
State Of The Unions: 2013

Despite the best efforts of U.S. President Barack Obama and his goons on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), union membership continued its decline in 2012 – even as the job market modestly improved. According to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 14.3 million American…

Despite the best efforts of U.S. President Barack Obama and his goons on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), union membership continued its decline in 2012 – even as the job market modestly improved.

According to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 14.3 million American workers were unionized last year – down roughly 400,000 from 2011. That represents 11.3 percent of the national workforce – down from 11.8 percent in 2011.

For those of you keeping score at home, that’s the lowest labor participation rate in ninety-seven years.

Private sector unionization fell from 6.9 percent to 6.6 percent (7 million employees) … while public sector unionization slipped from 37 percent to 35.9 percent (7.3 million employees). Those figures are virtually flip-flopped from the 1950s, when more than 35 percent of the private sector was unionized.

“The figures announced by the bureau point to grave problems for the future of organized labor,” lamented The New York Times, “causing some labor specialists to question whether private sector unions were sinking toward irrelevance.”

We should be so lucky …

Here in South Carolina unions already are irrelevant, although that’s not stopping S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley from bashing them … and vice versa.

As we’ve noted on numerous occasions, unions “have proven to be nothing but corrupt cancers – more interested in preserving political power and perks for their leaders than protecting the best interest of the American worker.”

The private sector agrees with us … unfortunately the Obama administration is doing everything it can to keep unions in the game, most notably via the corrupt NLRB (which is currently operating with a pair of unconstitutionally appointed board members in defiance of  a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling).


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BigT March 2, 2013 at 6:01 pm

FITS said: “Despite a modest uptick in the nation’s employment situation”….
FITS you are one punch-drunk son of a BEEEEP…..
Some GOP states are doing better…but any “uptick” in the nations numbers are from a shrinking workforce (quit looking) or government hires…
Neither represents an “upitic” in the “situation”…
As long as we have IGNORANT peoople play media…we’ll get Obama type dumb@$$#$ in office.

BigT March 2, 2013 at 6:01 pm

FITS said: “Despite a modest uptick in the nation’s employment situation”….
FITS you are one punch-drunk son of a BEEEEP…..
Some GOP states are doing better…but any “uptick” in the nations numbers are from a shrinking workforce (quit looking) or government hires…
Neither represents an “upitic” in the “situation”…
As long as we have IGNORANT peoople play media…we’ll get Obama type dumb@$$#$ in office.

Thomas March 2, 2013 at 6:38 pm

“The “official unemployment rate,” as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) stood at 7.8% in December 2012. Before the crisis began in the U.S. economy, the same rate was as low as 4.4% in May of 2007. The current unemployment rate is 77% higher now than it was in four-and half years ago.

The problem at hand is that economic conditions in the U.S. economy are poor and companies are floating in rough seas. Corporate earnings growth is under pressure, and as a result of poor earnings growth, a trend is emerging that will put pressure on the unemployment rate to increase.

For example, Morgan Stanley (NYSE/MS, $22.55) recently announced that it is planning to cut staff by six percent. The reason: poor market conditions. The company will lay off employees at all levels, but the jobs at the senior level will undergo more scrutiny.

Similarly, it wasn’t too long ago when Citigroup, Inc., (NYSE/C, $41.97) announced it was cutting 11,000 jobs from its current workforce. These jobs account for about four percent of its workforce. The bank didn’t identify how many jobs will be cut in the U.S. economy, but it plans to close down at least 44 of its bank branches.

Other major companies like The Walt Disney Company (NYSE/DIS, $54.59), are also planning job cuts. The company reports that it performed a cost-cutting review and found that these cost cuts might include layoffs in the studios and other units.

Looking at the unemployment in the U.S. economy from a broader perspective, the census figures show that only 3.9% of the population moved to different counties in pursuit of jobs in 2011—a historically low number. Why such a low figure? Jobs are scarce.”

BigT March 2, 2013 at 6:53 pm

No: the problem is : OBAMA…
Bush’s economy was GREAT…like him or hate him, that is a FACT…
Obama has been HORRIBLE w/ the economy (and just about everything else)….
When you KILL the Keystone Pipeline and put Clean coal out of business…it is an attack on American companies….Giving BILLIONS to solyndra and the VOLT is Stupid and a waste of time and money. It shows economic Ignorance by Obama…
Not to mention, the US corporate tax rate is punitive…
Obama HATES business…and we’re suffering for his ignornace…
We DID build it…and this idiot in the WH wants to tear it down….

Rice Man Skips School March 3, 2013 at 1:41 pm

Please fucking tell us the same lies again. Billions DID NOT go to Solyndra and the Volt, no such thing as clean coal (Kingston), and Keystone WOULD NOT benefit the U.S.

dwb619 March 3, 2013 at 8:37 pm

Hate to tell ya’,big idio”T”, the Keystone is still ALIVE!
All those pipeliner jobs ,for the UA pipeliners!

mph March 4, 2013 at 1:11 pm

“No: the problem is : OBAMA…
Bush’s economy was GREAT…like him or hate him, that is a FACT…”

Yep, when he left office the stock market is half of half of today, the financial system was in free-fall and the economy was losing 800k jobs a month.

That’s a curious definition of great.

Thomas March 2, 2013 at 6:38 pm

“The “official unemployment rate,” as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) stood at 7.8% in December 2012. Before the crisis began in the U.S. economy, the same rate was as low as 4.4% in May of 2007. The current unemployment rate is 77% higher now than it was in four-and half years ago.

The problem at hand is that economic conditions in the U.S. economy are poor and companies are floating in rough seas. Corporate earnings growth is under pressure, and as a result of poor earnings growth, a trend is emerging that will put pressure on the unemployment rate to increase.

For example, Morgan Stanley (NYSE/MS, $22.55) recently announced that it is planning to cut staff by six percent. The reason: poor market conditions. The company will lay off employees at all levels, but the jobs at the senior level will undergo more scrutiny.

Similarly, it wasn’t too long ago when Citigroup, Inc., (NYSE/C, $41.97) announced it was cutting 11,000 jobs from its current workforce. These jobs account for about four percent of its workforce. The bank didn’t identify how many jobs will be cut in the U.S. economy, but it plans to close down at least 44 of its bank branches.

Other major companies like The Walt Disney Company (NYSE/DIS, $54.59), are also planning job cuts. The company reports that it performed a cost-cutting review and found that these cost cuts might include layoffs in the studios and other units.

Looking at the unemployment in the U.S. economy from a broader perspective, the census figures show that only 3.9% of the population moved to different counties in pursuit of jobs in 2011—a historically low number. Why such a low figure? Jobs are scarce.”

BigT March 2, 2013 at 6:53 pm

No: the problem is : OBAMA…
Bush’s economy was GREAT…like him or hate him, that is a FACT…
Obama has been HORRIBLE w/ the economy (and just about everything else)….
When you KILL the Keystone Pipeline and put Clean coal out of business…it is an attack on American companies….Giving BILLIONS to solyndra and the VOLT is Stupid and a waste of time and money. It shows economic Ignorance by Obama…
Not to mention, the US corporate tax rate is punitive…
Obama HATES business…and we’re suffering for his ignornace…
We DID build it…and this idiot in the WH wants to tear it down….

Rice Man Skips School March 3, 2013 at 1:41 pm

Please fucking tell us the same lies again. Billions DID NOT go to Solyndra and the Volt, no such thing as clean coal (Kingston), and Keystone WOULD NOT benefit the U.S.

dwb619 March 3, 2013 at 8:37 pm

Hate to tell ya’,big idio”T”, the Keystone is still ALIVE!
All those pipeliner jobs ,for the UA pipeliners!

mph March 4, 2013 at 1:11 pm

“No: the problem is : OBAMA…
Bush’s economy was GREAT…like him or hate him, that is a FACT…”

Yep, when he left office the stock market is half of half of today, the financial system was in free-fall and the economy was losing 800k jobs a month.

That’s a curious definition of great.

Comrade1917 March 2, 2013 at 7:54 pm

Democrat Party = Unions
Unions = Democrat Party
All power to the soviets.

Comrade1917 March 2, 2013 at 7:54 pm

Democrat Party = Unions
Unions = Democrat Party
All power to the soviets.

Ec South Carolinian March 3, 2013 at 9:46 am

South Carolinians making 20K a year like Big T think they belong in the republican party when almost everything they do is to detriment regardless of the propaganda force fed to them by Fox 24/7.

If a poor person is too stupid to vote in their own interest at some point you just have to sit back and wait for the train wreck to happen. The good thing is the majority of those who will be hurt are the Big T types who will no doubt be shocked to discover that the party they identify with considers them to be dead weight and free loaders once their usefulness to the corporations funding the republican party is gone.

Unions created and expanded the middle class and gave them living wages. Dumbasses who are too stupid to see that deserve what is coming their way. I for one hope they get what they have asked for.

Comrade1917 March 3, 2013 at 10:09 am

Well said, comrade.

BigT March 3, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Lack of jobs (opportunity) skyrocking fuel prices, insurance premiums quadrupled, increased taxes, and my home is worth $40K less than I paid for it…
That’s Horrible for ALL of the middle class.
Throw in the high price of groceries, high murder and crime rate…and Obama has been a DISASTER, exacting Rev. Wright’s REVENGE on ALL Americans….
That is what Obama brought,…

R. Jeffcoat March 3, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Your house is worth $50?

BigT March 3, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Is that your attempt at an insult??…
If so, you are VERY indicative of Obama and the democrat party. Anybody not so ignorant as you…you attack…
You (and Revenge-Obama) are the most-DISGUSTING of America…

R. Jeffcoat March 3, 2013 at 5:10 pm

“Your house is worth $50?”=Joke

” Obama has been a DISASTER, exacting Rev. Wright’s REVENGE on ALL Americans….”=Distortions from a madman

You’re an idiot=Factual insult

Thanks for playing, now get back to bullshitting…

BigT March 3, 2013 at 6:53 pm

Anywhere from housing to unemployment and gas prices to theft of freedom…Obama has been a nightmare to true Americans….

And as long as he gets to live like an elitist, his minions and idiots kneel at his feet, sacrificing their children’s future and their welfare for this ugly and false god..

I don’t think I’ve EVER seen such denial in worship of a hideous idol, as I see in people like you. If you were not brain dead, I’d expect you to be ashamed. But like most idolotors…your god is all that matters…D@mn everybody else…as long as you can offer praise to your filthy master. You, and people like you, scare me…

R. Jeffcoat March 3, 2013 at 7:03 pm

Hey, idiiot. Did I mention anywhere in my posts about idolizing Obama? I like Obama just slightly better than Bush, but I’m no fan of either one. You’re one raving loon…

Ec South Carolinian March 3, 2013 at 9:46 am

South Carolinians making 20K a year like Big T think they belong in the republican party when almost everything they do is to detriment regardless of the propaganda force fed to them by Fox 24/7.

If a poor person is too stupid to vote in their own interest at some point you just have to sit back and wait for the train wreck to happen. The good thing is the majority of those who will be hurt are the Big T types who will no doubt be shocked to discover that the party they identify with considers them to be dead weight and free loaders once their usefulness to the corporations funding the republican party is gone.

Unions created and expanded the middle class and gave them living wages. Dumbasses who are too stupid to see that deserve what is coming their way. I for one hope they get what they have asked for.

Comrade1917 March 3, 2013 at 10:09 am

Well said, comrade.

BigT March 3, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Lack of jobs (opportunity) skyrocking fuel prices, insurance premiums quadrupled, increased taxes, and my home is worth $40K less than I paid for it…
That’s Horrible for ALL of the middle class.
Throw in the high price of groceries, high murder and crime rate…and Obama has been a DISASTER, exacting Rev. Wright’s REVENGE on ALL Americans….
That is what Obama brought,…

R. Jeffcoat March 3, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Your house is worth $50?

BigT March 3, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Is that your attempt at an insult??…
If so, you are VERY indicative of Obama and the democrat party. Anybody not so ignorant as you…you attack…
You (and Revenge-Obama) are the most-DISGUSTING of America…

R. Jeffcoat March 3, 2013 at 5:10 pm

“Your house is worth $50?”=Joke

” Obama has been a DISASTER, exacting Rev. Wright’s REVENGE on ALL Americans….”=Distortions from a madman

You’re an idiot=Factual insult

Thanks for playing, now get back to bullshitting…

BigT March 3, 2013 at 6:53 pm

Anywhere from housing to unemployment and gas prices to theft of freedom…Obama has been a nightmare to true Americans….

And as long as he gets to live like an elitist, his minions and idiots kneel at his feet, sacrificing their children’s future and their welfare for this ugly and false god..

I don’t think I’ve EVER seen such denial in worship of a hideous idol, as I see in people like you. If you were not brain dead, I’d expect you to be ashamed. But like most idolotors…your god is all that matters…D@mn everybody else…as long as you can offer praise to your filthy master. You, and people like you, scare me…

R. Jeffcoat March 3, 2013 at 7:03 pm

Hey, idiiot. Did I mention anywhere in my posts about idolizing Obama? I like Obama just slightly better than Bush, but I’m no fan of either one. You’re one raving loon…

Georgetown resident March 3, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Come on down to Georgetown County if you want to see what unions do for you. The “corrupt cancer more interested in preserving political power and PERKS FOR THEIR LEADERS” is on full display. The Steel Workers union is led by a corrupt loser who is only concerned with keeping himself and his worthless son in a job and benefits. All while the average working man at the mill lives on half what they used to make. Heck working families at the steel mill are getting food stamps these days. Wake up union members. You are suffering while the union boss(es) live like fat cats.

Georgetown resident March 3, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Come on down to Georgetown County if you want to see what unions do for you. The “corrupt cancer more interested in preserving political power and PERKS FOR THEIR LEADERS” is on full display. The Steel Workers union is led by a corrupt loser who is only concerned with keeping himself and his worthless son in a job and benefits. All while the average working man at the mill lives on half what they used to make. Heck working families at the steel mill are getting food stamps these days. Wake up union members. You are suffering while the union boss(es) live like fat cats.


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