyway)

BigT March 21, 2013 at 8:29 am

?, You HATE anything and anyone who dares oppose your lord and savior Obama…

Saw a segment of History Channel’s ‘The Bible.’ I was reminded that ancient King Nebakanezer Demanded all the people bow and Worship him. There is SO MUCH similarity to Nebakanezer and Obama. You must throw all that is good out, to follow Obama. His worshipers, Like ?, are ignorant to truth and facts. They kneel in blind obedience. And you hate what is good…

I NEVER thought I’d see people almost trace-like in praise of an earthy idol. But you are Sickening on your knees before your god…no other way to explain your acceptance and defense of such a disaster for America…it’s supernatural…

? March 21, 2013 at 8:31 am

Obama is my lord and savior? lol…do you ever read anything I post?

BigT March 21, 2013 at 8:49 am

H#!! no…mostly just when you mention my name. You’re a F*#^in idiot…and if I want to read the ramblings of F*@!in’ Idiots I can read Sanford, FITS or The State newspaper…

I will say this: When one of you proves how ignorant the left is: I’ll take note. You BASHED Rand Paul, like FITS is trying…and democrats (F*#kin’ idiots) are in full-swing doing that right now.. You hate Rand because he slapped the P!$$ out of you recently…Bravo to Rand Paul….
PS: To claim you don’t like Obama, and to bash Rand Paul, just shows how Stupid you are…Mixed up, self-centered Dumb@$$#$ like you are why we have a Failure in the White House right now…

? March 21, 2013 at 8:53 am

Jesus you ramble….I really need to go back to ignoring you. Glad to see you jumping on the Rand Paul bandwagon though, if your previous track record in picking winners a la the GOP primary is an indicator then it looks like there’s not much to worry about when it comes to Rand.

BigT March 21, 2013 at 9:07 am

I voted for Newt Gingrich in the SCGOP Primary and he won in SC, you Ignorant Dumb@$$…He may have lost to Obama, but he would have Kicked his @$$ for all of us to see…which was a lot more than the Moderate-Libertarian Sanford-FITS-like Candidate did…

That said: Obama still won against the guy I voted for in the General. For that I’m sickened. It’s not about ME, you dirtbag piece of $#!t….I’m not like you FITS and Sanford. I actually care about my country and my state..and the fellow Americans in them…I’m not easily manipulated like weak-minded dolts, like you…

? March 21, 2013 at 9:22 am

Oh just shut up you borderline retard, you supported almost every damned primary candidate in the primary on a 2-4 week cycle before they self destructed. You literally supported every single candidate at one time except for the two left standing at the very end.

You are the very definition of ignorance. Actually, I can’t say that…you are simply incapable of routine daily logic and truth in thought.

It’s amazing to me that you being a “family values” guy even admit to voting for Gingrich…it just shows the level of hypocrisy in regard to the ideas bouncing around that mostly empty dome sitting on your shoulders.

You know what though, you are in good company…because as you point out most of SC went for Gingrich…further proof that not only do you represent the average GOPer, but why the system as it stand is permanently broken.

? March 21, 2013 at 9:33 am

edit: “stands”

BigT March 21, 2013 at 11:20 am

?…You are like so many of the Dull Liberals…I Slapped the P!$$ out of you w/ reality, about the state of the country, and your culpability, and you take it personally..and atatck me…
YOU are the problem. You think it’s about you, or me..
Your political diatribes are Worthless if they are simply taken from Tired lame eastablishment sources, and peddled as your own. You are a FITS-Cliche Clone, who simply wants to hear yourself drone on and on…and when you get your @$$ put in line…you get offended.

A. Ashe March 21, 2013 at 1:20 pm

Damn, BiTch! You just got served!

southmauldin March 21, 2013 at 9:30 am

Nebakanezer? Spell much?

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 21, 2013 at 11:10 am

I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Rand Paul, as well as your use of the adjective, ” borderline”.

? March 21, 2013 at 11:39 am

lol…I understand what you’re saying…but you realize you are on the same team as the one who’s status of “borderline” you disagree with…right?

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 21, 2013 at 1:26 pm

Yes. However, with the exception of the coots, BigT doesn’t ever seem to stay with the same team for too long…

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 21, 2013 at 1:29 pm

But…yes, I admit it does throw up read flags for me.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 21, 2013 at 11:10 am

I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Rand Paul, as well as your use of the adjective, ” borderline”.

? March 21, 2013 at 11:39 am

lol…I understand what you’re saying…but you realize you are on the same team as the one who’s status of “borderline” you disagree with…right?

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 21, 2013 at 1:26 pm

Yes. However, with the exception of the coots, BigT doesn’t ever seem to stay with the same team for too long…

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 21, 2013 at 1:29 pm

But…yes, I admit it does throw up read flags for me.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 21, 2013 at 11:15 am

The above comment was for? . My ‘Droid doesn’t like the new Fits site…..

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 21, 2013 at 11:15 am

The above comment was for? . My ‘Droid doesn’t like the new Fits site…..

This just in . . . March 21, 2013 at 1:55 pm

N.R.A. Can’t Believe How Well National Conversation About Guns Is Going

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — As the national conversation about guns enters its fifth month, the National Rifle Association C.E.O. Wayne LaPierre gave it his seal of
approval today, saying that he hopes the conversation continues “forever.”

“I must admit, when the national conversation about guns started in those dark days of December, I thought it was a bad idea,” said Mr. LaPierre. “People kept saying that things would be different this time, and that scared the bejesus out of me.”

Because of what appeared to be a new resolve to finally do something about gun violence, he said, “I was concerned that the national conversation about guns would turn into something uglier, like congressional action.”

“Fortunately, that danger seems to have passed,” he said.

The N.R.A. leader said that he expects his organization to continue to take an active role in the national conversation about guns as it moves forward: “We want to talk about an assault-rifle ban. We want to talk about background checks. We want to talk about anything else that we know will never happen.”

But while Mr. LaPierre “can’t believe how well the national conversation is going,” he said that the N.R.A. would remain vigilant in keeping the conversation from “veering off into concrete remedies that will actually change things.”

“We’ve had five months of talk, and that’s a good start,” he said. “But now is the time for more talk.”

This just in . . . March 21, 2013 at 1:55 pm

N.R.A. Can’t Believe How Well National Conversation About Guns Is Going

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — As the national conversation about guns enters its fifth month, the National Rifle Association C.E.O. Wayne LaPierre gave it his seal of
approval today, saying that he hopes the conversation continues “forever.”

“I must admit, when the national conversation about guns started in those dark days of December, I thought it was a bad idea,” said Mr. LaPierre. “People kept saying that things would be different this time, and that scared the bejesus out of me.”

Because of what appeared to be a new resolve to finally do something about gun violence, he said, “I was concerned that the national conversation about guns would turn into something uglier, like congressional action.”

“Fortunately, that danger seems to have passed,” he said.

The N.R.A. leader said that he expects his organization to continue to take an active role in the national conversation about guns as it moves forward: “We want to talk about an assault-rifle ban. We want to talk about background checks. We want to talk about anything else that we know will never happen.”

But while Mr. LaPierre “can’t believe how well the national conversation is going,” he said that the N.R.A. would remain vigilant in keeping the conversation from “veering off into concrete remedies that will actually change things.”

“We’ve had five months of talk, and that’s a good start,” he said. “But now is the time for more talk.”


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