
The Kids Are (Not) Alright

They’re called “Pharm Parties,” and they’re the latest thing in teenage drug abuse. How do they work? Prior to arriving at these shindigs, attendees raid their parents’ medicine cabinets and collect as many different pills as they can. At the party all the pills are dumped into a large bowl…

They’re called “Pharm Parties,” and they’re the latest thing in teenage drug abuse.

How do they work? Prior to arriving at these shindigs, attendees raid their parents’ medicine cabinets and collect as many different pills as they can. At the party all the pills are dumped into a large bowl and participants grab a handful and take them … usually with alcohol.

The goal? To get an unpredictible high. Or to “see what happens,” as one regular “pharmer” told FITS.

According to emergency room doctors, “what happens” as a result of these “unpredictible” highs are increasing numbers of ER trips.

“And they don’t even know what they’ve taken most of the time,” one told FITS.

Scary, huh?

This website has taken an aggressively pro-drug position – arguing for across-the-boards legalization (in the name of individual liberty). And our founding editor is a recovering drug addict (up to and including heroin) with little room to judge others when it comes to their recreational drug habits. Moreover, there is something called thinning the herd … and those who are excessively dumb (or excessively self-indulgent) are at greater risk for offing themselves.

And “pharm parties” are stupid and self-indulgent … and excessive.

Here’s the thing, though … as hard as we push for legalization we’ve never said minors should have carte blanche to abuse drugs. Don’t get us wrong we don’t see the harm in a hippie/ yuppie dad bonding with his disaffected son over a doobie … but this is different. This is seriously risky business. And it’s clearly happening without parental consent …

So … what should be done about “pharm parties?” Nothing … at least not governmentally. The very last thing we need is another statute on the books named after some low-IQ redneck whose parents watched Legends of the Fall one time too many.

Parents of teenagers should, however, keep a close eye on their medicine cabinets.

Or don’t … the herd does need to be thinned, after all.


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9" March 4, 2013 at 1:10 am

i can relate,but are teenagers really that stupid? you can ‘google’ any pill,and find out what it does: opiates ,benzos,etc.too bad quaalude’s aren’t still around.people would have sex w/anything…,and i loved it w/straight guys while the wife watched or participated.

alas,now i’m into caffeine …http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xh2GQRN8X4

9" March 4, 2013 at 1:10 am

i can relate,but are teenagers really that stupid? you can ‘google’ any pill,and find out what it does: opiates ,benzos,etc.too bad quaalude’s aren’t still around.people would have sex w/anything…,and i loved it w/straight guys while the wife watched or participated.

alas,now i’m into caffeine …http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xh2GQRN8X4

BigT March 4, 2013 at 6:22 am

A. Half the parents are on them, prescribed.

B. When you have dads more obbsessed w/ Lohan nude shots more than an example for their daughters?

When stupid people vote for a vengeful man because a vile and corrupt media tell them it’s cool and just.

C. When a dad trusts Coolio more than he he does The Bible?

D. When fathers fabricate and/or publically brag about sexual conquests for monetary gain and their own insecurity?

E. When a father chooses his concubine over the mother of his sons’ and the woman he vowed faithfullness.

What message are we sending to our children? And why should they care about anything right?…The wages of sin are death…(never has that been more evident)….There is nothing new under the sun…

Dr. D March 4, 2013 at 8:25 am

One problem dealers are caught and back on the street dealing their poison in three days, to deal their poison again, ruining lives.
You are right about the adults, their adultery, with their parties, and amphetamine use to loose weight, stay slim are a horribl example for their kids.Themessage they send, it is allright to regulate your life with a pill andgo after your feel good, no matter who else is destroyed in the process.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 4, 2013 at 8:33 am

What the hell happened, T? Did you activate SPELLCHECK at the same time your CAPSLOCK finally wore out?
One minor nitpick: If (E) was about who I think it was…..he never vowed faithfulness to Je… uh….her.

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:06 am


The word on the street is that if this is our old friend the “original bigt” then this is probably what happened—-

A) he escaped from his handlers

B) he purchased/stole a new Windows 8 PC with auto spell check

C) he purchased/stole /downloaded a new dictionary

D) he is on new medications

BigT – you may not be the butt of jokes and criticism now, but your posts are more readable and to the point. Glad to see you’re doing better!

BigT March 4, 2013 at 11:11 am

Did not know so many simple-minded Dumb@$$#$ got thrown off by CAPS…
I thought we’re told over and over that you ignorant Liberals are America’s “Best and Brightest”….
If so, maybe it’s why we’re $17 Trillion in debt, home prices and salaries are down, unemployment and gas prices are up..and you Stupid $#!ts put the misery index King back in office…to EFF it up even more…
You people explain a lot about yourselves…w/o really saying anything of substance…(except that you probably abuse them)….

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:18 am

There is also speculation that BigT’s CAP PROBLEM was corrected by surgery. He was reported as having the normal ten fingers, but he had seven of them on his left hand!

BigT March 4, 2013 at 6:22 am

A. Half the parents are on them, prescribed.

B. When you have dads more obbsessed w/ Lohan nude shots more than an example for their daughters?

When stupid people vote for a vengeful man because a vile and corrupt media tell them it’s cool and just.

C. When a dad trusts Coolio more than he he does The Bible?

D. When fathers fabricate and/or publically brag about sexual conquests for monetary gain and their own insecurity?

E. When a father chooses his concubine over the mother of his sons’ and the woman he vowed faithfullness.

What message are we sending to our children? And why should they care about anything right?…The wages of sin are death…(never has that been more evident)….There is nothing new under the sun…

Dr. D March 4, 2013 at 8:25 am

One problem dealers are caught and back on the street dealing their poison in three days, to deal their poison again, ruining lives.
You are right about the adults, their adultery, with their parties, and amphetamine use to loose weight, stay slim are a horribl example for their kids.Themessage they send, it is allright to regulate your life with a pill andgo after your feel good, no matter who else is destroyed in the process.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 4, 2013 at 8:33 am

What the hell happened, T? Did you activate SPELLCHECK at the same time your CAPSLOCK finally wore out?
One minor nitpick: If (E) was about who I think it was…..he never vowed faithfulness to Je… uh….her.

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:06 am


The word on the street is that if this is our old friend the “original bigt” then this is probably what happened—-

A) he escaped from his handlers

B) he purchased/stole a new Windows 8 PC with auto spell check

C) he purchased/stole /downloaded a new dictionary

D) he is on new medications

BigT – you may not be the butt of jokes and criticism now, but your posts are more readable and to the point. Glad to see you’re doing better!

BigT March 4, 2013 at 11:11 am

Did not know so many simple-minded Dumb@$$#$ got thrown off by CAPS…
I thought we’re told over and over that you ignorant Liberals are America’s “Best and Brightest”….
If so, maybe it’s why we’re $17 Trillion in debt, home prices and salaries are down, unemployment and gas prices are up..and you Stupid $#!ts put the misery index King back in office…to EFF it up even more…
You people explain a lot about yourselves…w/o really saying anything of substance…(except that you probably abuse them)….

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:18 am

There is also speculation that BigT’s CAP PROBLEM was corrected by surgery. He was reported as having the normal ten fingers, but he had seven of them on his left hand!

Smirks March 4, 2013 at 9:24 am

The competition for the Darwin Awards is getting pretty tough!

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:33 am

The proof of your statement – just look at the candidates for the 1st congressional district!

Smirks March 4, 2013 at 9:24 am

The competition for the Darwin Awards is getting pretty tough!

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:33 am

The proof of your statement – just look at the candidates for the 1st congressional district!

BrigidBernadette March 4, 2013 at 9:29 am

They were called ‘pill parties’ in the 1970s. Go ask Alice, I think she’ll know.

sid March 4, 2013 at 9:45 am

I wasn’t around for these 70s parties, but from what I’ve read, participants knew what they were taking. There were plenty of options, and you could mix and match, but you at least knew what to expect.

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:56 am

An emergency room physician once told me that kids will experiment with almost anything. Besides the usual spray can paint sniffing, he has treated kids for drinking those liquid air fresheners and chewing the cardboard air fresheners you put in your cars.
Besides that, how do folks know what kind of shit is in the drugs they purchase on the streets? It’s almost suicidal. Parents need to be alert to changes in their kid’s behaviours, such as new friends, mood changes, etc. The information for parents is both available and free.

Brigid March 4, 2013 at 9:29 am

They were called ‘pill parties’ in the 1970s. Go ask Alice, I think she’ll know.

sid March 4, 2013 at 9:45 am

I wasn’t around for these 70s parties, but from what I’ve read, participants knew what they were taking. There were plenty of options, and you could mix and match, but you at least knew what to expect.

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:56 am

An emergency room physician once told me that kids will experiment with almost anything. Besides the usual spray can paint sniffing, he has treated kids for drinking those liquid air fresheners and chewing the cardboard air fresheners you put in your cars.
Besides that, how do folks know what kind of shit is in the drugs they purchase on the streets? It’s almost suicidal. Parents need to be alert to changes in their kid’s behaviours, such as new friends, mood changes, etc. The information for parents is both available and free.

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:59 am

—— Today is officially HOLY EXPERIMENT DAY
….. but let’s not wish this on our kids!

shifty henry March 4, 2013 at 9:59 am

—— Today is officially HOLY EXPERIMENT DAY
….. but let’s not wish this on our kids!

? March 4, 2013 at 10:23 am

Perfect name for such parties…as it’s become socially acceptable via Pharma propaganda to pop a pill for most inconveniences in life. Depressed? Don’t change your life to address your depression, pop a pill and keep on, keeping on.

Joints ache because your fat and can’t move for extended periods of time because of the pain? Pop some more pills.Etc., et al.

Of course, there are times under which meds are a perfectly rational response for problems….but the bar has purposely been set lower over time for meds/prescriptions, with benefit to the bottom line of doctors & pharma. Just like the McDonald’s jingle, “They are lovin’ it!” in our McDonald’s society.

Hell, there are so many drugs(especially psychotropic) in so many people you can’t even fill up a glass of city water without having minute particles of them that come out of our rivers and streams that the city water departments can’t get rid of.

You don’t even need to go to a party to get some of those.

? March 4, 2013 at 10:23 am

Perfect name for such parties…as it’s become socially acceptable via Pharma propaganda to pop a pill for most inconveniences in life. Depressed? Don’t change your life to address your depression, pop a pill and keep on, keeping on.

Joints ache because your fat and can’t move for extended periods of time because of the pain? Pop some more pills.Etc., et al.

Of course, there are times under which meds are a perfectly rational response for problems….but the bar has purposely been set lower over time for meds/prescriptions, with benefit to the bottom line of doctors & pharma. Just like the McDonald’s jingle, “They are lovin’ it!” in our McDonald’s society.

Hell, there are so many drugs(especially psychotropic) in so many people you can’t even fill up a glass of city water without having minute particles of them that come out of our rivers and streams that the city water departments can’t get rid of.

You don’t even need to go to a party to get some of those.

lawzoo March 4, 2013 at 2:55 pm

I was at one of those parties years ago. Grabbed a handful of what turned out to be Ex-Lax!
A bunch of shit if you ask me !

Please March 4, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Yeah, this isn’t “the latest thing in teenage drug abuse” at all. It’s an old story, and a dubious one at that. This piece is from 2006 and raises quite a few questions about whether these parties even happen at the “epidemic” levels the media says they’re happening. Sure, kids experiment with their parents’ drugs and share with their friends, but rampant “pharm parties?” Nah. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/press_box/2006/06/pharfetched_pharm_parties.single.html

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 4, 2013 at 8:00 pm

took a handful of ExLax…

Pro tip:
Works great as a cough suppressant.

lawzoo March 4, 2013 at 2:55 pm

I was at one of those parties years ago. Grabbed a handful of what turned out to be Ex-Lax!
A bunch of shit if you ask me !

Please March 4, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Yeah, this isn’t “the latest thing in teenage drug abuse” at all. It’s an old story, and a dubious one at that. This piece is from 2006 and raises quite a few questions about whether these parties even happen at the “epidemic” levels the media says they’re happening. Sure, kids experiment with their parents’ drugs and share with their friends, but rampant “pharm parties?” Nah. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/press_box/2006/06/pharfetched_pharm_parties.single.html

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 4, 2013 at 8:00 pm

took a handful of ExLax…

Pro tip:
Works great as a cough suppressant.

jimlewisowb March 4, 2013 at 5:23 pm

Didn’t realize how safe it was 60 years ago when all we had available to get through adolescence on the weekends was a can or two of snuff, a few stolen packs of unfiltered humps and with a little luck a jar of white lighting

jimlewisowb March 4, 2013 at 5:23 pm

Didn’t realize how safe it was 60 years ago when all we had available to get through adolescence on the weekends was a can or two of snuff, a few stolen packs of unfiltered humps and with a little luck a jar of white lighting

DJ ShrewJew March 4, 2013 at 8:37 pm

This isn’t new, William. Rainbow Parties, Anal Virginity Preservation, and this have been going on for years. Get wit it, homie.

DJ ShrewJew March 4, 2013 at 8:37 pm

This isn’t new, William. Rainbow Parties, Anal Virginity Preservation, and this have been going on for years. Get wit it, homie.


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