SC-1: More Polling

Last week during our founding editor’s trip to Washington, D.C. he was provided with some broad strokes taken from a recent poll of Republican voters in South Carolina’s first congressional district. This week we’ve got similar info from another first district poll, data which shows a very similar landscape … According to…

Last week during our founding editor’s trip to Washington, D.C. he was provided with some broad strokes taken from a recent poll of Republican voters in South Carolina’s first congressional district.

This week we’ve got similar info from another first district poll, data which shows a very similar landscape …

According to these numbers (taken from a survey conducted last week), former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford is supported by nearly 30 percent of first district Republican voters – a figure we’re told is “virtually identical” to the scandal-scarred politician’s poll position was a month ago.

Two candidates – Teddy Turner and Curtis Bostic – are in the “low teens” behind Sanford. Meanwhile the two most prominent current elected officials in the race – S.C. Rep. Chip Limehouse (RINO-Charleston) and Larry Grooms (R-Berkeley) – are polling in high single digits.

Other polls show Grooms in the mid-teens – well ahead of Limehouse.

According to the pollster – who declined to provide specific percentages for the field – Limehouse’s support has tanked over the last month, which probably explains why his campaign is targeting Turner so aggressively.

“He’s down at least six points (since February),” our source said.

Ouch …

Sixteen “Republicans” are running for the first district seat vacated earlier this year by newly appointed U.S. Sen. Tim Scott – and election day is now less than a week away (March 19). If none of these candidates receive a majority of the vote next week, a runoff election between the top two finishers (one of whom is clearly going to be Mark Sanford) will be held on April 2.

Whoever wins that race will go up against Democrat Elizabeth Colbert-Busch in a May special election.


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BigT March 13, 2013 at 11:03 am

Sanford, because of his high-profile (or his infamy) is the de-facto Incumbent…30% for an incumebt is HORRIBLE. He has to make up 20 percent vs a run-off opponent. Next to Impossible.
Also: 30% is a GLARING number. With horrible unemployment, embarrssment as a country, soaring gas prices, Solyndra, Benghazi, sick housing, race hate at an all-time high, disasterous polarization…30% STILL say Obama is doing a good job.
Sanford’s 30% (like Obama’s) is likely the most ignorantr of voters, who would follow Satan into H#!! based for all the wrong and stupid reasons…
We should all hope this guy crashes and burns. Sanford is embaraassment to our state and even worse for the GOP at a time when the GOP must be stronger…

BigT March 13, 2013 at 11:03 am

Sanford, because of his high-profile (or his infamy) is the de-facto Incumbent…30% for an incumebt is HORRIBLE. He has to make up 20 percent vs a run-off opponent. Next to Impossible.
Also: 30% is a GLARING number. With horrible unemployment, embarrssment as a country, soaring gas prices, Solyndra, Benghazi, sick housing, race hate at an all-time high, disasterous polarization…30% STILL say Obama is doing a good job.
Sanford’s 30% (like Obama’s) is likely the most ignorantr of voters, who would follow Satan into H#!! based for all the wrong and stupid reasons…
We should all hope this guy crashes and burns. Sanford is embaraassment to our state and even worse for the GOP at a time when the GOP must be stronger…

surfer, the web, that is March 13, 2013 at 11:16 am

If Mark would start talking about his Nikki adventure in China, his numbers would skyrocket.

surfer, the web, that is March 13, 2013 at 11:16 am

If Mark would start talking about his Nikki adventure in China, his numbers would skyrocket.

Sailor March 13, 2013 at 11:17 am

Big T(urd) logic! “He (Sandford) has to make up 20 percent vs a run-off opponent . Next to impossible.” If either Turner or Bostic come in second with say 18% (which is better than they are now polling), they need another 32% in the run-off! Who would you rather be?

BigT March 13, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Read what I said about the INCUMBENT (and apply name recognition) you ignorant Dumb@$$…
Everybody knows Sanford. His numbers have topped out. In a way tt’s what Sanford was able to do to Peeler in 2002. The challenger vs Sanford in a Run-off can obliterate Sanford one-on-one because Sanford is veiwed as Trash, a Liar and a Cheat…
The challenger can define himself. Unfortunately, Sanford already and irrevocably has defined what he is…

vicupstate March 14, 2013 at 6:21 am

Like a blind squirrel, Idiot T has found the occasional nut of truth. Sanford will lead the primary but struggle to win the runoff. His only chance will be to make his opponent seem worse than himself. A tough act, but a slim possiblity. It won’t be easy to do, with only two weeks.
Hopefully Dems will vote in mass in the runoff to put Sanford over the top and give their party a good shot at winning the seat in May.

vicupstate March 14, 2013 at 6:24 am

By the way, were Sanford to get the nomination, you can expext Big Turd to endorse him despite his endless anti-Sanford rantings now.

Sailor March 13, 2013 at 11:17 am

Big T(urd) logic! “He (Sandford) has to make up 20 percent vs a run-off opponent . Next to impossible.” If either Turner or Bostic come in second with say 18% (which is better than they are now polling), they need another 32% in the run-off! Who would you rather be?

BigT March 13, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Read what I said about the INCUMBENT (and apply name recognition) you ignorant Dumb@$$…
Everybody knows Sanford. His numbers have topped out. In a way tt’s what Sanford was able to do to Peeler in 2002. The challenger vs Sanford in a Run-off can obliterate Sanford one-on-one because Sanford is veiwed as Trash, a Liar and a Cheat…
The challenger can define himself. Unfortunately, Sanford already and irrevocably has defined what he is…

vicupstate March 14, 2013 at 6:21 am

Like a blind squirrel, Idiot T has found the occasional nut of truth. Sanford will lead the primary but struggle to win the runoff. His only chance will be to make his opponent seem worse than himself. A tough act, but a slim possiblity. It won’t be easy to do, with only two weeks.
Hopefully Dems will vote in mass in the runoff to put Sanford over the top and give their party a good shot at winning the seat in May.

vicupstate March 14, 2013 at 6:24 am

By the way, were Sanford to get the nomination, you can expext Big Turd to endorse him despite his endless anti-Sanford rantings now.

JMS March 13, 2013 at 11:38 am

I’m sorry but it’s very difficult to take a poll seriously when you aren’t provided the percentages, sample size, margin of error, or other details (like question text).

In other words, these numbers could be made completely up, since we don’t have the information to verify them. There’s little way to know if this wasn’t push polling.

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:14 pm

you got us … we made up a poll which painted the worst possible picture of the candidate we are endorsing in the race. YOU GOT US!

Please March 13, 2013 at 10:00 pm

And then added a sentence, after the article was first published (“duh” caught the edit) that “other polls show Grooms in the mid-teens – well ahead of Limehouse.” So maybe you didn’t make up the first poll, but you made up the “other” polls… By the way, what did the “other” polls say about any candidates other than Grooms, since he’s the only one you mentioned?

vicupstate March 14, 2013 at 6:16 am

You wouldn’t have to make it up. If it was a push poll, the pollster would have rigged it to show what they wanted it to show, based on the question wording and the sample. That is his point, which obviously went over your head.

JMS March 13, 2013 at 11:38 am

I’m sorry but it’s very difficult to take a poll seriously when you aren’t provided the percentages, sample size, margin of error, or other details (like question text).

In other words, these numbers could be made completely up, since we don’t have the information to verify them. There’s little way to know if this wasn’t push polling.

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:14 pm

you got us … we made up a poll which painted the worst possible picture of the candidate we are endorsing in the race. YOU GOT US!

Please March 13, 2013 at 10:00 pm

And then added a sentence, after the article was first published (“duh” caught the edit) that “other polls show Grooms in the mid-teens – well ahead of Limehouse.” So maybe you didn’t make up the first poll, but you made up the “other” polls… By the way, what did the “other” polls say about any candidates other than Grooms, since he’s the only one you mentioned?

vicupstate March 14, 2013 at 6:16 am

You wouldn’t have to make it up. If it was a push poll, the pollster would have rigged it to show what they wanted it to show, based on the question wording and the sample. That is his point, which obviously went over your head.

duh March 13, 2013 at 11:50 am

Nice edit to the article that you just added in there of “other polls shows Grooms in the high teens above Limehouse.”

Please March 13, 2013 at 12:02 pm

What?! You mean he’s trying to make Grooms look better than his supposed polling numbers? It can’t be!

duh March 13, 2013 at 11:50 am

Nice edit to the article that you just added in there of “other polls shows Grooms in the high teens above Limehouse.”

Please March 13, 2013 at 12:02 pm

What?! You mean he’s trying to make Grooms look better than his supposed polling numbers? It can’t be!

Saint John the Devine March 13, 2013 at 1:11 pm

Bostic the evangelist christian is trailing Sanford the philanderer among Republicans? Maybe revelations of Bostic’s baby-snatching christian missions in China and Pakistan has something to do with it. How much did Bostic’s law firm earn on those missions last year — $450,000? $550,000?

Saint John the Devine March 13, 2013 at 1:11 pm

Bostic the evangelist christian is trailing Sanford the philanderer among Republicans? Maybe revelations of Bostic’s baby-snatching christian missions in China and Pakistan has something to do with it. How much did Bostic’s law firm earn on those missions last year — $450,000? $550,000?

Musta worked on god-fearin Mom March 13, 2013 at 1:29 pm

Some voters must like what they are seeing and hearing from Sanford versus the crowded field. Unaware of the narcissist profile, guess they think he has used up his lifetime quota of slips of integrity, judgement, and truthfulness and now he is a changed man. Yes he has changed, he will be more covert. And if he is caught, he’s got the ultimate get out of jail for free card, “…didn’t mean for it to happen… didn’t want it to happen…it’s not your fault…at the end of the day…we are not in charge.”

Musta worked on god-fearin Mom March 13, 2013 at 1:29 pm

Some voters must like what they are seeing and hearing from Sanford versus the crowded field. Unaware of the narcissist profile, guess they think he has used up his lifetime quota of slips of integrity, judgement, and truthfulness and now he is a changed man. Yes he has changed, he will be more covert. And if he is caught, he’s got the ultimate get out of jail for free card, “…didn’t mean for it to happen… didn’t want it to happen…it’s not your fault…at the end of the day…we are not in charge.”

Curtis March 13, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Rabbi Slifkin writes that eating fried locusts is kosher among North African jews. This Easter, join me and my family at our plantation in Ravenel for a feast of these crispy delights, to the glory of God.
– Curtis

Just in Time for Passover, Israel Braces for Locust Invasion
By Michele Chabin
March 6, 2013

JERUSALEM (RNS) — With Passover just three weeks away, the timing of a massive infestation of locusts in Egypt is striking many Israelis as downright biblical.

Millions of the grasshopper-like insects swarmed Israel’s southern neighbor, damaging crops. Some have since made their way to southern Israel.

On the eve of Passover, which this year begins at sundown on March 25, Jews around the world will recall the Exodus story and the 10 plagues that befell Egypt.

According to the Old Testament Book of Exodus, God sent 10 plagues to Egypt because the pharaoh refused to free the Israelites from captivity.

Locusts were the eighth plague. The pharaoh relented after the 10th plague and the Israelites left, but the Egyptian army pursued them until the soldiers drowned in the sea.

The last sporadic swarm of locusts was eight years ago, Keith Cressman, the senior locust forecasting officer at the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s headquarters in Rome, told NBC News. Cressman said the insects started along the Sudan-Egypt border after breeding and got caught up in a weather system that carried them north and east.

Though Israeli agricultural experts are on high alert and fear that the locusts could devastate crops, many Israelis have been more laid back, with some noting that some varieties of the leggy pests are kosher.

“Not only does the Torah permit man to eat certain mammals, birds and fish, but it even permits him to eat certain insects — namely several types of locusts,” Rabbi Natan Slifkin wrote in The Times of Israel.

Although most Jews of European descent have scant experience with locusts and don’t know how to identify the kosher kinds, some Jews of North African descent do have the expertise, Slifkin said.

Slifkin proceeded to explain how best to cook the locusts — with some oil and spices.

“My wife, however, insists that I do not use her kitchen utensils for the task; she is locust-intolerant,” the rabbi said.

“The rationale for certain locusts being kosher may be a practical matter — when your crops are wiped out by locusts, at least you’re not left with nothing to eat.”

c. 2013 Religion News Service.

Curtis March 13, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Rabbi Slifkin writes that eating fried locusts is kosher among North African jews. This Easter, join me and my family at our plantation in Ravenel for a feast of these crispy delights, to the glory of God.
– Curtis

Just in Time for Passover, Israel Braces for Locust Invasion
By Michele Chabin
March 6, 2013

JERUSALEM (RNS) — With Passover just three weeks away, the timing of a massive infestation of locusts in Egypt is striking many Israelis as downright biblical.

Millions of the grasshopper-like insects swarmed Israel’s southern neighbor, damaging crops. Some have since made their way to southern Israel.

On the eve of Passover, which this year begins at sundown on March 25, Jews around the world will recall the Exodus story and the 10 plagues that befell Egypt.

According to the Old Testament Book of Exodus, God sent 10 plagues to Egypt because the pharaoh refused to free the Israelites from captivity.

Locusts were the eighth plague. The pharaoh relented after the 10th plague and the Israelites left, but the Egyptian army pursued them until the soldiers drowned in the sea.

The last sporadic swarm of locusts was eight years ago, Keith Cressman, the senior locust forecasting officer at the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s headquarters in Rome, told NBC News. Cressman said the insects started along the Sudan-Egypt border after breeding and got caught up in a weather system that carried them north and east.

Though Israeli agricultural experts are on high alert and fear that the locusts could devastate crops, many Israelis have been more laid back, with some noting that some varieties of the leggy pests are kosher.

“Not only does the Torah permit man to eat certain mammals, birds and fish, but it even permits him to eat certain insects — namely several types of locusts,” Rabbi Natan Slifkin wrote in The Times of Israel.

Although most Jews of European descent have scant experience with locusts and don’t know how to identify the kosher kinds, some Jews of North African descent do have the expertise, Slifkin said.

Slifkin proceeded to explain how best to cook the locusts — with some oil and spices.

“My wife, however, insists that I do not use her kitchen utensils for the task; she is locust-intolerant,” the rabbi said.

“The rationale for certain locusts being kosher may be a practical matter — when your crops are wiped out by locusts, at least you’re not left with nothing to eat.”

c. 2013 Religion News Service.

G. Rice March 13, 2013 at 2:04 pm

All the more reason to vote for a Dem.

hoss March 13, 2013 at 7:44 pm

Funniest thing I have ever seen posted on this blog. A vote for Colbert Busch is a vote for the fiscal policies of the socialist Obummer meaning 3 EBT cards in every household and unemployment benefits for life while Obamascare destroy’s business and job creators.Her vote on social issues will be a rubber stamp for as many abortions as possible and Planned Parenthood while making sure marriage is NOT defined as that between a man and a woman. I would vote for the devil before I would vote for this media created fake. I don’t care how many hairdo’s or Billary pantsuits her incompetent,Forest Gump quality communications team dresses her up in.

Daily Ho Report March 13, 2013 at 8:14 pm

Sure beats crazy, retropublicans!

Please March 13, 2013 at 9:53 pm

Talking points, much? Do you have an argument in there?

Darth March 14, 2013 at 11:45 am

Gene Platt is a better choice on the green ticket, but that’s only because the Dems refused to let him run.

Ann Drops It Like It's Cock March 14, 2013 at 9:30 am

Amazing what a little Rush and Fox can do…

G. Rice March 13, 2013 at 2:04 pm

All the more reason to vote for a Dem.

hoss March 13, 2013 at 7:44 pm

Funniest thing I have ever seen posted on this blog. A vote for Colbert Busch is a vote for the fiscal policies of the socialist Obummer meaning 3 EBT cards in every household and unemployment benefits for life while Obamascare destroy’s business and job creators.Her vote on social issues will be a rubber stamp for as many abortions as possible and Planned Parenthood while making sure marriage is NOT defined as that between a man and a woman. I would vote for the devil before I would vote for this media created fake. I don’t care how many hairdo’s or Billary pantsuits her incompetent,Forest Gump quality communications team dresses her up in.

Daily Ho Report March 13, 2013 at 8:14 pm

Sure beats crazy, retropublicans!

Please March 13, 2013 at 9:53 pm

Talking points, much? Do you have an argument in there?

Darth March 14, 2013 at 11:45 am

Gene Platt is a better choice on the green ticket, but that’s only because the Dems refused to let him run.

Ann Drops It Like It's Cock March 14, 2013 at 9:30 am

Amazing what a little Rush and Fox can do…

Tamar / North Charleston March 13, 2013 at 6:04 pm

Kuhn unveiled:

The Post & Courier
Letters to the Editor
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Broken promises

After hearing arrogant comments from John Kuhn at a recent debate and reading a recent letter to the editor praising him, I am forced into action. Mr. Kuhn may talk the talk, but I don’t believe he can walk the walk.

When Mr. Kuhn was running for the state Senate, he visited my wife and me at our home. Spending nearly a half hour on my front porch, Mr. Kuhn made all kinds of campaign promises.

We spoke about North Charleston’s opposition to the State Ports Authority expanding on the Naval Base. Mr. Kuhn promised that before he took action on any matter he would solicit feedback from his constituents.

Shortly after his election, Sen. Kuhn called a town hall meeting at North Charleston City Hall to talk about the SPA expansion on the Navy Base. Instead of hearing our concerns and questions he rammed down our throats his reason for supporting the expansion. We were not given the opportunity to share our opinions.

What happened to his campaign promise to hear from the people first? Fool me once, John Kuhn, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Mr. Kuhn breaking his campaign promise, I believe, is one of many reasons he served only one term. Let’s not be fooled by John Kuhn again.

David C. Bowers
South Constellation Drive
North Charleston

David Bowers is a former North Charleston City Council member

Tamar / North Charleston March 13, 2013 at 6:04 pm

Kuhn unveiled:

The Post & Courier
Letters to the Editor
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Broken promises

After hearing arrogant comments from John Kuhn at a recent debate and reading a recent letter to the editor praising him, I am forced into action. Mr. Kuhn may talk the talk, but I don’t believe he can walk the walk.

When Mr. Kuhn was running for the state Senate, he visited my wife and me at our home. Spending nearly a half hour on my front porch, Mr. Kuhn made all kinds of campaign promises.

We spoke about North Charleston’s opposition to the State Ports Authority expanding on the Naval Base. Mr. Kuhn promised that before he took action on any matter he would solicit feedback from his constituents.

Shortly after his election, Sen. Kuhn called a town hall meeting at North Charleston City Hall to talk about the SPA expansion on the Navy Base. Instead of hearing our concerns and questions he rammed down our throats his reason for supporting the expansion. We were not given the opportunity to share our opinions.

What happened to his campaign promise to hear from the people first? Fool me once, John Kuhn, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Mr. Kuhn breaking his campaign promise, I believe, is one of many reasons he served only one term. Let’s not be fooled by John Kuhn again.

David C. Bowers
South Constellation Drive
North Charleston

David Bowers is a former North Charleston City Council member

Darth March 14, 2013 at 11:43 am

So you’re giving, despite the cross-over votes, Colbert-(Andhowsher)Busch the Dems nod in the wake of Alvin Greene’s nomination? Hmmm, I’d wonder ig Gene Platt has a better chance that Pete McCoy.
Of course, what part is Coleen Condon doing in the Bush campaign?

Darth March 14, 2013 at 11:43 am

So you’re giving, despite the cross-over votes, Colbert-(Andhowsher)Busch the Dems nod in the wake of Alvin Greene’s nomination? Hmmm, I’d wonder ig Gene Platt has a better chance that Pete McCoy.
Of course, what part is Coleen Condon doing in the Bush campaign?


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