Resign, Mr. Speaker

S.C. Speaker Bobby Harrell (RINO-Charleston) – one of the primary architects of the Palmetto State’s “Lost Decade” – is currently staring down a criminal investigation into a host of alleged ethical lapses. In fact he’s already effectively admitted his guilt with regard to one of those lapses – returning $23,000…

S.C. Speaker Bobby Harrell (RINO-Charleston) – one of the primary architects of the Palmetto State’s “Lost Decade” – is currently staring down a criminal investigation into a host of alleged ethical lapses. In fact he’s already effectively admitted his guilt with regard to one of those lapses – returning $23,000 of the more than $325,000 in controversial reimbursements he gave himself from his campaign account.

In addition to his reimbursement scandal, Harrell also stands accused of applying improper pressure on the S.C. Pharmacy Board and the S.C. Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (SCLLR) regarding his pharmaceutical business. Not only that his political action committee is under scrutiny for allegedly misappropriating and misreporting funds.

And those are just the instances of corruption we know about …

But this isn’t just about Harrell’s many, many mistakes … it’s about how he has chosen to respond to them.

First he has lied and refused to release his records. He’s also assassinated the character of one of the reporters investigating him – strong-arming her newspaper into backing down by threatening to withhold an annual $12 million bribe given by the S.C. General Assembly to the newspaper industry. Not content with those measures, Harrell then sought to purchase the votes of his would-be jurors on the infinitely corrupt S.C. House Ethics Committee – which gained infamy last year when it whitewashed similarly egregious ethical violations committed by then-S.C. Rep. Nikki Haley.

Ironically, Haley’s administration – specifically the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) – has been assigned to conduct a criminal probe into the allegations against Harrell. Most suspect the governor will push SLED to drop the hammer on her longtime political rival – although there is no shortage of speculation at the S.C. State House regarding an alleged quid pro quo between the two “Republicans” regarding their various ethical issues.

Harrell needs to end all of this drama now – by resigning.

Again, it’s not just what he’s done – it’s how he has responded to this scandal. Oh, and the fact fresh allegations of impropriety (like his $3,500 contribution to S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson’s 2011 inaugural event) keep cropping up.

Let’s rewind the clock for a moment to 2009, when former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford – another unethical politician who didn’t handle his scandal particularly well – was fighting for his political survival. Here’s what Harrell had to say at the time …

… other disturbing facts have continued to trickle out relating to possible misconduct and potential violations of state law that have occurred during your administration. These facts have led to an ongoing Ethics Commission Investigation into a number of allegations against you. The daily trickle of allegations against you has shown that there is no end in sight to the constant distractions caused by you remaining in office … Your actions have amounted to a self-inflicted wound that has forced unnecessary suffering on the people of South Carolina. This has placed tremendous stress and uncertainty on the citizens of our state at a time when we need to be focused on more important issues … This is a critical time for South Carolina to have strong and effective leadership for our people … Thus, for the benefit of the people of South Carolina, I respectfully request that you resign …

Exactly … except now the “constant distractions,” “daily trickle of allegations” and “stress and uncertainty” are all emanating from the Speaker’s Office, where Harrell is dealing with a “self-inflicted wound” far worse than the one administered by Sanford.

Accordingly, we call on Bobby Harrell to resign his office – immediately.

South Carolina cannot permit yet another one of its high profile leaders to evade responsibility for lawlessness the way Nikki Haley did. For once, Harrell ought to stop acting in his own interests and take a step which will benefit the people of this state.


Pic: Travis Bell Photography

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Will Folks


The Granite Halls February 20, 2013 at 10:33 am

He is an importent feeling, Napolionic, back stabbing corrupt little bastard!
You are right he should resign. Do not hold your breath!

shortseller February 20, 2013 at 10:33 am

if we can get Intrade to make a market on the likelihood of Harell “doing the right thing” or even “doing A right thing” we will all become very very rich.

The Granite Halls February 20, 2013 at 9:33 am

He is an importent feeling, Napolionic, back stabbing corrupt little bastard!
You are right he should resign. Do not hold your breath!

shortseller February 20, 2013 at 9:33 am

if we can get Intrade to make a market on the likelihood of Harell “doing the right thing” or even “doing A right thing” we will all become very very rich.

Jennifer Levine February 20, 2013 at 10:36 am

If Harrell and Haley are two peas in an ethically challenged pod – you drew the parallels – shouldn’t you be asking for her resignation as well? Don’t hold your breath on either.

Jennifer Levine February 20, 2013 at 9:36 am

If Harrell and Haley are two peas in an ethically challenged pod – you drew the parallels – shouldn’t you be asking for her resignation as well? Don’t hold your breath on either.

William Wallace February 20, 2013 at 10:54 am

Wake up aand face it America, there are very few of them who are not CORRUPT!!! rom te cesspool in Washington, to the State Houses, to Town Halls. It would no be difficult to count those who are honest and want to do the right thing, on your fingers and toes.
They are all in it for themselves. just look at their retirements, salaries, benefits, graft and the under the table money.
Take Haley and Harrell..all of their immorality and unethical behavior (our state leaders)?
Take O’Bama and his anti American, anti onstitutional positions!
Who voted for these fools?
Wake up America! Wake up South Carolina!
For the sake of future generations, our children and grandhildren. For the good of this once Great State and Nation, for GOD’S SAKE WAKE UP!

William Wallace February 20, 2013 at 9:54 am

Wake up aand face it America, there are very few of them who are not CORRUPT!!! rom te cesspool in Washington, to the State Houses, to Town Halls. It would no be difficult to count those who are honest and want to do the right thing, on your fingers and toes.
They are all in it for themselves. just look at their retirements, salaries, benefits, graft and the under the table money.
Take Haley and Harrell..all of their immorality and unethical behavior (our state leaders)?
Take O’Bama and his anti American, anti onstitutional positions!
Who voted for these fools?
Wake up America! Wake up South Carolina!
For the sake of future generations, our children and grandhildren. For the good of this once Great State and Nation, for GOD’S SAKE WAKE UP!

nancy February 20, 2013 at 11:03 am

Maybe he should listen to his own advice “This is a critical time for South Carolina to have strong and effective leadership for our people … Thus, for the benefit of the people of South Carolina, I respectfully request that you resign …”

nancy February 20, 2013 at 10:03 am

Maybe he should listen to his own advice “This is a critical time for South Carolina to have strong and effective leadership for our people … Thus, for the benefit of the people of South Carolina, I respectfully request that you resign …”

jimlewisowb February 20, 2013 at 11:08 am

Started feeling a little sluggish last week so I stopped by Rite Aid and picked up a couple of bottles of Fleets.

For years I used to take Black Draught Syrup. Both Grandpas used it on their horses and cattle but not pigs. Pigs never seemed to need any assistance. One time my daddy put a box of shotgun shells on top of a pig pen post and by the time he got back to get them they had fallen into the pen. The pigs had eaten every last one of them. For weeks we looked to see if we could find any of the brass casings but never found even one.

Over the years Black Draught Syrup disappeared from store shelves. It was good stuff but tended to work at odd hours and if one was a little slow or if the toilet was a little too far away it could lead to a late night shower in the yard and some new rags.

As for Fleets, that stuff works before you swallow the last drop. Always wondered why they didn’t put a warning label on the bottle, Consume Only While Seated on a Toilet.

jimlewisowb February 20, 2013 at 10:08 am

Started feeling a little sluggish last week so I stopped by Rite Aid and picked up a couple of bottles of Fleets.

For years I used to take Black Draught Syrup. Both Grandpas used it on their horses and cattle but not pigs. Pigs never seemed to need any assistance. One time my daddy put a box of shotgun shells on top of a pig pen post and by the time he got back to get them they had fallen into the pen. The pigs had eaten every last one of them. For weeks we looked to see if we could find any of the brass casings but never found even one.

Over the years Black Draught Syrup disappeared from store shelves. It was good stuff but tended to work at odd hours and if one was a little slow or if the toilet was a little too far away it could lead to a late night shower in the yard and some new rags.

As for Fleets, that stuff works before you swallow the last drop. Always wondered why they didn’t put a warning label on the bottle, Consume Only While Seated on a Toilet.

Smirks February 20, 2013 at 11:58 am

A politician act outside of self-interest? lol… Good one, Will.

Smirks February 20, 2013 at 10:58 am

A politician act outside of self-interest? lol… Good one, Will.

Tyrone Butternuts February 20, 2013 at 12:06 pm

Come on, give me a break, these kinds of guys are running all over the place in SC, lining their pockets, asserting their power, and nothing you can do will stop them short of an FBI sting operation of the type used against black Democrats in the early 90’s, a sting that tipped the balance of power in favor of the GOP.

I think the FBI needs to look into South Carolina corruption at all levels. A sting would lasso them all in. A sting is long overdue. But don’t expect your fellow Republicans to call for a sting because they might implicate themselves. And you thought Illinois was corrupt !

Scooter February 20, 2013 at 9:34 pm

Corruption in Chicago and Detroit has nothing on South Carolina.

Reality February 20, 2013 at 10:33 pm

Oh Lord, now I figure he must be innocent, when the race card is used, it means there are no facts to back anything up

Tyrone Butternuts February 20, 2013 at 11:06 am

Come on, give me a break, these kinds of guys are running all over the place in SC, lining their pockets, asserting their power, and nothing you can do will stop them short of an FBI sting operation of the type used against black Democrats in the early 90’s, a sting that tipped the balance of power in favor of the GOP.

I think the FBI needs to look into South Carolina corruption at all levels. A sting would lasso them all in. A sting is long overdue. But don’t expect your fellow Republicans to call for a sting because they might implicate themselves. And you thought Illinois was corrupt !

Scooter February 20, 2013 at 8:34 pm

Corruption in Chicago and Detroit has nothing on South Carolina.

Reality February 20, 2013 at 9:33 pm

Oh Lord, now I figure he must be innocent, when the race card is used, it means there are no facts to back anything up

MJ February 20, 2013 at 12:34 pm

Man this really has my wife upset. She grew up and went to school with Bobby. All she can say is “he wasn’t raised this way” . Amazing how many people you hurt when you do something like what he is accused of. Sadly he has gone from being the candidate that sat in the stands with me at the St Andrews Parks and Recreation basketball gem I our sons played basketball together and told me that his door would always be open to me. Now I can’t even get him to respond to an email. My how times change.

MJ February 20, 2013 at 11:34 am

Man this really has my wife upset. She grew up and went to school with Bobby. All she can say is “he wasn’t raised this way” . Amazing how many people you hurt when you do something like what he is accused of. Sadly he has gone from being the candidate that sat in the stands with me at the St Andrews Parks and Recreation basketball gem I our sons played basketball together and told me that his door would always be open to me. Now I can’t even get him to respond to an email. My how times change.

RHood2 February 20, 2013 at 2:25 pm

You provided nice speculation but no proof that Harrell got the P&C to back down over the sales tax exemption, but you’ve posted the speculation so much you treat it now as established fact. It is not.
It is obvious they caved and did not stand up for Renee Dudley. It is possible the weak defense was motivated by the fact of her departure for Bloomberg, a step up, rather than the impetus for her departure. You don”t get a gig like that on a dime.
Also in the P$C’s corner is a couple of Bobby-critical stories they HAVE printed since, one which reads like the specific allegations SLED is investigating.
It is very obvious they are being cautious in not printing anything that isn’t locked down neat and tight. There is no proof out there why that is.

RHood2 February 20, 2013 at 1:25 pm

You provided nice speculation but no proof that Harrell got the P&C to back down over the sales tax exemption, but you’ve posted the speculation so much you treat it now as established fact. It is not.
It is obvious they caved and did not stand up for Renee Dudley. It is possible the weak defense was motivated by the fact of her departure for Bloomberg, a step up, rather than the impetus for her departure. You don”t get a gig like that on a dime.
Also in the P$C’s corner is a couple of Bobby-critical stories they HAVE printed since, one which reads like the specific allegations SLED is investigating.
It is very obvious they are being cautious in not printing anything that isn’t locked down neat and tight. There is no proof out there why that is.

Duh February 20, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Not sure his motivation to resign. If he did something wrong (criminally) he can better challenge/quash it from a position of power. It’s not like he resignation makes the charges just “go away.”

Duh February 20, 2013 at 1:32 pm

Not sure his motivation to resign. If he did something wrong (criminally) he can better challenge/quash it from a position of power. It’s not like he resignation makes the charges just “go away.”

kackles February 20, 2013 at 3:00 pm

Is it any wonder that SC is #8 in the most corrupt states in the US? he shouldn’t be allowed to resign! Kick his lardbutt out!

Sarge February 20, 2013 at 8:07 pm

I thought we had moved up to #4. We were #8 two years ago. Then they read the rest of the articles on Jean Toal, General Turner and LLR and we moved up. Go us! . .

kackles February 20, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Is it any wonder that SC is #8 in the most corrupt states in the US? he shouldn’t be allowed to resign! Kick his lardbutt out!

Sarge February 20, 2013 at 7:07 pm

I thought we had moved up to #4. We were #8 two years ago. Then they read the rest of the articles on Jean Toal, General Turner and LLR and we moved up. Go us! . .

semi-casual political observer February 20, 2013 at 3:37 pm

agree w/ RHood’s comments on this. Without following your links and actually reading those posts (and what other MSM puts out there too), yeah, it looks like you’ve got a “solid” argument going. But that’s what you’re supposed to be doing…you’re a good PR guy w/ an agenda and a target. That’s what you do, make yourself look good, all knowing and all powerful while using everything at your disposal (no matter how flimsy or how long of a stretch) to take down your target.

But for those who are more than the casual observer, it’s quick to realize your “solid” case is really just a House of Cards…however, far from the Netflix-style House of Cards.

The recipe isn’t too hard to crack…post several stories all based in rumor and speculation (blind quotes, a lot of open ends, etc). Then keep linking back to those old posts while dropping all the “speculation” parts and refer to your claims as pure gospel.

And there, boys and girls, is how you manufacture supporting evidence…all while still self-promoting to boot.

Yes, the P&C may have backed off. But their story didn’t quite get all its facts right the first time. So yeah, they’re being a little more careful about crossing all the t’s and dotting all the i’s now. And since then they’ve printed several negative stories about Harrell. And as for the SCPC goes, really, that’s the best you got? This thing is going to get shot down pretty quick. SCPC picked a crappy hand to go all in on…smells of desperation. I give them 9 to 12 months before there is a “For Sale” sign in front of the building.

Y’all had a much stronger case against Haley…y’all are just letting your hatred of Harrell obscure your view. F-this up (as it looks like y’all are doing) and Harrell will come out stronger and you weaker.

For a semi-casual SC political observer … just saying

semi-casual political observer February 20, 2013 at 2:37 pm

agree w/ RHood’s comments on this. Without following your links and actually reading those posts (and what other MSM puts out there too), yeah, it looks like you’ve got a “solid” argument going. But that’s what you’re supposed to be doing…you’re a good PR guy w/ an agenda and a target. That’s what you do, make yourself look good, all knowing and all powerful while using everything at your disposal (no matter how flimsy or how long of a stretch) to take down your target.

But for those who are more than the casual observer, it’s quick to realize your “solid” case is really just a House of Cards…however, far from the Netflix-style House of Cards.

The recipe isn’t too hard to crack…post several stories all based in rumor and speculation (blind quotes, a lot of open ends, etc). Then keep linking back to those old posts while dropping all the “speculation” parts and refer to your claims as pure gospel.

And there, boys and girls, is how you manufacture supporting evidence…all while still self-promoting to boot.

Yes, the P&C may have backed off. But their story didn’t quite get all its facts right the first time. So yeah, they’re being a little more careful about crossing all the t’s and dotting all the i’s now. And since then they’ve printed several negative stories about Harrell. And as for the SCPC goes, really, that’s the best you got? This thing is going to get shot down pretty quick. SCPC picked a crappy hand to go all in on…smells of desperation. I give them 9 to 12 months before there is a “For Sale” sign in front of the building.

Y’all had a much stronger case against Haley…y’all are just letting your hatred of Harrell obscure your view. F-this up (as it looks like y’all are doing) and Harrell will come out stronger and you weaker.

For a semi-casual SC political observer … just saying

Dr. Tony February 20, 2013 at 3:50 pm

Bobby is a good friend of mine. I love the man. I know his heart. He is a kind, genorous man. When I lost all my church’s building fund money playing video poker he gave me a loan. He has never asked for the money back. He is nice to my wife too. He buys her expensive neglegees. Every month he takes her to the beach while I am too busy to go, working on my sermons. He is good to my family. He comes often when I am out visiting the sick. My youngest son has been spoiled by Bobby Harrell. My wife insisted we name him Bobby.

Dr. Tony February 20, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Bobby is a good friend of mine. I love the man. I know his heart. He is a kind, genorous man. When I lost all my church’s building fund money playing video poker he gave me a loan. He has never asked for the money back. He is nice to my wife too. He buys her expensive neglegees. Every month he takes her to the beach while I am too busy to go, working on my sermons. He is good to my family. He comes often when I am out visiting the sick. My youngest son has been spoiled by Bobby Harrell. My wife insisted we name him Bobby.

Philip Branton February 20, 2013 at 3:55 pm

Being a politician and un-ethical actions go hand in hand what is really sad is the bold FACE fact that Bobby Harrell oversaw the 900 MILLION Boeing “Heist” without ever letting taxpayers know before hand so they could accordingly take advantage of stock trades..!!

It does not take a Korean War Vet to understand the ramifications of Bobby’s silence concerning our state’s SLAVERY to foreign OIL….just go to the pump and look for a SC fuel locality signage so consumers would know if they were funding the Taliban or not to help the WAR effort..!!

Heck, just watch the news and see if any weather man in our state tells the viewers about our state’s WIND ENERGY tax revenue instead of Bobby taking Santee Cooper’s talking points..!!

Adding insult to injury is the fact that no student or TEACHER is told to go out and check how much THERMAL energy is generated by the parking lots around the schools that could support the WAR EFFORT…!!! All the kids and teahers have to do is touch the asphalt on a nice day. (like today)

Bobby Harrell is supposed to be a fighter…NOT a patty cake maker..!!

Philip Branton February 20, 2013 at 2:55 pm

Being a politician and un-ethical actions go hand in hand what is really sad is the bold FACE fact that Bobby Harrell oversaw the 900 MILLION Boeing “Heist” without ever letting taxpayers know before hand so they could accordingly take advantage of stock trades..!!

It does not take a Korean War Vet to understand the ramifications of Bobby’s silence concerning our state’s SLAVERY to foreign OIL….just go to the pump and look for a SC fuel locality signage so consumers would know if they were funding the Taliban or not to help the WAR effort..!!

Heck, just watch the news and see if any weather man in our state tells the viewers about our state’s WIND ENERGY tax revenue instead of Bobby taking Santee Cooper’s talking points..!!

Adding insult to injury is the fact that no student or TEACHER is told to go out and check how much THERMAL energy is generated by the parking lots around the schools that could support the WAR EFFORT…!!! All the kids and teahers have to do is touch the asphalt on a nice day. (like today)

Bobby Harrell is supposed to be a fighter…NOT a patty cake maker..!!

lowcorider February 20, 2013 at 6:07 pm

Bobby Harrell is one check away from taxpayer hero status.

Lowcorider February 20, 2013 at 5:07 pm

Bobby Harrell is one check away from taxpayer hero status.

Lillian McBride February 20, 2013 at 8:08 pm

Deny, Deny, Deny, Bobby. Do not talk to the press. Then go pray with Daryl. You;ll be fine.

Lillian McBride February 20, 2013 at 7:08 pm

Deny, Deny, Deny, Bobby. Do not talk to the press. Then go pray with Daryl. You;ll be fine.

Queen Jean February 20, 2013 at 8:11 pm

Give me 8 more judges, extend my reign 6 more years, up my budget 3.8 mill, and help me elect the servants I tell you to elect as judges and I will give you a favorable ruling when the case finally gets to me, er, I mean, my court.

Queen Jean February 20, 2013 at 7:11 pm

Give me 8 more judges, extend my reign 6 more years, up my budget 3.8 mill, and help me elect the servants I tell you to elect as judges and I will give you a favorable ruling when the case finally gets to me, er, I mean, my court.

Bobby Is A Lying Scum Bag February 20, 2013 at 8:26 pm

My my my ……. I am hearing on the grape vine that documents have been obtained that will destroy him and several others in his circle. SLED would be fools to play along with any cover-up of criminal wrong doings.

Sarge February 21, 2013 at 12:14 pm

SLED has played along with more significant corruption and crime than Bobby’s alleged messes.

Bobby Is A Lying Scum Bag February 20, 2013 at 7:26 pm

My my my ……. I am hearing on the grape vine that documents have been obtained that will destroy him and several others in his circle. SLED would be fools to play along with any cover-up of criminal wrong doings.

Sarge February 21, 2013 at 11:14 am

SLED has played along with more significant corruption and crime than Bobby’s alleged messes.

Reality February 20, 2013 at 10:28 pm

I guess if any of this is completely true, it isn’t good. I suppose these same people will also call for Obama’s resignation for 4 dead in Libya and the revelation of those who voted for him 2 or more times. But they won’t.

Reality February 20, 2013 at 9:28 pm

I guess if any of this is completely true, it isn’t good. I suppose these same people will also call for Obama’s resignation for 4 dead in Libya and the revelation of those who voted for him 2 or more times. But they won’t.

dm10ae February 21, 2013 at 5:03 am

Everyone of these legislators have their own agenda. None of these legislators should have the influence like they do-this isn’t a new thing.

dm10ae February 21, 2013 at 4:03 am

Everyone of these legislators have their own agenda. None of these legislators should have the influence like they do-this isn’t a new thing.

Loose Lips February 21, 2013 at 10:38 am

Bobby has so much shit on SLED by the time he was through with them they wouldn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground and you know that Sicness, you Brute. Enjoy the money Bobby, you’ve earned it and I’m still waiting for my 5% cash back Mr. Speaker.

Loose Lips February 21, 2013 at 9:38 am

Bobby has so much shit on SLED by the time he was through with them they wouldn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground and you know that Sicness, you Brute. Enjoy the money Bobby, you’ve earned it and I’m still waiting for my 5% cash back Mr. Speaker.

Fast Fred February 21, 2013 at 3:36 pm

Bobby has become the Jesse Jackson Jr of SC… let’s hope he goes to prison too!

Fast Fred February 21, 2013 at 2:36 pm

Bobby has become the Jesse Jackson Jr of SC… let’s hope he goes to prison too!


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