The GOP’s Crumbling Architecture

This website made its break from the “Republican Party” a long time ago – as evidenced by our blistering criticism of George W. Bush and our unqualified rejection of Mitt Romney’s presidential nomination. Or … did the GOP actually make its break from us? Think about it … those of…

This website made its break from the “Republican Party” a long time ago – as evidenced by our blistering criticism of George W. Bush and our unqualified rejection of Mitt Romney’s presidential nomination.

Or … did the GOP actually make its break from us?

Think about it … those of us who support limited government, individual liberty and free markets are simply not welcome in the Republican fold anymore, which is why it baffles us so many fiscal conservatives still see the GOP as something worth fighting for.

Anyway, columnist Steve Deace has penned a truly masterful piece for Brietbart.com which explores the GOP civil war between “the face of the establishment (former Bush strategist Karl Rove)” and the “conservative grassroots.”

Deace’s column is chock full of the voter data political strategists love to chew on, but here’s its salient graph …

The conservative base is mobilized on issues, not simply party affiliation. Rove used to know this when he was George W. Bush’s political guru, and even though Rove’s old boss delivered on almost nothing of substance policy-wise for conservatives in eight years, he at least knew enough to speak to many of our issues. Now the wolf is removing the sheep’s skin and brazenly showing Red Riding Hood his claws and fangs. The Republican Party isn’t even trying to patronize us anymore. Instead they’re saying the same things about us we used to only hear from the left. With friends like these, who needs Democrats?

Exactly …

“If Rove and his cabal win this internal party battle, they’ll still lose the war,” Deace concludes. “If their cynical brand of winning for winning’s sake and standing for nothing wins the day, they’ll simply finish off whatever is left of the Republican Party.”

Brilliant …

We sounded a similar theme in a recent column decrying the GOP’s escalating retreat …

“While claiming the mantle of ‘less government,’ the GOP has been a major part of America’s spending problem over the last decade,” we wrote. “Now the party of ‘lower taxes’ is seeing an increasing number of its members embrace tax hikes – not spending cuts – as the only way to pay for all that excess. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why America is so fucked. It’s not because a bunch of neo-fascists are driving the majority party further to the left – it’s because the minority party is matching this leftward march step for step, leaving its former principles further behind as it goes.”

All of which is why we’ve made no bones about what we want to happen to the GOP …


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jimlewisowb February 28, 2013 at 12:40 pm

No need to let the body lay on the dinning room table for another night

Put dirt on top of it before the smell hits the sidewalk

jimlewisowb February 28, 2013 at 12:40 pm

No need to let the body lay on the dinning room table for another night

Put dirt on top of it before the smell hits the sidewalk

Charlemagne, King of France February 28, 2013 at 12:42 pm

ive felt like this for a long time. Both dems and reps have gone of of their own respective deep ends, but the republican leadership doesnt even try to pretend it represents the populace any more. we need a truely moderate party. Does anyone here have experience starting a super-pac or running a politcal party. i want to start a fiscally conservative, socially moderate party

Tyrone Butternuts February 28, 2013 at 1:12 pm

me too

wanabejedi February 28, 2013 at 2:56 pm

its called the libertarian party and the platform is right but ppl have just been trying to fix the GOP for too long

Charlemagne, King of France February 28, 2013 at 12:42 pm

ive felt like this for a long time. Both dems and reps have gone of of their own respective deep ends, but the republican leadership doesnt even try to pretend it represents the populace any more. we need a truely moderate party. Does anyone here have experience starting a super-pac or running a politcal party. i want to start a fiscally conservative, socially moderate party

Tyrone Butternuts February 28, 2013 at 1:12 pm

me too

wanabejedi February 28, 2013 at 2:56 pm

its called the libertarian party and the platform is right but ppl have just been trying to fix the GOP for too long

Isotope Soap February 28, 2013 at 12:52 pm

The GOP is looking like cowboys herding cats.

John Boy February 28, 2013 at 12:52 pm

The GOP is looking like cowboys herding cats.

Bubbas Brother February 28, 2013 at 1:01 pm

It’s past time for fat boy to go – he can bloviate from the sidelines all he wants but serious conservative Republicans (all 10 of them) would do well to ignore the “rotund one”.

The Colonel (R) February 28, 2013 at 1:01 pm

It’s past time for fat boy to go – he can bloviate from the sidelines all he wants but serious conservative Republicans (all 10 of them) would do well to ignore the “rotund one”.

Dont Tread On My Brain February 28, 2013 at 1:12 pm

Identity crisis? you bet. The old positions of the GOP are crumbling, the anti-tax, anti-gay, and pro-defense issues no longer matter. I think It is great for a party to stand for something but the problem is governance. You cannot expect people to vote for you to govern them when your positions go against the people and their multifarious needs. You also cannot govern people whom you inherently despise and spit on. So many Red States have hundreds of thousands of people on unemployment benefits and disability benefits; the Red States have some of the biggest moochers or takers. I think the lesson of 2012 is that extremism doesn’t work. It did not work for the Dems in the 60s and 70s. The hard-right turn of the GOP is not working either. I used to be a Republican back in the days when Nelson Rockefeller and his ilk were running the show but I dropped out when the Jesus Freaks told me I had to believe this or that to be a Republican. Screw them. I will believe what I dam well feel like believing. You are interfering with MY freedom, MY liberty when you tell me what to believe as a Republican. I will not be “pure” politically just to please your ass. I can think on my own.

This is politics, not eugenics. Get down with the people, GOP. You might find you like some of them ! Accept the “moochers” who vote for you. Accept compromise. Learn to get along. You don’t own the world.

katlaurenscounty February 28, 2013 at 8:36 pm

Gotta point out, those of us who rule ourselves know voting is an exercise of democratic representation to select the servant to do our will by following law. . We don’t elect anyone to govern or ‘rule’ us, we govern ourselves through rule of law. Most folks forget our rules of self governing is our laws, and follow political assertions of ‘isms’ instead of researching if any particular politician is following law.

Dont Tread On My Brain February 28, 2013 at 1:12 pm

Identity crisis? you bet. The old positions of the GOP are crumbling, the anti-tax, anti-gay, and pro-defense issues no longer matter. I think It is great for a party to stand for something but the problem is governance. You cannot expect people to vote for you to govern them when your positions go against the people and their multifarious needs. You also cannot govern people whom you inherently despise and spit on. So many Red States have hundreds of thousands of people on unemployment benefits and disability benefits; the Red States have some of the biggest moochers or takers. I think the lesson of 2012 is that extremism doesn’t work. It did not work for the Dems in the 60s and 70s. The hard-right turn of the GOP is not working either. I used to be a Republican back in the days when Nelson Rockefeller and his ilk were running the show but I dropped out when the Jesus Freaks told me I had to believe this or that to be a Republican. Screw them. I will believe what I dam well feel like believing. You are interfering with MY freedom, MY liberty when you tell me what to believe as a Republican. I will not be “pure” politically just to please your ass. I can think on my own.

This is politics, not eugenics. Get down with the people, GOP. You might find you like some of them ! Accept the “moochers” who vote for you. Accept compromise. Learn to get along. You don’t own the world.

katlaurenscounty February 28, 2013 at 8:36 pm

Gotta point out, those of us who rule ourselves know voting is an exercise of democratic representation to select the servant to do our will by following law. . We don’t elect anyone to govern or ‘rule’ us, we govern ourselves through rule of law. Most folks forget our rules of self governing is our laws, and follow political assertions of ‘isms’ instead of researching if any particular politician is following law.

? February 28, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Can’t you find a stock photo of a ham loaf wearing wire rim glasses a la Colbert when writing about fat boy?

truth and consequences February 28, 2013 at 9:56 pm

Speaking of Colbert….

Just what District 1 needs. A pro- abortion,gay marriage radical (Tinubu Jr.?) that is running as her brother (nobody would even care or know who she is if not for her disgusting,lying brother) that uses her media and communications team to divide this district along racial and socio-economic lines.

? March 1, 2013 at 7:44 am

You won’t get any disagreement from me…but it doesn’t change the fact that a ham loaf for a Rove stock photo is more entertaining than his actual picture.

? February 28, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Can’t you find a stock photo of a ham loaf wearing wire rim glasses a la Colbert when writing about fat boy?

truth and consequences February 28, 2013 at 9:56 pm

Speaking of Colbert….

Just what District 1 needs. A pro- abortion,gay marriage radical (Tinubu Jr.?) that is running as her brother (nobody would even care or know who she is if not for her disgusting,lying brother) that uses her media and communications team to divide this district along racial and socio-economic lines.

? March 1, 2013 at 7:44 am

You won’t get any disagreement from me…but it doesn’t change the fact that a ham loaf for a Rove stock photo is more entertaining than his actual picture.

Trolling for Comments February 28, 2013 at 2:55 pm

I’d say the Republicans, at least on the National level, are in danger of going the way of the Whig Party, but the Democrats are pathetic. They’ll let you knuckle dragging, ding-bats back in the game. You will, however, have to accept that insulting the electorate as un-American, terrorists loving, free-loaders is no longer a winning strategy. In other words, the ideology of Will Folks alter-ego, Big T, ain’t cutting it. Here’s a hint: Get rid of the Sarah Palin’s, drop the supply side nonsense and stop smoking the Fox News/Crybaby crack pipe. In other words, grow up.

Trolling for Comments February 28, 2013 at 2:55 pm

I’d say the Republicans, at least on the National level, are in danger of going the way of the Whig Party, but the Democrats are pathetic. They’ll let you knuckle dragging, ding-bats back in the game. You will, however, have to accept that insulting the electorate as un-American, terrorists loving, free-loaders is no longer a winning strategy. In other words, the ideology of Will Folks alter-ego, Big T, ain’t cutting it. Here’s a hint: Get rid of the Sarah Palin’s, drop the supply side nonsense and stop smoking the Fox News/Crybaby crack pipe. In other words, grow up.

BigT February 28, 2013 at 3:42 pm

Rove is a lot more like FITS than us Conservaqtives. He must be defeated…and McCain, Romney and Bohener are as moderat as FITS…and they will kill the Rove-types.
PS: They called the democrat party dead after the 2004 General…
Only the STUPID have such short memories and dwell in FITS type of Ignorance.
Obama is already collapsing on himself. It will get worse, with nowhere to hide, soon enough.

BigT February 28, 2013 at 3:42 pm

Rove is a lot more like FITS than us Conservaqtives. He must be defeated…and McCain, Romney and Bohener are as moderat as FITS…and they will kill the Rove-types.
PS: They called the democrat party dead after the 2004 General…
Only the STUPID have such short memories and dwell in FITS type of Ignorance.
Obama is already collapsing on himself. It will get worse, with nowhere to hide, soon enough.

BigT February 28, 2013 at 4:34 pm

Karl Rove collapsing is BAD for the Left. He has given us moderate (FITS-Type) candidates and ideaology. It’s a FAILURE..
When Rove is gone, the GOP will heal and be back stronger than ever…to clean up the Obama Disaster.

Farmer's Daughter February 28, 2013 at 5:00 pm

Look who’s predicting shit: An asshole who has an accuracy of a blind man skeet shooting.

Trolling for Comments February 28, 2013 at 6:26 pm

Yeah, don’t think I’d be looking to the Big T sock puppet for predictions. He’s as bad with prognostication as he is with calenders. After all, we have a President named Obama because the country was already in a disaster, not vice versa.

Former Republican February 28, 2013 at 6:54 pm

The GOP is dead and deserves it. These neocons are scary as hell. Their revisionist history and rejection of science has hit my last nerve. I doubt I’ll ever vote Republican again. Thanks, Fox, Rove, Limbaugh, Palin, Hannity, Beck, Santorum, Akin, McConnell…you haven’t a clue.

BigT February 28, 2013 at 4:34 pm

Karl Rove collapsing is BAD for the Left. He has given us moderate (FITS-Type) candidates and ideaology. It’s a FAILURE..
When Rove is gone, the GOP will heal and be back stronger than ever…to clean up the Obama Disaster.

Farmer's Daughter February 28, 2013 at 5:00 pm

Look who’s predicting shit: An asshole who has an accuracy of a blind man skeet shooting.

Trolling for Comments February 28, 2013 at 6:26 pm

Yeah, don’t think I’d be looking to the Big T sock puppet for predictions. He’s as bad with prognostication as he is with calenders. After all, we have a President named Obama because the country was already in a disaster, not vice versa.

Former Republican February 28, 2013 at 6:54 pm

The GOP is dead and deserves it. These neocons are scary as hell. Their revisionist history and rejection of science has hit my last nerve. I doubt I’ll ever vote Republican again. Thanks, Fox, Rove, Limbaugh, Palin, Hannity, Beck, Santorum, Akin, McConnell…you haven’t a clue.

Weary February 28, 2013 at 9:21 pm

I think that it’s BREITBART. You’re becoming a mirror image of those party switchers of the 90s whose mantra was, “I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the Democratic party left me”.

Weary February 28, 2013 at 9:21 pm

I think that it’s BREITBART. You’re becoming a mirror image of those party switchers of the 90s whose mantra was, “I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the Democratic party left me”.

Cleveland Steamer March 1, 2013 at 1:48 am

You lost me at brietbart, what a nimrod.

Cleveland Steamer March 1, 2013 at 1:48 am

You lost me at brietbart, what a nimrod.

TeaPartyPatriot March 1, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Karl Rove has declared a war on the Tea Party, and he has targeted South Carolina! Rove is angry that the Tea Party handed Newt Gingrich a victory over his moderate Massachusetts candidate – Mitt Romney. Now he’s ready to take his revenge.

Perhaps you’ve heard Rove’s new political group, “The Conservative Victory Project,” has declared that instead of grassroots conservatives like the Tea Party picking the “wrong” candidates, HE SHOULD BE PICKING THE CANDIDATES INSTEAD! And he’s willing to SPEND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to make sure the Republican Party supports more candidates like Mitt Romney!

Erick Erickson of RedState said, “Any candidate who gets this group’s support should be targeted for destruction by the conservative movement.”

Bretibart.com dubbed the effort “The Bush insider team that helped lead to the rise of Barack Obama.”

Read more here: http://politix.topix.com/homepage/4446-karl-rove-takes-on-the-tea-party-with-no-more-akins-group

And here: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2013/02/karl-roves-war-tea-party/61848/

Now, Rove and his supporters are pouring money into the state of South Carolina to make sure Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum supporters DO NOT GET A POSITION OF POWER IN SOUTH CAROLINA’S REPUBLICAN PARTY! They want to crush the Tea Party vote in South Carolina, and make sure that next time, you vote for the candidate THEY WANT YOU TO VOTE FOR!

They are hiding their agenda, of course, and even gave their project a name they hope will garner support from Republicans that don’t know their agenda, and the liberal RINOS – “Save Our Primary.”

They are twisting their message to confuse, and saying that members of the Tea Party are trying to end primaries. Do they really believe we will fall for their lies?

In fact, one of their main operatives in the state – Republican National Committeeman Glenn McCall of York County – had this to say: “If common sense, mainstream conservatives fail to unite and participate in the 2013 reorganization of the S.C. Republican Party, a handful of smaller, louder groups affiliated with failed presidential candidates and narrowly focused special interest groups could dominate the process.”

Smaller, louder groups of failed presidential candidates? I guess if you didn’t support Mitt Romney, THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN THE REORGANIZATION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!

And who is behind Rove’s front group in South Carolina? Former RINO Speaker of the S.C. House David Wilkins! If you remember, Wilkins was appointed to be an Ambassador to Canada by Bush/Rove. Now he’s a high-priced oil lobbyist, and has his own political non-profit – S.C. Conservative Action Alliance.

Read more here! http://wethepeoplesc.com/source-group-behind-saveourprimary-effort-is-david-wilkins-sccaa/

Problem is – he is no conservative! According to opensecrets.org, Wilkins and his family donated $10,000 to elect Mitt Romney, and $9,000 to RINO Senator Lindsey Graham’s campaign! Now Wilkins’ SCCAA has hired a high-priced political consulting firm to make sure the Tea Party doesn’t participate in the Reorganization of the Party! HE EVEN HELD A CONFERENCE CALL WITH THE CHAIRMAN OF ALL COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTIES IN THE STATE TO GIVE THEM THE SAME MARCHING ORDERS!


Believe it not, folks? Read it here! https://www.fitsnews.com/2013/02/24/the-scgop-primary-scandal/

And this one too! https://www.fitsnews.com/2013/02/25/about-that-manufactured-scandal/

Tea Party folks, we need your help! We can’t let these out of state moderates and RINOs run our state party anymore. It’s time for the Tea Party to make a comeback! You can help by going to register at: http://wethepeoplesc.com/get-involved/

Those are good people, and I promise they wont give your email out to anyone else. Once you are signed up, you just need to commit to attending your local precinct reorganization, so you can be a delegate to your County and then the State Convention! It only takes a couple of hours, it is free to attend, and all you need is to be a registered voter. You can get more information here: http://wethepeoplesc.com/precinct-reorganization/

Please take a moment to sign up, and help the Tea Party make a comeback in South Carolina! And please – share this information with as many members of your family and friends as you can!

Thank you and God Bless,

A Tea Party Patriot

TeaPartyPatriot March 1, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Karl Rove has declared a war on the Tea Party, and he has targeted South Carolina! Rove is angry that the Tea Party handed Newt Gingrich a victory over his moderate Massachusetts candidate – Mitt Romney. Now he’s ready to take his revenge.

Perhaps you’ve heard Rove’s new political group, “The Conservative Victory Project,” has declared that instead of grassroots conservatives like the Tea Party picking the “wrong” candidates, HE SHOULD BE PICKING THE CANDIDATES INSTEAD! And he’s willing to SPEND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to make sure the Republican Party supports more candidates like Mitt Romney!

Erick Erickson of RedState said, “Any candidate who gets this group’s support should be targeted for destruction by the conservative movement.”

Bretibart.com dubbed the effort “The Bush insider team that helped lead to the rise of Barack Obama.”

Read more here: http://politix.topix.com/homepage/4446-karl-rove-takes-on-the-tea-party-with-no-more-akins-group

And here: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2013/02/karl-roves-war-tea-party/61848/

Now, Rove and his supporters are pouring money into the state of South Carolina to make sure Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum supporters DO NOT GET A POSITION OF POWER IN SOUTH CAROLINA’S REPUBLICAN PARTY! They want to crush the Tea Party vote in South Carolina, and make sure that next time, you vote for the candidate THEY WANT YOU TO VOTE FOR!

They are hiding their agenda, of course, and even gave their project a name they hope will garner support from Republicans that don’t know their agenda, and the liberal RINOS – “Save Our Primary.”

They are twisting their message to confuse, and saying that members of the Tea Party are trying to end primaries. Do they really believe we will fall for their lies?

In fact, one of their main operatives in the state – Republican National Committeeman Glenn McCall of York County – had this to say: “If common sense, mainstream conservatives fail to unite and participate in the 2013 reorganization of the S.C. Republican Party, a handful of smaller, louder groups affiliated with failed presidential candidates and narrowly focused special interest groups could dominate the process.”

Smaller, louder groups of failed presidential candidates? I guess if you didn’t support Mitt Romney, THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN THE REORGANIZATION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!

And who is behind Rove’s front group in South Carolina? Former RINO Speaker of the S.C. House David Wilkins! If you remember, Wilkins was appointed to be an Ambassador to Canada by Bush/Rove. Now he’s a high-priced oil lobbyist, and has his own political non-profit – S.C. Conservative Action Alliance.

Read more here! http://wethepeoplesc.com/source-group-behind-saveourprimary-effort-is-david-wilkins-sccaa/

Problem is – he is no conservative! According to opensecrets.org, Wilkins and his family donated $10,000 to elect Mitt Romney, and $9,000 to RINO Senator Lindsey Graham’s campaign! Now Wilkins’ SCCAA has hired a high-priced political consulting firm to make sure the Tea Party doesn’t participate in the Reorganization of the Party! HE EVEN HELD A CONFERENCE CALL WITH THE CHAIRMAN OF ALL COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTIES IN THE STATE TO GIVE THEM THE SAME MARCHING ORDERS!


Believe it not, folks? Read it here! https://www.fitsnews.com/2013/02/24/the-scgop-primary-scandal/

And this one too! https://www.fitsnews.com/2013/02/25/about-that-manufactured-scandal/

Tea Party folks, we need your help! We can’t let these out of state moderates and RINOs run our state party anymore. It’s time for the Tea Party to make a comeback! You can help by going to register at: http://wethepeoplesc.com/get-involved/

Those are good people, and I promise they wont give your email out to anyone else. Once you are signed up, you just need to commit to attending your local precinct reorganization, so you can be a delegate to your County and then the State Convention! It only takes a couple of hours, it is free to attend, and all you need is to be a registered voter. You can get more information here: http://wethepeoplesc.com/precinct-reorganization/

Please take a moment to sign up, and help the Tea Party make a comeback in South Carolina! And please – share this information with as many members of your family and friends as you can!

Thank you and God Bless,

A Tea Party Patriot

9" March 4, 2013 at 10:06 pm

things aren’t going to change until the electoral college is abolished

9" March 4, 2013 at 10:06 pm

things aren’t going to change until the electoral college is abolished

Elijah Bennett August 31, 2013 at 4:24 am

I can help but agree, it’s about time that things change, every single time the GOP get in the house, they try to control the people, and waste money on things that don’t really help us, pushing for tax hike’s hurting the economy in the process. Well…I’ll say what I’ve been saying and feeling for a long time, for the GOP, the roosters are finally coming home to roost.


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